Signs of the burgeoning end times apostasy (falling away, rebellion) are ubiquitous. "As it was in the days of Noah, Lot..."

"Satanic shoes" released by gay rapper Lil Nas X on March 29th, sold out in under one minute!

The shoes contain human blood, feature a Satanic pentagram, a Baphomet box, and will only be a limited run of 666 shoes, all individually numbered. Ironically they feature the Luke 10:18 scripture reference, “He replied, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven...” which Lil Nas X heralds as a symbol of Satan’s rebellion (apostasy). The 10:18 reference is also echoed in the price–$1,018 per pair.

Lil Nas X recently tweeted a message to his 14-year old self about the self-titled song, the first release of the album.

“Dear 14 year old Montero, I wrote a song with our name in it. It’s about a guy I met last summer. I know we promised to never come out publicly, I know we promised to never be ‘that’ type of gay person, I know we promised to die with the secret,” the rapper tweeted.

“But this will open doors for many other queer people to simply exist,” Lil Nas X continued. Read the full (disturbing) article here... https://ifapray.org/blog/?single=62144

(What will it be like when the restrainer is taken out of the way?)

"No one is to deceive you in any way! For it will not come unless the apostasy comes first..."

PS: Please keep in mind Psalms 37 (cf., 2Peter 2:6-10), do not fret, cease from anger... instead, watch, be sober, alert, pray always, Hold-Fast, and wait on the Lord.

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Yes, this is so brazen. It sends shivers down my spine....

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Hi Kris, I had the same reaction. And to think that this is what's being flaunted in the public square... (I wonder how pervasive the secular culture has become, making in-roads even in the Church. I can't help but wonder if some "Church-goers" bought these shoes?). Let's be on our guard, working out our own Salvation with "fear and trembling."

I listened to one of Derek Princes' teaching on the end times about a year ago and it was spot on. It was based on 2 Tim 3:1-3. He spent a week delving into the 18 character traits listed in this Scripture that would be evident in the end times. He explained that the root cause of all these vices was to be found in these three repetitive statements:

1. "Lovers of themselves..."

2. "Lovers of money..."

3. "Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God..."

The root problem is "love of self," Viz., selfishness, which can be traced back to pride. In the series, Derek shares that as the age draws to a close we can expect to see both the wheat and tares ripening, it's shocking to witness, but we can be encouraged that a). the wheat is ripening, and b). harvest is near!

(Btw, you can listen to that teaching titled, "fierce times are coming" here): https://subsplash.com/derekprince/media/mi/+ac4b6f3

The Apostle Peter speaks about this brazennes (arrogance), an attitude which is so prevalent in the culture around us,

"...and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are PRESUMPTUOUS, SELF-WILLED. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries, whereas angels, who are greater in power and might, do not bring a reviling accusation against them before the Lord." II Peter 2:10‭-‬11

Notice again the statements, "presumptuous" "self-willed..." The opposite of meek, lowly, humble. It seems to me that these are some of the identifying marks of the tares.

Although we may find ourselves in a similar situation as Lot did, in these last days, "...(for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds)" II Peter 2:8, We can be encouraged, "... the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment..." II Peter 2:9

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says:

“Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.”

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:11‭-‬16

Finally, our role is to a). separate ourselves from them, b) put on the full armor of God and having done all to STAND in these evil days, and c). intercede on their behalf, hoping that if there's anyway possible, they may come to the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and receive Salvation.

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Great work, Jimmy, and praise God! I think you should go “Martin Luther” and nail this to some church doors :-)

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Perfect timing! I am spending the day with my 34 year old daughter. It is her Birthday today! I have a lot on my mind.... Jesus, give me Your perfect words to say.

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I absolutely know Jesus, I do hear his voice, I know that I am saved and going to Heaven when God says it’s time.

My question is what if you had some really close friends in the church but there was a strong disagreement between us and in the end we all just went our own way and never talked again. Does God look at this as not loving your brother whom you have seen?

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Jennifer, I’m so sorry this happened. It’s heartbreaking when relationships, especially in the church, fall apart. One of the books that changed my life and helped me understand why “walking away” can actually be healthy and Christ-like is When to Walk Away by Gary Thomas. For anyone that’s struggling with difficult relationships this is a great resource. Did you know Jesus walked away from toxic people 42 times in His ministry? Matthew 18 is a great reference for how-to on reconciliation in the church. However, you can love one another and forgive one another even through your differences and walking away.💛 Hope that helps

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Thank you very much for this, it definitely helps!

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Can you please explain to me the meaning of the scripture, “faith without works is dead?” This is confusing... almost like we have to do good works in order to be saved?

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Great question Kristin. James 2 is saying that our actions represents our beliefs. If we believe Jesus Christ is our Lord & Savior, died for our sins and was resurrected from the dead, then our actions, our lifestyle would reflect that. Our old self has died and our alive in Christ.

I hope this helps brings clarity. I recommend reading James 2 and John 14 & 15 for deeper study. God bless you and your family!

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Hi Kristin, this is such a great question! Jesus tells us... If you love me you’ll obey me. As a follower of Jesus we are grateful for what God has done for us. Holy Spirit lives and has residence within us. How will Christians be known? What separates us from everyone else— fruits of the spirit. Through our actions we are “set apart” Romans 12:1-2 Works: Being kind to one another, loving one another, serving each other. Faith by works — means simply, I believe in Jesus and want to be the hands & feet of Jesus. By His grace were able to live out His grace to others & be a blessing to others.💛🥰

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Excellent article, Definitely Sharing!

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I have So appreciated all of these posts, videos, and messages!! Thank you so much!!

I have two questions-

How do you recommend addressing the End Times teachings you have here w children in the 11-13 range to not scare them, but help them see the seriousness and depth of importance?

And what about those who have given a profession of faith as a child- my daughter accepted Christ as her saviour, was baptized, and even wanted to be a missionary to China as a 5th grader, but now at 27 says she doesn't believe any more and has turned to a gay lifestyle. I've been praying for God to bring her back, by any means He needs to do, but she is angry and won't listen to even kind words of simple encouragement. Is she saved, as in "once saved/always saved"??

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I realize this is an older post, so I hope you got your answer. I believe if you’re saved that can’t be taken away (in other words you can’t ‘lose’ your salvation).

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This covers it all! Thanks be to God for your ministry Jimmy and for His pure and holy instructions for us through His living Word!!!

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I pray and am inclined to believe that our pets will be raptured with us because the rapture of the church parallels to the flood when Noah and select animals on the ark were saved from destruction.🙏🏻

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