I didn’t actually watch it, but I my fb feed was flooded with people outraged over the abhorrent display! I heard this afternoon that a major advertiser pulled out over it! I was encouraged by all of the backlash over it and so many people taking a stand for Christianity! I definitely support our athletes who have worked so many years for this achievement but I do not support in any way shape or form anyone or company who promotes this evil. From many of the comments I saw on fb, many of these people are commenting they believe Jesus is returning soon! Hopefully many people are really starting to wake up!

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I did not see opening ceremony saw pictures on Facebook, I was glad I missed it and will not wat h Olympics, just makes me sick.

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We watched opening ceremony and was hit by the first wave of yuck but we didn’t even realize what the scene with the drags & children was until my friend texted me they were mocking the Lord’s Supper! We were disgusted too but what makes me sad the athletes don’t deserve a boycott from watching them compete (a lot of great Christian athletes!) Paris France made an atrocious decision to soil an event that the world wanted to watch and cheer for USA (all the countries too!)

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I’m glad you addressed this. I was watching it last night just stunned at how blatantly demonic it was. Like you said, the mask was ripped off. There was no hiding what the world truly values. Just another sign that our world is getting closer and closer to the final world system of the Tribulation.

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I need help from everyone. I have a friend who is in need of many prayers as he can get. His name is Mark he is a plumber who i contracted to do my house. Him and his son are some of the most godly people I know. Absolutely wonderful people. I don't want to share his personal life without his permission but I am just asking anyone to pray for him and his son to have strength for what they and their family are going through. I'm asking on here because I consider all of you as my church and family in God. Their are some wonderful people here and I know your prayers can make world of difference. Thank you to anyone that helps. God bless

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Praying Almighty God’s Hands of Strength, Guidance, Power and Help for Mark and his son. ✝️🙏

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Praying 🙏

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Lord, hear our prayers for this man Mark who is in need of strength in whatever the battle is they are up against. You know the details Lord. Be very close to Mark and his son right now. Help them. In Jesus name.

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Lord, you know what Mark and his family are going through. I pray they will get the help needed and experience complete peace only you can give them. 🙏 Amen.

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Praying for Mark and family!

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Praying for Mark and his family that God would meet each need and comfort and guide them during this difficult time. 🙏✝️💜

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Praying right now Brandon for these people!

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Praying for the family🙏🙏🙏

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And now they sit in darkness. Wow.

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Much needed video lesson Dr. Mark!

I stopped watching the Olympics year ago, but this years opening ceremony was very blasphemous.

One thing you forgot to mention though was the woman when she got off the horse, was walking with the Olympic flag in her arms, folded up, and was walking towards a golden bull, as if offering this flag to her idol.

I saw the opening scenes on Telegram, I think on Amir Tsarfati's page. Anyway, extremely disturbing on many levels.

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So true Pastor :-( I didn't see it but have seen the highlights :-( I have slowly taken my eyes more off the world and focused more on Jesus; probably the way the Father wants from all Christians.

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The Olympic committee has taken down the recording of this due to backlash….the damage is done, they’ve revealed who they are.

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What does DRAG have to do with the Olympics? There's an Olympic law stating to not advertise religion, politics, or anything that is not counted as Olympic related issues. Such a huge rush to try to bring evil to the world thru the end times. It's ridiculous

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Thanks Mark for information regarding the opening ceremony. I did not see it as I was late tuning in. I had no idea that this happened world watching. It absolutely makes me sick to my stomach and I have a heart for the Christian athletes that are participating. They will be the salt and light for Jesus and truth and righteousness to be exposed through their testimony. We need to pray God’s protection on them and cheer them on to win. This demonic will sow the wind and reap the whirlwind! Psalm 103:19: The Lord sits in Heaven and He rules over all. End times are here and judgment will come. God is Sovereign and He saw all at the opening and knows all. So, we pray, read our Bibles and watch and stay ready for our Lord’s coming. God bless you Mark for the updates and the TP family as Iron sharpens Iron; so we each sharpen one another. 🙏✝️

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Gladys, I love your remark ,"this demonic will sow the wind and reap the whirlwind." Amen sis. I wouldn't be in their shoes for anything.

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I saw a report of this today and was sickened by it. I was kind of looking forward to watching a couple of events, but I refuse to even watch it now. Thank you Dr. Hitchcock for sharing your pertinent thoughts about this abomination. God is on the throne and Jesus will be coming back sooner than later.

Praise be to God!

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I didn't watch it for obvious reasons. The past Olympics have been trending down hill. Im glad I missed it. It's such a shame. I love the sports and healthy competition. Paul said 'Run the race to win the prize'. Always loved that picture of the spiritual race.

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Thank you pastor Mark for your message. How spot on as usual!!!!!

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I wish I could say I’m surprised but sadly I’m not. With the upheaval we’ve already seen this summer does anyone in the U.S. really believe there won’t be significant social unrest at the Democrat convention scheduled to take place in a few weeks. If I were a betting man I’d wager the problems will come from anti-Christian, anti-Israel, pro-“Palestinian” protestors; not the “white Christian nationalists the Left is always braying about. It doesn’t surprise me to see Europe falling pray to this type of insidious insurrection, they had falling church attendance for decades and they foolishly allowed unchecked Muslim migration, so now they have huge security problems. Unfortunately, Leftists in the U.S. successfully championed the same policies so our country is headed in the same direction. I suppose this was inevitable when one considers the prophetic timeline, but it’s still difficult to watch if you’re a patriot. My thought is this: considering how unbelievers denigrate Christianity these days I find it fitting that the day after the Rapture our country will cease to function well, financial markets will plummet, banks will fail, law and order will cease, healthcare will not be prevalent, the electrical grid will crash, virtually all social services will vanish and clean drinking water will be rare and priceless. They’ll have what they think they want, a world without Christians, and all we bring to the table through the Lord’s plan and guidance. Scripture indicates they aren’t going to like what their decisions have wrought. There’s that whole personal accountability thing again!

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Amen Luther.

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Thank you for commenting. I did not see the last supper till the next day and was sickened by the drag show. I immediately made the connection of the white horse and shamed myself for thinking what i was thinking. I heard the words of the song "Imagine" for the furst time with different ears. Again I shamed myself for making connections to the book of Revelation with the white horse. Thank you for sharing your thoughts because I thought I was being to offensive and the connections were in my own mind.

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Thank you Mark for posting this!

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