Sep 18·edited Sep 18

This is ongoing and escalating. Amir’s channel is blowing up. Yesterday, Israel triggered and blew up the pager system of the Hezbollah terrorists.

Today, they are doing the same thing to a type of “walkie-talkie” two way radio they have. Also some cell phones. Heavy casualties reported. Complete chaos at the hospitals with dead and wounded terrorists. Complete disruption of their ability to communicate. This may be a kind of preemptive strike before invasion.

Very interesting and precision strike against terrorists! And While I understand and support the strong move against the vile enemies of Israel, one of my big concerns in seeing this is to wonder how long it will be until this tactic is used against civilians around the world in terrorism. We live in perilous times. More and more, we come to realize how much we depend on God as our shield and safety.

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Keep your old phones and no new TVs. Anything that is smart. How much stuff was tampered with when it’s sitting offshore and all the new people we have unloading these barges and warehouses. It’s getting more more more crazy out there folks. I just read on facebook Pope Frances new one world religion speech. And I posted that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. So I’m glad I don’t have a new phone. It’s a smart phone but 5 or 6 years old and I live with on internet and no TV. My smart pickup in a 2012. So I may have a chance lol

Beam us up SCOTTIE!!!!

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That’s for sure. The newer, smarter stuff might not be so smart in the end.

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Justin, I was just getting ready to send this to you but I see you have already watched. It is very concerning. Wow! Who would have ever thought that we would be living in times like these.

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That’s a crafty, precise strike. It keeps escalating, right on schedule it would appear.

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Israel is a genius! God fights for His people and everyone who comes against them will be cut to pieces!!

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Great Job Israel! Please don’t let this opportunity to conquer Hezbollah, slip!

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Ok, I get it now. The big war that Brian was talking about yesterday on his Show, was Armageddon!, not Gog and Magog. That makes more sense now because he is talking about China… That threw me at first because we are not used to talking about Armageddon so much around here because we are not going to be here. But I get it now. Great conversation! 💜

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Title should be how God has dealt with all of Israel enemy

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I’m counting down to the conference. It’s going to be so good to hear what the Lord is telling the speakers and those listening during this time . When you get that many like minded people together for the Lord , WOW !!!!

I pray for safe travels to all and the Lord to be with you ! ❤️

Rapture ready for sure !

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I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.Ezekiel 39:3

WATCH what God does!!

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This is something that terrorists do to their own people and frame Israel for it. Israel do not fight in this manner. Car bombs and roadside bombs are what the terrorists use. Israel will be quiet and busy winning scientific prizes for their contributions to humanity as long as terror groups leave them in peace. No army has ever profited from attacking Israel.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Why aren't you giving God any credit for giving Israel wisdom to accomplish this?

Also, you're laughing and joking about people being blown up and blinded. I'm 100% for Israel, but I'm not going to joke about the maiming of a person.

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