Mark, thank you for giving us such wonderful instruction and information that comes from God's word and your heart! Congratulations on your 100th episode!! to God be the glory for ever and ever!

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Thank you for bringing us these valuable messages. I have been following Dr. Hitchcock for many years. My understanding of end times prophecy is based on the many books he has written. I also followed Marking the End Times on Facebook book until it was taken down. When I discovered him again through Tipping Point Prophecy, I immediately signed up. Once I had access to all the old episodes in the archives, I have watched them all. I look forward to hearing from you, Brian, and Jimmy Evans each week. Thank you and God Bless.

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Wow Ronnie… you are so inspiring! The first post I read from Ps Mark Hitchcock I was hooked! Then, I started reading his books! My favorite so far is Heavenly Rewards, but I love them all!! He’s just as genuine in real life too! 🤗

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Another great show Pastor Mark. It sure is interesting to watch what is unfolding over there. And look at the Iranian problem the way the Jews have to. The more I think about their situation, with a semi-distant destination, the need for refueling aircraft and other logistical needs, the more likely I believe it necessary to strike Iran from within. Or with new types of unrevealed weapons. The pagers for example were a severe blow from within on very specific targets. From what k can see there, Israel has a lot of assets within the Iranian ranks. The other thought is that it will just have to be an intervention by God. Like this war with Hezbolla. Far larger and more powerful than Hamas, they are melting away like hot butter on a summer afternoon. The miracles and success Israel is having are beyond natural possibility and a testament to all of our great prayers and their effects. We serve the One True God.

The topic of demons and possession, ect is a fascinating one. Scripture does have a lot of detail on this and there is a lot to discover. I also hold to the view that demons are the 1/3 of the original angels that rebelled and fell with satan originally. As part of that, it seems they lost their physical bodies and seek embodiment when they can. For example, the legion cast out of the man that asked permission to enter the herd of pigs. This is in contrast to the fallen angels, of Genesis 6 and elsewhere, who did have physical bodies and came and intermingled with human women (and animals I also believe). These characters were referred to as Bene Elohim, (sons of God), which was always used in connection with angels. Going back to demons, Scripture has a really good description of the process in Matthew 12: 43-45: 43 “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”

The house being the person it came out of. The Holy Spirit can live in a house, it can be empty or demons can come and take it over by force (it doesn’t seem by under normal circumstances). We also see the word “unoccupied” there. We look out into the world of unbelievers and see that the great majority are not demon possessed, for example If the Holy Spirit lives in a saved person, it is by the choice of that person. And no demon has the power or authority to come live in that house at the same time or dispossess God, from everything I can see in scripture and in life. There is a big difference between the forceful possession by a demon and the sweeping of the Holy Spirit, guiding and convicting His own.

God bless my TP family.

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Mark, the videos and teachings each week have been such a huge blessing over the last few years! Thank you and all those at the TP family for studying and teaching us God’s Word! I pray for each of you as you have said correctly today that y’all are held at a higher standard! May the Lord flood you all with His wisdom and discernment and provide a hedge of protection over each of you and your families! It was a privilege to meet you at the conference and I can’t wait to meet and hang out with all the TP family in heaven one day! Until then…let’s keep spreading the Good News to people about Jesus and His free gift of salvation and eternity with Him! ◡̈

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Thank you for your service and God bless you all.

My question is, when Jesus comes for his church and the trumpet blows, will everyone actually hear the trumpet?

I look to this answer.

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I wonder about this too. When Paul had his conversion experience on the road to Damascus, and Jesus said, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” the Scripture says that the men traveling with Saul also heard Jesus’ voice. And when the church was filled with the Holy Spirit on Pentecost the first thing that happened was a loud sound of rushing wind and Scripture says a multitude of Jews who were in Jerusalem at the time heard the rushing wind and that’s what brought them together where they then all heard the gospel in their own languages. Although a rushing wind and Jesus’ voice are not the same thing as a trumpet, they’re all audible sounds from the supernatural realm. So, will everyone hear the trumpet blast? I hope Pastor Mark weighs in on this.

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I think Mondo Gonzales from prophecy watchers thinks the Rapture will be a public event

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Thanks, Hello. I hadn’t heard that. Mondo is always interesting. I’ll have to check into that.

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I attended the conference this year after streaming last year. So impressed and was a sense of peace. Thank you for all you do and pastor Jimmy as well

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Thank you for the update Mark. We enjoyed so much listening to your teachings in Alaska and meeting you and Cheryl! I think you would agree with this, but just clarifying: although a believer cannot be inhabited by a demon, Jesus did give the command to his apostles and followers to spread the gospel to those who are: John 14:12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.” For those who are oppressed or indwelt by demons (the unbeliever), God still intends that we are ministers of reconciliation and kingdom priests to those. And what does that look like for believers in the present age?

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Mark , congratulations on your 100th show. Thank you so much to you and Jimmy and everyone involved in bringing us these weekly shows. Wednesdays and Thursdays are my favourite days of the week because of the shows. Bless you all . Warm Regards, Christy in Bath, UK 🇬🇧 😀

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Nice to see someone else from the U.K on here! 😊

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Thank you Mark for all your hard work and dedication in doing this show!!!!!

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I second that. I can’t imagine all the rewards stored up in heaven for both Pastor Mark and Pastor Jimmy, they must be huge. And I’m certain they’ll never cause any church scandals!

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Congratulations on your 100th episode!! I’m so glad I found this and subscribed. I learn so much each week from all the teachers and speakers on this program. Worth every penny! Thank you for your great teaching in God’s Word. It’s so nourishing for our souls. Continued prayers for Israel and I pray more Jews are raptured than left behind. And, may the Jewish people see the love of Christ in His Church more than they see the hatred of satan in this world. Maranatha!

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Congratulations to everyone involved. I really enjoy your channel and rely on it for accurate reporting. I hope PM Bibi ignores the President of the US and eliminates the Iran threat once and for all. Blessings from Canada

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Amen! Amen! Amen!

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Been here since day 1! Thank you Mark and Jimmy! Look forward to your shows every single week!

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100th episode of Marking the End times??? Good heavens, I feel like E should be celebrating 1000 with all I taken from it from the start... Congratulations to you PMark and all of us!

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What's the chance Isreal decides to use aan old atomic bomb on Iran ?

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I think it is rather low under the current circumstances. The problem is a nuke doesn’t destroy the nuclear facilities deep underground. We live in central MT and there is supposedly 22,000+ square miles of minutemen launch sites and facilities and they are all concrete bunkers in the ground. To destroy them, you’d have to land a nuke very close to each of them. There’s just way to much area to try to destroy and there’s other weapons more designed for ground penetration. Now if there were a large conglomeration of forces and assets, those would be better targets under different circumstances, like an imminent invasion, etc. They’ve also been brandished as deterrents by the threat of using on large civilian population centers. I think we are likely going to see some very clever or supernatural means of destroying these assets, when the actual time comes. Just a thought.

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Agree. I found this statement by Gallant very intriguing: Gallant: 'When we respond, Iran won't know what happened or how it happened'

I am absolutely astounded by Israel’s intelligence and capabilities. What they have been able to accomplish NOBODY thought possible. We are witnessing miracles daily.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

Could this be the “silent” disabling assault before the real assault? Again, I am simply blown away by the amazing and seemingly impossible intelligence and attacks that Israel has been able to carry out. As well as the miraculous defensive capabilities. Even when missiles get through, they don’t explode or they land in unpopulated areas. God, and his battalion of angels, are definitely on the job. I mean this is stuff we read about in the Old Testament! What exciting times we live in!


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They won’t have too, as God himself will take care of Iran, Turkey, Russia, and a few other countries (Ezekiel 38 and 39). It appears, however, that Israel takes care of Damascus, and it may be a nuke… (Isaiah 17).

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Yes, that sounds very much like that. And that could be relatively soon.

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When you say Christians can't be abducted (possessed) by demonic spirit, does that include alien abduction? Or are they the same thing?

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They are the same thing. Billy Crone on his GetALife Ministry has a great teaching on that. Watch the interviews with him and Jimmy Evans. So good and you’ll be blessed. Also LA Marzulli has a great teaching on this as well.

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Another great episode Dr. Mark! Very insightful! Thanks for all you do on Tipping Point and in your ministry!

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