
Special Update from Washington D.C.

A Sobering Visit to the Israeli Embassy

As some of you know, I had the opportunity to visit Washington D.C. this week. I was invited to the Israeli Embassy to discuss the events of October 7th and to view forty-eight minutes of raw footage from the Hamas attack on that day.

I’m grateful for Pastor Larry Huch who helped put this event together. He’s a great friend of Israel and he put together the video we watched so people could know the truth about what happened and continue to stand with Israel.

It’s incredible that there are some people and media outlets who want to deny the October 7th Hamas attacks even happened. I believe it is another sign of the end times.

I encourage all of you to continue praying for Israel and to share the truth about what happened on October 7th. Now more than ever, it's important that we share the good news of the Gospel and stand in support of the people of Israel.

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