what a glorious way to wake up early on a Sunday morning have your coffee on your patio the suns coming out and I’m reading the anticipation of glory from pastor Jimmy it IS beyond anything I can imagine! Eye has not seen.............❤️🙏⛅️🎺
I was doing really well imagining your Heaven until you brought the image of each of us standing before the Lord. The floodgates opened. 😭 Oh, how I look forward to that glorious day. Happy Sunday! One day closer to the twinkling!
HEAVEN IS OUT OF THIS WORLD! That's all I need to know. Man's world is the devil's playground. In the presence of the Lord is fulness of joy and the joy of the Lord is my strength. SOON AND VERY SOON I WILL SEE THE KING! HALLELUJAH!!
I can’t remember if you went to last years conference or not but the great worship team sang a beautiful version of that song “Soon and Very Soon.” I can’t wait!
Last night our church had a worship night! I was literally singing and crying for 1 hour. We ended with How Great Thou Art! (I should never have worn mascara) lol 😭 During the worship, I told the Lord, this would be a great time to rapture us into paradise. Not yet, but coming soon! Amen Carol. 💛
Mine too! When my mother-in-love was at the end of a journey with esrly onset Alzheimers my husband and I would sing it to her. Soon and very doon you are going to see the (and we would stop and she would shout) KING!
Amen Quentin!!!! In my quiet time this morning I re-read something from Dr David Jeremiah in his study Bible, ..... life in Christ, has a happy ending and nothing in earth, Heaven or hell, can ever take that away! When the heartache of this present world weighs heavily on us, We have only to look up and look ahead at the radiant end of one story, and the joyous beginning of a new story that will never end! an eternal story with one Central theme:
Oh sweet Glee, I sure hope so. It would be nice to know if I damaged my shoulder when I broke my elbow, or if it is a degenerative disease. At least then I can move forward and get back to doing what I need to. Hug hon!!
Imagine Quentin that we have been there like you say 1 million earth years and it feels like just a few days and still mindblowing new like you just entered seconds before. Lord take us now.
Susan, Following is from Bill Salus on the gap period. Mark Hitchcock agrees with and teaches it. Jimmy agrees to certain degree is my impression. Mark and Jimmy have discussed it briefly in previous programs/questions a couple of times, but didn't go into specifics of really how long it could be and what takes place during that period. Have no idea where to look for that. Bill Salus latest is stating a several years gap.
Welcome. The key to remember is that the signing of the Daniel 9:27 seven year agreement starts the clock. Doesn't seem possible that such a huge agreement would be signed on the same day of the rapture with all the chaos it brings unless I guess the rapture took place afterwards by say a couple of hours. But think we'd figure out who the Antichrist is because He would have to be involved with this agreement to some degree before He signed it even if it's an existing agreement that is used... confirming of a covenant among many. He has to be in His position of power to do such and that involves taking over the ten kingdoms whatever exactly they are. They have to be fully functioning to be taken over.
I heard that! I don't know if Jan agrees with him on that particular point in prophecy but it could be true. I tend to believe the moment we are with Jesus begins the exact same moment God deals with the world.
One of Jimmy's interviews talked about this but I don't remember who - maybe Bill Salus? You could find it in the Archives. But they did talk about (I think) a 75 year gap.
Bill Salus has it currently at several years. Mark teaches this, too, but don't know how long or what takes place. Jimmy less so. Be great if Mark did a show devoted to this subject.
Hi.... I'll see if I can find the article. I don't think it will be 75 year gap between the rapture and the tribulation, but some time will pass. Thanks for jumping in there Phycilla. Let me see what I can find from Jimmy & Mark. BTW this is a topic David P loves discussing Maybe he'll pop on here too. :) 💛
WOW, this is beautiful, Pastor Jimmy. I've been waking up every morning thinking of heaven since my husband died, and your heavenly imagination is food for my soul. Thank you for sharing and making my heart sing. I am very ready to go to my real Home and be with Jesus, my husband and all the heavenly community of believers. It sounds like lots of eternal fun and I am looking forward to being there. Praise God.
Well received and timely article. Sometimes I go through some really rough spots thinking about the losses I've endured through the recent years, and last night was no exception. I've enjoyed reading all of your posts, my friends. Love you all and I appreciate this wonderful article this morning.
My goodness. We will all have a thought about heaven. As the Apostle Paul mentioned, if we have a ear to listen and eyes to see.
My hope is that the only memories that go with me to heaven are those about How much we are loved by the Almighty GOD, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
I do not want to remember anything about this world we are presently in.
It must be allowed what memories we take are what GOD allows.
I don't want to remember sin, pain, or any of that.
I want to surrender all to my Messiah Jesus Christ, who baptized me in the Holy Spirit and taught me of the Almighty GOD.
I send so much love to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Pastor Jimmys comment..."The purpose for sharing my description is just to mess up your hairdo. I want you to think differently. Heaven is bigger and better than you’ve ever thought or can ever think in this world."
Love this posting so much! You can mess my hair up anytime. 😄
Thanks Pastor Jimmy for giving us this special glimpse of your personal vision of heaven. The part at the throne room really made my heart race and leap. That's what I long most for. I think that's what we ALL long for most, God looking us straight in the eye and smiling at us as sons and daughters that he absolutely adores. We know God loves us but to actually experience his presence....wow....that'll truly be heaven.🤗
Best quote of the day, Jessie! Yep, y'all can mess up my hairdo anytime too! LOL My kids got me a fun hat (Barn Hair, don't care) I'm a true country girl. Love your comment💛
"Barn hair, don't care". 😄 Love it and agree! Aren't hats great!! And I may be stuck in the suburbs for now but Im absolutely a country girl at heart. Have a great wild hair day! 🤗
Happy Sunday TP family!! I love love love this post on Heaven & New Earth. Pastor Jimmy thank you for opening our eyes to see & ears to hear what God has planned for His children. The BEST is yet to come! Maranatha! 🎺☁️🔜
Wow, sound glorious. I love that you describe the worship of God first. I believe we will always be in His presence, even on the distant galaxies. There will never be any lonliness. I also look forward to all the animals. Being able to pet a lion, or tiger, or bear and to see and hear all the beautiful birds. Being able to ride horseback and never have a fear of falling off, or of sore aching musles after the ride. I look forward to being with loved ones - family and friends - and having countless amounts of energy and never feeling fatigued. But most of all, God, Jesus and Holy Spirit presence everywhere I go. That is heaven to me. Oh, Come Lord Jesus!
Like Jimmy has eluded to Marilyn....whatever our minds come up with they fall miserably short. God will outdo times a Google plex....an unreachable number.
I like that, Marilyn. I love animals so I think about that also. I have been riding horses all my life till my health made me stop and that's one think I look forward to. I love, love birds but I am allergic to anything with feathers and/or wings. That has been so hard to only be able to look at a gorgeous red bird through the windows! Can't wait to hold them and talk to them! Like God said, we can't even begin to imagine the beauty of the wonderful things He has in store for us! Come quickly Lord Jesus!
This is the most beautiful description of heaven that I have ever heard or read! I long for this and my eyes welded up with tears just thinking about no more hurt or anxiety....... thank you or sharing!
When I read this about heaven . One of the first things I think about is , I need to be about witnessing to people and bringing in the fullness of the gentiles … we are selfish if we only think about our selves going to that wonderful place called heaven , and don’t witness and occupy until Jesus comes!
what a glorious way to wake up early on a Sunday morning have your coffee on your patio the suns coming out and I’m reading the anticipation of glory from pastor Jimmy it IS beyond anything I can imagine! Eye has not seen.............❤️🙏⛅️🎺
Well said!
Amen Glee!! 🤗
The one thing I ask of the Lord-the thing I seek most-is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Psalm 27:4
Good morning all!
Well said!
Praise the Lord, and Amen. Exactly
I was doing really well imagining your Heaven until you brought the image of each of us standing before the Lord. The floodgates opened. 😭 Oh, how I look forward to that glorious day. Happy Sunday! One day closer to the twinkling!
"One day closer" 🙌
Yes, it's going to be glorious! 😊
Well said!
HEAVEN IS OUT OF THIS WORLD! That's all I need to know. Man's world is the devil's playground. In the presence of the Lord is fulness of joy and the joy of the Lord is my strength. SOON AND VERY SOON I WILL SEE THE KING! HALLELUJAH!!
I can’t remember if you went to last years conference or not but the great worship team sang a beautiful version of that song “Soon and Very Soon.” I can’t wait!
iIt can't be soon enough Mel. I will be live streaming this year's conference and will be with everyone in spirit. GBU!
I was raised in a church with that song.
Well said!
Well said!
Last night our church had a worship night! I was literally singing and crying for 1 hour. We ended with How Great Thou Art! (I should never have worn mascara) lol 😭 During the worship, I told the Lord, this would be a great time to rapture us into paradise. Not yet, but coming soon! Amen Carol. 💛
Carol, now you have me singing that song! It's one of my favorite!!
Mine too! When my mother-in-love was at the end of a journey with esrly onset Alzheimers my husband and I would sing it to her. Soon and very doon you are going to see the (and we would stop and she would shout) KING!
Oh that's beautiful! How sweet to then you step into His presence! Wow! What a word picture!
Yeah. I'm ready. Been ready.
Me too brother. Me too. God bless and keep you.
Well said!
Count me in. I'm so ready! 😊
You and 1.7 billion others sis. 😍
Well said!
Let's go now!!
One difficult concept is time as we know it won’t exist. A million “earth” years may feel like nothing in heaven. It will be irrelevant.
I can’t wait to see my savior.
Amen Quentin!!!! In my quiet time this morning I re-read something from Dr David Jeremiah in his study Bible, ..... life in Christ, has a happy ending and nothing in earth, Heaven or hell, can ever take that away! When the heartache of this present world weighs heavily on us, We have only to look up and look ahead at the radiant end of one story, and the joyous beginning of a new story that will never end! an eternal story with one Central theme:
Amen dear Glee - blessings sister :-)
Praise God ,Sister Glee, and Amen!!
Dear one please take care♥️ still praying for you
I'm having an MRI in a week. When I know something, so will y'all. God bless you hon.
Awesome Ms V, I was wondering about an MRI the last time
you posted that you were still in pain, maybe it will show what’s going on inside
Oh sweet Glee, I sure hope so. It would be nice to know if I damaged my shoulder when I broke my elbow, or if it is a degenerative disease. At least then I can move forward and get back to doing what I need to. Hug hon!!
Please update us Verna. Praying for complete healing.💛
Imagine Quentin that we have been there like you say 1 million earth years and it feels like just a few days and still mindblowing new like you just entered seconds before. Lord take us now.
Susan, Following is from Bill Salus on the gap period. Mark Hitchcock agrees with and teaches it. Jimmy agrees to certain degree is my impression. Mark and Jimmy have discussed it briefly in previous programs/questions a couple of times, but didn't go into specifics of really how long it could be and what takes place during that period. Have no idea where to look for that. Bill Salus latest is stating a several years gap.
Welcome. The key to remember is that the signing of the Daniel 9:27 seven year agreement starts the clock. Doesn't seem possible that such a huge agreement would be signed on the same day of the rapture with all the chaos it brings unless I guess the rapture took place afterwards by say a couple of hours. But think we'd figure out who the Antichrist is because He would have to be involved with this agreement to some degree before He signed it even if it's an existing agreement that is used... confirming of a covenant among many. He has to be in His position of power to do such and that involves taking over the ten kingdoms whatever exactly they are. They have to be fully functioning to be taken over.
I heard that! I don't know if Jan agrees with him on that particular point in prophecy but it could be true. I tend to believe the moment we are with Jesus begins the exact same moment God deals with the world.
You're welcome Susan!
One of Jimmy's interviews talked about this but I don't remember who - maybe Bill Salus? You could find it in the Archives. But they did talk about (I think) a 75 year gap.
Bill Salus has it currently at several years. Mark teaches this, too, but don't know how long or what takes place. Jimmy less so. Be great if Mark did a show devoted to this subject.
Hi.... I'll see if I can find the article. I don't think it will be 75 year gap between the rapture and the tribulation, but some time will pass. Thanks for jumping in there Phycilla. Let me see what I can find from Jimmy & Mark. BTW this is a topic David P loves discussing Maybe he'll pop on here too. :) 💛
75 years? Between the rapture and Jacob's trouble? That's quite a gap!!!
I don't really know about it and had never heard that before that particular session. Maybe we should ask Jimmy to talk about it again.
You're good Phycilla. There's a lot of intricate info we hear that's easy to confuse.
WOW, this is beautiful, Pastor Jimmy. I've been waking up every morning thinking of heaven since my husband died, and your heavenly imagination is food for my soul. Thank you for sharing and making my heart sing. I am very ready to go to my real Home and be with Jesus, my husband and all the heavenly community of believers. It sounds like lots of eternal fun and I am looking forward to being there. Praise God.
Love you Phyllis💛
Thank you Kari. Love you too. God bless you.
Well received and timely article. Sometimes I go through some really rough spots thinking about the losses I've endured through the recent years, and last night was no exception. I've enjoyed reading all of your posts, my friends. Love you all and I appreciate this wonderful article this morning.
Steven G.
What a wonderful escape this morning. How a yearn for our eternal home and my Saviors face.
Reading this devotional with such a longing in my heart. Thank you Pastor Jimmy
Well said!
My goodness. We will all have a thought about heaven. As the Apostle Paul mentioned, if we have a ear to listen and eyes to see.
My hope is that the only memories that go with me to heaven are those about How much we are loved by the Almighty GOD, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
I do not want to remember anything about this world we are presently in.
It must be allowed what memories we take are what GOD allows.
I don't want to remember sin, pain, or any of that.
I want to surrender all to my Messiah Jesus Christ, who baptized me in the Holy Spirit and taught me of the Almighty GOD.
I send so much love to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Pastor Jimmys comment..."The purpose for sharing my description is just to mess up your hairdo. I want you to think differently. Heaven is bigger and better than you’ve ever thought or can ever think in this world."
Love this posting so much! You can mess my hair up anytime. 😄
Thanks Pastor Jimmy for giving us this special glimpse of your personal vision of heaven. The part at the throne room really made my heart race and leap. That's what I long most for. I think that's what we ALL long for most, God looking us straight in the eye and smiling at us as sons and daughters that he absolutely adores. We know God loves us but to actually experience his presence....wow....that'll truly be heaven.🤗
Best quote of the day, Jessie! Yep, y'all can mess up my hairdo anytime too! LOL My kids got me a fun hat (Barn Hair, don't care) I'm a true country girl. Love your comment💛
"Barn hair, don't care". 😄 Love it and agree! Aren't hats great!! And I may be stuck in the suburbs for now but Im absolutely a country girl at heart. Have a great wild hair day! 🤗
Happy Sunday TP family!! I love love love this post on Heaven & New Earth. Pastor Jimmy thank you for opening our eyes to see & ears to hear what God has planned for His children. The BEST is yet to come! Maranatha! 🎺☁️🔜
Hi Kari Smalley Gibson! 🙂
I finally watched Before the Wrath, it was really good.
Now at some point you gotta watch - why the nativity- by David Jeremiah if you haven't already - and tell me what you think.
Hi Hello :)) I'll watch it today! Thank you! 💛
I loved that movie. I love David Jeremiah.
Me too on both!
Wow, sound glorious. I love that you describe the worship of God first. I believe we will always be in His presence, even on the distant galaxies. There will never be any lonliness. I also look forward to all the animals. Being able to pet a lion, or tiger, or bear and to see and hear all the beautiful birds. Being able to ride horseback and never have a fear of falling off, or of sore aching musles after the ride. I look forward to being with loved ones - family and friends - and having countless amounts of energy and never feeling fatigued. But most of all, God, Jesus and Holy Spirit presence everywhere I go. That is heaven to me. Oh, Come Lord Jesus!
Like Jimmy has eluded to Marilyn....whatever our minds come up with they fall miserably short. God will outdo times a Google plex....an unreachable number.
I like that, Marilyn. I love animals so I think about that also. I have been riding horses all my life till my health made me stop and that's one think I look forward to. I love, love birds but I am allergic to anything with feathers and/or wings. That has been so hard to only be able to look at a gorgeous red bird through the windows! Can't wait to hold them and talk to them! Like God said, we can't even begin to imagine the beauty of the wonderful things He has in store for us! Come quickly Lord Jesus!
This is the most beautiful description of heaven that I have ever heard or read! I long for this and my eyes welded up with tears just thinking about no more hurt or anxiety....... thank you or sharing!
Debi, I heard Jimmy preach on a Sunday about Heaven. I cried my eyes out. 😭 💛 It was so pure and fun listening to him share his heart about Heaven.
Wow! What a blessing that was!
When I read this about heaven . One of the first things I think about is , I need to be about witnessing to people and bringing in the fullness of the gentiles … we are selfish if we only think about our selves going to that wonderful place called heaven , and don’t witness and occupy until Jesus comes!