All true believers are weary and so ready for the Lord to come. It is fitting that the new testament talks about our "armour".

Its time we put it on..fight for the gospel truth and also quench the firey darts of those who are of the kingdom of darkness. Victory is in sight..halleujah!! Our King cometh!

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Happy Sunday TP family! I pray you feel a renewal in your spirit! Birth pangs give us great joy not the spirit of fear. We are not brides filled with fear or angst as we tarry on.... our GROOM will return for us. We are precious in His sight and He will carry us through these last end days. We ARE that generation. May you feel encouraged today-- https://youtu.be/Bj_9ikvCx6o ๐Ÿ’›

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I had 3 natural childbirths & I love this comparison in the Bible & how you describe it.

Even during the greatest pains of child bearing I still was looking forward to seeing & holding my baby.

I am a disabled cancer survivor who suffers pain & problems every day. Because of this it makes me look forward to our Lordโ€™s return even more.

Even though I have little money & see prices rising daily, I refuse to worry because God has always provided for me, often in miraculous ways in my past, so I trust He will provide & protect me until He returns or the day comes when I get to graduate to Heaven.


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Even so, come Lord Jesus!

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Is there any way to induce labor?

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Nov 20, 2022ยทedited Nov 20, 2022

You know.... it's strange to me about the timing of Jesus' return and prophetic words that are given concerning individuals. I'm not talking about pew-prophets, but people in leadership who reliably hear from the Lord and it is obvious (by the Deuteronomy 18:22 standard). It's fascinating to hear prophetic words spoken over children and teens who in their *adult* years will be raised up to minister to the nations, etc., etc.

I've often thought "Well... if they reach adulthood that could be another 25-30 years that we have to live in this mess! How is that possible!?" It's not the first time that I've heard these kind of things and had these kind of thoughts. I include myself in this - prophetic words spoken over me by people I know hear from the Lord, but I ponder... "It doesn't seem possible, given the times that we live in..."

I don't have any answers to this paradox, I believe we are in the last seconds before the return of Jesus. I can't IMAGINE this wickedness carrying on for even another 10 years. Maybe the promises of God concerning the call on people carry on into heaven. Anyways... I'm wondering if anyone out there has had this same conundrum of thought lol.

Love you all,

- Steven

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Hi Jolin, ya we might conclude that somebody is way off in their calculations of how close we are to the birthing of the baby, and I donโ€™t think itโ€™s God. I resolve this issue for myself by focusing on the signs of the times as the Bible spells them out and it does appear that we are that last generation, indeed. As in, the end is coming soon! I also keep my ear close to the folks that are already looking up for my own well being, and theirs. We are to encourage one another as we wait, and anyone else that will listen. It is the end of the end and some may not know it until they are flying towards heaven with the rest of us that knew. I have no idea why I picked up that first book in the Left Behind series so many years ago, but Iโ€™m sure glad I did. What God revealed to me there to get the ball rolling, changed everything. ๐ŸŒป

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Praise the Lord!

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I have a question about prophetic words spoken over people...how does that work with an impending rapture? I know people who have had very specific words and promises that have relatively long times lines. Does that mean God isnโ€™t returning until those promises are fulfilled? How does that match God being a God that keeps promises and fulfills prophecy? Does that mean we may still have years? (Ex: Pastor Robert said itโ€™s been prophecied that James will take Gateway from 10 to 100 campuses. Well thatโ€™s gonna take awhile....)

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Then you for this encouraging word. My husband and I are currently in a fiery trial we never saw coming. Itโ€™s unrelenting pressure and we hold onto the fact Jesus is with us in the fire. The hope we will go home soon in the rapture encourages us to leave the cares and things of this world behind.

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My wife and I went to see The Chosen episodes released at the theater on Friday. It was so awesome! I think God will use The Chosen to bring people to believe in Jesus after we are gone.

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Thank you so much, Pastor Jimmy. What a hopeful beautiful way to describe life here and now. I was very blessed in child birth. My pain was minimal, and I did it completely natural. I have been told it was because I have big hips, LOLOL !! Whatever the reason, i was truly blessed!! This world is truly suffering. It hurts me for the young, innocent lives that are in turmoil, and for the older unsaved folks on this earth. They dont understand it at all. All they know is what main stream media tells them, of which most is blatant lies, and the fear mongers that are pushing climate change. Its so sad to me that more folks are ignoring the alarm bells that are going off in their own hearts and minds. Jesus let me know He was there, but i didnt ignore Him. It was like a hunger that could be filled only one way, and that way was Christ Jesus. I was walking my little dog Chloe down the alley to the back door of my apartment building, and on a low wall was laying a book. So, because I love to read , I walked over and picked it up. And it was a brand new Bible. I almost put it right back down. Instead, i took it home. Between that Bible, and my Aunt Donna who i found on facebook messenger about 8 months later, my whole life has changed. It took me a while, and my Aunt telling me about a book called Tipping Point by Jimmy Evans, and then finding all of you, but i finally gave myself over to the Lord, and made Him the Lord of my life, and i have never looked back. Praise the Lord. What if i hadnt been moved to look at that book in the alley? My pount is that Jesus nudges us all to seek Him out, and i wish more folks would take it to heart, and not turn away. I love my Lord and Savior. It hurts me to see what's happening to people as they continue to turn away. Pretty soon their dilutions are going to become all they have. God will give them over to it. Like climate change, and because they chose to believe the lies, they won't know the truth until its to late. I'm so grateful God made me to be a reader, and He knew I wouldn't be able to pass a book just laying there, and it was a Bible. Everyday God amazes me. I still have that Bible. Praise God.

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Canโ€™t wait to be caught up in the clouds with our Lord Jesus!! How glorious and wonderful to share the moment with loved ones!!!

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Amen !

Please take us home Lord Jesus.

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I have had exactly one dream about the rapture and it was about 8 years ago.

I was in a field, like a playground. It looked like Texas in the winter - dry brown grass. There were a group of children, holding hands and singing hymns, and I thought to myself how precious that was. I went to join them, and all of the sudden, their faces became fixated on the sky.

When I turn to look at the sky, I saw what appeared to be a very small cloud. The cloud became bigger and bigger, and itโ€™s like I was given binocular vision, and I could see doors that were opened in heaven. Have you ever seen people pouring out of a movie theater? Thatโ€™s exactly what it looked like except for they were angels and saints, I think, all dressed in white. Pretty soon this enormous cloud formed in the sky and I started running. I saw my wife on the top of a roof. I said to her daddyโ€˜s back!!!!

All of the sudden I start going up into the sky, I will never forget the look of the angels face that was holding open one of the doors. It was not a happy face, it was a very somber fixation on the saints, and on the earth. The angel did not look at me, but was waving me in while continuing to look at the earth. itโ€™s the same kind of expression that I would imagine they gave Lot while he was sent away to a different city, while Soddom and Gomorrah were awaiting judgment. It was a very very serious moment.

Anyways, that was my dream ๐Ÿ™

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