A once-in-a-generation winter storm shut down our production in Texas
You may have heard about the record-setting winter weather in Texas this week. I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex area, and over the past couple of days, hundreds of thousands of residents have gone without power. Temperatures have dropped below zero, most flights have been shut down, and some communities north of Fort Worth—including Southlake, Texas—have even been instructed to boil water because power outages have disrupted the public water system.
My office is without power, as are the homes of several on my team. As a result, we haven’t been able to record our usual Tipping Point Show this week.
We know you look forward to these videos and/or podcasts, but we try to record them the same week they are released, because so much news happens on a daily basis. If we worked ahead, we might miss something that needs to be discussed!
So we have been unable to get a show ready for today. We apologize for that, but should have a new episode recorded and produced next week. Until then, we will continue to provide new articles on this site.
I want to leave you with this reminder from Scripture:
From the chamber of the south comes the whirlwind,
And cold from the scattering winds of the north.
10 By the breath of God ice is given,
And the broad waters are frozen.
11 Also with moisture He saturates the thick clouds;
He scatters His bright clouds.
12 And they swirl about, being turned by His guidance,
That they may do whatever He commands them
On the face of the whole earth.
13 He causes it to come,
Whether for correction,
Or for His land,
Or for mercy.—Job 37:9-13
Obviously, other parts of the United States endure cold like this all winter long. But that’s common, so everyone from the power company to businesses to individual homeowners go into the winter prepared for arctic temperatures.
That’s not the case here in Texas, where this weather has caught us by surprise.
It makes me wonder: Has God intended this severe winter weather to get our attention? As stated in the Book of Job, could it be for our correction? It’s too early to speculate. But if nothing else, this reminds me that God is in control and nothing happens on earth—or within the weather systems He created—without His command.
Stay warm, and I look forward to sharing another Tipping Point Show with you next week.
Pastor Jimmy.... I’ve never read that verse before!! It’s a perfect reminder to keep looking up. And so true He allows these things to happen with the weather to “punish people or show His unfailing love.” I pray this icy storm was the latter. As you know we live in Keller TX and experienced power & water boil issues with freezing pipes. But, how awesome it was to take containers of water to people and shovel driveways for widows... checking on our neighbors & serving one another. Friends, pray for the families that lost loved ones in the horrific crash on I35. Every single county in TX was affected and like Jimmy said... we may never see anything like this again in our lifetime. May we continue to love big & serve big & share the Good News boldly! Amen
I am from an area of the country where we are used to some severe cold weather from time to time, but several small towns around us are running out of gas from the utility companies due to the pipeline shut down. They are are having a hard time providing for the needs of their community members. Some counties have declared a state of emergency. We have a lot of elderly and poorer families with children in these communities. Please pray for them. Pray for the Christians to seize the opportunity to help and the spiritual prompting to do so. I pray that for myself as well, to see the need and help where I can. Let us be the hands and feet of Jesus.