Hi Pastor Greg, yes I agree!! Thanks for this, this morning! It can even be a distraction to argue all the finer points of endtimes Prophecy!! We here all know that Jesus is coming soon as we have learned it from the Bible! Thank God for our great endtimes teachers! What a huge advantage.... And now, as you say, as Paul said, to live is Christ! This week a woman who speaks English as a second language, came to the door of my school bus, and asked me if I had anything to eat? Her bus had broken down several times this week and she was running buses, trying to get a bus that would actually work for the afternoon run! She missed lunch. She was hungry. I reached in my purse and gave her the apple wrapped in a paper towel, that I had brought for myself to eat later that afternoon, and gave it to her. She was so grateful! I heard the Holy Spirit say, do more of that.... Yes indeed. To live is Christ! Now more than ever we have to step away from the keyboard and let Jesus lead us into all the good works that He has prepared for us in advance. It is an honor to serve the King! And even to die for Him if He requires. To die, of course... is gain. 🌻

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Thanks so much for your teachings pastor Laurie!!! I love Paul he’s my favorite and I just got through reading Acts again and was so excited about how when things got tough Paul didn’t shrink back... he doubled up on them!!! I can’t wait to spend time with him in Glory!!!

Bless all you Tipsters this morning love y’all ♥️♥️

Maranatha 🐠🌴🐬🏖

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Amen brother. So true. When the Samaritan's Purse came here to our county after the devastating floods, some of those workers came to my work (Kentucky River Medical Center) and those who chose to go outside, we all held hands and prayed outside of the hospital. They were there to help flood victims but also to give encouragement and hope to the lost. I am forever grateful for those who serve not only the natural needs but most importantly the spiritual needs. May God richly bless those who came to help. What better way to reach the lost than to show them the love of God, by sacrificing time to help in times of need and to reach out to those who are hurting with the good news of the gospel.

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Wonderful perspective this morning Pastor Greg. Thank You! I listen to you everyday on Spotify.

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How ever I leave this big ball of dirt called earth I pray that all I come in contact with there's no question where I stand and they get a heavenly invitation from the King! I will not go out quietly. Praise the King of Kings.

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That was excellent Greg. I must admit I have been feeling a bit ‘flat’ over the last couple of days, praying Jesus hurry up and take us home. God reads me like a book - guess I really needed this - thanks for that 😊🙏

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2 Timothy 4:8 talks about receiving a crown of righteousness for looking forward to ahi’s appearing. So obviously a big reward for being heavenly minded. And in Luke, Mary was praised for choosing what was better, which was sitting at Jesus feet, even though it kind of heaped up extra work for Martha. So I believe we are supposed to be heavenly minded. And in doing so, we live a little more like Christ every day. Hopefully, Think like He does, act more like Him, serve more like Him, while here. Only reason we aren’t already together is because He has work here He is trying to accomplish through us. He could snap His fingers and it would all be done. But He wants us to do it instead and walk with us while we are trying to be like Him. Hoping all of you, my friends, are enjoying a nice weekend.

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You have to be heavenly minded to be any earthly good. Jesus always said that he did not do anything that he didn't see the Father do...

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Excellent points. Staying with the basics of our purpose and getting refocused is always good. Thank You Pastor Greg.

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Thank you for this message that I needed to hear this morning. Given the times, I’ve been struggling with the question; “have I really added anything in my lifetime here on earth that the Lord would count as valuable?” Your words... “the most effective way to do so is in how we live- and to live in Christ.” This statement reminded me of going to the grocery store years ago and almost without fail an old lady (I’m the old lady now) would ask me for help in finding something. It became a joke in my house because it happened so frequently. One day I asked my husband why do they always find me? He looked at me strangely and said because you’re always smiling and making eye contact when you smile. Your message reminded me that we can’t all be great evangelists, teachers, singers, etc. because that’s not the gift we received....every little gesture, added to others providing little gestures turns into little lights that Together form One Huge Bright Light. Thank you for the reminder to keep everything in balance and to live in Christ!

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Thank you Pastor Laurie. And just like Glee, my favorite is also Paul. To me, he is real. No fancy pants, holier than thou for him. He is blunt, I have been told I'm to blunt. I don't believe in sugar coating, that's lying, and I have been known to bruise peoples feelings. I don't mean to, but I do. Before I was saved, I was BAD! Now that I'm saved, I fight that Bad every single hour of every single day. My flesh isn't happy about me being saved, and to overcome my flesh I have to stay in the Word, listen to past sermons, and new ones, and try to stay in prayer. My most frequent prayer is," Forgive me Father. " The Apostle Paul helps me know that I can change, that I can do better, and knowing that he struggled to overcome his flesh, well, it gives me hope. So, thank you for this Pastor Laurie.

May God bless you and yours, the rest of our Tipping Point Pastors, and the whole Tipping Point Family. Love in Christ. Maranatha

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Thank you brother Jimmy for the word of encouragement, indeed Paul it's a servant of God to admired with no doubts, blessings to all brother and sister whenever they are.

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Totally Blessed 🙌!

Thank you!!

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Gregg. Fine and dandy up to a point. Paul and many others even up to day, like Jesus did, confirmed the Gospel with signs and wonders. It then became their testimony and not just their opinion. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. You either believe it or you don’t. One is powerful as they had in the book of Acts and changed the world or merely academic as they had in the early schools of Yale and Harvard. It is time for Power! Love you

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