First of all Brian I love your humor in these dark days. Renaming an article asking for hit men you entitled it "How to get Ahead!" Brilliant!

Thank you for this live update from Jerusalem. Twelve war ships is a lot of fire power. The World Bank's warning to Iran that "if you do this you will put your economy ... you will crater it and you will probably loose your government" was stellar.

But we must realize that as Christians our weapons are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. Prayer, especially corporate prayer is our greatest weapon and we must continue praying for little Israel God's covenant nation. Our prayers are heard by God and very powerful indeed. Brian I am praying Psalm 91:4 over you:

"He will cover you with His feathers,

    and under His wings you will find refuge;

    His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."

Amen and amen!

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Hi Carol I am praying with you!! 💜

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I'm proud America stepped up to be ready to defend Israel against Iranian aggression. Long Stand Israel!

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More prayers sent! Lots of content this week with what's going on, very well done to everyone at TP!<3 Brian and everyone, be safe!

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Thank you both for the update & I will continue to lift Israel in 🙏.

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Love the insights of Brian living in Israel.

Thank you Pastor Jimmy, Pastor Mark, Brian and Brent for all the updates.

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Great show Brent and Brian!!! Looking forward to more.

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It's similar because satan hijack everything to with God!!

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I hear you talk of the Muslim God that will show up when all is in chaos and lead a one world government. This is the antichrist. The Muslims think of Christ as a good teacher so why would they not listen to a Christian try to tell them that they are actually awaiting the arrival of one who is going to do harm rather than good? If they can see this truth, they can then see that the Muslim religion is the evil that they calling the Jews. If Jesus was a good teacher and He was a Jew why would the want to kill all Jews?

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We can praise God that He did not allow Iran to Mis Bhave on Tish Bhav . Praise Jehova Jireh

He is now in charge.

He provides, so We wait We trust We praise

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I'm thanking God for answering prayers. We must be vigilant however, because he enemy awaits for a time when the world is not paying attention to attack. But we know that the God of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.

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We used your video for information to pray for Israel on our weekly prayer for Israel. It was informative and very helpful. Thank you Brian!

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Thank you Brian! I’m assuming the other gentleman is Brent—I’m sorry, I must have missed Brent’s introduction. Is he new to EndTimes? Heard him say he’s from Texas—so automatically he’s my friend!

-Fellow Texan👊

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I've been thinking. The attack of gog and magog, or the attack from Iran in any form can't take place on the 12th of A've. BECAUSE GOD will defend Israel and stop the attack. Where as the destruction of the temples where God's punishment for Israel sins, as fore told by Moses. It may be the day the Anti Christ takes over the temple, but that's more likely to take place at Passover. GOD BLESS and keep up the good work.

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