Thank you so much for speaking The Truth & warning us to stay prepared & watchful & share The Gospel with all who will listen.

I pray we all learn & do our Lord’s will for each of us every day.

Since I’ve been disabled from cancer it limits what I can do but I pray that our Lord helps me reach someone every day, through sharing Tipping Point articles & any way I can.

I pray the Lord helps me to Know & Do His will.

Thank you all my TP family for making me feel welcome & teaching me every day how to be closer to our Lord Jesus.

God bless you all.


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Y’all Chris shared a powerful dream & interpretation in the comments today if you missed it. And a new word too! Go look 👀 🔥🔥

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That tennis ball story was choice! I really needed to hear this message today... like a great pep talk.

Following news shows Russia and Iran are really sealing their relationship... tick tock Ezekiel 38-39.


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It sure seems like everything is falling into place.

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It does... not much tweaking left to do as best I can tell.

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UPDATE: I'm going to post this on a couple of threads because it needs to be seen. I received an dream interpretation from one of Kari's friends and I know it's spot-on. I also had another dream last night, received a word of confirmation from my mom, and was led by the Holy Spirit. This is going to be long, so I hope you ate your Wheaties.

The interpretation from my dream on Sunday, 11-6-2022:

Interpretation sent today 11/14/22 — this is from the same friend “S” who interpreted your last dream.

“After time with the Lord below is the words He has given me to share:

The message is clear. The words have been given. The Lord is speaking to a community of people who are living in wealth and riches, in peace and comfort. A people who believe they have their eyes fixed on the horizon, awaiting My return. And yet when I arrive, calling them to Me and to My work, they are not ready. Not in the preparation that they believe are necessary, but in the preparations that are necessary for My kingdom work and My kingdom advancement. I have not called you to a life of ease and comfort, a life of wealth and riches, but to a life of trust in Me. So that when I call you to where I am calling, you go without question and without doubt. but My people are not prepared, it is their hearts that are not ready.

I am not looking on the outside, but the heart. I have made all the preparation to accomplish my work through you in my kingdom, what I ask of you is trust in Me. Wait on Me. Walk in obedience to My words. And you will see My goodness, My fruit in the land of the living.

Now to understand the dream, you are that community, that people, that family. Waiting, watching, in a sea of wealth and riches. The world is before you, your eyes on the horizon, you are looking for Me and yet I have called you to look at the one I have placed before you. Those around you to rescue. I have called you on mission and assignment to rescue the lost and I will meet all of your needs along the way. Instead you choose a different way, your way, not My own. One that is foreign to My word, one that is unknown to my Ways.

When I arrive to take you on a new journey, you desire to continue in your ways. I gently nudge you to Me and My way of trust, My way of obedience, My way of peace. And yet you follow along the path of distrust and disobedience, walking in your own ways. Choosing to hear your words and your ways.

I have revealed to you the significance of the times. I’m calling you to repentance and to return to me. That I might renew your heart and soul. That I might use you in the land of the living to accomplish My good works and to bless you. I have laid before you today the message. Today it is your choice. In returning to Me I will make you new. I will restore and strengthen you to accomplish My good works and bless you along the way.”


A new dream 11-14-2022:

I was in a large empty, old and grungy warehouse. There was dirt, rust, and visible signs the building was in disrepair. There were groups of people milling about, waiting for direction or assignment to a task.

Someone was standing with me and directed my attention to a man dressed in a worn gray shirt and matching pants who was speaking to the groups. His speech was animated while his facial expressions were both pained and annoyed. I overheard the words: “water” and “goats”, but not the rest of what was being said. The people appeared to be focused on the difficulty of the task, the grunginess of the interior of the warehouse, and the lack of supplies, while the leader was trying to focus the group on the task at-hand.

In frustration the leader shouted at the people that they were focusing on the things that didn’t matter instead of the things that do. He told them he had a way to provide for those they were going to help but he needed all of the people to just do the job, one step at a time in the order that he had laid out before them.

The person beside me said “It’s time to get to work!” The dream ended and I awoke.


I was in the car with my mom this morning discussing the state of Christians in the USA. She said that Christians and many churches are too focused on doing what can be seen and making a BIG splash or news-worthy event instead of doing what helps non-believers and those who are downtrodden or ill to see the love of Jesus without receiving thank you’s and accolades. Too often Christians do something for someone else and then announce that action to the world or expect a “thank you”. Jesus told us otherwise - for the left hand to not know what the right hand is doing.


This past Saturday I was sitting in my car waiting in a very long line for something when I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to do something specific. I hesitated because it meant parting with something that I have held onto for a while. I sat in my car and thought about it for a few more minutes when the nudge came again. I reached over and grabbed the item and carefully placed it in the palm of my hand. When the time was right, the Holy Spirit led me to hand it to someone who looked tired and defeated and then to quickly depart. I obeyed and just as I turned away, the person gifted me with a smile that reached to the core of their being – and lit my heart up. “THIS!” the Holy Spirit said, “More of THIS!”

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It’s hard to put this in words but watching the Holy Spirit connect two people who don’t know each other and allow God’s giftings to flow from both is a powerful thing to witness. Reading the interpretation and the new dream, as well as your obedience today giving away something special with immediate validation from the Lord is extraordinary. I pray ALL of us use our gifts from the Lord more than ever before. Give Him our best and our more!!! Please Lord, give us eyes to see, ears to hear, heart to believe, and a mind to understand. We don’t want to miss a single word You are saying to us— may we never miss an opportunity to obey and live radically! 💛 Thank you Chris for your encouragement!!!

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Thank you Kari for being a faithful messenger so that the fullness of His messages can be made known to ALL.

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I just love how God brought us all together, giving us all the courage to use our unique giftedness to bring Him glory, and also sometimes to say those tough things to a special group of people— TP family! For all of us that we’re wiped out Jesus didn’t come 2022 rosh Hashanah when the stand back up courageously shake the dust off our feet and keep moving forward! We STILL have a lot of work to do for the Kingdom or we wouldn’t be here!!!! ☁️🎺🔜

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Wow. I don't even know where to begin. I've been behind here on TP because we have been trying to get everything in from the field. My reply is long as well, but please bear with me:

@Chris: I'm grateful that you are encouraged enough to step out in faith and share just like this. To be honest, I think you would be robbing not only the world, but the rest of the body of Jesus if you didn't. So much here seems to be coming to understanding to me personally, which I won't go into detail about for the sake of length. But the bottom line is that I would not have realized those extremely important things had you not done this. As I said in one of my previous messages to you, I don't understand much of what you see or dream because I am just not gifted with that (not that I am aware of at this moment anyway)...yet? Maybe I will be sometime but as of right now, I don't have those experiences with Jesus.

BUT, what I do have are other members of the body...my brothers and sisters in Jesus...who do. Because you are able to have these and are comfortable enough to communicate them, and because God connected you to another sister through Kari, I am able to understand so much. There is so much here that relates to me personally and makes perfect sense after reading that interpretation.

Part of what I just read here gave me the peace I needed after an interaction I had today. I was ostracized (not complaining here) by close friends who are believers, for a stand I took about children being allowed to transition and the message we are teaching. These people are educators. Anyhow, reading that interpretation of your dream was a message to me that I'm going to be losing friends and even family because of my faith and what I'm unwilling to bend to. I think we all are if we stay the course, and that is in your message there.

I'm personally grateful you shared this because I think it's a clear message that it is time for me to brace and stand firm for how my love for Jesus isn't going to be received in the way it always has.

...Another thought I just had: Is this a reminder or a message that we, or you, or some of us may also need to be preparing for those even within the body of Christ that are going to look at us as crazy, and ostracize us for our beliefs and willingness to communicate these things? I'm not asking for an answer here, but I certainly think it's something we should be prepared for so we don't falter along the way. We (the church) has oscillated between pleasing the world and pleasing Jesus, so is this a call that the time has come to prepare for that fallout, and feelings of walking alone at times in our own communities?

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Thank you Steve. It’s been really hard for me to step out and share these dreams, even with my close family members because they hadn’t understood how or why I get them. My brothers teased me but my parents stood firmly by my side and continued to encourage me to share them. It wasn’t until after my dad passed away a few years ago and they all had dreams that they understood how God works in this area. Pretty sure my dad pulled some strings in heaven to make that happen. 😜

I believe that these dreams are given by our Creator in just such a way that God’s will, direction, correction, or encouragement is easily seen by each individual who He intends to touch. So it doesn’t surprise me when the dreams I have say something different to everyone that reads them. Hopefully that makes sense.

I do believe we have entered a time when it’s time for believers to speak Truth and stop cow towing to the world. From what I’m seeing, our days are short, and evil is separating the sheep from the herd faster than teenagers buying Taylor Swift concert tickets. It’s just gotten crazy. Keep your armor strong and well-placed and keep soldiering on! GBU!

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Thank you for sharing your big heart with us Steve!!!! I really believe what you shared in your last paragraph so many of us are feeling too. We need to stand firm, protect, prepare, and proclaim but also look out of for the wackadoodles!!!!!

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Thanks for posting Chris! This is the perfect plan for what we do while we wait! It is definitely time to get to work! Our beautiful Country has gotten very grungy in these end times days.... Time to shine the Light of Jesus brighter than ever, before poof, we are gone to be with Jesus. God has given you an amazing gift to share as He leads you. And thanks Kari for providing the help with the interpretation, as we ponder this word in our hearts. Blessings to all!🌻

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You had a powerful dream too Kris!!!! God is speaking and we’re listening! But like you said, US looking weak & grungy as well as globally! Amir’s Telegram is blowing up this morning. This really made an impact on my heart today— especially after all the comments about real life zombies coming to our world soon (after we’re gone!) 💛https://t.me/beholdisraelchannel/12265

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Hi Kari, yes I did. I am still holding that dream in my Heart as it was quite alarming and I am still testing the spirit.... But so far, it does seem to be on point. I am bracing myself, and staying close to the Word at this time. Love you! Jesus is the King of Kings! To Him be the Glory!! Thanks for all you are doing with the adoptions! What a Blessing!! 🌻

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Did you catch up on Amir’s Telegram today— it’s so true his statement on US 😔 & the church. He shared what you just said study & know the Word!

“If you stay tuned to the Holy Spirit, you’re about to understand how close it is for us to soon be out of here.

I see the global direction. Nothing can ever be great again. Forget about the world - Most of the church is either silent or switched sides to the woke one. Please stay on the remnants side.

Let’s stop the sensationalism clickbait videos and go back to the Word.

Being in the Word is being with the Lord. More than ever before the believers are called to STUDY and KNOW their Bible. Deception is about to increase and most of it will come from within the Christian world.” 💛 Love you too, dear friend!

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Rachel - I completely understand your feelings and how exhausting it can be. It’s hard because it’s not the norm, but if it was the norm then it wouldn’t open people’s eyes to God’s messages. My dad told me years ago that whenever I have dreams or visions from God, I need to write them down and share them because God’s not giving us these to disrupt our sleep or freak us out (although it usually does), but to alert a person, the Church, or the world. Writing them down also allows me to then sleep deeply. The hardest part for me has been stepping out in faith and sharing the messages because I don’t want to look like a weirdo or lunatic. I hesitate a LOT. Way more than I should, but this community is a supportive and knowledgeable community and not only do we have your back, but some have the gift of interpretation and can make sense out of some of what we see as weird. You’ve been given a gift that’s meant to be shared. I know this is incredibly difficult but swallow your fear and insecurity and feel free to share what God has shown you.

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I understand. I never thought to write it down until my dad suggested I do so. Once I started doing that I could see more of what God was doing and where He was leading me. Maybe start with writing down the dreams and words you receive throughout the day. You might, like me, be surprised. Either way - thanks for stepping out and sharing that you also have dreams and such. I appreciate it.

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Hi Rachel, you might want to journal those dreams, as you would be able to follow what God is saying to you over time.... Many with this gift do so, and it is truly amazing what bares out over time... 🌻

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My friend S has hundreds of “dream” journals. I had a few interesting dreams one I could actually feel the poison from the dead snake’s fang when it dripped on my hand. God told me to ask S to interpret my dream and God gave her a powerful word to share. It was completely opposite what I thought the dream meant, and it actually saved us from making a really bad ministry decision. It was a warning and we listened & obeyed. 💛💛🔥

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I hope you keep this sister on speed-dial. See my reply to Chris. I don't even think my reply communicated a fraction of how this spoke to me.

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Oh glory!! Please send it!! 🌻

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Hey Chris, I've been hunting for you today ;) I sent you a FB pm and left you a comment where you posted your dream last week. I have an interpretation for you.... a powerful word for the entire TP group, but wanted you to see it first. Feel free to fb or text me. 💛

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Just got home and saw your message. I’m calling you now

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Are y’all seeing what’s happening in Poland— a NATO nation! 🤯 I hope Pastor Jimmy does a 911 video for all of us keeping us updated. If article 5 will be enacted - World War 3 can start! All sides are aware of it! “Article 5 states that an attack on one member of NATO is an attack on all of its members. Despite its importance, NATO has only invoked Article 5 once in its history—in response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Pentagon cannot yet confirm or deny the information about the fall of Russian missiles in Poland.

“I don’t want to speculate when it comes to our security commitments and Article 5. But we have made it crystal clear that we will protect every inch of NATO territory,”

(Global Telegram)

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Imagine U.S. and Poland will know soon if it was deliberate. Tick tock...

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Tick tock indeed

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Poland just activated Article 4 of N.A.T.O. Treaty.

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Just to supplement what Kari has informed us of... Amir https://youtu.be/J1cMFrxvg7I

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Been looking at Telegram / Amir all afternoon. Crazy stuff.

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And.... bye bye Nancy Pelosi!!!!! WOW!

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Wow! Tic tock

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David, have you heard from SlamDunk? He hasn’t been back on in awhile and was gearing up for surgery. Hope he’s doing ok

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Actually, I don't think I have. I usually notice, but I have been suffering with a lot pain, and my head has been kind of numb. Not thinking straight. Praying a lot. I hope he is OK. I will add him to my prayers. Let me know if you hear from him. Please, sweety. Truthfully, I haven't been hearing from you much either. Are you doing ok? Your family? Sente, Fiker, and baby Abigail? I pray all is well. Love you hon🧡🌻

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Hi sweet V.... Yes, all is well. I've been on overload at work (it's Adoption month at our church) and doing some amazing things to bless foster kids. I also got to spend the weekend with my boy in MO for his bday. Sente, Fiker and baby Abigail need our prayers. She's so tiny (born 2 months early) and still in the NICU. She's not been feeling well these past few days. Pray Big!! Thank you for checking in with me. 💛

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Praying Big for baby Abigail and her Momma and Papa

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Kari, no hear from him. His surgery I'm pretty sure is Nov 28th. I've noticed he sometimes disappears for awhile. Hope he's ok, too.

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Cannot be reminded enough with this message. It’s so easy to be consumed with our immediate life circumstances that we can easily forget our purpose for each day. Lord please help us to do

Your will by being vigilant each day to live as it is possibly our last day on this earth, so that we may please You with the results of what we do!

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Yes, very timely indeed. Keeping the main thing the main thing.

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Tha was so good! Just what I needed to hear. Thnk you.

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Monday. News is bad this morning. Shooting at UVA. Suspect still on the loose. My verse for the week... John 16:33 “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Thank-you Jesus. 🌻

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Thank you so much for explaining what it means to wait for the Lord! I have never heard this before!

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Excellent advice! Amen, Amen, Amen. Maranatha!

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Loved your post Jimmy. We are not victims looking to be rescued. We are the victorious warrior bride of Christ. We are called and equipped to live circumspectly in times of potential for great fear and confusion. We are lights in the darkness.

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Thank you so very much Pastor Mark this was exactly the message I needed today.

during my quiet time this morning in Romans eight I just kept praising God over and over and over for his grace and mercy and all the things working together for good in my life, and then asking for strength to be the greatest missionary ever in all of my life. to look and pray and hear and listen for opportunities to share Jesus’ Love.

There are so many around us that are completely oblivious that their life is just about to end as they know it, life on this earth as they know it, and they are running headstrong into an abyss that will completely take them by surprise. God give us chances just share your love.

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Great article on being prepared for Christ return. We do need to share the gospel with boldness and love.

We can help fellow believers wake up. Woke pastors who don’t want to rock the boat or take a stand against the evil all around us. We have people in our churches who think their saved but may not and could here from Jesus, “I never knew you”.....

AtCalvert Chapel Chino Hills (Jack Hibbs church) this morning, a guest speaker rocked my world on what He’s doing to fight for the unborn. His organization, “White Rose Resistance”, is an inspiring story and ongoing mission to fight for the most vulnerable, babies in the womb!!!

I learned so much about the real truth about the so called “pro-choice” movement I’ve never heard before. I’m sharing a link below for you to listen and hopefully share with other believers.


If you want to save time, just fast forward thru the worship music and announcements, and be prepared to hear truth like I’ve rarely seen about abortion.

I pray that we, as a community, will take a stand against abortion or whatever God calls you to....Please listen and share!!


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Thank you for that admonishion. I need that word today.

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I read this on the plane coming back from MO last night and this is a keeper! Pastor Mark, what an encouragement helping us gain more understanding on Mark 13. It's a packed full chapter and this really helped me as I continue to protect, prepare and proclaim! We had a tragic event happen in the skies over Dallas this weekend.... the same air show (and planes) in Haslet (over our home) just two weeks ago. We never ever know when it's our last second on earth.... it will happen in a twinkle of an eye. I pray these six people who died knew Jesus as their Savior. Praying for their families.... and our TP family this week. 💛

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Love this! It's a reminder we need to be watching for Jesus. Got my eyes taped open! 👀

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Steve-O did you see Chris’s dream interpretation? It’s powerful! Would love to hear your thoughts …..

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Thank you Pastor Mark, and Amen. Wonderful article. What could I possibly add to that. God bless you and yours, all our Pastors and all the Tipping Point Family!! 🙏💜✝️✡️✝️💜🙏🌻🌻

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Love you sweet V .... it's always a joy to see you on here praying for your TP family! 💛

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Absolutely magnificent teaching here Mark - very challenging for us all. Many thanks for that 🙏😊

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