I LOVED waking up to this post from Pastor Mark!! Y’all if you haven’t read Mark’s book Heavenly Rewards—run buy it today! It one of the best books I’ve read. He does a fantastic job uncovering so many questions we all have about Heaven & New Earth—our eternal home! It’s an easy read but packed full of treasures! It gives practical insight on rewards & how much God loves us!! 💛 Thank you Mark!

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Excellent, Excellent, update today! Wow I was just thinking about the word "update." We really do have an "up"☝-"date" coming in mere earthly seconds....Shedding this mortal, corruptible body for God's great gift of redemption seems so close and so worth it!!! Have a great Sunday today and get a good nap after church. It's the day of rest you awesome family of God! Talk atcha later!

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All praise and glory forever to our wonderful merciful Savior Jesus Christ 🙌🎵♾️

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Gaining What You Can’t Lose…. and we’re not talkin LB’s thankfully! 😃

Your message this morning is very encouraging Pastor Mark, thank you!

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So wonderful! Thank you!

I was just made aware this morning that we are in the Hebrew month of Sivan. Sivan is the 3rd month in God’s spiritual calendar. (3 is whole, complete, perfect)

This month is “Extravagant Provision” (overflowing fullness, extremely plentiful)

To rest in God’s great love and provision

We are in the year of the camel, 5783, now also, Sivan is the month of Gimel, which is camel. Anyone that had a camel had great provision.

Sivan is May 20-June 19.

It is the month of harvest and ripening of wheat.

The Torah (10 commandments tablets) was given to Moses at Mt. Sinai and Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, Acts 1,2 was also during the month of Sivan.

Deuteronomy 28:6, “You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out”.

I am part of the 21 day fast for Israel. It ends on Pentecost, May 28 and we read Isaiah 62. It is so anointed and powerful.

It speaks of the new Jerusalem and the 2nd coming of Jesus. Verse 4; no longer will Jerusalem be called deserted or their land desolate but it shall be called “Hephzibah” means my delight is in her and her land “Beulah” means Bride.

I know how special the Feast of Trumpets is in September but I am expecting amazing things now from the Lord this month of Sivan!! Come Lord Jesus!! Hallelujah!!

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What a great mesage, in my career I got many important medals, always as a surprise... and it felted fantastic.. I can't Imagine how great will be to be rewarded in heaven... for me the grearest reward will be to make it out there.

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Thank you Pastor Mark but as for me, NO REWARD IS NEEDED. Spending eternity with my God is reward enough!

It has been a very long day and I didn't get to read Mark's post until 5:30PM. Couldn't find my cheater glasses so I read the title without them and wondered why he had posted GAINING WEIGHT YOU CAN'T LOOSE! I am still laughing! GBU all!

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Thank you for this beautiful insight into the word. I am grateful to be going to heaven and spending eternity with the One who loves me ! It's going to be a bonus to have anything beyond that.

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I loved this post Pastor Mark . Your insights and scriptures and Godly knowledge is a blessing for us TP folks to stay alert; prepared for His Coming and occupy until our Lord comes. We will see Him face to face and cast our Rewards at His feet and cry. “Glory to the Lamb of God”. Thanks for the update on Rewards study.

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I wake up everyday waiting for Jesus to rapture His church. I am so ready for that moment when I can praise and glorify His name in front of Him and thank Him for His sacrifice for my salvation. Praise be to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

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Yes sir

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This reminds me of one of the most precious old hymns! 🎶 "It will be worth it all when we see Jesus!" One line says: "life's troubles will seem so small when we see Christ.." " One glimpse of His dear face all sorrows will erase!" 🎶

Amen, Amen, Amen!! Come quickly Lord Jesus!

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Thanks for another encouraging message. So many negative things happening in the world!

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