Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

I remember my mother instilling in us kids, that the Bible was God’s Word and to always honor and revere it, even to the point of NEVER placing anything on top of it.

That has stayed with me for almost 60 years. The only thing I will lay on the Bible, after having my devotions, is my glasses. I whisper to my Heavenly Father…. I SEE YOU ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

He’s my FRIEND

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Yup. These statistics of how America has lost her way, are horrifying. And we don’t deserve to be judged by God for wondering so far away from His will and His ways? Of course we do. The world will soon learn that ya just can’t tread on God, forever.... Meanwhile, it is true that the Word of God, the Bible, inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself, is more precious than ever, to those of us who have Jesus in our Hearts. We would die for Him. And may have to at some point as the days get darker and darker.... Will the Light of the world be pushed back just a little while longer, so that more can enter into His Kingdom? Let the Church bells ring, and the message go forth, that Jesus made a way for all to be Saved. And let it be preached from the Bible. 🌻

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Happy Sunday TP family… wow what a powerful post about the Word of God. I pray we never miss a single day devouring the very breath of God to fill us up with all his wonder and words—sweet & sour. I’m grateful I had parents who built the foundation of our family on the Word of God. I’ve never wavered believing the Bible is the literal words of God. I pray we’ve passed this devotion & hunger on to our children as they grow in their faith. Do they see us reading & devouring its pages? Love this…. “we must allow the breath of God’s own mouth to change our lives each day.” 💛

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I'm sure that the person that ate the Bible tasted it's sweetness, and I'm also sure he had stomach ailments that night. I can only pray that he is converted through the divine Holy Spirit and feels compelled to go out and preach the truth from the greatest book ever written, to others like himself. Bravo to the person who stood there reading the Bible amongst what can only be described as a gathering of demonic possession. The time is so near and so obvious with all that we are experiencing on a daily basis Brothers and sisters we must keep faith and pray for the salvation of those around us. God bless all of us.

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Man does not live on bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. This has always been one of my favorite verses.

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People like these people are nothing but pure evil. Their end will be destruction. They don't like the Bible because it cuts them to the heart. Just as the witnesses of Steven nashed on him with their teeth, so these evil people hate what the Bible says. And no, the word of God will never change. That is why they hated Christ too. He told them the truth and they wanted glory from man. The scribes and pharisees hated Jesus because he spoke the truth to them.

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I was at a men's prayer breakfast yesterday and we watched a David Jeremiah video when he was in NYC. His message was on persecution. I don't know about the rest of you but I think about the possibility of broken bones. I don't want them. I know the heat is going to be turned up in the soon coming days but I pray that with our boldness and anointing when the enemy comes in like a flood God will raise up a standard and protect us at the same time. Prepare kiddos, it's going to get ugly. Love you all.

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Great article. As I was talking with another brother yesterday about the chaos around us, it is all due to a lack of objective truth. The world has bought the lie that truth is merely one's own view point or opinion on a matter; this is exactly what Paul saw as God's judgement on a people who refused him in Romans 1. The last verse in the Book of Judges says this: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25).

This is exactly where we are at, and worse, we have the federal government enforcing (sometimes with severe consequences) the lies they are espousing. I have long held that eventually, the bible will have to be eradicated from our nation because it is objective truth - a plumbline by which we are measured and a standard by which we can correctly determine right from wrong.

I encourage all of you to remember that we are in a spiritual battle as described in Ephesians 6. It will help you when you pray for those in power to remember that they are captives (yes, of their own will), but captives nonetheless as were you and I before the grace of God opened our eyes. I believe that God is allowing the things that are happening to drive people once again to their knees and re-center their lives on Him. Regardless of what happens, this is not our home - we are sojourners living in tents longing for our true home. That doesn't mean it isn't miserable seeing everything that is going on, but when chaos ensues, we have to force ourselves to focus on Jesus, our salvation.

Stand fast precious ones. The bridegroom is coming soon for his beloved bride. That means YOU.

In Christ,

- Steven

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These statistics are very alarming, pretty much par for the course for how this world is shifting, sputtering, and falling hard fast. But if you all don’t mind I’d like to talk about Us, the Believers, on the topic of tithing. I heard that less than 8% of church attending Evangelical Christians tithe! This just baffles me. I had a conversation with a man about “bringing” your first fruits to the Lord. And that God says that it needs to be a tenth, and then of course there is offering’s as well. He said that the Church is a business and it’s there to make money like any other business….. 😮. My thinking is this…… if it’s true that only 8% give, then there must be a lot of other Christians that somewhat feel the same as this man?!? I strongly disagree with him, obeying God is the only way to a blessed and prosperous life. I’ll close with this verse from Malachi 3:8, and please I would love to hear your thoughts on this issue.

Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, How are we robbing you? In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse-you’re whole - because you are robbing me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this…..

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Over the years, I've met people who didn't believe or pay attention to what the Bible had to say, but it's at a different level now. The visceral hostility I see today amazes me. People want their own "truth," and some are willing to commit violence against anyone who might say otherwise, especially when it's God's truth. I never thought I would see this happen in the U.S., not in my lifetime, at least.

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Another sign of the times and the following news is another one that Israel must act soon.

https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-721537 Iran says it tests satellite-carrying rocket, US calls move 'destabilizing'. Washington fears the same long-range ballistic technology used to put satellites into orbit could also be used to launch nuclear warheads.

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God made Man in his image! We are just like him, most likely that's why we think we are God! When God speaks it is of him, it comes out of him it is who he is! Hence Jesus Christ is the word of God.

We are the same what we speak, what comes out of us is who we are. When we read the Bible it literally changes or thinking or thought process everything about us changes just by reading the word!

The holy spirit is the breath of God! If I speak and there is no vibration you will only see my mouse move and will not understand my words. The holy spirit is the vibration that comes out of us and it is breathed directly from God to us!

Often the word of God is not understood because the holy Spirit was not doing the teaching. No different than if I was speaking without sound vibration you couldn't possibly understand what I was saying.

Think of God and US made in his image as a candle he and we are the wax Jesus Christ or who we are inside is the wick, the holy spirit is the flame or the result of what both God says and we say.

I started with just 5 or 10 minutes 2 days a week reading the word and it changed my entire life! Now some days I'm off I spend three or four hours with him and I can't seem to get enough!

Trust the word of God and spend time in it!

God bless you all today he loves you all so much!

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Beautiful and soul nourishing life giving description of our Awesome Almighty God and many thanks Dr. Hitchcock.

Praying for every believer to surrender anew each new day receiving the fullness of God the Holy Spirit and Friend Jesus sent us to guide and direct and keep us in center of His Will and plan all for His Glory as His Light shine unimpeded by our humanness to the lost deceived and confused and draw them to the old rugged Cross and Eternal Truth and Love. In Jesus name I pray.

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So sad to see how far away so many in our country & the world have fallen & do not believe the Truth & Life & Wisdom from God’s Word.

God warned us this time was coming & I pray for a massive revival & that many will be saved before the Rapture of our Lord.

Thank you Pastor Hitchcock for reminding us how precious God’s Word is & how important it is for us to devour it daily.

God bless you all & please pray for revival in America.


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David Wilkerson saw an incident in his 1973 vision of the Bible being torn fr believers hands. I pray we make up our minds now to b set apart and stand strong it’s not always easy but the reward of peace and renewed strength is worth it along w our heavenly rewards as well. Hebrews 4. God may we b the some tht enter into your rest bc of our faith.

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Happy Sunday everyone!

Pastor Jimmy spoke today at Trinity Fellowship and thought I would share the link for anyone interested. As always, wonderful message!


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