Good morning Tipping Point Family!

It's really neat to have just listened to that part of the book last night that was referenced here, then have it expounded

upon this morning. I love how it is mentioned that they make this technology "palatable"... they make us want it and many to feel they actually need it. Take for example our phones, Echo Dots and Google Home or Alexa devices; when cell phone manufacturers started including voice and AI on the phones back around 2012, almost everyone wanted or felt they had to have one. Heck, I get it. It was cool and convenient! How fun to talk to our personal assistant and have it talk back to us with the answer, right? At that time, I bought a few for our home... until I realized just how invasive they were.

Great article as always Pastor Mark. Thank you for staying the course and helping to educate us so we can make our own informed DE isions about these things. :)

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By the way. I haven't told y'all how much you mean to me, not lately. You are treasured gifts of God in my life. When I pray, the entire Tipping Point Family is included right along with my children and the rest of my family. Each of you holds a spot in my heart, and I can't wait to hug you and see you when we all get to go home.

Love in Christ Jesus


Thank You Jesus. AMEN!!

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Good morning, fellow soldiers in Christ, I read your article and the Holy Spirit reminded me of the Tower of Babel and how powerful "We the people" were when we all spoke one language!

God saw what they were up to and knew what they were capable of doing. So He separated them by giving them different languages, which caused them to abort their plan and go their separate ways.

I am a firm believer in prophecy, and I also believe because the Word of God says it is so. This is a time for men and women who are not just called but chosen for such a time as this to stand up and bring revelation, shine the Light onto the darkness. But most of all, draw others to Christ and eternal life.

You are definitely doing that. God bless

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In 1975 I read the books 1984 by George Orwell and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and from that time some people called me a conspiracy theorist. I've really tried to keep myself separated from this evil world.

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I just ordered Pastor Mark's book this morning as it happens! Looking forward to his insights and teachings. While disturbing, understanding the signs of where we are in the timeline of humanity has actually given me more hope than I ever have had before rather than distress. These last 2+ years has served to renew my faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthened my relationship with Him and with God the Father, and has given me a passion for my unsaved family and friends as I have never had before. I am grateful for the ministry of endtimes.com for the spiritual enrichment it has provided. It has been such a blessing, and continues to be! Thank you so much for all who contribute.

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There is only one world that I look forward to. No matter what any of these billionaires or government figures are planning, there is only one that will rule this world. Let's not let any of this fore shadow what we are patiently anticipating. Not a one of those tyrants will rule in the end. Only our God can do that. So let's keep looking upward don't get side tracked. It's so obvious that as Pastor Evan says we are living in the last days. Let's keep our hearts open to him only. God bless you my brothers and sisters.

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Thank you for keeping me updated🙏God Bless everyone of you in Jesus Holy Name Amen.Amen.

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Dear brothers and sisters,

Its a very, very important video (I think), please watch it.

The Rev 13 is very near....


GBU all!

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Great article. I wonder if the Antichrist is going to give Klaus Schwab just a pat on the head or reward him with a role in His administration. Also, wonder if we'll get to watch what's happening once we're in heaven or even care at that point.

https://www.timesofisrael.com/iran-said-building-vast-new-underground-tunnels-to-hold-nuclear-enrichment-facility/ Excerpts: Sattelite images published recently by research groups show that the new facility is close to the old center at Natanz, but buried far deeper under a mountain, in a similar manner to the Fordow plant. Efforts to attack such a site would require the most advanced bunker-busters, which Israel does not yet possess. But while much of the West’s focus was on Iran’s nuclear program, General McKenzie warned that the major current threat came from Iran’s ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones, which he called Tehran’s “crown jewels.”

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🎼 “When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace. In every high & stormy gale, my anchor holds within the vale. On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” Wherever death casts its shadow, let Your Light shine, Jesus! (Matt 4:16).

I get excited when I read of the LORD’s hail sweeping away the wicked’s refuge or calamity of lies (Isa 28:17); or perhaps our great God & Father will sweep them away with the ‘Broom of Destruction’!

(Isa 14:23). Whatever the future holds, let us not consider life so dear that we falter from standing in His grace. The last man standing, stands in the grace of God; & the God of peace will soon crush satan under you feet (Rom 16:20). If the LORD tarries, we’ll need another “...new birth of freedom--& that it shall not perish from the earth.” (Abe Lincoln). B/C where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. The earth, sky, & sea belong to the Lord, therefore, I pray His mercy, grace & glory, & the manifestations of His Spirit ARISE so that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the seas (Isa 11:9 & Hab 2:14). I like to pray the Scriptures. Ex 34:20 says that if you don’t redeem the 1st offspring of a donkey (an unclean animal), then you are to break the donkey’s neck. Since the spiritual donkey refuses to be redeemed or repent, I pray the Lord will break the demonic donkey spirit’s neck strutting about in puppet politicians. Equally important, forever let Thine arrows be in the heart of the King’s enemies” (psalm 45:5b). 🗡

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Keep up the Great work, we know if these people who are pushing the reset ( New what they are bringing on themselves they would themselves do a reset turn and ( RUN the other way ( REPENT

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Thank you, Dr. Mark.

What could I possibly add but Amen. Thank you for sharing your new book snippet, captivating. So grateful and blessed that we have such wonderful Pastors here.


Praise Jesus


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If all of this is actually a fulfillment of prophecy, how should we pray and act?

I do not want to pray against what God is putting into motion.

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Wow! How interesting to know that Biden was at this meeting in Davos Switzerland and in previous meetings. I don't think that it is any accident that he is now president of the U.S even if by cheating. No wonder that he pushes the green new deal and all of that other evil stuff. I am reminded once again that Satan has seats in high government places, otherwise he could not fulfill Bible prophecy. Everything that is happening now was written by prophets in our blessed Holy Bible. Told of many years ago. The most accurate book of all time. It is amazing to me that they are following exactly as the Bible said it would be. Just as Satan had a seat in ancient Persia, ancient Rome, and in the city of Pergamus, so we see that he has seats now in government. Thank you for sharing this.

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