Such a great word. One of the dreams I had in the past couple years was actually being raptured and taken to heaven with all of us crazy God lovers here. When I got there though, I was so sad thinking about all the people not there. I can’t say this is actually what would happen but I think it was just to show me Gods heart for the unsaved ones. He wants them just as much as you and me. Anyways, it made me look at it a little differently. I’ve been doing everything I can the past couple of years to get the gospel out. Whether locally or around the world. This dream really stuck with me.
Hi Mr. Burt! I love your ability to reflect on your experiences! I think maybe because it reminds me a little of myself at this point in my life. I spent so many years living with a hardened heart, hypervigilant about every person within my view, and actually living in a "fight-or-flight" mode. It was ingrained in me from my life experience. I've loved Jesus all my life from a child, but I never really understood or surrendered until the exhaustion of trying to fight the trauma of war and losing a child brought me to my knees. Shortly after really giving that fight to God, I noticed the changes he was making in my heart and the healing he was bringing to my life. That same ability to feel and reflect that you have is one of the greatest changes I noticed.
I love how you mentioned that you think it was God’s way of communicating His love for those who didn’t choose Him at that time, because those unspoken messages are where I hear God the most. It really tells so much about you as a follower of Jesus, a person, and how much you seek to hear His voice. Not only that… I believe that it shows just where you are in your relationship with Him!
Thank you for the reminder that God always has a message for me if I will just listen. I love how His Holy Spirit will always use the words of another believer to make us hear something the other believer didn’t even say! I’ve really enjoyed reading your post’s and reflections, and happy you are here!
Steve, thank you for the kind and affirming words. Sharing those things with me and the experiences and paths we walk is such a great fellowship I have found on this site. Thank you so much for reaching out. In am so happy to be in such a great community and thank you for being part of it.
I have a close friend who has “walked away” from her faith and is very set on living her life for her. I pray all the time for her and try to love her where she is. I’ve tried to bring the subject up a few times but she always gets so defensive. I don’t know that there’s anything else I can do… but I would love this community to pray for her. I’m so worried she will be left behind..
Jesus is the Good Shepherd and He knows your best friend better than she knows herself. He will seek her out! Release her to the Holy Spirit. Just love her as a precious friend.
I was found of the Lord (saved) 43 years ago and have been enthralled with the fact that Jesus would appear in the clouds one day to raise the dead and then we who remain will be changed being set free from our sin marred earthly bodies and receive our glorified heavenly bodies which alone can enter heaven. My beloved husband's ashes are in an urn on my dresser almost 7 1/2 years now and when Jesus comes in the clouds in the rapture his ashes will become his glorious heavenly body along with all those no matter where or how their physical bodies died to be united with their spirits and souls forever.
2 Timothy 4:7-8 TPT
I have fought an excellent fight. I have finished my full course with all my might and I’ve kept my heart full of faith. There’s a crown of righteousness waiting in heaven for me, and I know that my Lord will reward me on his day of righteous judgment. And this crown is not only waiting for me, but for all who love and long for his unveiling (coming.)
Jimmy, this was a beautiful word and encouragement how to prepare for the rapture. Thank you for this much needed reminder that we need to continue to love big and serve big! We don't want to leave this place missing a single divine appointment. Personally, I've been deeply convicted to share the good news with strangers. I work in the ministry and my family are all believers, we are kind & helpful to our neighbors, but there's more, so much more we need to be doing. We have a lot of work to do. I want to live a life with no! Pastor John Lindell spoke on this very subject of witnessing this week and I wanted to share with y'all. ....It's a fantastic message titled Living Under an Open Heaven. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Maranatha!💛
Pastor Jimmy I had that bumper sticker on my car when I was first saved in 1978
and I had a lot of honks and weird looks from fellow drivers. I realized they had no understanding of the statement so I got a new bumper sticker with John 3:16 printed in its entirety on it. Then I got double honks and their index fingers pointing up. PTL!
"Most importantly, tell others about Jesus." Amen!!! Thank you for this timely article. I really appreciate all the effort you guys go through to encourage and inform others. God bless you guys.
Just wondering, has anyone watched Jan Markell hosting pastor Billy Crone on her last YouTube posting from 3/18/22? It is entitled, Can One Man Save the World? These are some pretty reputable end-times watchmen here, reporting on some very mouth dropping stuff. This is a whole new twist on what may be going on with the Russian/Ukraine war. Take a listen. 🌻
Hi Kris ....... just watched it and "speechless" doesn't describe it ........ Satan is absolutely backed into a corner and mass deception / tragedy on humanity is unfolding right before our eyes ..... We know that God's plan cannot be thwarted so we'll do our part to stay alert and inform others ....... Thanks for sharing :)
I know. I was totally shocked at the direction they were going…. I have been watching and praying to see if it is confirmed elsewhere. Hard to believe, but anything is possible…. Just look what happened to Judas….. 🌻
Hi David, I also agree with Kari's answer as I learned about Billy Crone recently. He's a Christian and quite verse on end times (I thought Jimmy Evans interviewed him). I actually purchased his documentary "Hybrids, Supersoldiers, and the Coming Genetic Apocalypse" (I found it extremely revealing and relevant to current world end time events). As far as the WEF, my opinion is that Satan is absolutely using that organization to usher in a one world order and control human beings all over the globe. I think a "normal" human being would have a hard time making up the stuff like the WEF ("you'll own nothing and you'll be happy")...... Bizzaroworld IMO.
We're on the same page as far as the WEF hype-train but the fact is that it's gaining momentum ........ You may have seen the WEF commercials prepping everyone ..... this is just a sample ..... I also agree we (believers) won't be here, but I'm using the WEF nonsense happening in real life to help my kids understand what those left behind after the Rapture can expect. They're having a hard time believing this stuff (one world order) will actually happen and my hope and trust is that they'll remember and turn to Jesus during those days ....... I believe God will save them during the Tribulation. It feels like we're watching a movie of events (except it's real life) just prior to the Rapture ........ It's all good.
Hey David wanted to let you know 100% Pastor Billy Crone is pre-tribulation. I just read his book on the Rapture— it’s fantastic! Heavy scripture based and easy read. Blessings
I like your sign, that’s a good one. I am thinking all of our things like that which will be appreciated in those times by those that find them. God bless and thanks for sharing that.
What does the Bible say about someone wanting to be left behind because of a child or husband being left behind? Will I be sad up there seeing potentially my child or husband down here dying a gruesome, torturous death. Would it serve me right because I failed in getting them to heaven with me. Am I supposed to feel that type of grief?
I am not sure if we will be watching or not or paying the kind of attention we would be with our earthly minds. I don’t see it as God punishing you (serve you right) because of your failure. I always try to remind myself and my kids it is our job to deliver the message, both in word and works. It is their heart that must open to the gospel. And ultimately, God can change hearts too as we see in the Bible and in stories around us. Everybody will be responsible for the choices they make, for good or bad. I often feel this weight too until I remember that I can only complete one part of Gods work in delivering the message. I see what you are talking about in my own family. So much of a heart issue over a mind problem. God bless you for caring so much 😊
I have often wondered how Lot felt about his wife turning to a pillar of salt? Was he sad, or mad? I have many emotions about those who are still in limbo about the Rapture, or even Salvation by faith in the finished work of the cross, for that matter. I pray Jesus captures their heart. 🌻
How Lot felt about his wife turning into a pillar of salt ... was he sad, mad or possibly glad! Sorry for my sick humor, I had my second epidural cortisone injection for sciatica a few hours ago and I get loopy and goofy as a result.
Yikes! Sciatica, that smarts! Have you tried deep tissue massage? Yes, possibly glad…. I Hope not though. I feel mostly sad, as I wish they could see what I see, and I pray they do. Hope those injections help. That is some serious pain… Jesus take the pain away. 🌻
Thank you Kris for your concern. An MRI showed stenosis (narrowing) at the base of my spine from arthritis and age which then presses on my sciatic nerve down my hip and leg to my toes. A kidney stone is more painful but passes. I have had PT, massage and now these two cortisone injections but no relief. I never understood someone telling me that they had chronic pain but now I have empathy for them. In Shakespeare's A Mid Summer Night's Dream there is a line that I relate to, "She may be little but she is fierce."
God is in control and I hold to the scripture, "Heal me oh Lord and I will be healed. Save me oh Lord and I will be saved. You are my praise." Soon I will get my glorified heavenly body. My earth suit has served me well and I know God even has a purpose for allowing this sciatica. It sure has caused this go go go gal to slow down!
Hi Edge. I felt compelled to leave a brief reply because I also have adult kids (and other loved ones) who are aware, but are not believers, and will likely be left behind. Although I also grieved here on earth (similar to how you described it), I woke up one morning not too long ago and there seemed to be a weight lifted off my shoulders. I wanted to share this with you hoping it would help. The three comforting thoughts I had on my mind that morning were 1) All of my loved ones know where I stand regarding having a personal relationship with Jesus for eternal salvation and I continue to remind them of biblical truth in the way I live my life. 2) In heaven, we, who have been raptured will have a much clearer understanding of God's perfect holy nature and we will not be sad because of that. 3) Because our loved ones will find themselves left behind, they will be compelled to believe (and not take the mark of the beast) because of the footprints we have left behind when we were with them. I continue to pray for them and talk with them, but I am comforted beyond words. Take heart, as I believe that God will save them after the Rapture ........... God Bless!!!
No doubt we'll continue to do our part while we're here on earth, but we'll keep our head up in victory knowing we've done our very best to place our loved ones in God's hands. He has commanded us not to be afraid nor anxious so keep moving forward with a smile on your face ....... It will be OK :)
I know how you feel Edge but you have the Holy Spirit in you and you will go up in the Rapture if you believe. Something that eased my mind was I made a list of all my loved ones and friends, even my beloved pet, and by name I gave each of them to God, praying that they would find Christ before the tribulation, but giving each one to the Father was like placing each one in His hands. Watch this video by Brenda Weltner regarding this prayer, you can insert names in it. it gave me such a peace and still continuing to pray that they hear His voice.
Please pray for our nephew who is not only dealing with drug abuse but gender identity issues. Pray he will be released from these demons and be made whole and have clarity of mind. Pray for my brother and his wife that they have the strength to get through all this as my brother has cancer as well. I know the Lord can heal and do all we ask in His name!
Maybe for Lent we should give up our hesitancy about speaking to other people about their immortal soul. If we are serious about the lost, invite them to church, pray for them, make sure they know you care. We are afraid to be rejected, we forget that Jesus said that just like Him, in the end, we would be hated. We are seeing that happen more and more. We must speak out in love if we really do care about our fellow man and where they will spend eternity.
However, there’s one thing I can NOT wrap my brain around. Once we’re raptured, those left behind will freak out on our disappearance…the loss of a loved one!! They will be in a state of SHOCK, right?!? I’m sure some of us have experienced the enormous grief of a loved one’s untimely death and it HURTS TREMENDOUSLY! Those left behind will be in a state of major confusion with UNSPEAKABLE CHAOS forthcoming!!
One thing several of my Christian friends have brought up is: what should we do with our pets? Some of them have mentioned putting their pets down so they won't be left to fend for themselves. I don't have any answers for that question.
One of the problems with that is that it is not known the day or hour (or year) the rapture will happen. Putting pets down because of speculation that it will happen immediately is probably unnecessary waste of life. It is also not trusting God with them after we’ve gone. Also, animals are extremely resilient. We should make reasonable preparations as much as possible without that becoming the focus. Our focus needs to be the unsaved people, just like Gods focus is. He would leave the 99 safe ones to go find the 1 lost one. God will take care of the animals. There is a verse in Job that talks about how He counts down the days until the mountain goats give birth to their young. Demonstrating His love and excitement for the birth of His creation. They are important to Him as
Karen, I too have a 6 year old Boston Terrier whom I named Tuxedo. Also rescued a Puggle named Sammie who is believed to be 11. They are so much company and like Jesus give me unconditional love since I have been widowed these last seven years. Again in 2 Timothy this time verse 1:12 the WORD OF GOD SPEAKS through Paul: "I know in Whom I have believed and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him until that Day."
Tuxedo and Sammie will encounter God's plan for them and I am at peace.
I have asked the Lord to provide exactly what my bordercollie and cat needs, when the time comes. But I still have extra water buckets always filled up inside and outside. And when I take her for walks I use a thin rope through her harness clip just incase ... bc if I harpazo at that moment, the rope can slip right out. But honestly, I like to believe no matter what, my pets past and present will be in heaven and why not? If during the millenial period children will sit by disgusting, ugly 🐍 🕳 which suggests to us snakes will be there 👎 and we will be coming back w Jesus riding horses ... then my beautiful loving dogs can be there too. When it comes to God there are no limits. His creation is endless. The universe is so vast we have no comprehension. He put alot of detail into each of our pets w specific personalities. I won't believe He could careless what happens to them. That is not the God I serve. And I have no problem being in charge of Heavens Doggie Daycare. ALL dogs are welcome...don't put me in charge of kitchen duty/ food prep.
Hi Melissa and BordercollieMom! This makes me think of a past Tipping Point show where Pastor Jimmy talked about our pets going in the rapture. I wish I knew exactly which episode so I could link it, but it was a few years ago I think. In a nutshell, PJimmy acknowledged that the Bible didn't answer that question specifically, but he reminded us that for those questions that are unanswered in scripture, we have to revert to the nature of God. God knows our hearts and desires, and He loves everything that we love (only on a much greater scale!), and PJimmy stated that it just doesn't seem to be God's nature to not account for our pets because He knows how precious they are to us. PJimmy also stated that the Bible tells us that there will be animals in heaven. Revelation 19:11 even tells us that Jesus returns on a white horse with us at the end of the tribulation, so as PJimmy stated (paraphrased) "If there are horses in heaven, I can't imagine God not taking our animals into account because He knows how precious they are to us."
I don't know if this helps, but it certainly gave me comfort to hear, and also reminded me that I can rest easy in my faith in Him to know that He has His hand on every single aspect of life and He is there...even when I can't see Him. :)
I found it!!!! It took forever, but here's the Show where Jimmy talks about our pets/animals being left behind in the rapture. Hope this helps.... and get the Heaven book too! Chapters 39&40! ☁️🔜🐳🐶🐱
HA! I knew it was just a matter of time! I could just see you sitting at your computer with your brow furrowed, and tongue sticking out of your mouth while looking for it🤣 If there is anyone that can find it, it's you. Man, if you don't remember which episode it was, it takes a lot to go back through and listen and search for it!
I think I'm going to start a spreadsheet with dates and keep track of the issues PJimmy discussed so we don't have to spend so much time searching. 🧐 Grateful for you Kari!
Ditto!!! I love that about Kari too - she cares that much. What a gift! I never used to give the pets too much thought until my daughter showed up on my doorstep with my Jewish cat Amos. That cat is the bomb! And John and I can’t get enough of him. But mostly I thank the Lord for him. I know he also is a gift. A gift from God to make this life just a little bit sweeter. Could God actually be that kind? He could. It totally blows my mind….And I receive the gift. It is more than I could have thought or imagined… What a great God we have. 🌻
Yeah? YEAH! It will take a little work on the front end, but it's something I would love doing. Once I get enough information in it to be of help, I'll share it with you as a collaborative document in case you ever want to edit or reference it.
And you know Steve, how much more God cares for our unsaved family members we are beseeching for Him to lift the veil from their eyes and turn to Him. All our praying cannot be in vain. Whether they are caught up w us or they will have to come to faith through the Trib.
Sally just asked the same question Melissa, so in case it's missed in all the comments.... I want to encourage you to buy the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn. Chapters 39&40 will answer your questions about animals and pets. Here's a quote: "Christ proclaims from his throne on the New Earth: "Behold, I am making all things new" (Rev 21:5 ESV). It's not just people who will be renewed but also the earth and "ALL things" in it. Do all things include animals? Yes. Horses, cats, dogs, deer, dolphins, and squirrels--as well as the inanimate creation--will be beneficiaries of Christ's death and resurrection." You'll love this section....and the rest of the book, too! Jimmy has shared a few times that it's his opinion that our beloved pets will join us in heaven. Enjoy those critters until the twinkle of an eye... 💛
I forgot to ask, but did anyone else see the full blood moon (red/orangish) last night to end Purim? We're in Texas and it was absolutely stunning. Our whole family ran out oooo'ing and ahhh'ing! Wish I could post the pic here. Keep looking up
We sat in a parking lot with ice cream to get the best view in Austin :-) absolutely stunning. Reminds me God is in the details, He had to have put on that Purim show intentionally!! 🥰🌅
Isn’t that interesting? I’ve thought about that so many times with the creepy, crawly, poison type stuff. Some of the creation science stuff I’ve watched for instance, has talked about how the poison of snakes is no longer poisonous in a high oxygen/pressure environment. Like the one before the flood. Also under electric shock the poison becomes neutralized. It is also very high in protein. They also didn’t used to strike the heel or crawl on their belly. Ticks are currently blood suckers and carry disease. Maybe they liked plants before ha ha. We are going to find out what an amazing design and purpose everything once had before sin changed everything.
I have already asked the Lord for my pet to be raptured with me. God knows how we love our pets. I wish I could help more, but we're all in the same boat.
Tracy and Maggie, I too have prayed over my dog children Banjo and Dixie and asked Jesus to please rapture them. Then I raised my son’s paw, Banjo and asked him to invite Jesus into his heart. He looked at me with his cute brown eyes as if he understood and gave me a kiss. LOL I love my animals and truly hope God knows how much they mean to us. I too leave extra water bowls out just in case. But am banking on them being raptured as well. 🙏🐶
I want the Rapture so bad but I also know that my Daughter and her Boyfriend have said they are no longer practicing Christians. I assume they never really were christians to begin with. You can't truly experience Christ Love and walk away with out guilt of walking away. So I'm leaving it up to God to woo her back. She doesn't want to listen to anything I have to say.
Question #1: My most pressing concern is the interpretation of Jesus's phrase "This Generation". For a long time now, it has been said this means the generation after the 1948 birth of Israel. But do we know this to be ABSOLUTELY TRUE? Can it also/instead mean "The Human Species", which is closing in on being genetically defiled?
Question #2: Why are we so dogmatically set on "This Generation" being 70-80 years??? Can't this also be interpreted as 120 years, since that is the time apportioned to limit man's years? If so, wouldn't that mean (according to Question #1), that Jesus return could be as far out as 2068AD???
BTW, I am struggling with staying hopeful for a "soon" return.
Hi Nathan, good questions. I would take the 120 year span to be a max cap on age. Not a typical generation. I believe it is described as 70 years, 80 if having extra strength for most people that would comprise a generation. It would seem this is a reference to recognizing the season of return. It also says the end will come like a flood. Which are rapidly progressing and unstoppable events. Kind of the progression we are seeing now. I would say it’s safe to say we are witnessing the beginnings of sorrows/birthpains (pestilences, wars/rumors of wars, famine). The world can’t survive a prolonged timeline of these kinds of events (if the days hadn’t been shortened, no flesh would be saved). I know when I’ve grappled with things at times, I always fall back on the absolutes of God for comfort. Love, justice, mercy, control of events, goodness, holiness and so on. These are the only immovable, fixed points we can see at times, in this rough sea we ride in. It would appear His return is very near. But for every day we have is another opportunity. To do things we will wish we had, once we get there. Blessings to you 😊
Such a great word. One of the dreams I had in the past couple years was actually being raptured and taken to heaven with all of us crazy God lovers here. When I got there though, I was so sad thinking about all the people not there. I can’t say this is actually what would happen but I think it was just to show me Gods heart for the unsaved ones. He wants them just as much as you and me. Anyways, it made me look at it a little differently. I’ve been doing everything I can the past couple of years to get the gospel out. Whether locally or around the world. This dream really stuck with me.
Hi Mr. Burt! I love your ability to reflect on your experiences! I think maybe because it reminds me a little of myself at this point in my life. I spent so many years living with a hardened heart, hypervigilant about every person within my view, and actually living in a "fight-or-flight" mode. It was ingrained in me from my life experience. I've loved Jesus all my life from a child, but I never really understood or surrendered until the exhaustion of trying to fight the trauma of war and losing a child brought me to my knees. Shortly after really giving that fight to God, I noticed the changes he was making in my heart and the healing he was bringing to my life. That same ability to feel and reflect that you have is one of the greatest changes I noticed.
I love how you mentioned that you think it was God’s way of communicating His love for those who didn’t choose Him at that time, because those unspoken messages are where I hear God the most. It really tells so much about you as a follower of Jesus, a person, and how much you seek to hear His voice. Not only that… I believe that it shows just where you are in your relationship with Him!
Thank you for the reminder that God always has a message for me if I will just listen. I love how His Holy Spirit will always use the words of another believer to make us hear something the other believer didn’t even say! I’ve really enjoyed reading your post’s and reflections, and happy you are here!
Steve, thank you for the kind and affirming words. Sharing those things with me and the experiences and paths we walk is such a great fellowship I have found on this site. Thank you so much for reaching out. In am so happy to be in such a great community and thank you for being part of it.
Justin and Steve…as iron sharpens iron
I have a close friend who has “walked away” from her faith and is very set on living her life for her. I pray all the time for her and try to love her where she is. I’ve tried to bring the subject up a few times but she always gets so defensive. I don’t know that there’s anything else I can do… but I would love this community to pray for her. I’m so worried she will be left behind..
Praying with you.💛🙏🏽
Thank you Kari!
Praying for your friend right now Mary-Carol. But also for the Holy Spirit to speak to you concerning His will and actions by you.
Thank you!
Jesus is the Good Shepherd and He knows your best friend better than she knows herself. He will seek her out! Release her to the Holy Spirit. Just love her as a precious friend.
I will do my best! Thank you💜
Praying for your friend. Trusting the Lord to reach his prodigal and keep moving until she comes to herself. Blessings.
2 Timothy 4:7-8 TPT
I was found of the Lord (saved) 43 years ago and have been enthralled with the fact that Jesus would appear in the clouds one day to raise the dead and then we who remain will be changed being set free from our sin marred earthly bodies and receive our glorified heavenly bodies which alone can enter heaven. My beloved husband's ashes are in an urn on my dresser almost 7 1/2 years now and when Jesus comes in the clouds in the rapture his ashes will become his glorious heavenly body along with all those no matter where or how their physical bodies died to be united with their spirits and souls forever.
2 Timothy 4:7-8 TPT
I have fought an excellent fight. I have finished my full course with all my might and I’ve kept my heart full of faith. There’s a crown of righteousness waiting in heaven for me, and I know that my Lord will reward me on his day of righteous judgment. And this crown is not only waiting for me, but for all who love and long for his unveiling (coming.)
Hallelujah to God's LAMB!
Jimmy, this was a beautiful word and encouragement how to prepare for the rapture. Thank you for this much needed reminder that we need to continue to love big and serve big! We don't want to leave this place missing a single divine appointment. Personally, I've been deeply convicted to share the good news with strangers. I work in the ministry and my family are all believers, we are kind & helpful to our neighbors, but there's more, so much more we need to be doing. We have a lot of work to do. I want to live a life with no! Pastor John Lindell spoke on this very subject of witnessing this week and I wanted to share with y'all. ....It's a fantastic message titled Living Under an Open Heaven. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Maranatha!💛
“In case of rapture, this car will be unmanned.” I love this. Thank you Pastor Jimmy
Pastor Jimmy I had that bumper sticker on my car when I was first saved in 1978
and I had a lot of honks and weird looks from fellow drivers. I realized they had no understanding of the statement so I got a new bumper sticker with John 3:16 printed in its entirety on it. Then I got double honks and their index fingers pointing up. PTL!
"Most importantly, tell others about Jesus." Amen!!! Thank you for this timely article. I really appreciate all the effort you guys go through to encourage and inform others. God bless you guys.
Just wondering, has anyone watched Jan Markell hosting pastor Billy Crone on her last YouTube posting from 3/18/22? It is entitled, Can One Man Save the World? These are some pretty reputable end-times watchmen here, reporting on some very mouth dropping stuff. This is a whole new twist on what may be going on with the Russian/Ukraine war. Take a listen. 🌻
I watched it Kris… W-O-W!!
I love Billy Crone & Jan Markell so I’m definitely going to watch this show! Thanks Kris 💛
Hi Kris ....... just watched it and "speechless" doesn't describe it ........ Satan is absolutely backed into a corner and mass deception / tragedy on humanity is unfolding right before our eyes ..... We know that God's plan cannot be thwarted so we'll do our part to stay alert and inform others ....... Thanks for sharing :)
I know. I was totally shocked at the direction they were going…. I have been watching and praying to see if it is confirmed elsewhere. Hard to believe, but anything is possible…. Just look what happened to Judas….. 🌻
Hi David, I also agree with Kari's answer as I learned about Billy Crone recently. He's a Christian and quite verse on end times (I thought Jimmy Evans interviewed him). I actually purchased his documentary "Hybrids, Supersoldiers, and the Coming Genetic Apocalypse" (I found it extremely revealing and relevant to current world end time events). As far as the WEF, my opinion is that Satan is absolutely using that organization to usher in a one world order and control human beings all over the globe. I think a "normal" human being would have a hard time making up the stuff like the WEF ("you'll own nothing and you'll be happy")...... Bizzaroworld IMO.
We're on the same page as far as the WEF hype-train but the fact is that it's gaining momentum ........ You may have seen the WEF commercials prepping everyone ..... this is just a sample ..... I also agree we (believers) won't be here, but I'm using the WEF nonsense happening in real life to help my kids understand what those left behind after the Rapture can expect. They're having a hard time believing this stuff (one world order) will actually happen and my hope and trust is that they'll remember and turn to Jesus during those days ....... I believe God will save them during the Tribulation. It feels like we're watching a movie of events (except it's real life) just prior to the Rapture ........ It's all good.
Hey David wanted to let you know 100% Pastor Billy Crone is pre-tribulation. I just read his book on the Rapture— it’s fantastic! Heavy scripture based and easy read. Blessings
All my guns, ammo and food are for my unbelieving neighbors. This will aid your survival and eventual salvation, the sign reads.
Just in case they don’t come around to the truth and get hungry avoiding Biden-kamp.
I like your sign, that’s a good one. I am thinking all of our things like that which will be appreciated in those times by those that find them. God bless and thanks for sharing that.
I’d prefer they read Christ’s clear signs in the gospels. One of my favorite in Revelation 3-20.
What does the Bible say about someone wanting to be left behind because of a child or husband being left behind? Will I be sad up there seeing potentially my child or husband down here dying a gruesome, torturous death. Would it serve me right because I failed in getting them to heaven with me. Am I supposed to feel that type of grief?
I am not sure if we will be watching or not or paying the kind of attention we would be with our earthly minds. I don’t see it as God punishing you (serve you right) because of your failure. I always try to remind myself and my kids it is our job to deliver the message, both in word and works. It is their heart that must open to the gospel. And ultimately, God can change hearts too as we see in the Bible and in stories around us. Everybody will be responsible for the choices they make, for good or bad. I often feel this weight too until I remember that I can only complete one part of Gods work in delivering the message. I see what you are talking about in my own family. So much of a heart issue over a mind problem. God bless you for caring so much 😊
Maggie, I’m in Eastern NC… let me know if I can help with anything.
I have often wondered how Lot felt about his wife turning to a pillar of salt? Was he sad, or mad? I have many emotions about those who are still in limbo about the Rapture, or even Salvation by faith in the finished work of the cross, for that matter. I pray Jesus captures their heart. 🌻
How Lot felt about his wife turning into a pillar of salt ... was he sad, mad or possibly glad! Sorry for my sick humor, I had my second epidural cortisone injection for sciatica a few hours ago and I get loopy and goofy as a result.
Yikes! Sciatica, that smarts! Have you tried deep tissue massage? Yes, possibly glad…. I Hope not though. I feel mostly sad, as I wish they could see what I see, and I pray they do. Hope those injections help. That is some serious pain… Jesus take the pain away. 🌻
Thank you Kris for your concern. An MRI showed stenosis (narrowing) at the base of my spine from arthritis and age which then presses on my sciatic nerve down my hip and leg to my toes. A kidney stone is more painful but passes. I have had PT, massage and now these two cortisone injections but no relief. I never understood someone telling me that they had chronic pain but now I have empathy for them. In Shakespeare's A Mid Summer Night's Dream there is a line that I relate to, "She may be little but she is fierce."
God is in control and I hold to the scripture, "Heal me oh Lord and I will be healed. Save me oh Lord and I will be saved. You are my praise." Soon I will get my glorified heavenly body. My earth suit has served me well and I know God even has a purpose for allowing this sciatica. It sure has caused this go go go gal to slow down!
Praying with you. I know that same pain…. Jesus knows and heals, and provides. Thank you Lord for the miracles in life. It all belongs to You. 🌻
May He bless you over and above!
Hi Edge. I felt compelled to leave a brief reply because I also have adult kids (and other loved ones) who are aware, but are not believers, and will likely be left behind. Although I also grieved here on earth (similar to how you described it), I woke up one morning not too long ago and there seemed to be a weight lifted off my shoulders. I wanted to share this with you hoping it would help. The three comforting thoughts I had on my mind that morning were 1) All of my loved ones know where I stand regarding having a personal relationship with Jesus for eternal salvation and I continue to remind them of biblical truth in the way I live my life. 2) In heaven, we, who have been raptured will have a much clearer understanding of God's perfect holy nature and we will not be sad because of that. 3) Because our loved ones will find themselves left behind, they will be compelled to believe (and not take the mark of the beast) because of the footprints we have left behind when we were with them. I continue to pray for them and talk with them, but I am comforted beyond words. Take heart, as I believe that God will save them after the Rapture ........... God Bless!!!
That was very helpful. Thank you for posting that.
No doubt we'll continue to do our part while we're here on earth, but we'll keep our head up in victory knowing we've done our very best to place our loved ones in God's hands. He has commanded us not to be afraid nor anxious so keep moving forward with a smile on your face ....... It will be OK :)
Outstanding share thank you.
I feel the same. I pray every day for their salvation. I have to trust in God, for salvation is His. Thank you for asking that question.
I know how you feel Edge but you have the Holy Spirit in you and you will go up in the Rapture if you believe. Something that eased my mind was I made a list of all my loved ones and friends, even my beloved pet, and by name I gave each of them to God, praying that they would find Christ before the tribulation, but giving each one to the Father was like placing each one in His hands. Watch this video by Brenda Weltner regarding this prayer, you can insert names in it. it gave me such a peace and still continuing to pray that they hear His voice.
Please pray for our nephew who is not only dealing with drug abuse but gender identity issues. Pray he will be released from these demons and be made whole and have clarity of mind. Pray for my brother and his wife that they have the strength to get through all this as my brother has cancer as well. I know the Lord can heal and do all we ask in His name!
Praying… 🌻
Thank you for sharing Jacqueline and will join you praying for your family. The assault on our young ones is so painful. 💛
Maybe for Lent we should give up our hesitancy about speaking to other people about their immortal soul. If we are serious about the lost, invite them to church, pray for them, make sure they know you care. We are afraid to be rejected, we forget that Jesus said that just like Him, in the end, we would be hated. We are seeing that happen more and more. We must speak out in love if we really do care about our fellow man and where they will spend eternity.
Once again, another AWESOME article!
However, there’s one thing I can NOT wrap my brain around. Once we’re raptured, those left behind will freak out on our disappearance…the loss of a loved one!! They will be in a state of SHOCK, right?!? I’m sure some of us have experienced the enormous grief of a loved one’s untimely death and it HURTS TREMENDOUSLY! Those left behind will be in a state of major confusion with UNSPEAKABLE CHAOS forthcoming!!
Anyway, just sharing my thoughts.
One thing several of my Christian friends have brought up is: what should we do with our pets? Some of them have mentioned putting their pets down so they won't be left to fend for themselves. I don't have any answers for that question.
One of the problems with that is that it is not known the day or hour (or year) the rapture will happen. Putting pets down because of speculation that it will happen immediately is probably unnecessary waste of life. It is also not trusting God with them after we’ve gone. Also, animals are extremely resilient. We should make reasonable preparations as much as possible without that becoming the focus. Our focus needs to be the unsaved people, just like Gods focus is. He would leave the 99 safe ones to go find the 1 lost one. God will take care of the animals. There is a verse in Job that talks about how He counts down the days until the mountain goats give birth to their young. Demonstrating His love and excitement for the birth of His creation. They are important to Him as
well and He will take care of them.
I agree. I've always thought that it would be just like God to take care of my Boston Terrier when I'm gone. He's good, good God!
Karen, I too have a 6 year old Boston Terrier whom I named Tuxedo. Also rescued a Puggle named Sammie who is believed to be 11. They are so much company and like Jesus give me unconditional love since I have been widowed these last seven years. Again in 2 Timothy this time verse 1:12 the WORD OF GOD SPEAKS through Paul: "I know in Whom I have believed and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him until that Day."
Tuxedo and Sammie will encounter God's plan for them and I am at peace.
Great share and verses Carol.
I have asked the Lord to provide exactly what my bordercollie and cat needs, when the time comes. But I still have extra water buckets always filled up inside and outside. And when I take her for walks I use a thin rope through her harness clip just incase ... bc if I harpazo at that moment, the rope can slip right out. But honestly, I like to believe no matter what, my pets past and present will be in heaven and why not? If during the millenial period children will sit by disgusting, ugly 🐍 🕳 which suggests to us snakes will be there 👎 and we will be coming back w Jesus riding horses ... then my beautiful loving dogs can be there too. When it comes to God there are no limits. His creation is endless. The universe is so vast we have no comprehension. He put alot of detail into each of our pets w specific personalities. I won't believe He could careless what happens to them. That is not the God I serve. And I have no problem being in charge of Heavens Doggie Daycare. ALL dogs are welcome...don't put me in charge of kitchen duty/ food prep.
Hi Melissa and BordercollieMom! This makes me think of a past Tipping Point show where Pastor Jimmy talked about our pets going in the rapture. I wish I knew exactly which episode so I could link it, but it was a few years ago I think. In a nutshell, PJimmy acknowledged that the Bible didn't answer that question specifically, but he reminded us that for those questions that are unanswered in scripture, we have to revert to the nature of God. God knows our hearts and desires, and He loves everything that we love (only on a much greater scale!), and PJimmy stated that it just doesn't seem to be God's nature to not account for our pets because He knows how precious they are to us. PJimmy also stated that the Bible tells us that there will be animals in heaven. Revelation 19:11 even tells us that Jesus returns on a white horse with us at the end of the tribulation, so as PJimmy stated (paraphrased) "If there are horses in heaven, I can't imagine God not taking our animals into account because He knows how precious they are to us."
BGEA also had the following answer to this question, which mirrors exactly what Pastor Jimmy has stated in the past.
I don't know if this helps, but it certainly gave me comfort to hear, and also reminded me that I can rest easy in my faith in Him to know that He has His hand on every single aspect of life and He is there...even when I can't see Him. :)
I found it!!!! It took forever, but here's the Show where Jimmy talks about our pets/animals being left behind in the rapture. Hope this helps.... and get the Heaven book too! Chapters 39&40! ☁️🔜🐳🐶🐱
HA! I knew it was just a matter of time! I could just see you sitting at your computer with your brow furrowed, and tongue sticking out of your mouth while looking for it🤣 If there is anyone that can find it, it's you. Man, if you don't remember which episode it was, it takes a lot to go back through and listen and search for it!
I think I'm going to start a spreadsheet with dates and keep track of the issues PJimmy discussed so we don't have to spend so much time searching. 🧐 Grateful for you Kari!
Ditto!!! I love that about Kari too - she cares that much. What a gift! I never used to give the pets too much thought until my daughter showed up on my doorstep with my Jewish cat Amos. That cat is the bomb! And John and I can’t get enough of him. But mostly I thank the Lord for him. I know he also is a gift. A gift from God to make this life just a little bit sweeter. Could God actually be that kind? He could. It totally blows my mind….And I receive the gift. It is more than I could have thought or imagined… What a great God we have. 🌻
Love y’all and have a great weekend! 💛
What a great idea Steve about the spreadsheet.
Yeah? YEAH! It will take a little work on the front end, but it's something I would love doing. Once I get enough information in it to be of help, I'll share it with you as a collaborative document in case you ever want to edit or reference it.
Thank you, I appreciate that. It would be a great source to find something specific quickly.
And you know Steve, how much more God cares for our unsaved family members we are beseeching for Him to lift the veil from their eyes and turn to Him. All our praying cannot be in vain. Whether they are caught up w us or they will have to come to faith through the Trib.
Prophecy watchers on pets:
Sally just asked the same question Melissa, so in case it's missed in all the comments.... I want to encourage you to buy the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn. Chapters 39&40 will answer your questions about animals and pets. Here's a quote: "Christ proclaims from his throne on the New Earth: "Behold, I am making all things new" (Rev 21:5 ESV). It's not just people who will be renewed but also the earth and "ALL things" in it. Do all things include animals? Yes. Horses, cats, dogs, deer, dolphins, and squirrels--as well as the inanimate creation--will be beneficiaries of Christ's death and resurrection." You'll love this section....and the rest of the book, too! Jimmy has shared a few times that it's his opinion that our beloved pets will join us in heaven. Enjoy those critters until the twinkle of an eye... 💛
I forgot to ask, but did anyone else see the full blood moon (red/orangish) last night to end Purim? We're in Texas and it was absolutely stunning. Our whole family ran out oooo'ing and ahhh'ing! Wish I could post the pic here. Keep looking up
We sat in a parking lot with ice cream to get the best view in Austin :-) absolutely stunning. Reminds me God is in the details, He had to have put on that Purim show intentionally!! 🥰🌅
Hannah what a special night! Ice cream & blood moon… love Gods intentional love for us 💛💛💛🦁
I did!
Yes, Kari, here in the metroplex it was a gorgeous, awesome sight!
But I hope not mice, rats, snakes, or spiders...........
And don’t forget roaches 🤣
Haha or ticks.. I will never understand the purpose of nasty ticks
Isn’t that interesting? I’ve thought about that so many times with the creepy, crawly, poison type stuff. Some of the creation science stuff I’ve watched for instance, has talked about how the poison of snakes is no longer poisonous in a high oxygen/pressure environment. Like the one before the flood. Also under electric shock the poison becomes neutralized. It is also very high in protein. They also didn’t used to strike the heel or crawl on their belly. Ticks are currently blood suckers and carry disease. Maybe they liked plants before ha ha. We are going to find out what an amazing design and purpose everything once had before sin changed everything.
I have already asked the Lord for my pet to be raptured with me. God knows how we love our pets. I wish I could help more, but we're all in the same boat.
Tracy and Maggie, I too have prayed over my dog children Banjo and Dixie and asked Jesus to please rapture them. Then I raised my son’s paw, Banjo and asked him to invite Jesus into his heart. He looked at me with his cute brown eyes as if he understood and gave me a kiss. LOL I love my animals and truly hope God knows how much they mean to us. I too leave extra water bowls out just in case. But am banking on them being raptured as well. 🙏🐶
I want the Rapture so bad but I also know that my Daughter and her Boyfriend have said they are no longer practicing Christians. I assume they never really were christians to begin with. You can't truly experience Christ Love and walk away with out guilt of walking away. So I'm leaving it up to God to woo her back. She doesn't want to listen to anything I have to say.
Question #1: My most pressing concern is the interpretation of Jesus's phrase "This Generation". For a long time now, it has been said this means the generation after the 1948 birth of Israel. But do we know this to be ABSOLUTELY TRUE? Can it also/instead mean "The Human Species", which is closing in on being genetically defiled?
Question #2: Why are we so dogmatically set on "This Generation" being 70-80 years??? Can't this also be interpreted as 120 years, since that is the time apportioned to limit man's years? If so, wouldn't that mean (according to Question #1), that Jesus return could be as far out as 2068AD???
BTW, I am struggling with staying hopeful for a "soon" return.
Hi Nathan, good questions. I would take the 120 year span to be a max cap on age. Not a typical generation. I believe it is described as 70 years, 80 if having extra strength for most people that would comprise a generation. It would seem this is a reference to recognizing the season of return. It also says the end will come like a flood. Which are rapidly progressing and unstoppable events. Kind of the progression we are seeing now. I would say it’s safe to say we are witnessing the beginnings of sorrows/birthpains (pestilences, wars/rumors of wars, famine). The world can’t survive a prolonged timeline of these kinds of events (if the days hadn’t been shortened, no flesh would be saved). I know when I’ve grappled with things at times, I always fall back on the absolutes of God for comfort. Love, justice, mercy, control of events, goodness, holiness and so on. These are the only immovable, fixed points we can see at times, in this rough sea we ride in. It would appear His return is very near. But for every day we have is another opportunity. To do things we will wish we had, once we get there. Blessings to you 😊
Good Word my dear brother....