Please pray for my entire family. As far as I know, I'm the only believer and the thought of any one of my relatives going through the tribulation is unbearable/unthinkable. Thanks for obeying and sharing the wisdom God has given you!

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Kimberly, pray a perfect prayer aligning it with The Father..that your family member (name) will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ before their life ends..and let it be done!! God honors His own words! 💖

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Thank you Jimmy. Please pray for my children that the would escape the wrath of God.

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Also J Vernon Mc Gee and Dr Renald Showers In His book called Maranatha, The Lord come mention Revelation 3:10 where the church is kept from not in that particular hour of testing that is coming upon the whole world. How wonderful that we shall escape that wrath to come. Yes the early church taught and looked for the coming of our Lord before His Wrath is poured out on those who do not receive the love of His truth. May we be about His business as we look for that Blessed Hope!!

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Hallelujah! We are destined to head to the marriage supper of The Lamb. I pray that we take with us as many souls as we possibly can to glory in Heaven.


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I am continually praying and looking for opportunities to share this information with my family and anyone who would listen. I feel this is my mission in these last days. Please pray that God's words come through me,as I don't want to miss speak or mess up any opportunity God sends my way. THANK YOU JIMMY FOR YOUR BOLDNESS IN THESE TIMES. 💖 Much love and prayers for you and yours as we prepare for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Does anybody else wonder where they'll be when rapture happens? I work steady midnights, so I often wonder if I'll be at work or maybe I'll be driving home from work in the morning. Then I think, what would all the unbelievers think/do, if all us believers at work just disappeared?? And before anybody ask...yes, I do talk to unbelievers at work about salvation that's only in Jesus...well, the ones that are open to talk about Him

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Thank-you for dwelling on this a bit today. The closer we get to the Rapture of the Church, the more it is beginning to really sink in for me, what the Bible says, that we are not going through the Tribulation. No mark-of-the-Beast or the various persecutions that go along with it. No more bad news every day. No more COVID 19. I love the way Tim LaHaye portrayed this in the movies that followed the Left Behind Series. He was trying to bring this home. And I have been able to picture it for years now (through the imaginations of Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins), what those 7 years might look like, for the Tribulation Saints. Yes, there will be persecution and every other kind of world devastation that they will certainly experience, but their Hearts will be turned to Him by faith, and He will guide them, even to the point of death. They are in God’s good hands. They are not alone. And us? We are in Heaven (John 14:1-3, 2 Corinthians 5:8-10, and Revelation 19:1-10) with Jesus. What could be better. Nothing I can think of. In the twinkling of an eye....

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The Mark of the Beast is already here and people are partaking of it now. The one world religion AKA as the New World Order AKA COMMUNISM. We are in the beginning stages of the tribulation. The Mark of the Beast is COMMUNISM, follow and doing what the government tells you to do. Being just like the world, eating their food, using their medicines and drugs, their entertainment, their education system, etc. People are going to be SHOCKED when they realize they were HAD by the government communist agendas and miss Jesus coming because they didn't realize the Mark of the Beast was Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto and the Elites ( about 665 so far have been pushing his agenda) have deceived the world. Rich and poor will line up for wearing the mask, getting their vaccines and whatever else the government tells them to do to push the New World Order. And the covid is just one of the beginning plagues mentioned in Revelation for the End Times.

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This you write I do believe. Pay attention and see that Rev 11:7-12 God raptures the 2 witnesses after they are killed by the antichrist and God breaths life into them after 3 and 1/2 days. There is a pattern.

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Can you touch on the one world religion I’ve been hearing about? I heard they’re opening a one world church in Dubai and the pope is pushing for it? But could this “oneness” lead to a worshipping of the Antichrist?

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The one world religion AKA as the New World Order AKA COMMUNISM. We are in the beginning stages of the tribulation. The Mark of the Beast is COMMUNISM, follow and doing what the government tells you to do. Being just like the world, eating their food, using their medicines and drugs, their entertainment, their education system, etc. People are going to be SHOCKED when they realize they were HAD by the government communist agendas and miss Jesus coming because they didn't realize the Mark of the Beast was Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto and the Elites ( about 665 so far have been pushing his agenda) have deceived the world. Rich and poor will line up for wearing the mask, getting the vaccine and whatever else the government tells them to do to push the New World Order. And the covid is just of the beginning plagues mentioned in Revelation for the End Times.

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I read about it too. It’s called christlam :(

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Hi Kristin, yes, I had not heard this, but if this is true, It fits right in. Thanks for sharing.

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It’s called christlam :(

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What does Isaiah 26;20-21 mean for the tribulation ?

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Hi Randall, these are great verses right!! A preview of what is coming! Come, my people, enter your chambers.... Jesus has gone to Heaven to prepare a place for us, the Bible says. And He is coming back for us soon!

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The prevailing questions in most of the end-time views (pre-mid, pre-wrath, post-trib) are similar to these?

1. Will Christians face God's wrath?

2. When is God's wrath?

3. Are there precursors to Jesus' second coming?

4. Will Christians face the Anti-Christ?

5. Is it correct to interpret The great tribulation as the entire 7 years or is it a shorter period?

6. Are the seals God's wrath? Or are they simply the beginning of sorrows,see Matt. 24

For an excellent discussion of these questions and more see the video below:


God Bless you.

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A question that comes to me often is, "if the Holy Spirit is removed and the Christians are raptured then how will salvation be preach and received during the Tribulation." We know we need the help of the Holy Spirit to accept Christ and Romans 10 says the gospel must be preached." Are there any clear verses that describes how this happens other that the two witness'

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If a person who gets literally saved during the Trib. and decides to take his own life rather than risk beheading by the Anti Christ. what would be his outcome regarding heaven with Christ???

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Jesus says to CHOOSE LIFE! Imagine if Jesus did the same thing, what would that ending look like for us? He was our example. Better to die doing what God called us to do than to kill yourself out of FEAR!

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“But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”—Luke 21:34-36

Could Jesus be telling us all these things can be a snare for us if we are living the ways of the world? If we are diligently seeking Him and His ways and doing the will of the Father He tells His chosen when He is coming. Isn't Jesus telling us WE would ecape the cares of the world that will come to pass( tribulation) and then stand before Jesus? Jesus says in His word we would do greater things them Him.

John 14:12

12 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.

Are we to do greater works to be with the Father?

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I'm not sure I am in agreement with all this. First of all, God prophecied to Abraham that He would save Israel ( the 12 tribes). There are NOT 2 scripture verses that prophesy that christians will be raptured. Secondly, Revelation 11 makes it very clear that the TWO WITNESSES will be KILLED, it's obvious they are working for God's kingdom and won't be RAPTURED. God does things in PATTERNS. Being raptured is not in His pattern. And what Paul stated wasnt a literal physical at that moment statement about removing His wrath from us. Scriptures MAKES it VERY CLEAR. If you BELIEVE in JESUS the SIGNS that follow are you will HEAL people, CAST out DEMONS and speak in languages. See Mark 16:14-20. The GREAT COMMISSION is a requirement for all those who BELIEVE in JESUS!!! Most Christians today have not fulfilled even one of the requirements in the Great Commission and honestly believe God will rapture them away from the world they never spent time trying to HEAL, REDEEM, WITNESS and HELP people to not be of the WORLD.

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Yisreal , Oh are you not in agreement with the pre-tribulation rapture or with the rapture at all because in first Thessalonians Chapter 4 it clearly states that there is a rapture and in a Luke 17 it clearly states that at the coming of the Son of Man it will be like the days of Noah buying, selling, marrying, and given in marriage. So if the rapture is after the tribulation how then will Luke 17 makes sense because we all know that the tribulation is the worst seven years in human history no one’s going to be worrying about Getting married when you’re going to 20 funerals a day just doesn’t make sense. we are not subject to his wrath and Bible also states that only 144,000 people will be protected and the Saints at the time will be over come by the antichrist so it doesn’t make sense so the rapture Hass to be placed before the tribulation also in Revelation chapter 20 Satan is going to be released to deceive the nations but if the rapture is after the tribulation and everyone gets there immortal bodies that means no one can be deceived because we all have resurrected bodies and we can’t sin. and the people that follow satan Will be the number as big as the sand of the sea so how is that gonna work if everyone has their immortal bodies that is ruptured after the tribulation so who is going to be deceived but if the rapture is placed before the tribulation the people that are Raptured Will have the immoral bodies and the people that are saved during the tribulation will go straight into the millennial kingdom and will not have immortal bodies which means they will be able to procreate if they procreate those people are gonna be deceived by Satan and when he gets released. Also the Bible also talks about over straining force that has to be removed before the antichrist is revealed we are that restraining force we have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of us and we are stopping abortion and a normalized LGBTQ so once we are removed (rapture) then all hell will break lose.

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Hi Galen, the key verse is here:

1 Thessalonians 4:15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. The question is: Do you believe the tribulation will be before Jesus comes or after? When God destroyed Sodom, Lot walked out of Sodom. When God destroyed the earth with a flood, Noah and his family survived on a boat. When God saved the Israelites from harsh slavery, they walked out. The Cloud of Witness by Robert Henderson may help you understand better regarding the verses in 1 Thes 4. I believe we will meet Jesus with the dead saints after the tribulation and at Jesus arrival. Daniel has some great references on this. Rev 11 & 12 state Gods witness and saints will go through the tribulation and also the witnesses will be murdered. What do you think the 3 1/2 years means in both 11 & 12? Do you think only the remnant will be tortured by Satan and Christians will leave the earth while Satan afflicts Gods 2 witnesses, the 24 elders who will judge the earth and their followers (offspring)? In verse 12 I believe the offspring is the students of the 24 elders. The 144k that are sealed are the children of the elders and saints who will be protected and not judged ( a free pass for being the children of God's chosen). The interesting verse is 12:1. Who is this BRIDE? and what do all those referneces mean regarding her? Lots of questions and research.

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Sep 12, 2021
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Finally someone on this thread GETS IT!!! And don't forget all the Christians will see the TWO WITNESS DIE and God breath LIFE back into them. I believe Jesus will come during this time while the TWO WITNESSES are dead. And the gifts people will be sending to each other laughing about the 2 witness being dead will actually be gifs. little memes. Oh What a glorious day this will all be!! Jesus is COMING SOON!!!

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Hi Yisrael, it does seem that you are right in saying that you are not always in agreement with the pre-tribulation teachings of the Scriptures.

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We all have to be seeking, learning and praying. God does not give all the answers to one person. He gives revelation to many prophets just like He gives us many Scriptures to establish His commandments and prophecies. God does things in patterns- we must look for the patterns. We must see many prophets also coming into agreement. It's dangerous to follow one man and his teachings. Jimmy gives some great commentary but he is a sinner just like we all are and none of us have it all figured out. We must all come together and ask questions, seek, research, pray and discuss. Asking questions and making statements also helps Jimmy.

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Yisrael Canada I have a question for you....what is your real name? You mentioned asking questions is helpful for all of us, including Pastor Jimmy, but I didn't read any questions in your 2 comments. I've always enjoyed reading questions people ask [here] and enjoy learning from others. Your comments today are filled with BOLD-ALL-CAP statements on what YOU believe. I feel that anyone who has a paid subscription to the Tipping Point is seeking, learning and praying! Pastor Jimmy encourages all of us to read scriptures, discuss, pray, and research, but this happens to be his blog and his platform, where he teaches his beliefs on end times eschatology. He's stated over and over in past posts/TP book that as an "obedient escapist", he wants to encourage and comfort his readers-- always backing everything up with the Word of God. I feel Jimmy honors God and readers with his 40+ years of wisdom/knowledge on end times (and marriage). I do agree with you that we are ALL sinners and that God does not give all the answers to one person. Thank God for His enduring love & grace for his adopted children.

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Hi Kari, these folks can be very hard hitting. There really is a split right now in how the Church views end times. I think Jimmy did an amazing job in this presentation to reveal what the Scriptures say about end times, as usual. Lord come soon!

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Also, is it possible that God uses this platform to be a witness to Jimmy who may not have all the answers? Matthew 15:9

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Hi Kari, see my other post on this thread as I did add Scriptures one being very significant which is Mark 16. Do you believe that those who BELIEVE in Jesus they will HEAL people, cast out demons, etc?

Mark 16:14-18

14 Later He appeared to the eleven as they sat at the table; and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen.

15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.

17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;

18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” I also made comment that God does things in patterns and He shows us patterns. My question or statement is where is the pattern of a rapture in scriptures? God prophecied to Abraham what He would do for the Israelites. Where is the prophesy in scriptures X 2 of a rapture?

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Man I feel so discouraged now :(

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Hi Samantha, I was going back reading some of Pastors old posts (studying:) and saw your comment sandwiched between this maze of comments. The fact that you're leaving a comment here means youre a subscriber, so I hope you don't feel discouraged now. As you already know some people [here] are VERY bold in their beliefs and speak their opinions even more boldly. :) The good news.... Pastor Jimmy faithfully teaches on his website and TP shows weekly from the Word of God and also shares his 40+ years of wisdom. We don't have to agree on everything, but I have to remind myself wading through posts & comments-- praying God opens up our eyes, ears, mind & heart so we can focus on His face. Be encouraged.💛

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Samantha if you are committed to Jesus and doing the will of God and building His kingdom, He will guide, protect and bless you. Seek His will diligently and you will be BLESSED not discouraged.

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Good news!!

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