Tipping Point Week in Review (04.22.23)
A look back at the third week of April 2023 - Free Version
Thanks for all the comments and feedback this week. There’s so much going on in our world today, and we appreciate the opportunity to share about it in this community. If you missed a particular post, I hope you’ll find time this weekend to check it out. And if you know someone who might be interested in Tipping Point, tell them about it! (Click the button below.)
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Punto de Quiebra • In the Spanish-language version of Tipping Point, my friend Luis Roman produced a video about the eternal life Jesus offers—not just that we will be with God for all eternity, but that our bodies will be transformed into immortal bodies. This is a fantastic teaching and I hope you’ll share it with any of your Spanish-speaking friends, family or colleagues.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Tipping Point Show • This week’s episode of the Tipping Point Show was a really exciting one thanks to my guest Perry Stone. He’s a pastor, Bible prophecy expert and scholar who has written several books, including the recent America’s Apocalyptic Reset.
We cover a lot of fascinating topics about current events and how they they align with Bible prophecy. You’ll be really interested in his connection between the “giants” of Big Tech and their parallels with the giants David faced in the Old Testament. We also discuss the Mark of the Beast and its connection with society’s move to cashless transactions, CBDCs and the popularity of cryptocurrencies.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Marking the End Times • Mark Hitchcock delivers a timely video this week about all the tension right now at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. He calls it a “prophetic hot spot.” I like to refer to it as “Ground Zero for Bible prophecy.” But either way, this long-disputed territory has become a trigger point in the relationship between Israel and Islam.
At the end, he answers subscriber questions about end-times events. This one was really interesting to me: “I’ve been told that humans are controlling the earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters that are happening. Is that possible? Would God allow that?”
Watch the video below for Mark’s answer.
Tipping Point Quick Hits • My regular Thursday news roundup this week includes a pretty broad base of events with end-times implications. The first section is about the universal “Unicoin” monetary unit proposed by the IMF, which very much sounds like a precursor to the buying-and-selling system that could lead to the Mark of the Beast.
I also discuss the visit to Israel of a member of the last Iranian shah’s family and whether that will either improve or degrade Israel’s relationship with Iran. I’ve heard experts argue in either direction, but suspect it will be the latter.
Finally, Elon Musk backed a major warning about artificial intelligence, joining hundreds of other tech leaders in saying it could lead to the destruction of civilization. What should we make of this?
Here’s something I wrote about that:
I don’t trust Elon Musk but I respect the warning that we should be prepared for the potential risks of new technologies. We are already so easily deceived. It’s so easy to let human technology distract us from God.
But I also know this: Wherever our technology takes us, God has known about these things from the beginning. He is never surprised.
Friday, April 14, 2023
Friday Q&A: Fearing the Rapture • Many of my family members are not walking with the Lord. I have a lot of fear about the Rapture because of these unsaved family members. Am I wrong? Is it possible I am not saved because I fear the Rapture for this reason? This is a really important question. I think it’s reasonable to care about your loved ones’ salvation, and I understand it may be upsetting to think you may not spend eternity with them. But I also want to be clear that salvation is not dependent on your concern for your family or your emotions related to the Rapture. Your salvation is dependent on whether or not you know Jesus. Period.
I think this passage is pretty important:
Instead of living in fear about the Rapture, make sure your friends and family members have every opportunity to give their hearts to Jesus. Set a good example for them. Pray for them. As you are able, share Jesus with them. You don’t need to shove Jesus at them, but share with them when you get an opportunity. Tell them how He’s changed your life!
I hope you’ll read the full Q&A. If you have questions I haven’t answered yet, leave them in the comments of that post!.
Have you picked up my new book yet? Look Up! is about what we can expect when Jesus returns for His bride, the Church. Total redemption is coming! The book is available at the XO Marriage store and on Amazon.
I am also leading a tour group to Israel this fall. At every stop in the land of the Bible we will be teaching about the great things God has done. Even more, you can experience what He is doing now! Trust me: Travel to Israel is always life-changing for a believer in Jesus.
For more details about this once-in-a-lifetime experience, including our itinerary, visit InspirationCruises.com/EVANS, or click this button: