"Pre-set" for the Global Reset
Setting the stage for a sinister one-world economy and government
The following article contains an excerpt from my newest book, co-authored by my friend Jeff Kinley. It is titled Global Reset: Do Current Events Point to the Antichrist and His Worldwide Empire?
Our book delves deeply into the agenda of global elites to eliminate national borders, institute a one-world economy, and create a global surveillance society of every citizen on earth. The strategy for accomplishing this agenda is leveraging crises like COVID and climate change—whether real or imagined—to gain control and compliance. We show how this sinister, Satanic agenda is setting the stage for the coming one-world economy and government under the reign of the final Antichrist. What we’re seeing today could be called the ”Pre-set.” I hope this whets your appetite for more.
~ Pastor Mark Hitchcock
In 2020, while America, along with the rest of the world, was distracted with riots, pandemics, and lockdowns, a meeting was held in the relatively obscure town of Davos, Switzerland. There, world leaders from ninety-one countries, including fifty-three heads of state, along with some of the world’s most influential bankers and financiers, convened for a pivotal summit. These are considered to be the global elites, a veritable Who’s Who of internationally known, powerful, geopolitical celebrities. But this was not the first such assembly. For forty-eight previous years, the same organization had been sponsoring this event. The World Economic Forum (WEF) was founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, a German engineer and economist and a former professor of business policy at the University of Geneva. The organization’s stated mission is to “shape global, regional, and industry agendas….” Their intentions are anything but honorable. Instead, they are standing at the door, armed with a clear and radical vision for planet Earth and its inhabitants.
Among the attendees at the 2020 summit were Prince Charles of Wales; Ursula von der Leyen (president of the European Commission); Christine Lagarde (president, European Central Bank); Seth F. Berkley (CEO of the Vaccine Alliance); “His All-Holiness” Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew (the archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome); and, of course, Klaus Schwab (the founder of the nefarious organization). Also tagging along as a featured speaker was Earth’s favorite teenage wannabe climate expert, Greta Thunberg. President Joe Biden of the United States was the keynote speaker at this conference in 2016, having also attended nine previous years.
But what were they doing there?
The Davos 2020 agenda was themed “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World,” with a focus on “renewing the concept of stakeholder capitalism to overcome income inequality, societal division and the climate crisis.” However, the January 2020 agenda turned out to be merely the warm-up act for what was to come. In June of that same year, Schwab released a book titled COVID-19: The Great Reset. In it, he outlines a proposed plan for leveraging the COVID-19 crisis as a way to address everything from climate change to world economics, human equality, and of course, pandemics. According to Schwab, “the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”
Schwab and his WEF cohorts from around the world are unequivocally advocating for this Great Reset, about which he boldly asserts, “Without delay, we need to set [it] in motion,” adding that it is an “absolute necessity.” President Joe Biden ran for office under the slogan, “Build Back Better,” a catchphrase taken directly from the WEF’s globalist playbook.
“We the People” now exist to serve the planet and to work for the collective good of all. This effectively translates into old-fashioned socialism. Phrases like “global equity” and “consumption inequality,” though perhaps noble sounding, are laced with an emotional narcotic meant to dull the mind to the WEF’s real agenda: to transform free people into servants of government…and to globalism itself.
The bottom line is that the world must come together, and right now. To do this, the planet must reboot. Hence, a global reset.
“Global governance” is exactly what it sounds like. Nations become “nation-states,” subsisting under the umbrella of a centralized authority. Their agenda promises to fundamentally change the world and the way it operates, much like when former president Barack Obama pledged to “fundamentally change America.” What truly saddens the WEF is that they presently live in a world in which “nobody is really in charge.” In their worldview, nations are essentially seen as children who simply cannot govern themselves or get along with one another. Therefore, what is needed is an authority figure, or “parent,” an entity whose role is to regulate and direct them. That authority would be this centralized world government. By their own admission, the United Nations is impotent, the World Health Organization is underfunded, and the European Commission is ineffective in sufficiently filling the present vacuum of leadership. We must therefore “reset.”
Another essential component of this globalist agenda is harvesting and maintaining the constant gathering of information from individuals. To keep a society healthy from pandemics like COVID-19, for example, the government must mine data from its citizens in order to know who has been sick, who is infected, and the whereabouts of those who have been exposed to such viruses. Technologies like contact tracing and tracking are thus justified and employed. Schwab and Malleret write, “Contact tracing and tracking are both terms used interchangeably, yet they have slightly different meanings. A tracking app gains insights in real time by, for example, determining a person’s current location through geo-data via GPS coordinates or radio cell location. By contrast, tracing consists in gaining insight in retrospect, like identifying physical contact between people using Bluetooth.”
However, they also admit that the same type of tracing could be implemented digitally under different forms. For example, countries like China and South Korea have used more “coercive and intrusive measures of digital tracing.” They have tracked individuals without their consent through their mobile phones and credit card data, and even used video surveillance on them. In Hong Kong, some individuals have been forced to wear electronic bracelets when arriving in the country so that they could be monitored and tracked, and also to alert individuals around them that they may be susceptible to being infected. Schwab admits that this technology could be used in the name of public health for “political means and more sinister ends.”
This is not to suggest that the WEF is the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophetic vision in Daniel 2 and Daniel 7. There is no way to definitively know this at our present place in God’s prophetic timetable. However, it is to say that the spirit of their agenda undoubtably dovetails rather seamlessly with the future empire predicted in Scripture. As we (hopefully) exit the tunnel of the planet-wide COVID-19 crisis, this recent push for global convergence is the most significant prophetic foreshadowing of what is to come. The prophecies made by Daniel and John appear to be coming together at an accelerated rate, faster than at any time in modern memory. In short, never has the idea of a one-world government been as palatable to the international community as it is right now. And that should get our attention.
Good morning Tipping Point Family!
It's really neat to have just listened to that part of the book last night that was referenced here, then have it expounded
upon this morning. I love how it is mentioned that they make this technology "palatable"... they make us want it and many to feel they actually need it. Take for example our phones, Echo Dots and Google Home or Alexa devices; when cell phone manufacturers started including voice and AI on the phones back around 2012, almost everyone wanted or felt they had to have one. Heck, I get it. It was cool and convenient! How fun to talk to our personal assistant and have it talk back to us with the answer, right? At that time, I bought a few for our home... until I realized just how invasive they were.
Great article as always Pastor Mark. Thank you for staying the course and helping to educate us so we can make our own informed DE isions about these things. :)
By the way. I haven't told y'all how much you mean to me, not lately. You are treasured gifts of God in my life. When I pray, the entire Tipping Point Family is included right along with my children and the rest of my family. Each of you holds a spot in my heart, and I can't wait to hug you and see you when we all get to go home.
Love in Christ Jesus
Thank You Jesus. AMEN!!