Oh I am ready I wish it was today. the only reservation I have is my voice not saying anything to people. All my life I was preached down to telling me how God is punishing me or I am getting a whipping for doing something wrong. It took me years to understand God loves me and my trials was just bringing me closer to him. I feel I don't want to force my Loving God onto anyone I just want people to see God living through me, but I feel time is short and I need to us my voice. I pray God will give me the knowledge and the courage to use my voice as Noah did during the preparation for the flood.

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Timothy, great response. So happy for you that you understand that God loves and has given you a mandate to share the Gospel as you know it now. I'm like you, ready to go. Just waiting for that trumpet sound and up we go. Be welcome by our loved ones but want to see the face of our Lord Jesus most of all. MARANATHA my friend Timothy. Jesus said "Yes, I am coming soon" Praise God, come quick Lord Jesus... ✝👼

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Thanks for these updates! I have been watching the bottom feed on Fox News and even they are beginning to inform and stay abreast of the events taking place between Iran and Israel. The world is watching.... and will soon know the full story of what the Bible has Prophesied for centuries. I too would like to know how Ukraine fits in. It seems like Russia and China are both making life very difficult for their neighbors. They want control and will stop and nothing to get it. The armies of the North and the East.... And Israel stands alone. Alone with God.

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Just hope someone over there remembers.... The fight is the Lord's!

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Can you talk more about the tensions between Russia and Ukraine? Where does that fit in with everything else going on between Iran and Israel

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Tammi, Yes!! I just read this article and Fox News talked about it last night (Monday) video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iywKH60NUGg While Americans are arguing about the use of pronouns and 2x4's cost $9 a board.... looks what's happening around the world. WOW

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Yes, I saw that on Tucker last night!! That’s why I’m asking now how it relates to Israel and Iran

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...and also PRC vs Taiwan. It appears that both Putin and Xi sense a weak US administration and are pushing into their long-standing goals of absorbing Ukraine and Taiwan, respectively - emboldened by the expectation that Biden doesn't have the will to engage in a potentially devastating war against either enemy. A huge amount of semiconductor products are produced in Taiwan (TSMC and other companies), and if PRC invades and takes over it will have a major impact on Hi-tech companies, economies and possibly weapons/defense production for the USA.

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Yes it’s interesting that the US is moving 2 war ships to the Black Sea that should arrive sometime this week. Interesting to see how all of this will turn out!

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Pastor Jimmy, you never cease to amaze in your posts! I subscribe to Israel635News and they are reporting like crazy on wars & rumors of wars. I do have an important question for you.... Can you share more about the subject of supersessionism and replacement theology currently in the church & christians? I just finished reading "To the Jew First" (fantastic book!!) and was absolutely dismayed learning how many followers of Jesus and some evangelical churches (today!) believe God has rejected Israel and the chosen ones, the Jews. The book opened my eyes to the truth and importance of taking a bold stand against this false belief. What is the best way to talk to another believer if they have this belief that the promises/covenant God made to Israel have now expired? In these end of the end times, we should be supporting and wrapping around Israel and the Jews more strongly than ever! Jesus lived and died for the vision of the restoration of Israel. Romans 1:16 “It’s news I’m most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary Message of God’s powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him, starting with Jews [first] and then right on to everyone else!” I would love to know how to respond, not judging, but with God-confidence to stand firm for the truth. Blessings

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oops.... Israel 365 News! ;)

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I ordered your book Tipping Point,very good book just finished it, going to read again.

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You should try listening to the Audible Tipping Point. And it's narrated by Pastor Jimmy Evans! It was great. I would just get lost in it....

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Amen Pastor Jimmy. Great article.

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On another subject, these "leaks" from the Pentagon surrounding UAP/UFO's (AKA demons) have been more pronounced. What are your thoughts? https://www.foxnews.com/science/navy-captures-footage-of-pyramid-shaped-ufos-orbs

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Hi Bob.... I don't know if you've had a chance to read a few of Pastor Jimmy's latest post on UFO's demonic presence, but this was one of my favorites. https://endtimes.substack.com/p/israeli-space-chief-insists-aliens I think the others are in his "Quick Hit" posts. Hope this helps.... Honestly a few years ago, I would NEVER have dreamed Fox News or anyone would bring up this subject. It was just for the movies. Very interesting these leaks from Pentagon. Thanks for sharing

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