Thank you Ps Jimmy. Our hope is in Jesus Christ and hope dont disappoint. I dont know how people can live today without God in their lives. In society today it is so clear that their is nothing good outside of God and no life outside of the Lord. Like never before we must be rooted deep in the Word of God and remain in Christ.
Even a little of God’s Wrath is too much for me!! (Psalm 2:12) I like this post because it points out in Psalm 2 how God put’s responsibility on Kings of Nations and Nations themselves and holds them accountable, verse 9!! They have so much power but God has more! God says in verse 6, “Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.” Yes Lord! You rule the Nations!!! All Nations! And many Nations are trending against You these days.... You are coming soon for those who willingly submit to Your authority (Your Bride)!! Blessed are those who put their trust in Him....
Thank you Pastor Jimmy. I purchased a few extra copies of your Tipping Point book and I just gave the last extra copy I had to a christian friend who I hope will get much peace from your incredible teachings and insights.
Also, I was watching a video on youtube by Amir Tsarfati, who is a messianic Jew who follows Jesus.
He had a group discussion with 3 other folks in regards to their pre-trib views.
In that discussion, I found an interesting answer to a question I had for quite a while. Maybe Pastor Jimmy addressed it before but I haven't heard this explanation yet.
It's about the question why would we believers be spared by the tribulation if so many other Christians around the world are not spared and experience persecution, killing and other terrible things because of their faith in Christ.
Amir Tsafarti and the group explained for one thing that we will be raptured and not experience the tribulation because it is the WRATH OF THE LAMB, the wrath of God towards unbelievers, the wicked etc.
But the current ongoing persecution and killing towards Christians worldwide is NOT the wrath of God. It's done by the wicked, the unbelievers.
Maybe Pastor Jimmy can address that (again) as well if this is something he probably agrees with and which may answer a concern of many who are still wondering about the same thing.
THANK YOU for this article today, it is so comforting and encouraging in the midst of all this darkness where many are bowing their knee and turning away from the faith.
I'm so looking forward to the Rapture.....I have complete Faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I keep thinking about heaven and what it will be like...but the one thing that I wonder and have always wondered since I was a little girl is what do they do up there all day? Will we have jobs, will we live in communities/towns with our families that we had down here on earth? Will my Grandma still be my Grandma when I get up to heaven? What about our animals? They will be left to fend for themselves when the Rapture comes? Just wondering.......
Comment on suicide: I was wondering about the people who are left behind. Since the tribulation time period will be horrific, those left behind would want to kill themselves (maybe thinking that killing themselves will get them to Heaven??) But, based on what Pastor Jimmy says, "They will be attempting suicide but will be unsuccessful, because God will supernaturally prevent them from dying. This is God’s punishment upon them for refusing to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and to receive salvation as an act of grace." WOW.
Hi Yvette, it's like an episode out of that TV show The Walking Dead. Literally people trying to commit suicide and won't be able to die or escape the wrath of the Lamb. There's such a fascination in the media with sci-fi, vampires and zombies so it's mind blowing that these things will really happen. But, the worst nightmares imaginable. I used to be scared reading about the end times, now it helps me to pray bolder and share the gospel bolder. Ryan.... great comment too.
It’s my understand that death cannot be used as an escape during the Sixth Seal judgment. At other times during the tribulation, there is no supernatural prohibition to death.
In fact, I believe suicide will be very common by unbelievers during this time period and especially right after the rapture occurs. It will not be by believers trying to escape to Heaven. It will be by people that have rejected God and found themselves left with no hope in an incredibly turbulent world.
Thank you Pastor Jimmy for this encouraging message. At times I look at the world around us and especially at our leaders of this. nation. I don't understand how so many people can condone such horrible acts of blasphemy and murder of unborn. I was never into politics before the 6-7 yrs but our nation of Freedom is going to hell in a handbasket (as my grandmother would say), I pray for Jesus to come take us out of here an to our home in Heaven. I'm one of those who doesn't want to watch a movie where there is a bully or evil things happening. I pray for revival to come and I pray for forgiveness of our nation. Come Lord Jesus... come quickly.
Hi Linda, I just read your comment and it made me chuckle reading what your grandmother would say. I'm grieving with you.... Life is precious and we are the voice for the unborn and vulnerable. It's impossible to turn on the news or read anything in the media without severe concern on the loss of morality in our nation. Praying bigger and bolder. Amen.... Maranatha!!
Thanks Kari for your encouraging words. My Nannie was a special woman and she didn't pull any punches. You never had to worry about what it was she was thinking... I see so much of her in me the older I get, and I'm proud to carry that mantle. As far as this sinful world we live in, I used to be a devoted Fox News viewer but there is only a couple of shows that I will even watch anymore. And my absentee viewing really doesn't have anything to do with Fox News, it just the news period that I can't watch or don't want to watch. The book Tipping Point said in more than one place, that this world would get much worse, but that just meant the time is closer for Jesus to come pick us up. I am putting my money on that one... God bless you Kari.... I really enjoy reading your comments. You have an anointing, sweet girl. Take care... Linda
Linda... you just made my day brighter.☀️ Thank you for your kind words. I can’t begin to tell you how special Pastor Jimmy, Tipping Point, and this group of people (readers) who are all dedicated to learning about these extraordinary times....the end of the end. My dad is celebrating 5 years in heaven on March 6th and he was a world changer. I miss him so much but thankful I’ll see him soon. My dad never stopped teaching the importance of loving and serving God...honoring people and the power of prayer and forgiveness. He was a big fan of Jimmy too. He always encouraged me to hide the Word of God in my heart and gain wisdom faithfully. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to study end times and encourage one another. May we unite together praying bigger for the lost and bolder in our love for Jesus. Blessings💛
"Recently, while sitting at the breakfast table, I told my wife that I felt like I was living through the dismantling of America. We talked about the horror of watching the news each night and seeing this country that we love being destroyed before our very eyes. How could this be happening? What does it mean? Where is it leading? What can we do? These are the cultural questions that are being asked in almost any setting you visit today. Unfortunately, almost no one is providing any answers. But Erwin Lutzer, in We Will Not Be Silenced, is responding. And what he has written about what is happening in our nation is the most complete, the most honest, and the most understandable explanation I have encountered...If I could, I would put We Will Not Be Silenced into the hands of every Christian in America...Forward by Dr. David Jeremiah.
Pastor...thank you for sharing this. The more I learn, the more heavy I feel for those who do not believe (and I'm re-dedicated to sharing the Gospel with anyone who will listen). Are my concerns wrong in God's law, meaning, does God view this as questioning Him or disobedience?
We know that our God is just and the sin and unbelief must be addressed in our world in order to cleanse and make new -just the same as He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and forgiving. I'm just wondering how to reconcile this. I want to be obedient and I do believe that God is righteous in all of His ways. I'm just so disturbed that so many will be hiding and asking the rocks to fall on them to end their suffering. Also, does this mean that we could also be here on earth during this time? I know that you believe we will be raptured prior to this so I am wondering if you ever wonder these things? Does this imminent suffering also make your heart sick?
Hi Kat, You have a compassionate burden for the lost. I believe what breaks Gods heart should also break our hearts. There’s nothing disobedient about deeply caring — in fact God gives us this burden and commands us to share His good news and pray for the lost. This is called the Great Commission.... in Matthew 28:19-20 “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20NLT Also, it’s normal to ask God all kinds of questions. He wants to talk to you about the things hidden in your heart...He wants to have conversations with us about anything & everything. You can take God’s Word literal and now with the understanding you have gained learning about end times you have confidence to know followers of Jesus will not be here on earth during the tribulation. Amen!!💛
I'm a multiple-choice kinda person. If a person is left behind, are these the choices they have?
a) Attempt suicide; unsuccessful and do not ask for God's salvation and must live all seven years in the tribulation then go to eternal hell?
b) Attempt suicide; unsuccessful and ask God to be saved & they will have their heads cut-off for not accepting the mark of the beast and go to Heaven?
c) Don't attempt suicide and ask God to be saved & get their heads cut-off for not accepting the mark of the beast and go to Heaven?
Did I miss anything? So, what I'm trying to understand, at the end of the seven year tribulation, who is left? ~Thank you~
or... d) Don't attempt suicide and ask God to be saved... do NOT get your head cut off... do NOT accept the mark of the beast... be one of the few to survive the Tribulation and go into the Millennium as a believer in your mortal body.
Thanks Steve... and those believers who cross that finish line are called the "tribulation saints?" I've heard that term before, so that makes sense now.
YES! Yvette you asked a great question & feel your compassion for the lost, especially those “saints” who survive the tribulation. We’ll never know how many will ‘cross the finish line’ but we know God’s mercy will be extravagant for His children. I love this verse...“These are the people who have come safely through the terrible persecution. They have washed their robes and made them white with the blood of the Lamb.”
Revelation 7:13,14-17GNT I encourage you to read a few different translations (NLT, MSG,ESV) but it’s my understanding all speak of the people (saints) who have come from & survived the tribulation. Blessings💛
I pray regularly that people will come to Christ while there is still time before the rapture. I’m often feeling compelled to pray for the 144,000 who won’t have accepted Christ at the time of the rapture but will embrace Him to the point of sacrificing their lives to proclaim Him a king of Kings and Lord of Lords. I find myself praying that they would be being prepared to hear the Word and respond in courageous obedience. Of course I pray the elect will seek Him as soon as possible, but is it scriptural/ok to pray for those who maybe in formative years of age or children that when the day comes they will soften their hearts and be able to withstand the horrors of the time?
Hi Jack, I'm also praying for our Jewish brothers and sisters. I've been reading scriptures today specifically about the 144,000. These verses are sooo intriguing Rev 14:1 and 14:3 "This great choir sang a wonderful new song in front of the throne of God and before the four living beings and the twenty-four elders. No one could learn this song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth." They will have a mark on their foreheads NOT of the beast, but of the name of JESUS and the FATHER singing a song on Mount Zion that no one else can learn. It brings tears to my eyes. Yes, pray boldly for Jewish hearts to soften now and the supernatural courage to be one of the 144,000 that will eternally change the world.
Thank you Ps Jimmy. Our hope is in Jesus Christ and hope dont disappoint. I dont know how people can live today without God in their lives. In society today it is so clear that their is nothing good outside of God and no life outside of the Lord. Like never before we must be rooted deep in the Word of God and remain in Christ.
Even a little of God’s Wrath is too much for me!! (Psalm 2:12) I like this post because it points out in Psalm 2 how God put’s responsibility on Kings of Nations and Nations themselves and holds them accountable, verse 9!! They have so much power but God has more! God says in verse 6, “Yet I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion.” Yes Lord! You rule the Nations!!! All Nations! And many Nations are trending against You these days.... You are coming soon for those who willingly submit to Your authority (Your Bride)!! Blessed are those who put their trust in Him....
So well put! The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the Word of our God will stand forever. Isaiah 40:8
Thank you Pastor Jimmy. I purchased a few extra copies of your Tipping Point book and I just gave the last extra copy I had to a christian friend who I hope will get much peace from your incredible teachings and insights.
Also, I was watching a video on youtube by Amir Tsarfati, who is a messianic Jew who follows Jesus.
He had a group discussion with 3 other folks in regards to their pre-trib views.
In that discussion, I found an interesting answer to a question I had for quite a while. Maybe Pastor Jimmy addressed it before but I haven't heard this explanation yet.
It's about the question why would we believers be spared by the tribulation if so many other Christians around the world are not spared and experience persecution, killing and other terrible things because of their faith in Christ.
Amir Tsafarti and the group explained for one thing that we will be raptured and not experience the tribulation because it is the WRATH OF THE LAMB, the wrath of God towards unbelievers, the wicked etc.
But the current ongoing persecution and killing towards Christians worldwide is NOT the wrath of God. It's done by the wicked, the unbelievers.
Maybe Pastor Jimmy can address that (again) as well if this is something he probably agrees with and which may answer a concern of many who are still wondering about the same thing.
THANK YOU for this article today, it is so comforting and encouraging in the midst of all this darkness where many are bowing their knee and turning away from the faith.
I'm so looking forward to the Rapture.....I have complete Faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I keep thinking about heaven and what it will be like...but the one thing that I wonder and have always wondered since I was a little girl is what do they do up there all day? Will we have jobs, will we live in communities/towns with our families that we had down here on earth? Will my Grandma still be my Grandma when I get up to heaven? What about our animals? They will be left to fend for themselves when the Rapture comes? Just wondering.......
Comment on suicide: I was wondering about the people who are left behind. Since the tribulation time period will be horrific, those left behind would want to kill themselves (maybe thinking that killing themselves will get them to Heaven??) But, based on what Pastor Jimmy says, "They will be attempting suicide but will be unsuccessful, because God will supernaturally prevent them from dying. This is God’s punishment upon them for refusing to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and to receive salvation as an act of grace." WOW.
Hi Yvette, it's like an episode out of that TV show The Walking Dead. Literally people trying to commit suicide and won't be able to die or escape the wrath of the Lamb. There's such a fascination in the media with sci-fi, vampires and zombies so it's mind blowing that these things will really happen. But, the worst nightmares imaginable. I used to be scared reading about the end times, now it helps me to pray bolder and share the gospel bolder. Ryan.... great comment too.
It’s my understand that death cannot be used as an escape during the Sixth Seal judgment. At other times during the tribulation, there is no supernatural prohibition to death.
In fact, I believe suicide will be very common by unbelievers during this time period and especially right after the rapture occurs. It will not be by believers trying to escape to Heaven. It will be by people that have rejected God and found themselves left with no hope in an incredibly turbulent world.
Thank you Pastor Jimmy for this encouraging message. At times I look at the world around us and especially at our leaders of this. nation. I don't understand how so many people can condone such horrible acts of blasphemy and murder of unborn. I was never into politics before the 6-7 yrs but our nation of Freedom is going to hell in a handbasket (as my grandmother would say), I pray for Jesus to come take us out of here an to our home in Heaven. I'm one of those who doesn't want to watch a movie where there is a bully or evil things happening. I pray for revival to come and I pray for forgiveness of our nation. Come Lord Jesus... come quickly.
Hi Linda, I just read your comment and it made me chuckle reading what your grandmother would say. I'm grieving with you.... Life is precious and we are the voice for the unborn and vulnerable. It's impossible to turn on the news or read anything in the media without severe concern on the loss of morality in our nation. Praying bigger and bolder. Amen.... Maranatha!!
Thanks Kari for your encouraging words. My Nannie was a special woman and she didn't pull any punches. You never had to worry about what it was she was thinking... I see so much of her in me the older I get, and I'm proud to carry that mantle. As far as this sinful world we live in, I used to be a devoted Fox News viewer but there is only a couple of shows that I will even watch anymore. And my absentee viewing really doesn't have anything to do with Fox News, it just the news period that I can't watch or don't want to watch. The book Tipping Point said in more than one place, that this world would get much worse, but that just meant the time is closer for Jesus to come pick us up. I am putting my money on that one... God bless you Kari.... I really enjoy reading your comments. You have an anointing, sweet girl. Take care... Linda
Linda... you just made my day brighter.☀️ Thank you for your kind words. I can’t begin to tell you how special Pastor Jimmy, Tipping Point, and this group of people (readers) who are all dedicated to learning about these extraordinary times....the end of the end. My dad is celebrating 5 years in heaven on March 6th and he was a world changer. I miss him so much but thankful I’ll see him soon. My dad never stopped teaching the importance of loving and serving God...honoring people and the power of prayer and forgiveness. He was a big fan of Jimmy too. He always encouraged me to hide the Word of God in my heart and gain wisdom faithfully. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to study end times and encourage one another. May we unite together praying bigger for the lost and bolder in our love for Jesus. Blessings💛
"Recently, while sitting at the breakfast table, I told my wife that I felt like I was living through the dismantling of America. We talked about the horror of watching the news each night and seeing this country that we love being destroyed before our very eyes. How could this be happening? What does it mean? Where is it leading? What can we do? These are the cultural questions that are being asked in almost any setting you visit today. Unfortunately, almost no one is providing any answers. But Erwin Lutzer, in We Will Not Be Silenced, is responding. And what he has written about what is happening in our nation is the most complete, the most honest, and the most understandable explanation I have encountered...If I could, I would put We Will Not Be Silenced into the hands of every Christian in America...Forward by Dr. David Jeremiah.
We will not be silenced book:
Pastor...thank you for sharing this. The more I learn, the more heavy I feel for those who do not believe (and I'm re-dedicated to sharing the Gospel with anyone who will listen). Are my concerns wrong in God's law, meaning, does God view this as questioning Him or disobedience?
We know that our God is just and the sin and unbelief must be addressed in our world in order to cleanse and make new -just the same as He is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and forgiving. I'm just wondering how to reconcile this. I want to be obedient and I do believe that God is righteous in all of His ways. I'm just so disturbed that so many will be hiding and asking the rocks to fall on them to end their suffering. Also, does this mean that we could also be here on earth during this time? I know that you believe we will be raptured prior to this so I am wondering if you ever wonder these things? Does this imminent suffering also make your heart sick?
Hi Kat, You have a compassionate burden for the lost. I believe what breaks Gods heart should also break our hearts. There’s nothing disobedient about deeply caring — in fact God gives us this burden and commands us to share His good news and pray for the lost. This is called the Great Commission.... in Matthew 28:19-20 “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20NLT Also, it’s normal to ask God all kinds of questions. He wants to talk to you about the things hidden in your heart...He wants to have conversations with us about anything & everything. You can take God’s Word literal and now with the understanding you have gained learning about end times you have confidence to know followers of Jesus will not be here on earth during the tribulation. Amen!!💛
I'm a multiple-choice kinda person. If a person is left behind, are these the choices they have?
a) Attempt suicide; unsuccessful and do not ask for God's salvation and must live all seven years in the tribulation then go to eternal hell?
b) Attempt suicide; unsuccessful and ask God to be saved & they will have their heads cut-off for not accepting the mark of the beast and go to Heaven?
c) Don't attempt suicide and ask God to be saved & get their heads cut-off for not accepting the mark of the beast and go to Heaven?
Did I miss anything? So, what I'm trying to understand, at the end of the seven year tribulation, who is left? ~Thank you~
or... d) Don't attempt suicide and ask God to be saved... do NOT get your head cut off... do NOT accept the mark of the beast... be one of the few to survive the Tribulation and go into the Millennium as a believer in your mortal body.
Thanks Steve... and those believers who cross that finish line are called the "tribulation saints?" I've heard that term before, so that makes sense now.
YES! Yvette you asked a great question & feel your compassion for the lost, especially those “saints” who survive the tribulation. We’ll never know how many will ‘cross the finish line’ but we know God’s mercy will be extravagant for His children. I love this verse...“These are the people who have come safely through the terrible persecution. They have washed their robes and made them white with the blood of the Lamb.”
Revelation 7:13,14-17GNT I encourage you to read a few different translations (NLT, MSG,ESV) but it’s my understanding all speak of the people (saints) who have come from & survived the tribulation. Blessings💛
I pray regularly that people will come to Christ while there is still time before the rapture. I’m often feeling compelled to pray for the 144,000 who won’t have accepted Christ at the time of the rapture but will embrace Him to the point of sacrificing their lives to proclaim Him a king of Kings and Lord of Lords. I find myself praying that they would be being prepared to hear the Word and respond in courageous obedience. Of course I pray the elect will seek Him as soon as possible, but is it scriptural/ok to pray for those who maybe in formative years of age or children that when the day comes they will soften their hearts and be able to withstand the horrors of the time?
Hi Jack, I'm also praying for our Jewish brothers and sisters. I've been reading scriptures today specifically about the 144,000. These verses are sooo intriguing Rev 14:1 and 14:3 "This great choir sang a wonderful new song in front of the throne of God and before the four living beings and the twenty-four elders. No one could learn this song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth." They will have a mark on their foreheads NOT of the beast, but of the name of JESUS and the FATHER singing a song on Mount Zion that no one else can learn. It brings tears to my eyes. Yes, pray boldly for Jewish hearts to soften now and the supernatural courage to be one of the 144,000 that will eternally change the world.
Thank you again, for the encouraging message. I always look forward to receiving your messages.
Really loved your words of encouragement at the end, that really sank in. Endure the suffering to see the smile. God is faithful!