Such a beautiful morning here in Northern Virginia, as I peer at the clouds with mixed rising sun, and watch this day come in. And what a glorious reminder from Jimmy this morning that we are close, so close, to being lifted up into those clouds, where the heavenly wine awaits, and the joy of a wedding with friends of the King, begins. Could it be today? It could. The place He prepared for us is almost ready. And our liftoff is coming soon. Leaving this world behind…. 🌻

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It seems now, that every where I turn, every video that shows up in my feed, every email or message that somehow, by a miracle, comes before my eyes, or .. like last night at the Saturday night church service we attend, the conversation among us is about Jesus’ return. Oh what a glorious day it will be!! Hallelujah!! And here in Jimmy’s article, we find yet another feature of what that day will be like .. the drinking of “heaven’s wine”. Wow!! We like good wine, but can you imagine what heaven’s wine will taste like? Ohh dear Lord, heavenly indeed. I wonder what will be on the menu? If heaven’s wine is in our glass, and King Jesus is our groom (our partner for all of eternity) … how magnificent will the wedding supper be? What music will play? Who will be with us, at our tables? Will our Lord offer a wedding message? Will there be a program? Will we be gathered with family, friends, loved ones, or those who have gone in before us? Will there be a wedding cake? Ohh my!!! How glorious will the feast be .. in every way? No more pain?? Glorious bodies, made by God himself. My mind cannot stop racing, as I imagine the details of such a celebration. Pour my heavenly wine soon dear Lord, receive me home to your table Jesus, and may I and my loved ones here, forever sing and shout praises to you, out King, our savior, our wedding partner, our God of all creation. I can almost taste it now Lord … come soon dear Jesus. Come soon!

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Great article! I loved the part about the six wine jars correlating to 6000 years of human history. 

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Dear TP Family,

I’m sorry in advance for the long post! I consider you family but none of you know me bc sadly I’ve just been a lurker since September 2020! Like so many of you this is one of the few places I can come to for encouragement and community with others that feel the same about where we are in the world. This article was so timely because we were at a wedding yesterday and my spirit was so grieved because God was no where in the ceremony, taken out of everything, no real vows, no preacher, nothing! How can you expect a marriage to survive that way?

I work for a small sweet and dear church but they too are acting like we are just going to be here forever. They do not believe in us believers being raptured. Sometimes I wonder if I should even be working there but we have been without a pastor for a long time and I could not bare the thoughts of leaving them, they are like family.

For years I longed to study end times prophecy but every book I picked up, I could not get a release to read it so I just kept reading the word and then the day I picked up Jimmy Evans book, I could not put it down! I read the entire thing in 2 days and several times again.

I thank you all for the daily encouragement, real news etc. I thank Jimmy Evans and the rest of the TP team as well! I too can not wait to have the heavenly wine in his presence!


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What a beautiful message Pastor! It’s so fitting the way Jesus’s ministry began and how it will end His earthly ministry. I can hardly comprehend the beauty and Majesty of what is to come! My dad had a near death experience years ago. Later he and I had lunch together and I was worried about him going fishing by himself because of is health. He said, I haven’t told anyone about this, but I saw Heaven when I had my last heart attack. He said he had never felt so loved, so comforted..and the beauty was more than he could describe. He said, Sally never be afraid of death… it was the best experience I’ve ever had. That was a gift to me… he died not too long after that. I’ve always held that story close.

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Sitting here thinking that 99.9% of my spiritual encouragement comes from a few online sites, this being number one. Every day I speak to others of the love of Jesus and His soon return. 99.9% has little to NO reaction. The spigot of my tears is turned on and I can’t stop it.

Many people tell me they are devastated at the evil taking place in the world and the conversation allows me to interject the Love of Jesus and His Imminent return. Sinners shrug it off...professing Christian tells me that we should not be concentrating on the rapture because “Know one knows the day or the hour”, and it could be thousands of years away.

One lady said she asked her retired pastor and he told her not to be concerned with the Rapture. He told her this world, as we know it, will be for here for a long time. She said things, in this world, goes through cycles.

I don’t understand why it is so easy for me to believe in Jesus Christ and His Word!!! Why do we want to talk about Jesus and others don’t want to hear mention of Him???

Why did I lose my grip on this world??? Why did all my pleasures of this world


All I can say is, Take this whole world but give me Jesus❣️❣️❣️

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Great message! And what a great wedding it will be

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I never connected the 6 pots to the 6,000 years. Very interesting. With the comparison of the best wine at the start of the wedding feast versus the wine Jesus made from the water, it shows us how much more glorious heaven and life in general will be once evil is removed once in for all. Just reading the bible what the new Jerusalem is going to be like is enough for us to endure the evil of this current state of the world. GBU

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Thank you so much Jimmy for your in depth explanations of the marriage supper of the lamb and the correlations between Christ the bridegroom and the church (the bride). I have always heard the church to be the “bride of Christ”, but never really GOT it. I NEVER knew how to put all this together and it just makes so much more sense now. I have struggled with being a pretribulationist vs post- tribulationist. I grew up believing in a pre trib rapture, but I have listened to some preachers who didn’t believe in it- so it has left me confused and in search for the truth for a long time. This is the most confirming and convincing evidence for a pre trib rapture. Thank you so much!

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What a glorious day it will be❤️🌹

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This is so encouraging in these evil days where everywhere we look we see more and more of satan's control. I pray that all of us just keep on keeping on until Jesus comes for us!

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Wonderful message this morning! For very good reasons Pastor Jimmy will not declare a specific date. But personally, in view of how rapidly the powers of darkness are multiplying the evil--the lawlessness, corruption, perversion. . . until it's reached the point where it's so sick that no one could have ever imagined it--I'm allowing myself to X-off the next 18 weeks, one-by-one, on my calendar!

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Thank you, Pastor Jimmy. All I can say is, Thank you Jesus, and Amen!!


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Wow! I have never heard it said like this before. That is purely amazing. Thank you Lord for revealing this to your watchmen. There is a song sung by a group called Rarely Herd called "Driving Nails" that describes that day that his mother went searching for Jesus and couldn't find him. I don't know how to give links to songs but it is on you tube. All of you will love it.

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Thank You Jesus💗🙏I can't wait!

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