Something good to mention as well, the first ones are to be completed in 2-3 years, if the Rapture does happen soon this would be pretty close to the Middle of the Tribulation which would line up with Bible Prophecy for these to be used by the Anti-Christ.

Also it's interesting they choose to name it " The Giant" the Hebrew word is Nephillim. Which is Fallen Angels. Genius 6:4. Many other verses in the bible talk about "Giants". Many things are lining up.

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These Giants also communicate with each other. It's all very eerie. Also, if you look at everything going on lately as a whole: alien/UFO/UAP sightings that cannot be explained by the government, tensions quickly rising in the middle east between those listed in Ezekiel for the Gog-Magog war, the decay of morality even among so called Christians, etc. And now there is a mosque/synagogue/church in Berlin being built to have 3 religions in one building (Muslim, Jewish, Christianity). I have never seen so much happen so quickly in my lifetime...well I'm only 36, but still. Keep looking up, our redemption is near! 💖

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My husband and I read this together this morning, over coffee. If you let your imagination run with this one… you can certainly see where this could go. We’re ready Lord. Come soon.

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Happy Sunday☀️ What I love most about the Tipping Point is discovering new things. I really didn’t know much about this strange Giant art project… 21 giants in 21 cities by the end of 2021 whoa! You’re absolutely right ,Pastor Jimmy, the Word of God is the MOST miraculously perfect & accurate & up-to-date truth-news more than anything we read or watch on fake-news.💛

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Thank you for speaking on this...When I first heard about it and then went to their site all I could think about is that is the perfect stage for the Antichrist ........

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Yes. Thank you Pastor Jimmy. This is also something that is new to me. I believe its weird and feels odd. But good to know and learn more about. We are living in odd times indeed! I believe people are deceived by the UFO phenomenon. I believe aliens are demonic creatures and nothing more.

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If these are successfully implemented, I can definitely see the Antichrist using these to communicate to the masses. I could also see him using it for people to worship/bow to him etc. Thanks for your insight Pastor Evans.

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No matter what the intent, if this is built, I believe it will be an idol of some sort. Its creepy.

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Jimmy, you have mentioned that one of the reasons that God sent the flood during the time of Noah, was because of the Nephilium and the corruption of man. These were fallen angels and the offspring of those fallen angels with human women.

If all humanity was destroyed by the flood, and Noah was of a pure bloodline, how did the Nephilium enter back into humanity and it's bloodline to have them during the time of Israel's exodus and entering the promised land? Did Satan send his demons back to the earth to mate with human women after the flood? You have mentioned that goliath was probably a descendant of that unholy mix and that the spies who entered the promised land saw giants in the land. Please clarify.

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It says in scripture that they were in those days and afterwards. Gensis 6:4 "4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."

Those that mated with human women were chained in darkness till the judgement. However, you see things like Goliath and his brothers were Nephilium due to thier size and I think they had 6 fingers and toes but can't remember for sure. Then there was King Og of Bashan in Deuteronomy 3. and it says regarding Og’s Coffin: "11 King Og was the last of the Rephaim, and his coffin is in the town of Rabbah in Ammon. It is made of hard black rock[d] and is thirteen and a half feet long and six feet wide." and Deuteronomy 3:11 For only Og the king of Bashan was left of the remnant of the Rephaim. Behold, his bed was a bed of iron. Is it not in Rabbah of the Ammonites? Nine cubits was its length, and four cubits its breadth, according to the common cubit.

So yeah according to Genesis 6, the giants returned just not mixing with humanity to cover the planet just like before the flood. Instead, you see the Spies of the Israelites said there were giants in the land of Cannan and we were like grasshoppers to them. Even the grapes were massive and their vines giagantic.

Probably due to the chaining in darkness you don't see a widespread use of fallen angels mixing with human women again. My personal opinion is that these "aliens" from "ufo's" or UAP's will offer their genetic material for mating to humans after the Rapture. Also, I believe that the mark of the beast will be a mixture of human tech (Luciferase glowing phosphorus named after satan by researcher), fallen angel tech, and fallen angel dna that "marks" a person's dna. That is why in revelation you see those creatures from the bottomless pit attack and torment a person for months. Only those with the mark will receive torment. It says in the Bible there will be a similar event: Matthew 24:37-39

37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Hope that helps.

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Great question. I often wonder this as well. How do these "fallen ones" keep returning? Scripturally, we are encouraged to watch and be alert so we are not deceived. God says that if we will ask Him, He will reveal remarkable secrets of things to come -in Jeremiah 33. As always, He is true to His Word.

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INTERESTING: I accidentally googled ‘Patty Dunning’ when I was trying to look up Paddy Dunning. And Patty Dunning was a actress who played in a movie called A Thief in the Night which if you read the description looks like a movie about the rapture. Very intriguing coincidence.

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You're right! I looked her up to. Apparently, she starred in several movies about the Rapture (A Thief in the Night), the Tribulation, the Mark of the Beast, and the Second Coming of Christ. There was supposed to be a 5th movie, but it wasn't made. That's so bizarre!

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Wow! After reading this… You know those Fisher-Price Linkimals? I can imagine these “Giants” from all over the world could somehow be linked and communicate to us and everyone all the time! I see it as an idol.

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I’ve never found anyone that explains the Bible so plainly & God truly blessed the world thru Jimmy with an amazing gift to deliver salvation.May God always bless him 100 fold!

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Man and Woman” is an 8 meter (26 foot) tall moving steel sculpture by Georgian sculptor Tamara Kvesitadze. Located in the seaside city of Batumi, Georgia, the two figures represent a Muslim boy, Ali, and a Georgian princess, Nino, from a famous 1937 novel by Azerbaijani author Kurban Said.


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Cool but creapy.

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Also we are seeing strange statues erected in USA...this is in NJ. It's all in the name of "Global Warming/The Great Reset" and the Earth God.


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The Anti-Christ can broadcast himself on cellphones and computers. Big statues are one more item on the list.

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I’m wondering about Psalm 83 this morning…. It is getting pretty hot in that spot. For they have consulted together…. That they may seek Your name, O Lord.

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