Such a good reminder of what is coming, complete intimacy, and security with God. As much as I love my husband, and I very much do, that need for intimacy and security will never be completely filled until we know Jesus face to face. John and I were in a car accident yesterday. We were rear-ended by a guy that never even hit his brake as John was turning right, but first stopped for a bike in the cross walk. It happened so fast. John went into high gear to see if everyone was ok. The ambulance came and checked me out, a little soar, but better this morning. Lots of damage to the car. Those kind of experiences create intimacy between husband and wife. We probably saved that bikers life as the guy behind us may not have cleared him, an intimate moment for both of us indeed. But Jesus was there too. I immediately, just out of habit so as to activate my faith, started praying in tongues for God’s protection over us. I immediately felt the intimate peace and security of the Holy Spirit in that place. We are not in Heaven yet, but we can know Him for those things now. I will hold John’s hand a lot today, and hold Jesus, always, in my Heart. He is as close as a moment away. Blessings on this beautiful Sunday, 🌺

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So glad you and John are ok. But God...

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Kris…. God put you & John right there, right in that spot, at that moment, I believe saved that bikers 🚴‍♀️ life. The man that wasn’t paying attention very well could have hit him going full speed. You were a God blocker 🛑 I wonder if this biker knows Jesus? Praying for you & John & this biker..as well as the man behind y’all! We STILL have a lot of work to do. 🙏

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Hi Kari, not sure about the biker. He crossed the street safely but then he kept right on going. He is in our prayers. Yes, praying for all. Our lives crossed paths for a reason even if just to pray. Thanks for joining us in prayer! 🌺

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So glad everyone is ok Kris. BIG HUGS my friend!

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So thankful you both are ok. Boy satan sure would love to prevent you from going up in the Rapture:)

Only God♥️♥️♥️

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So sorry this happened. Glad you and John are ok.

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Prayers for no repercussions from the hit and complete healing.

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I’m sorry to hear this but thankful all are ok. The roads are a scary place for me anymore! People drive so much more aggressively than they used to and no one abides by the road laws anymore. At least here in SC but of course I know it’s much worse in larger areas. Prayers going up for you both. 🙏🏻

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Hi Mel, I agree, and you are not alone, I have heard others comment on how dangerous the roads are getting in their area. I was surprised this morning to read something in the Rick Renner book I am reading right now, A Life Ablaze, about “dangerous roads.” He is going through all the Spiritual gifts, and part of the conversation was to hone in on the Greek, in Mark 16:17-18 “they shall take up serpents...” About the modern day application he says this: “We may not deal with serpents and scorpions like the early believers did, but there may be times when we are required to fly on rickety airplanes, drive on dangerous roads, pass through highly volatile areas, or work in regions that are considered dangerous.” We were on a “dangerous road” yesterday. Luke 10:19 says, “Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” For me the answer was to turn quickly to my prayer language to begin to activate my faith when we got hit on that dangerous road. Jesus was there. I believe He is there to protect in all the scary conditions of our world today, as we carry the gospel in us wherever He should lead. What a comfort that is to me, and I hope to you as well. 🌺

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I just got my book.... A Life Ablaze and I'm jumping in! 💛

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I see Really dangerous reckless driving all the time especially in the last year or 2.

I put it down to how people are in the endtimes.

There are people doing car rallies / figure 8s right on the highway or city streets. Then they shoot fireworks at the police. It is unreal.

It is like the days of Noah and Lot.

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Thank God!

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Oh thank you heavenly Lord Jesus for your protection for Kris and John🙏🙏🙏

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Thankyou Glee. 🌺

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Kris. So thankful that you and John are ok . Prayers for emotional healing as it can affect your body and mind .Also for car to be restored and not to costly. Love and blessings.🙏

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I finally got a chance to read...really read this beautiful post. Y'all this is one of Jimmy's very best. I set my phone alarm (shofar horn) to go off every day at 4PM which is midnight in Jerusalem. It reminds me to buckle up baby....He could come today! Someone here recommended watching the movie "Before the Wrath" and it shows the Galilean wedding and helps makes sense of this very unique kind of wedding. Why wonder Jesus taught using these terms. I'm so grateful to our teachers, TP family, and all the encouragement poured out here every day! Love you all.... we are ready! Maranatha💛

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Sep 24, 2023
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Hi Susan, so far no serious back issues, just a tweet here and there. I have a routine order for X-rays to be taken next week for my 6th month check in December, so I will take them and if nothing comes up, just have them reviewed by my Primary Doctor soon! John is taking the car in on Monday to be appraised for damage, and insurance will cover the rental. It is one of those life disrupting events, but we are trusting Him for the details. Love ya, Thanks! 🌺

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I'm so glad you and your husband are OK. God is so good! Praying your back continues to heal well.

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Recently as I was praying for children that are being trafficked, abused and even aborted, I was asking Jesus to come quickly to rescue them. Father God said “ask Me to send Jesus quickly”, so I have been. I have been thinking about how the Father of the Groom will say, “it’s time”, how He will come for his Bride, dressed in white. In these Days of Awe, I have been going deep to remove every hurt, unforgiveness, every pain and every sin, to be ready for My Beloveds coming for me.

This painted the perfect picture of what I have been seeing and sensing.

Father God, please send Jesus soon for Your Loved ones, come Lord Jesus, come quickly, come for Your Bride, come we pray, in Jesus Name, Amen.

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Good morning TP!!! We also await with longing and a knowing (faith) that He is coming. My Husband expressed a moment of doubt after seeing a person at the height of their rebellion scoff and mock those who believe in a rapture and I told him don’t let the enemy make you feel like a bride left at the altar...that’s the enemy’s goal. Scoffers are going to scoff. Also heading to Church now where Jimmy is our guest preacher today...what an extra special treat. Hang on a little longer friends...we are praying for endurance to finish our race.

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Angel that was such a great response.... Nope, Jesus is not leaving us at the alter! Amen!💛

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Great share Angel.

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I loved this as I always love reading about our Lord returning for His beloved church, children, brides, his faithful believers. It always makes me cry but it’s tears of joy!! I’ve always known that. I’d often cry quietly in church during such sermons over the years. Just sitting there with tears rolling down my face as I blotted them away. My kids would ask me what was wrong and I’d say nothing is wrong. I’m so happy it makes me cry.

We do this often at the births of our children. Overwhelming feelings of love and thankfulness. I’ve always felt my soul knows from whom I came and longs to go home to Him forever. Anyhow, as I’m nearing the end of my physical life here, I get so much peace knowing I’m going home to my bridegroom forever. Thank you for this wonderful message 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Hello and good morning 🙏🏻

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Hi mom :)

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Hi Justy! 💜💜

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I always wondered about that verse where Jesus said only the Father knows the time of his return. Now it makes sense. I am so looking forward to that day! I first heard Jimmy Evans speak at Trinity Church in Arizona and have been following him ever since. Keep up the good work!

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Carol, have you seen the movie documentary 'Before the Wrath' ? It's really good. It's gives a real visual perspective of the Bride and Bridegroom/Rapture etc. You can find it on Ytb or Pureflix or Amazon.

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I’ve seen it. Very good!!

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Great article! I like this part:

“Rosh Hashanah will be fulfilled by the Rapture. (No, it is not necessary that the Rapture happens on Rosh Hashanah for the event to fulfill the Feast.)”

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I liked that part too 🎺

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Not only this article, but the whole website is excellent. I’ve heard Olivier Melnick on Jan’s program but never looked up his website. Thank you, Greg and Laurel, for that link!

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Well, maybe it isn’t exclusively Melnick’s website, but he’s a contributor and wrote the linked article. (Just to be clear.)

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Right! Harbingersdaily.com is a site I go to daily. Many writers contribute, including Jan Markell, Amir, etc. People that belong to TP respect. Blessings!

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I totally got it wrong about it being Melnick’s website! But anyway, thanks again for pointing me to another great resource.

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Beautiful article! Thank you so much for sharing!

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What a nice Sunday message to read this 🌄 morning. Particularly 👉🏻 "God exists to love, and love must have an object to extend itself to. He created humans for no other reason than to love them and for them to love Him. We are the only creatures suitable for the kind of intimacy God had in His divine mind. He did not need us, but He wanted us very much. In a way, it was not good for God to be alone, just like it was not good for Adam to be alone"

I'm so thankful my mom, and her mom (my gram) before her, help set my feet on the path of knowing Jesus.

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I’ve often thought along similar lines, when reflecting on God and what he is like. If God is love (and He is), then he created everything out of that love that he is. And He created us humans to be specially capable of consciously and willingly responding to His love. I love that the people here at TP do not, like so many others in our highly secularized times, suppress that truth.

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Amen, BordercollieMom! Grateful heart here as well✝️🙏❤️🥰

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Amen!! A legacy of love ❤️

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I have a question that keeps bothering me and I’d like to know your opinion, if you or someone on your team have time to reply. If Jesus comes to get His bride and we spend the seven year tribulation period at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, how is it possible for Christ to both be with us celebrating with His Church/Bride and simultaneously opening seal judgements and exercising wrath on the earth? The scripture says those seals etc are opened by the Lamb of God, which means Jesus is beginning this...but somehow He’s with us at the wedding too? I believe in a pre-trib rapture and that we are not appointed unto wrath, but the timing bothers me. It gives me pause and makes me wonder if we’ve got it right. Maybe you can help me understand. Thanks.

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Hi Jodi,

I believe we will be witnesses to Him opening the seals. I think we will long for justice. Remember John mourned (Rev 5:3) as nobody could be found worthy to open the scroll. If the scroll could not be opened, then wickedness would not be judged and evil would continue to infect the earth.

Also, when the 7th seal is opened “there was silence in heaven for about half an hour” (Revelation 8:1). If there is silence in heaven, we must be aware of what is taking place.

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Thanks, I forgot about that silence--right, thank you. That was what I was getting at bc of course God is not limited time-wise or ability-wise, and He’s everywhere at once...but I guess I just can’t imagine enjoying the marriage supper while watching the earth suffer, even if it’s justified. It’s a hard concept for me to grasp, which is probably why I can’t imagine Christ initiating both at the same time either and still enjoying the party. I’ve never been to a wedding reception where they played war and disaster footage on the big screen but, hey, I guess there’s a first for everything. (That’s a joke, hehehe.) I don’t have to understand now anyway, really. Bc faith is answering yes to, “...Shall not the judge of the earth do right?” from Genesis 18:25. Yes, He will, I tell myself. He will always do right...and some things, I guess I won’t really grasp until I get there. 😊

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Jodi, I don't think we will be watching the destruction going on during the tribulation. I don't exactly know how it's going to play out but I absolutely do not believe we will be exposed to the tribulation. I will be interested to see what Jimmy or Mark says about this. I have never thought about it before.

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Happy Sunday TP family…. What does “I’m so blessed by the Lord” mean to each of you?

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I am so blessed because HE made me a woman after HIS own heart ❤️ ❤️❤️ Such love

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That He’s always watched over me and mine through everything and hard times and somehow He always makes a way! Hallelujah 🙌🏻

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It's a joy to see you here KathyK.... we love you and praying for you. Thank you for sharing your blessing....💛

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💜🙏🏻💜 I love reading everyone’s posts and prayers and praise even if I’m not feeling up to posting at the time. I literally spent the last 24 hours sleeping. But I had some beautiful vivid dreams like always of the kind of beauty unlike here and love ❤️ everywhere. Nice to wake up remembering it too. God bless 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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KathyK you are such a blessing for all of us. Keep resting and dreaming sweetly. Love you ❤️

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To have Him living in me and there daily to fill me guide me and direct me all for His Glory and keep me in the center of His Perfect Will and strength as I surrender each new day anew.

My sweet mama helped me so much with the pain of loss in this world as she reminded me that every person, pet, and thing belong to Him First on loan to us. We can grieve losses as the Body of Christ, but we must always be grateful for every moment and sincerely thank Him for the loan.

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I loved that. Thank you for sharing 💜 CD

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Great question Kari. I could list so many things to be blessed by the Lord; First , for the gift of salvation as Jesus paid the price on the Cross, and I’m adopted in to His family. Blessings upon Blessings . Love you Sister. You are so thoughtful as you share the love of Christ to each of us (TP) family.

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That he will never leave me, nor for sake me, even until the end of the age, as it was before the creation of the world his love for me will never end❤️

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Oh geez. Way too much to list. SO blessed, and I often find myself wanting more. Yet I have to continually remind myself "your grace is enough". And believe and live it.

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In John 6:44 Jesus says, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.” I am so greatly blessed by the Father because he has drawn me to the Son. Can there be a greater blessing than to be drawn by God to Jesus? I can’t think of anything more blessed than that. And for additional assurance, Jesus says in John 6:37, “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” There’s that eternal security, the second of the two topics of Jimmy’s post on love and security. God draws us to His Son because of His love, and once we are drawn to him, we have absolute security, never to be cast out. (As long as we remain in Him, as Paul says.)

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Beautiful Field of the wood.... love this! ❤️

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Praise God!

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Thanks again Pastor Jimmy. All I can say is AMEN and AMEN 🙏.

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Pastor Jimmy, thank you for this reminder. Many thanks to you, Pastor Mark and your guests for encouraging us and for teaching us. I have a question about Daniel 11. Would one of you go into detail about Antiochus IV? My understanding is he was the foreshadow of the end times antichrist. I’ve heard y’all talk about him before, but I would love more detail. Thank you.

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I love this topic and thank you for covering it again. I don't think I can ever tire of hearing this story and this principle. At various times, we all groan under the strain of darkness and evil that presses in against all sides and leaving this place to that place, and Him, is something we long for, like suffocating for air. It's been a challenging couple weeks, would appreciate your prayers, some of the struggles are really close to the heart, intensely painful and can't really talk about. Praying God bless and keep you all this week.

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I’m praying for you brother! I’m up way too early this morning and I’ve got uninterrupted time for the next 2 hours at least. Petitioning the Lord on your behalf, just want you to know. God bless you Justin.

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Thank you very much.

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Praying for you, Justin. I appeal to the Lord God of heaven and earth to resolve your painful struggles, whatever they are, in the way that He knows is best, for He is our Helper.

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Thank you very much.

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I pray for you and thank God for you and your family’s loving hearts.

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Awesome, Thank You Pastor Jimmy!!! ♥️♥️♥️

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So beautifully put Pastor Jimmy. Very enlightening to hear this nice evening waiting for our sweet Lord to return soon. Im waiting for the intimacy with my King Jesus and really can hardly wait for it ;-))) TY Lord for who you are and what you do for your bride and children you love so very much.

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Dear TP family even pastors and teachers,

Today’s message from Pastor Chris Hodges is one so many will not ever hear. It is very personal and loaded with Scripture and manna for one’s spirit. Wish I knew how to link to it on here. One way is to download the free Church of the Highlands app and use the “guest” to enter and scroll to latest message.

Please consider it, and if you do, consider sharing. Truly a rare and needed personal story from a leader who bravely shared it all in hopes of helping as many as possible with anxiety and depression in the most powerful way you will ever experience I believe.

Blessings to each and every one and your families. Praying for us all.

Blessings in Christ Jesus Always,


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