Before I got saved My mom wrote me a letter basically giving up on me....months later I was gloriously saved. I'm planning on writing letters to my own kids to get a reasonably close outcome. Like many kids in the US...they were raised in a gospel preaching church but because of my own sin my first marriage was destroyed from addiction resulting in my kids rebelling and rejecting God. I pray that God will anoint my thoughts to paper and God's love and compassion will smite their hearts the same way God got a hold of me. I really truly sense we don't have a lot of time. I covet this community's prayers. Love y'all.
Chris, I also suffered from addiction and destroyed my first marriage. It also destroyed my 2nd marriage. I have 2 kids from each marriage. By God’s grace, I was able to re-commit my life to Christ each time and was able to take all my kids to church while they were young. All of them accepted Christ at some point and were baptized. Yet as they grew older, the lived more in the world and made some costly mistakes with some of them. My daughter has been the one has always been wise beyond her age. The 3 boys have had some very difficult seasons. Now they are all 21 or older.
Over the past 5 years, they have watched me go from total failure to growing in love with Jesus and His word. We can all talk openly about the Bible and end times theology. They each are growing in their knowledge of God’s word and I’ve seen God send people in their life that are having a God-centered influence on them! Praise God!
I want to encourage you to write those letters. To share your testimony and faith with them any chance you get. I’m sure you do!
None of us want our children left behind. So we as parents continue to pray for our kiddos and have faith that God will answer that prayer in His perfect timing. Hopefully before the rapture.
I want to pray with you for your kids. Please let me know any specifics you feel comfortable sharing. My email is and my cell is 346-289-9926. You are welcome to contact me anytime. We have a history that shares some same mistakes. God bless!
I will definitely be getting in touch with ya brother! Right now I'm getting in touch with a locksmith because I locked my keys in the car at church!!!!!!!. I already want to go to bed! Lol 😆
David, thanks for sharing those resources. I praise God for the victories He has had in my life. Drug addictions and sexual sin. I still respect the power of those sins. So I don’t want to become “lazy” with respect to how easily I could become entangled again if I were take my eyes off God and His word. The fellowship with other believers. God gave me victory over those things and continues to do so, one day at a time. I don’t live in fear of them anymore, yet I do respect their power to strike again if I turn back away from God to live in the world again. I thank God that my kids now see the changes in me and they know I give God the glory for all of them. Unfortunately, they all had to experience a father that was a multiply time prodigal son. Even so, God has used that to help them when they had times of struggles. God doesn’t waste any of my experiences, good or bad. Thanks again for caring enuf to share those resources. Means a lot to me! God bless! Art
Love you too Chris C. God is on your side; and Satan can not have your kids. Scripture says ; we have not because we ask not. So we pray and ask our Savior to soften their hearts to hear and listen to the truth of God’s Word as you minister to them with a gentle spirit and the Holy Spirit anoints your writings with God’s love and Grace. Be at peace and watch and wait as you see how God answers. Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46;10.
Oh Chris, it makes us understand the scripture of "the sins of the fathers (or parents!) Follows the generations, doesn't it. All we can do is pray, pray, pray over our loved one! I have a much loved brother I beg God every single day to do whatever it takes to turn him around! And I have a sister just lost in drugs, sex, and liquor! God bless you, sweet friend! Don't give up!
Oh Chris, my heart breaks for you! The question is always from every parent "What do I do? How to I handle this? What do I say?" And it is a heartbreaking situation! I have seen parents cut their children completely out of their lives. And I have seen others put the son or daughter and his/her partner on their Christmas card! Only God can tell you how to go forward! My prayers are with you! 😢🙏
Oh dear brother you KNOW we will pray for your sweet kids!!!
I wrote a similar letter for my family, I haven’t sent it yet.
My mother is 90, and we don’t know how long we will get to have her here with us, so I may save it for her funeral, but like you I think we are sooooo close to the end, that I’m waiting on God to impress on me when???
Glee, I hope you and Chris know how blessed you are to have a mother turning 90. I lost my sweet mother when she was 56 the week of Mother's Day! I can tell you I found out really fast whether I truly believed that God's grace is sufficient!! And He promised it was so I hung onto that!
I certainly know how fortunate I am. She is a joy. She has always been my greatest advocate and I learned to be brave from her. I come from a long line of strong Godly women. Grandma’s on their knees kind of women. ❤️❤️
That is the same here. I'm handicapped now and use a wheelchair when we go out which is not much anymore. I was badly hurt at my last church. I'm about just staying home and there are so many churches here that I wonder how to find one that is true and actually teaching from the bible. I'm also afraid on running into people from my past church. Not everyone hurt me but many didnt believe me including the pastor. I read the bible and do u version bible studies. I see sermons from pastors that I can trust like Greg Laurie, Alan Jackson at World Outreach in Murphysburro, Tennessee and I watched Jimmy's services at Gateway, and Max Lucado.
I’m having a bad morning so forgive me for being harsh. But there’s an epidemic of dumb people who for some reason have been given authority, power, and resources over others. They have labeled anyone with a higher level of intelligence or sound judgment as mentally ill and persecuted them relentlessly. Anyone who’s capable of spontaneous creativity or an original thought has been benched. The coming tribulation will not be pleasant for those who have been lying to themselves. At least you had the courage to speak out, most did not.
Thank you Jimmy for sharing this insightful post. My wife and I are looking forward to traveling to Israel this fall with you. You shared how you have benefited from resources that have helped you over the years and I’m grateful for the way God has anchored you to be a resource today for so many including myself. Be encouraged and know that you and the team of leaders you work with are doing an important work in this critical time we are living in today.
Thank you for feeding us spiritually Jimmy as many of us really are new, fairly new or pivoting in journeying In our faith. There are also many mature believers in the TP family as well that I learn from too. I’m so thankful for this group in this time and season.
Excerpt: Is it possible that the Israeli government this year could pass legislation making it illegal for people to share the Gospel message in the very land where Jesus was born, raised, preached, died, buried and rose from the dead? Unfortunately, yes.
Wow, if this passes, then all these Christian based tours to Israel would become more dangerous. I also thought of Amir and his ministry. He could be jailed for just posting His Christian faith and beliefs on His website, YT, FB, and telegram channels. Jesus said we would have trials and persecutions for His name sake. We are already seeing our US 3 letter agencies come after Christian’s or label them domestic terrorist. It’s very possible it’s going to get much worse before God sends Jesus to get His bride. We must be willing to suffer for Jesus. What an honor that would be, even as bad as it might be on this side of Heaven. Thanks for sharing that article David. Did you read the English version of the bill?
Art, you don't know how right you are. Some days I feel like " let's just get this over with and arrest me now" but I know there's hard work to do in the precious harvest field of lost souls. This world wears me out! Thanks for your valuable input. God bless you Art.
I don't think it will pass. It's spiritual warfare, imo.
However, on the bright side, anytime Christianity is oppressed it grows exponentially. We have secular people hating the Gospel and Orthodox Jews hating the Gospel, so it might pass, though. Terrible days the world is careening into.
Yep! Same old story! The disciples had to fight it also! Might explain the scripture that only a third of Israelites will be saved in the end and escape God's wrath! Looks like they are going to fight against Jesus to the end!
Oh yeah. You know this is getting some panties in a bunch and will probably even drive others to the side of supporting the Palestinians in their efforts. But like you said, it's true. It is definitely going to create division in a world where an ever-growing majority is offended with the most basic principals like biology and sex.
The enemy is working overtime. The fool thinks he can suffocate the Word of God! If you admit to authorities to praying silently in a particular county or town in England you can be arrested, as has happened recently.
Blondie, I am still trying to figure how they knew that one person was praying silently!!?? He said he had his eyes open!! So guess they are reading minds now!! My word, Come Lord Jesus!!
David, did you get this link from Amir? I subscribe to his page, but I’m so politically incorrect lol I get lost in the long posts sometimes 🥴 your text is very disheartening for me as well:( very hard to understand some of the mentality of Gods Chosen😢
I forwarded it to Amir's office and they are aware of. I don't know if he'll report on it at this time. He sometimes refrains from reporting on senstive issues in Israel, which are many at this time.
I think the parable of the 10 virgins is the state of the church today. Thoses who truly believe and trust in Jesus and thoses who are either deceived or just play church. The reason they were not let into the wedding of the groom , raptured wasn't because they didn't believe in the rapture it is because in Math 25-12 Jesus says I don't know you. 5 out of 10 thats like 50%. Of the church that don't know Jesus and Jesus never knew them. How many will be praying in their Churches the day after the rapture crying out to be let in for the Lord to come and get them. How many churches won't even notice if anyone from their congragation is missing. I think this is going to be an indictment against the apostate church the pastors who know the truth and hold it Unrighteous the christians who know the truth but have turned away taking thousands or millions with them. This could only happen today. We are seeing so much apostacy . People are being deconstructed of their faith. Wolves in sheep's clothing. Church buying into Critical Race Theory, intersectionality , fragility
Social justice ,tribalism , and more. I believe there will be a great harvest after the rapture. Pray for your unsaved love ones today. God will hear your prayers. I believe he will do everything to save them. That is his will that all will come to repentance. The rapture will shake them up to the core.
We were talking about this exact thing last night. Laurels brother fired back with "How is it only half?"
I didn't really have a response, because I think he's right. I know I'm in MN (no extra bashing needed), but seriously...I think we are at 90% don't know Him, or care to. Thoughts?
David, you are so right! I have tried to speak with Christian friends about the end times being close and their eyes glaze over!! Totally blank and don't say a word!! Not even some teachers!!
I haven't even had the chance to read the comments on this post yet and probably won't get to until tomorrow 😞, but I had to comment a few things between my Sunday routine:
1. I love Pastor Jimmy's statement "Sometimes, when I’m writing articles for this site, watching Mark Hitchcock’s videos or even reading your comments..." because it shows how invested his heart really is in Jesus, in his ministries (including Tipping Point), and and me. There is no personal glory's about Jesus.
2. I loved the statement "To tell you the truth, I could really have used a community like Tipping Point when I first got saved..." because it's a reminder of how blessed I am by Tipping Point, by our pastors and certainly by each of you! That's 🫵.
3. I loved that today's post actually covered 2 questions that were asked this week: one about the 10 virgins and one about prepping during these times!
I think I'm going to hang around here awhile. GOOD stuff!
Happy Sunday! It’s a beautiful cold day in Texas! I loved this post, Pastor Jimmy! Thank you for encouraging us to look up and focus on all that the Lord has prepared for us for eternity! We say this often… live like today is your last day on earth and plan for 100 years! Although we know the clock started ticking on May 14,1948 we can get ready for the best is yet to come!! We have an eternity 💛💛 I really enjoy the singer Lauren Daigle and wanted to share her brand new song 🎶
Thank you Kari for sharing that song. I can relate. I have been through dark times and would be lost but for the Lord drawing me close and sustaining me when I feel all alone, which is often. Sometimes I feel like I must be the most unlovable person, rejected by my own daughters, friends I’ve had and every man who has been in my life. Jesus is my saving grace!
18If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. 19If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.
Diana, your comment really touched my heart. I can hear how much you LOVE Jesus.... He is your saving grace. First of all, I'm deeply sorry that you have gone through so much pain in relationships. You've been rejected & hurt by people who have been in your life. I can hear the pain in your words. We lift you up right now in the name of Jesus for healing of your soul. I pray over you.... “Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening].”1 Corinthians 13:7 AMP💛 I pray your soul & heart experiences complete healing in His name. This is for you too - You are ENOUGH! and....
Thank you Kari! I love both of those songs and find great comfort in them. I am so thankful for the faith God has given me and a church where I am slowly getting established and beginning to feel like this is family and a home for me. I don’t always participate in the discussions here but it is a blessing to be a part of this TP family as well. God bless you for your encouraging spirit! I love you, too 💜
🎶 Hymn: No one ever cared for me like Jesus. There's no other friend so kind as He. No one could take the sin and darkness from me; Oh, how much He cares for me.🎶 I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus, Since I found in Him a friend so strong and true. I would tell you how He changed my life completely; He did something no other friend could do!🎶
You can find it probably anywhere you listen to music or on youTube. I am so old I have been singing it 75 years and still love it! 🙄
Wow! Thank you pastor Jimmy, another home run! Loved it!
Hal Lindsey's late great planet earth was one of the first books I read early in my walk as well. Followed by (God final word) by Ray C. Stedman. Very helpful.
I thank GOD for this TP family, and always praying for its leaders.
We have read all your books and the latest Looking Up is awesome. Thank you for your commitment to the Lord that blesses us all. BTW, I came to the Lord in 1978 after reading The Late, Great Planet Earth! I was so intrigued when I started to read it, I actually read the entire book aloud with my husband (he is with Jesus now since 1991) and we both came to the Lord the same day. I am remarried to a wonderful man who also loves the Lord.
Pastor Jimmy, as I was reading that article with tears running down my face. In my mind i could see the huge smile of excitement on your face. The anticipation in your words, and it made me so happy for all of us. He is coming soon, and until I found this place and these people, and you Pastor Jimmy, via my Aunt, I had never known this kind of hope. I was "hopeless". All I have learned here, from ALL OF YOU, and through The Holy Scriptures, has changed my life. When I say Thank you, at the beginning of my comments, and my responses to my fellows here, that is why. You Pastors, and subscribers have helped me understand the gospel. And I'm so very grateful. Thank you Pastors Jimmy, Mark,and Greg. Thank you Tipping Point Family. Praise God!! I will see all of you soon. I truly believe that. Before this place I did not. God bless each and everyone of you! V.
Me again Steve. I read Greg and Laurel's post saying you had an arsenal. I too have one. Yours is physical but mine is spiritual. In the early 90's up on Long Island I shared this in women's ministry. Then in 2021 I shared it with my Times Square Church NYC connect group in a ZOOM widow's group. Now I share It with my TP family.
The study of God's Word should do three things: 1. Lead to discovery, 2. Increase our understanding, and 3. Encourage application in our lives.
Many years ago while praying for a sister in the Lord, the Holy Spirit showed me how the OT account of David and Goliath has application in our 21st century life as Christians. ( Read 1 Samuel 17.)
We all face Goliaths in our lives; sickness, financial problems, unsaved love ones, temptation, sinful habits, fear, doubt, unbelief and loss especially that in widowhood!
What David brought with him to fight Goliath is symbolic of what the Lord equips us with in our battles.
STAFF - our staff is the AUTHORITY God has given us as believers in His Son Jesus. Luke 10:19: "Behold, I have given you AUTHORITY to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." A book entitled SIT, WALK, STAND authored by Watchman Nee is an excellent read to further study on who you are in Christ.
1. WORD OF GOD - when Jesus was tempted by satan (I don't capitalize his name) in the wilderness, His weapon was the WORD OF GOD. Three times Jesus proclaims the written Word, "It is written.". In Ephesians 6:10-17 Paul lists five defensive pieces of our armor as soldiers in Christ. The sixth piece of armor is our only offensive one - the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
2. BLOOD OF JESUS - Roman 5:9 tells us we have REDEMPTION through the BLOOD; Hebrews 9:22 tells us all things are CLEANSED with BLOOD and without BLOOD there is no FORGIVENESS OF SIN; Matthew 26:28 tells us we enter into a NEW AND BETTER COVENANT through His BLOOD and Revelation 12:11 tells us we OVERCOME satan by the BLOOD of the LAMB and the WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY.
3. NAME OF JESUS - Mark 16:17a and 18b, "those who believe will in MY NAME cast out demons, speak with new tongues ... they will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover;" Romans 10:13, "Whoever calls on the NAME OF THE LORD shall be saved. As David said to Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:45, "You come against me with sword and spear and a javelin but I come against you in the NAME OF THE LORD ALMIGHTY..."
4. YIELDEDNESS TO THE HOLY SPIRIT - even though we have the Holy Spirit, unless we are yielded to Him and His will, His way and His timing, we will fail! Our new banner on our altar wall proclaims, "NOT BY MIGHT, NOT BY POWER BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD ..." (Zechariah 4:6.)
5. PRAISE - when trials, temptations, struggles come our way we don't Praise Jesus for them BUT IN THEM. Our praise of the Lord should never be removed. PRAISE in the mouth of God's children will bind the enemy with chains of iron. One who is praising God cannot be thinking thoughts of fear or doubt. PRAISE is a STRONG WEAPON that raises us above our trials. PRAISE is a way of taking back our mind from the enemy. James 4:7 tells us, "Resist him and he shall flee from us." The 150th Psalm verse 6 exhorts us, "LET EVERYTHING THAT HAS BREATH PRAISE THE LORD.
POUCH or Shepherd's bag where David kept his five stones. Our five stones are to be kept in our HEART. The weapons of God must be more than head knowledge, more than mental accent; they must be rooted deep within our heart as Romans 10:10 tells us, " ... for with the HEART man believes ..."
SLINGSHOT - we can have the staff, the five stones in our pouch but without the SLINGSHOT there can be no victory! Our SLING is EXERCISED FAITH - dormant faith as unexercised muscles will atrophy!
In 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 in the Living Bible, Paul addresses the believers in Corinth, "It is true that I am an ordinary, weak human being, but I don't use human plans and methods to win my battles. I use God's mighty weapons not those men have made, to knock down the devil's strongholds."
As he did so long ago in David's life, God has equipped us to SLAY THE GIANTS THAT COME AGAINST US AS WIDOWS! You never know what the day will hold. David went to bring lunch to his brothers and ended up slaying a giant!
Samuel 45:17 one of my favorites! I didn’t know you are part of TS Church. Currently listening to a John Ramirez book ‘Fire Prayers’ and you seem like a seasoned fire prayer from this church too....I’m learning quickly! God bless you sister!
Carol, I so appreciate this lesson you’ve brought us. I needed to hear this and to absorb the truth so that I can more effectively stand in the truth. Would you be willing to email this message to me so that I can print it out and refer to it daily to strengthen my walk in the Lord? My email is You have such wisdom!
WOW WOW WOW Carol…. Thank you for your post. A lot of spiritual growth in it. I’m incorporating this with my devotional this morning. I really am very low on the spiritual ladder:(
My arsenal doesn’t compare to Steve’s:) I’m down to my 243 and 16 gauge. Does a world of hurt on a woodchuck but I too am standing with you, Steve and the others in our Saviors strength knowing “no weapon formed against us will prosper” and that he will take care of HIS children no matter what we face!!! Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Thank the Lord, Esther, we don't have to climb that ladder under our own strength! Any ladder reference always reminds me of friends who believe they have to 'earn' their way to Heaven and they climb a few steps and fall back down and over and over, never making it to the top of the ladder! How sad!
Thank you Phycilla. My profession before marriage was as an executive secretary in the advertising world. When I was found of the Lord at 35 the Holy Spirit gave me a thirst for the Word for myself but as I learned He gave me themes which I was to search in scripture and share with the women in my church and was asked to oversee the women's ministry. I loved it but when my daughter and son were ready for college I went back into the business world. Bless you for your words! 🙃🌸
David posted an article below that really made me reflect with "What if" questions. It was actually Chris's statement "Some days I feel like " let's just get this over with and arrest me now" but I know there's hard work to do in the precious harvest field of lost souls" that opened Pandoras Box in my brain with this.
What would I really do if they came to arrest me for my faith? I know that no one else can answer that except me. Being honest, I know what my reaction would be and it sparks the question of whether or not it would be considered wrong by God's commandments and scripture to not willingly submit to authority at a time like that.
We have to be careful in the things we communicate because we know they can be used against us, but I'm sure I already know my response. I think I know the answer...that God would consider it as disobeying numerous scriptures and laws because at that point I would be taking it all into my own hands and not trusting Him?
I guess I'm not really looking for answers because I know this could be weaponized by others, but it really is something I think seriously about.
I posted this about a year ago on TP but after reading your post today I decided to post it again.
In November of 1978 the Lord drew my husband and I out of religion and into a personal relationship with Him. We were never the same again! In these almost 43 years the Holy Spirit has given me three dreams. I share now the very first one.
My daughter and I were praying on our knees in my living room which faced out into our backyard with over 40 trees whose leaves were no longer green but red, yellow, orange and a russet brown. Suddenly the front door of our home which was locked burst open with great force. There stood two men dressed in black even to the mask over their faces. They were pointing rifles at us and one said, "You are on your knees, we are taking you to be questioned." We were pushed in front of them with the rifles pressed against our backs. Again suddenly we were in a large area where a guillotine was positioned in its very center. I was pulled to the side but my daughter was dragged up the stairs leading to the guillotine and her head was placed under the blade above. I cannot tell you the fear that enveloped me. She was told to renounce Jesus or she would be beheaded. "I heard my voice saying, "Nancy don't do it you will be with Jesus in a moment." I closed my eyes tightly not wanting to see but one of the men stretched my eyes open placing some sort of what looked like very long toothpicks pushing them into my eyelids and then down into my cheeks. Then the other man said to me, "Renounce Jesus or you will watch your daughter be beheaded." Neither in a dream nor in real life have I ever experienced such conflicted feelings; she was my daughter and I loved her with my whole heart and I didn't want her to die but my heart ached for the One I loved with every fiber of my being. How could I deny Jesus? I felt the gun pressing harder into my back as I said, "we will not renounce Jesus!" Again suddenly the blade was freed and fell against her neck beheading her but there appeared One in a white robe Who caught her head and held it to His breast. I immediately woke up. I lay in my bed for a long time vividly remembering my thoughts that if I renounced Jesus she would live. An act of betrayal in the offering. Tears streamed down my face at the thought that I would ever betray my Jesus. The choice had been made and Jesus showed me He was there showing Himself once my decision was made." My daughter and I had given our hearts to the Lord so for a long time I could not understand this dream. Years later standing before my church's Tuesday morning women's group I found myself sharing the dream for the very first time. I assured them that loved ones we had been praying for, and would continue to pray for, at the very end of their earthly life standing on the platform of a guillotine would finally PRONOUNCE JESUS AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOR. Jesus would be there just as He was in my dream. I have only shared this dream with a few and have never written it out but today (originally 2022 but now March 19. 2023) again I share it with you my Tipping Point Family. May the Lord bless and keep you and yours in His love and grace. ❤️🙏 Carol
I do remember this when you told it before! Wow. I can only imagine how paralyzing it would have been to you the moment you woke up Miss Carol.
I may have been too vague in my statements above because I would never, ever renounce Jesus, and I'm confident even under the threat of my family that your dream would come to life in my actual reactions. I'm asking how God would judge me if I didn't go willingly, where it resulted in others coming to the "party" with me. Does that make sense?
Sometimes I let my mind run unbridled about things I will probably never experience.
Wow Carol. I was typing my reply to Steve so obviously didn't see your reply. Crazy we both went right to the guillotine! Premonition of what is coming, but we won't be here. And if I am, I will be smiling as the blade falls. Hallelujah! Blessings to you
And the heartbreaking thought that this is what is going to be put before all our loved ones who accept Jesus after the Rapture and during the Tribulation! I want to snatch them up and demand they accept Jesus before the Rapture but as I said earlier--God gives everyone free choice! We can't force anyone to accept Him!!😢😢
I know what you would do. Same as me. Say addios to your house, car, boat, your 14 crappie mounts I know you have, and yes... Your arsenal you prepared for such a day. And you would march next to me to the guillotine and smile as the blade came down. But you go first, and tell Jesus I'm coming right behind! Maranatha!
Oh absolutely Greg! I didn't realize until now that my reluctance to speak what I believe my reaction would be, could be mistaken as something else. Under no circumstance whatsoever would I ever renounce my Father or my Savior! You are absolutely right that I would leave all those things behind, and I would even let you push me first! 🤣 Thanks for the courtesy my friend! 🤨
But I was speaking specifically along the lines of how God would view me "if" I brought as many with me as possible in the moment. I know that one day I will be pushing up daisies which I will consider an honor. But in that moment, what if I were to bring some "friends" with me?
Again, I don't expect an answer from anyone because this may not even be a question that I should ponder publicly, but it is something I think about and I am honest. I can't lie and say that I would ever allow my family to be led to slaughter. Am I even making sense?
🤣🤣 Brother, your comments have blessed me more than you could ever know...even if they were to admit that you would shove me under the bus first! In all seriousness, my brain has been stuck in a mode today where I am exhausted and my typical humor has been hard to find. Oh, it has been an AMAZING day, but one full of prayer at church, and that can take an emotional toll sometimes. So, you gave me that humor that pulled me out of that slump. Thank you my chikkin friend!
Steve…..I admire you!!! You are such a real person. I can only imagine God viewing your posts and saying, that’s my boy Steve and he’s a man after my own heart:) I think there are many of us who feel the same way. I too, would think I would stand in the gap and never allow my family be slaughtered or at least go down trying. I have a feeling I would have been like Simon Peter, being armed with a sword, cut off the servant’s ear in an attempt to prevent the arrest of Jesus.
I pray we never have to face a situation like that. Keep on keeping on❣️❣️❣️
Thank you so much Miss Esther, and for the encouragement and reminder that God sees me different than I ever could, which is a good thing! And Peter...I think we are cut from the same cloth!
This update s so timely and encouraging to me. At this point in my life my physical body is failing me due to satanic and sorcery attacks. I don't understand why they continue to come even though I pray. I now pray for protection and more for the Lord to peacefully take me home. I look forward to the rapture, yet I pray that He have mercy on me and not make wait much longer to enter into His rest. Ready to meet my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Your in Christ Jesus.
Ellen it wont be long. The 5 miracle red Heffers brought to Isarel In Sept are going to be 3 years old by next year. They only stay heffers up to 3 years. Then they turn to cows. CBN just did a special report report on the red heffers. They have them in an undisclosed location . The Temple Institute is ready to roll. Just waiting for the green light. That is the antichrist making a peace pact with Israel. That is after the rapture. Jimmy is right look up watch the sky to open up listen for the trumpet hear the call. He's at the door. It won't be long. I think we will be in the thousand year rein of Christ soon.
I'm hanging on and looking up. I know that the sky will open soon and our redemption is near. Yet each day seems to get harder to get through. I'm feeling some relief from all the prayers. I'm so thankful for all of you praying. It strengthens me to know that my brothers and sisters are praying for me. I watch very closely the progress of the 3rd Temple. All the civil unrest in Israel is a attempt to prevent the building of the 3rd Temple. I don't believe that the current government is going to cave. Bibi Netanyahu is in place to build the 3rd Temple. The IDF is getting rid of anyone who isn't fully ready to defend Israel as the country G_d means it be. It's been announced that the government knows where the arch of the covenant is and will reveal it when the 3rd Temple is ready. Yours in Christ Jesus.
I want to encourage you today Ellen! I too have been very close to death recently within the last year and had felt that torn feeling of wanting to be with Jesus and wanting to fight again for life for my Family too. I sought God on His guidance and was given the message to fight and He saw me through that with victory and it hasn’t been easy but what a testimony to share. I’m still fighting and this past week I had the stomach flu for three days and three nights on top of all that and was depleted, lost 7lbs that I didn’t really have to lose and today I barely had the energy to make it to Church and I signed up a while back to serve guest welcoming after service. During worship and service I got this beautiful visual of Salmon doing the seemingly impossible thing swimming up the waterfall and it felt like in my heart a message from our Father that says see what I can do with design of fish? What more have I done with you designed for a time such as this to succeed against the flow of dark heaviness here with your faith? After service a man visited guest central and shared his grief about losing his fiancé in his arms just a few short months past but had it but been for the time by the river where the Holy Spirit encountered him, he would have questioned his faith believing he prayed in faith to save his fiancé and he still lost her (he’s praying and seeking revelation now in his grief). It didn’t seem fair to share how God saved me but the Holy Spirit led me to and it did encourage him to know that miracles are still happening and I shared the Salmon visual with him and it was what he needed to hear (He’s a fisherman) and maybe it brings you encouragement too to endure just another day friend! I’m praying for you! ‘He Hears us’ I John 5:14.
Thank you Angel, your story is encouraging. I'm so happy for the miracles bestowed upon you. The straight your encouraging story is bringing others is a blessing. I alos find it strengthening to think about to help me get through another day or night. Thank you for sharing . May the Lord bless you and keep you all ways, always. Yours in Christ Jesus.
I was wondering how I was going to see the sky open up from my bed. Then I remembered, two will be in bed one will be taken another left. My mind is then at ease. Jesus knows where I am. I will hear the last trumpet from wherever I am. He will come for me. I will raise up my arms and not look down or back and be drawn up to Him. As I type this the song "When we get to heaven..." is playing in my mind and I'm smiling. First time that I've smiled in awhile. Yous in Christ Jesus.
Ellen there are many live web cams all over the world you can access on your phone and see the sky. You can listen to songs on my site. I hope they lift you up.
I will do my best to watch some of your work. 'm in a very rural area. What's more is that the corrupt law enforcement in my home interferes with any reception from anywhere. They are terrible in that way. I often pray to overtake and overcome whatever they are doing to block me from receiving what the Lord ha for me to see and hear. Sometimes it then comes through other times not. When it doesn't I say out loud " the Lord's message may be delayed. It will not be denied." Yours in Christ Jesus.
I just wanted to let you know that many on this sight are always praying for you. I usually don't even let people know when I'm praying for them, as that may make them feel better emotionally hearing it, but He is the one who decides how that fits into His plan. I don't understand why some are taken so young, and others who most would consider Satan's spawn live longer. All I know is if You are still here, He's not done with you yet! Ask His will for you, it may be "just" praying for someone. YOU still have a purpose! These stories and situations people are in break my heart, especially yours.
Pre-trib, mid-trib, no-trib, death-before-anything trib... It doesn't matter! What matters is you have accepted Christ as your savior. You are saved! And we gonna have a huge PARTY very soon!
I appreciate all your prayers. I have asked the Lord if there's anything He has left for me to do here. I asked if this is a desert period that I must go through. Whatever I'm going through I've told Him It does feel like the end to me. There is getting away from the evil ones against me. I seek to glorify Him as I go through it. The corrupt law enforcement observing me through their cameras and the my family using their crystal balls and other means are observing the Lord's mighty hand at work in my life. They also are observing unwavering my love , trust, and faith in Jesus. All praise, glory and honor to You Lord Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen. Yours in Christ Jesus.
Wonderful message, thanks. I keep getting filled with fear about im not close enough to Him, im not doing enough for Him, not enough fruit in my life, total perfectionism type thoughts and its stealing my peace and rest!
Can someone give me some advice or scriptures to help me! In Christ, Steven
Before I got saved My mom wrote me a letter basically giving up on me....months later I was gloriously saved. I'm planning on writing letters to my own kids to get a reasonably close outcome. Like many kids in the US...they were raised in a gospel preaching church but because of my own sin my first marriage was destroyed from addiction resulting in my kids rebelling and rejecting God. I pray that God will anoint my thoughts to paper and God's love and compassion will smite their hearts the same way God got a hold of me. I really truly sense we don't have a lot of time. I covet this community's prayers. Love y'all.
Chris, I also suffered from addiction and destroyed my first marriage. It also destroyed my 2nd marriage. I have 2 kids from each marriage. By God’s grace, I was able to re-commit my life to Christ each time and was able to take all my kids to church while they were young. All of them accepted Christ at some point and were baptized. Yet as they grew older, the lived more in the world and made some costly mistakes with some of them. My daughter has been the one has always been wise beyond her age. The 3 boys have had some very difficult seasons. Now they are all 21 or older.
Over the past 5 years, they have watched me go from total failure to growing in love with Jesus and His word. We can all talk openly about the Bible and end times theology. They each are growing in their knowledge of God’s word and I’ve seen God send people in their life that are having a God-centered influence on them! Praise God!
I want to encourage you to write those letters. To share your testimony and faith with them any chance you get. I’m sure you do!
None of us want our children left behind. So we as parents continue to pray for our kiddos and have faith that God will answer that prayer in His perfect timing. Hopefully before the rapture.
I want to pray with you for your kids. Please let me know any specifics you feel comfortable sharing. My email is and my cell is 346-289-9926. You are welcome to contact me anytime. We have a history that shares some same mistakes. God bless!
I will definitely be getting in touch with ya brother! Right now I'm getting in touch with a locksmith because I locked my keys in the car at church!!!!!!!. I already want to go to bed! Lol 😆
Art - Think you'll find the following very helpful.
David, thanks for sharing those resources. I praise God for the victories He has had in my life. Drug addictions and sexual sin. I still respect the power of those sins. So I don’t want to become “lazy” with respect to how easily I could become entangled again if I were take my eyes off God and His word. The fellowship with other believers. God gave me victory over those things and continues to do so, one day at a time. I don’t live in fear of them anymore, yet I do respect their power to strike again if I turn back away from God to live in the world again. I thank God that my kids now see the changes in me and they know I give God the glory for all of them. Unfortunately, they all had to experience a father that was a multiply time prodigal son. Even so, God has used that to help them when they had times of struggles. God doesn’t waste any of my experiences, good or bad. Thanks again for caring enuf to share those resources. Means a lot to me! God bless! Art
Thank you for sharing your story Art, it is so inspiring ❤️🙏✝️✡️
Gbu Glee! All praise goes to God. Not me.
Chris. Write those letters to your kids! God’s Word does not return Void, but accompanies His Will and Purpose. 🙏
Bless your Heart Gladys! Love you sister!
Love you too Chris C. God is on your side; and Satan can not have your kids. Scripture says ; we have not because we ask not. So we pray and ask our Savior to soften their hearts to hear and listen to the truth of God’s Word as you minister to them with a gentle spirit and the Holy Spirit anoints your writings with God’s love and Grace. Be at peace and watch and wait as you see how God answers. Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46;10.
Chris - This could be helpful.
Hey David, think a sister in our community recently mentioned this book. Thanks for linking it.
Yes, it was Kris. :)
Don’t know why I was being secretive. Was thinking of protecting Kris’ privacy, when she posted it to begin with. ☺️
And here I thought you were sending Chris a locksmith manual...
Thanks David I'll check it out!
You are being prayed for Chris!🙏🙏
Praying for you as you pen God-ordained letters to your kids. He will certainly guide you.
Amen. Blondie. Nothing is too hard for the Lord ! 🙏
Praying for your children to hear the soft knock and receive Him, Chris.✝️🙏
Oh Chris, it makes us understand the scripture of "the sins of the fathers (or parents!) Follows the generations, doesn't it. All we can do is pray, pray, pray over our loved one! I have a much loved brother I beg God every single day to do whatever it takes to turn him around! And I have a sister just lost in drugs, sex, and liquor! God bless you, sweet friend! Don't give up!
I just found out yesterday that 2 of my daughters are in a lesbian relationship with other women. I feel so helpless.
Oh Chris, my heart breaks for you! The question is always from every parent "What do I do? How to I handle this? What do I say?" And it is a heartbreaking situation! I have seen parents cut their children completely out of their lives. And I have seen others put the son or daughter and his/her partner on their Christmas card! Only God can tell you how to go forward! My prayers are with you! 😢🙏
From what I know from people and stories about them I just have to let them go and let God do it. Pride and perversion equals poison. God has a way.
God gave us free will. ❤
He did. We also have the holy ghost that can convict past that stubborn staunch free will.
You are such a beautiful blessing ❤️❤️
Oh dear brother you KNOW we will pray for your sweet kids!!!
I wrote a similar letter for my family, I haven’t sent it yet.
My mother is 90, and we don’t know how long we will get to have her here with us, so I may save it for her funeral, but like you I think we are sooooo close to the end, that I’m waiting on God to impress on me when???
Glee, I hope you and Chris know how blessed you are to have a mother turning 90. I lost my sweet mother when she was 56 the week of Mother's Day! I can tell you I found out really fast whether I truly believed that God's grace is sufficient!! And He promised it was so I hung onto that!
I wish she lived closer. She's only 3 hours away but I have to make it a point to at least see her once a month.
I know I make that Texas Florida drive once a month to see mom😳
That’s when I started buying audiobooks for the drive ❤️
I actually don't mind driving. It just kicks my butt when I do it all day.
I certainly know how fortunate I am. She is a joy. She has always been my greatest advocate and I learned to be brave from her. I come from a long line of strong Godly women. Grandma’s on their knees kind of women. ❤️❤️
I just read in my devotion time: Anything that brings us to our knees and brings us to the foot of the cross is good for us!
I thought that was a great statement! And Dr. Charles Stanley always says: "Fight All your battles on your knees!"
And it really is all we can do!
So true
Oh wow Glee! My Mom turns 90 the 21st of June.
Wonderful message as always Pastor Jimmy.
Thank you so much for taking the time to disciple us & help us grow closer to our Lord Jesus.
Sometimes I find myself getting wrapped up in the horrible political & social unrest all around us & I need to focus more on Jesus.
Where I live there are no churches that I’ve found that are alive with His Spirit or teachings that are for the days we live in.
I get fed better from you & Pastor Mark & a few others online.
But I miss the human interaction with real believers that are full of the Holy Spirit.
God bless you all❣️
That is the same here. I'm handicapped now and use a wheelchair when we go out which is not much anymore. I was badly hurt at my last church. I'm about just staying home and there are so many churches here that I wonder how to find one that is true and actually teaching from the bible. I'm also afraid on running into people from my past church. Not everyone hurt me but many didnt believe me including the pastor. I read the bible and do u version bible studies. I see sermons from pastors that I can trust like Greg Laurie, Alan Jackson at World Outreach in Murphysburro, Tennessee and I watched Jimmy's services at Gateway, and Max Lucado.
I’m having a bad morning so forgive me for being harsh. But there’s an epidemic of dumb people who for some reason have been given authority, power, and resources over others. They have labeled anyone with a higher level of intelligence or sound judgment as mentally ill and persecuted them relentlessly. Anyone who’s capable of spontaneous creativity or an original thought has been benched. The coming tribulation will not be pleasant for those who have been lying to themselves. At least you had the courage to speak out, most did not.
Hope it’s ok that I shared this song of praise here?
It blessed me so much this morning I was crying tears of joy❣️🙏🏼
Great song. Thanks for sharing.
So happy you liked it❣️
Yes, thanks, nice song!
Thank you for sharing Sheila. That's one of my favorites!!
Yes, that song has so much energy! God IS good!!
Love it Sheila. We are rejoicing with you.
Thank you Jimmy for sharing this insightful post. My wife and I are looking forward to traveling to Israel this fall with you. You shared how you have benefited from resources that have helped you over the years and I’m grateful for the way God has anchored you to be a resource today for so many including myself. Be encouraged and know that you and the team of leaders you work with are doing an important work in this critical time we are living in today.
I love that song!
Amen Mike.
Thank you for feeding us spiritually Jimmy as many of us really are new, fairly new or pivoting in journeying In our faith. There are also many mature believers in the TP family as well that I learn from too. I’m so thankful for this group in this time and season.
Love you Angel and sooo blessed you are a part of the TP family! 💛
Excerpt: Is it possible that the Israeli government this year could pass legislation making it illegal for people to share the Gospel message in the very land where Jesus was born, raised, preached, died, buried and rose from the dead? Unfortunately, yes.
Wow, if this passes, then all these Christian based tours to Israel would become more dangerous. I also thought of Amir and his ministry. He could be jailed for just posting His Christian faith and beliefs on His website, YT, FB, and telegram channels. Jesus said we would have trials and persecutions for His name sake. We are already seeing our US 3 letter agencies come after Christian’s or label them domestic terrorist. It’s very possible it’s going to get much worse before God sends Jesus to get His bride. We must be willing to suffer for Jesus. What an honor that would be, even as bad as it might be on this side of Heaven. Thanks for sharing that article David. Did you read the English version of the bill?
Art, you don't know how right you are. Some days I feel like " let's just get this over with and arrest me now" but I know there's hard work to do in the precious harvest field of lost souls. This world wears me out! Thanks for your valuable input. God bless you Art.
I don't think it will pass. It's spiritual warfare, imo.
However, on the bright side, anytime Christianity is oppressed it grows exponentially. We have secular people hating the Gospel and Orthodox Jews hating the Gospel, so it might pass, though. Terrible days the world is careening into.
Bibi is getting squeezed... no telling what we are about to see take place in Israel. Officers and soldiers who volunteer in Military Intelligence’s Special Operations Division and cyber warfare units begin boycott ‘until this attempted coup is over’.
Not yet Art. I forwarded the article to Amir.
Hi David, yes, this reminds me of Matthew 24:9.... 🌺
Kris, I think this is something the two sides could come together on... really force Bibi's hand to get their way.
I see the Pharisees of Jesus's day is alive in spirit and up to their old tricks. 😡 We have to keep praying for everyone.
Yep! Same old story! The disciples had to fight it also! Might explain the scripture that only a third of Israelites will be saved in the end and escape God's wrath! Looks like they are going to fight against Jesus to the end!
My son and daughter go to Israel on a tour in May! Praying against this craziness in Jesus powerful name!!
That's like tomorrow!
Thanks for the heads up. Prayer list item.
Statements like this aren't helping matters either... even though it's technically true. Israel's Smotrich: There is no such thing as a Palestinian people
Oh yeah. You know this is getting some panties in a bunch and will probably even drive others to the side of supporting the Palestinians in their efforts. But like you said, it's true. It is definitely going to create division in a world where an ever-growing majority is offended with the most basic principals like biology and sex.
Steve, talk about your own undies!! 😁😁😁
Believe me, you don't want me talking about mine! 🤣🤣
Boy, is Satan at work.
Amen Hala!
The enemy is working overtime. The fool thinks he can suffocate the Word of God! If you admit to authorities to praying silently in a particular county or town in England you can be arrested, as has happened recently.
Blondie, I am still trying to figure how they knew that one person was praying silently!!?? He said he had his eyes open!! So guess they are reading minds now!! My word, Come Lord Jesus!!
David, did you get this link from Amir? I subscribe to his page, but I’m so politically incorrect lol I get lost in the long posts sometimes 🥴 your text is very disheartening for me as well:( very hard to understand some of the mentality of Gods Chosen😢
It's from Joel Rosenberg's news website. Following is more info on Joel.
I forwarded it to Amir's office and they are aware of. I don't know if he'll report on it at this time. He sometimes refrains from reporting on senstive issues in Israel, which are many at this time.
Absolutely crazy! I wasn't even aware of this. Thank you for sharing David.
I think the parable of the 10 virgins is the state of the church today. Thoses who truly believe and trust in Jesus and thoses who are either deceived or just play church. The reason they were not let into the wedding of the groom , raptured wasn't because they didn't believe in the rapture it is because in Math 25-12 Jesus says I don't know you. 5 out of 10 thats like 50%. Of the church that don't know Jesus and Jesus never knew them. How many will be praying in their Churches the day after the rapture crying out to be let in for the Lord to come and get them. How many churches won't even notice if anyone from their congragation is missing. I think this is going to be an indictment against the apostate church the pastors who know the truth and hold it Unrighteous the christians who know the truth but have turned away taking thousands or millions with them. This could only happen today. We are seeing so much apostacy . People are being deconstructed of their faith. Wolves in sheep's clothing. Church buying into Critical Race Theory, intersectionality , fragility
Social justice ,tribalism , and more. I believe there will be a great harvest after the rapture. Pray for your unsaved love ones today. God will hear your prayers. I believe he will do everything to save them. That is his will that all will come to repentance. The rapture will shake them up to the core.
Hi David,
We were talking about this exact thing last night. Laurels brother fired back with "How is it only half?"
I didn't really have a response, because I think he's right. I know I'm in MN (no extra bashing needed), but seriously...I think we are at 90% don't know Him, or care to. Thoughts?
David, you are so right! I have tried to speak with Christian friends about the end times being close and their eyes glaze over!! Totally blank and don't say a word!! Not even some teachers!!
I haven't even had the chance to read the comments on this post yet and probably won't get to until tomorrow 😞, but I had to comment a few things between my Sunday routine:
1. I love Pastor Jimmy's statement "Sometimes, when I’m writing articles for this site, watching Mark Hitchcock’s videos or even reading your comments..." because it shows how invested his heart really is in Jesus, in his ministries (including Tipping Point), and and me. There is no personal glory's about Jesus.
2. I loved the statement "To tell you the truth, I could really have used a community like Tipping Point when I first got saved..." because it's a reminder of how blessed I am by Tipping Point, by our pastors and certainly by each of you! That's 🫵.
3. I loved that today's post actually covered 2 questions that were asked this week: one about the 10 virgins and one about prepping during these times!
I think I'm going to hang around here awhile. GOOD stuff!
Happy Sunday! It’s a beautiful cold day in Texas! I loved this post, Pastor Jimmy! Thank you for encouraging us to look up and focus on all that the Lord has prepared for us for eternity! We say this often… live like today is your last day on earth and plan for 100 years! Although we know the clock started ticking on May 14,1948 we can get ready for the best is yet to come!! We have an eternity 💛💛 I really enjoy the singer Lauren Daigle and wanted to share her brand new song 🎶
Thank you Kari for sharing that song. I can relate. I have been through dark times and would be lost but for the Lord drawing me close and sustaining me when I feel all alone, which is often. Sometimes I feel like I must be the most unlovable person, rejected by my own daughters, friends I’ve had and every man who has been in my life. Jesus is my saving grace!
❤ ❤
John 15
18If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. 19If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.
Yes, Jesus was so misunderstood and who am I to think that I would be understood either, especially because I am sinful
But He was not.
Diana, your comment really touched my heart. I can hear how much you LOVE Jesus.... He is your saving grace. First of all, I'm deeply sorry that you have gone through so much pain in relationships. You've been rejected & hurt by people who have been in your life. I can hear the pain in your words. We lift you up right now in the name of Jesus for healing of your soul. I pray over you.... “Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening].”1 Corinthians 13:7 AMP💛 I pray your soul & heart experiences complete healing in His name. This is for you too - You are ENOUGH! and....
I love you, Diana.💛
Thank you Kari! I love both of those songs and find great comfort in them. I am so thankful for the faith God has given me and a church where I am slowly getting established and beginning to feel like this is family and a home for me. I don’t always participate in the discussions here but it is a blessing to be a part of this TP family as well. God bless you for your encouraging spirit! I love you, too 💜
I’m so happy you came on today and blessed us with your big heart!💛
Precious ❤️
I concur…There’s NO friend like Jesus. He understands rejection and betrayal.
Betrayal is a hard one to get over:( Jesus is my saving grace also. Thank you for sharing this Diane.
Yes, I am so thankful He listens, and He knows how hard life can be. I am grateful for His unconditional love❣️
🎶 Hymn: No one ever cared for me like Jesus. There's no other friend so kind as He. No one could take the sin and darkness from me; Oh, how much He cares for me.🎶 I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus, Since I found in Him a friend so strong and true. I would tell you how He changed my life completely; He did something no other friend could do!🎶
You can find it probably anywhere you listen to music or on youTube. I am so old I have been singing it 75 years and still love it! 🙄
Jesus will never reject you Diana, nor will we - your TP family. Know that you are loved xx
Thank you Irene. I believe my sisters and brothers in Christ are my true family and am grateful for the love we can share.
Thank you Kari for sharing this song. Sounds a lot like my testimony from the last few years! She's definitely one of my favorite gospel artist.
Hi Kari, Love that girl. Thank God I do.... 🌺
I’ve played it all day!! 😭 🎶🎶🎶
I love Lauren Daigle!!!!❤️✝️✡️
Wow! Thank you pastor Jimmy, another home run! Loved it!
Hal Lindsey's late great planet earth was one of the first books I read early in my walk as well. Followed by (God final word) by Ray C. Stedman. Very helpful.
I thank GOD for this TP family, and always praying for its leaders.
Maranatha! 🙏
We have read all your books and the latest Looking Up is awesome. Thank you for your commitment to the Lord that blesses us all. BTW, I came to the Lord in 1978 after reading The Late, Great Planet Earth! I was so intrigued when I started to read it, I actually read the entire book aloud with my husband (he is with Jesus now since 1991) and we both came to the Lord the same day. I am remarried to a wonderful man who also loves the Lord.
Pastor Jimmy, as I was reading that article with tears running down my face. In my mind i could see the huge smile of excitement on your face. The anticipation in your words, and it made me so happy for all of us. He is coming soon, and until I found this place and these people, and you Pastor Jimmy, via my Aunt, I had never known this kind of hope. I was "hopeless". All I have learned here, from ALL OF YOU, and through The Holy Scriptures, has changed my life. When I say Thank you, at the beginning of my comments, and my responses to my fellows here, that is why. You Pastors, and subscribers have helped me understand the gospel. And I'm so very grateful. Thank you Pastors Jimmy, Mark,and Greg. Thank you Tipping Point Family. Praise God!! I will see all of you soon. I truly believe that. Before this place I did not. God bless each and everyone of you! V.
Me again Steve. I read Greg and Laurel's post saying you had an arsenal. I too have one. Yours is physical but mine is spiritual. In the early 90's up on Long Island I shared this in women's ministry. Then in 2021 I shared it with my Times Square Church NYC connect group in a ZOOM widow's group. Now I share It with my TP family.
The study of God's Word should do three things: 1. Lead to discovery, 2. Increase our understanding, and 3. Encourage application in our lives.
Many years ago while praying for a sister in the Lord, the Holy Spirit showed me how the OT account of David and Goliath has application in our 21st century life as Christians. ( Read 1 Samuel 17.)
We all face Goliaths in our lives; sickness, financial problems, unsaved love ones, temptation, sinful habits, fear, doubt, unbelief and loss especially that in widowhood!
What David brought with him to fight Goliath is symbolic of what the Lord equips us with in our battles.
STAFF - our staff is the AUTHORITY God has given us as believers in His Son Jesus. Luke 10:19: "Behold, I have given you AUTHORITY to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." A book entitled SIT, WALK, STAND authored by Watchman Nee is an excellent read to further study on who you are in Christ.
1. WORD OF GOD - when Jesus was tempted by satan (I don't capitalize his name) in the wilderness, His weapon was the WORD OF GOD. Three times Jesus proclaims the written Word, "It is written.". In Ephesians 6:10-17 Paul lists five defensive pieces of our armor as soldiers in Christ. The sixth piece of armor is our only offensive one - the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
2. BLOOD OF JESUS - Roman 5:9 tells us we have REDEMPTION through the BLOOD; Hebrews 9:22 tells us all things are CLEANSED with BLOOD and without BLOOD there is no FORGIVENESS OF SIN; Matthew 26:28 tells us we enter into a NEW AND BETTER COVENANT through His BLOOD and Revelation 12:11 tells us we OVERCOME satan by the BLOOD of the LAMB and the WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY.
3. NAME OF JESUS - Mark 16:17a and 18b, "those who believe will in MY NAME cast out demons, speak with new tongues ... they will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover;" Romans 10:13, "Whoever calls on the NAME OF THE LORD shall be saved. As David said to Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:45, "You come against me with sword and spear and a javelin but I come against you in the NAME OF THE LORD ALMIGHTY..."
4. YIELDEDNESS TO THE HOLY SPIRIT - even though we have the Holy Spirit, unless we are yielded to Him and His will, His way and His timing, we will fail! Our new banner on our altar wall proclaims, "NOT BY MIGHT, NOT BY POWER BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD ..." (Zechariah 4:6.)
5. PRAISE - when trials, temptations, struggles come our way we don't Praise Jesus for them BUT IN THEM. Our praise of the Lord should never be removed. PRAISE in the mouth of God's children will bind the enemy with chains of iron. One who is praising God cannot be thinking thoughts of fear or doubt. PRAISE is a STRONG WEAPON that raises us above our trials. PRAISE is a way of taking back our mind from the enemy. James 4:7 tells us, "Resist him and he shall flee from us." The 150th Psalm verse 6 exhorts us, "LET EVERYTHING THAT HAS BREATH PRAISE THE LORD.
POUCH or Shepherd's bag where David kept his five stones. Our five stones are to be kept in our HEART. The weapons of God must be more than head knowledge, more than mental accent; they must be rooted deep within our heart as Romans 10:10 tells us, " ... for with the HEART man believes ..."
SLINGSHOT - we can have the staff, the five stones in our pouch but without the SLINGSHOT there can be no victory! Our SLING is EXERCISED FAITH - dormant faith as unexercised muscles will atrophy!
In 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 in the Living Bible, Paul addresses the believers in Corinth, "It is true that I am an ordinary, weak human being, but I don't use human plans and methods to win my battles. I use God's mighty weapons not those men have made, to knock down the devil's strongholds."
As he did so long ago in David's life, God has equipped us to SLAY THE GIANTS THAT COME AGAINST US AS WIDOWS! You never know what the day will hold. David went to bring lunch to his brothers and ended up slaying a giant!
Samuel 45:17 one of my favorites! I didn’t know you are part of TS Church. Currently listening to a John Ramirez book ‘Fire Prayers’ and you seem like a seasoned fire prayer from this church too....I’m learning quickly! God bless you sister!
You were definitely named for who you are: an earth angel! Nite nite and Holy Spirit dreams! ❤️
Carol, I so appreciate this lesson you’ve brought us. I needed to hear this and to absorb the truth so that I can more effectively stand in the truth. Would you be willing to email this message to me so that I can print it out and refer to it daily to strengthen my walk in the Lord? My email is You have such wisdom!
WOW WOW WOW Carol…. Thank you for your post. A lot of spiritual growth in it. I’m incorporating this with my devotional this morning. I really am very low on the spiritual ladder:(
My arsenal doesn’t compare to Steve’s:) I’m down to my 243 and 16 gauge. Does a world of hurt on a woodchuck but I too am standing with you, Steve and the others in our Saviors strength knowing “no weapon formed against us will prosper” and that he will take care of HIS children no matter what we face!!! Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Thank the Lord, Esther, we don't have to climb that ladder under our own strength! Any ladder reference always reminds me of friends who believe they have to 'earn' their way to Heaven and they climb a few steps and fall back down and over and over, never making it to the top of the ladder! How sad!
Wow, Carol, you are truly a called teacher! Bless you! Thank you!
Thank you Phycilla. My profession before marriage was as an executive secretary in the advertising world. When I was found of the Lord at 35 the Holy Spirit gave me a thirst for the Word for myself but as I learned He gave me themes which I was to search in scripture and share with the women in my church and was asked to oversee the women's ministry. I loved it but when my daughter and son were ready for college I went back into the business world. Bless you for your words! 🙃🌸
David posted an article below that really made me reflect with "What if" questions. It was actually Chris's statement "Some days I feel like " let's just get this over with and arrest me now" but I know there's hard work to do in the precious harvest field of lost souls" that opened Pandoras Box in my brain with this.
What would I really do if they came to arrest me for my faith? I know that no one else can answer that except me. Being honest, I know what my reaction would be and it sparks the question of whether or not it would be considered wrong by God's commandments and scripture to not willingly submit to authority at a time like that.
We have to be careful in the things we communicate because we know they can be used against us, but I'm sure I already know my response. I think I know the answer...that God would consider it as disobeying numerous scriptures and laws because at that point I would be taking it all into my own hands and not trusting Him?
I guess I'm not really looking for answers because I know this could be weaponized by others, but it really is something I think seriously about.
Hello Steve,
I posted this about a year ago on TP but after reading your post today I decided to post it again.
In November of 1978 the Lord drew my husband and I out of religion and into a personal relationship with Him. We were never the same again! In these almost 43 years the Holy Spirit has given me three dreams. I share now the very first one.
My daughter and I were praying on our knees in my living room which faced out into our backyard with over 40 trees whose leaves were no longer green but red, yellow, orange and a russet brown. Suddenly the front door of our home which was locked burst open with great force. There stood two men dressed in black even to the mask over their faces. They were pointing rifles at us and one said, "You are on your knees, we are taking you to be questioned." We were pushed in front of them with the rifles pressed against our backs. Again suddenly we were in a large area where a guillotine was positioned in its very center. I was pulled to the side but my daughter was dragged up the stairs leading to the guillotine and her head was placed under the blade above. I cannot tell you the fear that enveloped me. She was told to renounce Jesus or she would be beheaded. "I heard my voice saying, "Nancy don't do it you will be with Jesus in a moment." I closed my eyes tightly not wanting to see but one of the men stretched my eyes open placing some sort of what looked like very long toothpicks pushing them into my eyelids and then down into my cheeks. Then the other man said to me, "Renounce Jesus or you will watch your daughter be beheaded." Neither in a dream nor in real life have I ever experienced such conflicted feelings; she was my daughter and I loved her with my whole heart and I didn't want her to die but my heart ached for the One I loved with every fiber of my being. How could I deny Jesus? I felt the gun pressing harder into my back as I said, "we will not renounce Jesus!" Again suddenly the blade was freed and fell against her neck beheading her but there appeared One in a white robe Who caught her head and held it to His breast. I immediately woke up. I lay in my bed for a long time vividly remembering my thoughts that if I renounced Jesus she would live. An act of betrayal in the offering. Tears streamed down my face at the thought that I would ever betray my Jesus. The choice had been made and Jesus showed me He was there showing Himself once my decision was made." My daughter and I had given our hearts to the Lord so for a long time I could not understand this dream. Years later standing before my church's Tuesday morning women's group I found myself sharing the dream for the very first time. I assured them that loved ones we had been praying for, and would continue to pray for, at the very end of their earthly life standing on the platform of a guillotine would finally PRONOUNCE JESUS AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOR. Jesus would be there just as He was in my dream. I have only shared this dream with a few and have never written it out but today (originally 2022 but now March 19. 2023) again I share it with you my Tipping Point Family. May the Lord bless and keep you and yours in His love and grace. ❤️🙏 Carol
I do remember this when you told it before! Wow. I can only imagine how paralyzing it would have been to you the moment you woke up Miss Carol.
I may have been too vague in my statements above because I would never, ever renounce Jesus, and I'm confident even under the threat of my family that your dream would come to life in my actual reactions. I'm asking how God would judge me if I didn't go willingly, where it resulted in others coming to the "party" with me. Does that make sense?
Sometimes I let my mind run unbridled about things I will probably never experience.
Wow Carol. I was typing my reply to Steve so obviously didn't see your reply. Crazy we both went right to the guillotine! Premonition of what is coming, but we won't be here. And if I am, I will be smiling as the blade falls. Hallelujah! Blessings to you
And the heartbreaking thought that this is what is going to be put before all our loved ones who accept Jesus after the Rapture and during the Tribulation! I want to snatch them up and demand they accept Jesus before the Rapture but as I said earlier--God gives everyone free choice! We can't force anyone to accept Him!!😢😢
I know what you would do. Same as me. Say addios to your house, car, boat, your 14 crappie mounts I know you have, and yes... Your arsenal you prepared for such a day. And you would march next to me to the guillotine and smile as the blade came down. But you go first, and tell Jesus I'm coming right behind! Maranatha!
Oh absolutely Greg! I didn't realize until now that my reluctance to speak what I believe my reaction would be, could be mistaken as something else. Under no circumstance whatsoever would I ever renounce my Father or my Savior! You are absolutely right that I would leave all those things behind, and I would even let you push me first! 🤣 Thanks for the courtesy my friend! 🤨
But I was speaking specifically along the lines of how God would view me "if" I brought as many with me as possible in the moment. I know that one day I will be pushing up daisies which I will consider an honor. But in that moment, what if I were to bring some "friends" with me?
Again, I don't expect an answer from anyone because this may not even be a question that I should ponder publicly, but it is something I think about and I am honest. I can't lie and say that I would ever allow my family to be led to slaughter. Am I even making sense?
Yep 💯% I'm with ya. But you still go first.
🤣🤣 Brother, your comments have blessed me more than you could ever know...even if they were to admit that you would shove me under the bus first! In all seriousness, my brain has been stuck in a mode today where I am exhausted and my typical humor has been hard to find. Oh, it has been an AMAZING day, but one full of prayer at church, and that can take an emotional toll sometimes. So, you gave me that humor that pulled me out of that slump. Thank you my chikkin friend!
Lol glad to help out! Church was amazing today for me as well. Peace brother
Steve…..I admire you!!! You are such a real person. I can only imagine God viewing your posts and saying, that’s my boy Steve and he’s a man after my own heart:) I think there are many of us who feel the same way. I too, would think I would stand in the gap and never allow my family be slaughtered or at least go down trying. I have a feeling I would have been like Simon Peter, being armed with a sword, cut off the servant’s ear in an attempt to prevent the arrest of Jesus.
I pray we never have to face a situation like that. Keep on keeping on❣️❣️❣️
Thank you so much Miss Esther, and for the encouragement and reminder that God sees me different than I ever could, which is a good thing! And Peter...I think we are cut from the same cloth!
Thank you so much again, and much love!
This update s so timely and encouraging to me. At this point in my life my physical body is failing me due to satanic and sorcery attacks. I don't understand why they continue to come even though I pray. I now pray for protection and more for the Lord to peacefully take me home. I look forward to the rapture, yet I pray that He have mercy on me and not make wait much longer to enter into His rest. Ready to meet my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Your in Christ Jesus.
Ellen it wont be long. The 5 miracle red Heffers brought to Isarel In Sept are going to be 3 years old by next year. They only stay heffers up to 3 years. Then they turn to cows. CBN just did a special report report on the red heffers. They have them in an undisclosed location . The Temple Institute is ready to roll. Just waiting for the green light. That is the antichrist making a peace pact with Israel. That is after the rapture. Jimmy is right look up watch the sky to open up listen for the trumpet hear the call. He's at the door. It won't be long. I think we will be in the thousand year rein of Christ soon.
I'm hanging on and looking up. I know that the sky will open soon and our redemption is near. Yet each day seems to get harder to get through. I'm feeling some relief from all the prayers. I'm so thankful for all of you praying. It strengthens me to know that my brothers and sisters are praying for me. I watch very closely the progress of the 3rd Temple. All the civil unrest in Israel is a attempt to prevent the building of the 3rd Temple. I don't believe that the current government is going to cave. Bibi Netanyahu is in place to build the 3rd Temple. The IDF is getting rid of anyone who isn't fully ready to defend Israel as the country G_d means it be. It's been announced that the government knows where the arch of the covenant is and will reveal it when the 3rd Temple is ready. Yours in Christ Jesus.
I want to encourage you today Ellen! I too have been very close to death recently within the last year and had felt that torn feeling of wanting to be with Jesus and wanting to fight again for life for my Family too. I sought God on His guidance and was given the message to fight and He saw me through that with victory and it hasn’t been easy but what a testimony to share. I’m still fighting and this past week I had the stomach flu for three days and three nights on top of all that and was depleted, lost 7lbs that I didn’t really have to lose and today I barely had the energy to make it to Church and I signed up a while back to serve guest welcoming after service. During worship and service I got this beautiful visual of Salmon doing the seemingly impossible thing swimming up the waterfall and it felt like in my heart a message from our Father that says see what I can do with design of fish? What more have I done with you designed for a time such as this to succeed against the flow of dark heaviness here with your faith? After service a man visited guest central and shared his grief about losing his fiancé in his arms just a few short months past but had it but been for the time by the river where the Holy Spirit encountered him, he would have questioned his faith believing he prayed in faith to save his fiancé and he still lost her (he’s praying and seeking revelation now in his grief). It didn’t seem fair to share how God saved me but the Holy Spirit led me to and it did encourage him to know that miracles are still happening and I shared the Salmon visual with him and it was what he needed to hear (He’s a fisherman) and maybe it brings you encouragement too to endure just another day friend! I’m praying for you! ‘He Hears us’ I John 5:14.
Thank you Angel, your story is encouraging. I'm so happy for the miracles bestowed upon you. The straight your encouraging story is bringing others is a blessing. I alos find it strengthening to think about to help me get through another day or night. Thank you for sharing . May the Lord bless you and keep you all ways, always. Yours in Christ Jesus.
I was wondering how I was going to see the sky open up from my bed. Then I remembered, two will be in bed one will be taken another left. My mind is then at ease. Jesus knows where I am. I will hear the last trumpet from wherever I am. He will come for me. I will raise up my arms and not look down or back and be drawn up to Him. As I type this the song "When we get to heaven..." is playing in my mind and I'm smiling. First time that I've smiled in awhile. Yous in Christ Jesus.
Ellen there are many live web cams all over the world you can access on your phone and see the sky. You can listen to songs on my site. I hope they lift you up.
I will do my best to watch some of your work. 'm in a very rural area. What's more is that the corrupt law enforcement in my home interferes with any reception from anywhere. They are terrible in that way. I often pray to overtake and overcome whatever they are doing to block me from receiving what the Lord ha for me to see and hear. Sometimes it then comes through other times not. When it doesn't I say out loud " the Lord's message may be delayed. It will not be denied." Yours in Christ Jesus.
Thank you so much for the music. I found comforting and reassuring. I will be listening to it often. Yours in Christ Jesus.
I just wanted to let you know that many on this sight are always praying for you. I usually don't even let people know when I'm praying for them, as that may make them feel better emotionally hearing it, but He is the one who decides how that fits into His plan. I don't understand why some are taken so young, and others who most would consider Satan's spawn live longer. All I know is if You are still here, He's not done with you yet! Ask His will for you, it may be "just" praying for someone. YOU still have a purpose! These stories and situations people are in break my heart, especially yours.
Pre-trib, mid-trib, no-trib, death-before-anything trib... It doesn't matter! What matters is you have accepted Christ as your savior. You are saved! And we gonna have a huge PARTY very soon!
Greg and Laurel,
I appreciate all your prayers. I have asked the Lord if there's anything He has left for me to do here. I asked if this is a desert period that I must go through. Whatever I'm going through I've told Him It does feel like the end to me. There is getting away from the evil ones against me. I seek to glorify Him as I go through it. The corrupt law enforcement observing me through their cameras and the my family using their crystal balls and other means are observing the Lord's mighty hand at work in my life. They also are observing unwavering my love , trust, and faith in Jesus. All praise, glory and honor to You Lord Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen. Yours in Christ Jesus.
Wonderful message, thanks. I keep getting filled with fear about im not close enough to Him, im not doing enough for Him, not enough fruit in my life, total perfectionism type thoughts and its stealing my peace and rest!
Can someone give me some advice or scriptures to help me! In Christ, Steven
Steven…. I’m no expert in scripture. I just know Jesus Christ loves us more than we could possibly love him.
Psalms 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.
Philippians 1:6 " Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.
It’s all about Jesus ♥️♥️♥️
Thanks ✝️❤️✝️🙋😁