Before I got saved My mom wrote me a letter basically giving up on me....months later I was gloriously saved. I'm planning on writing letters to my own kids to get a reasonably close outcome. Like many kids in the US...they were raised in a gospel preaching church but because of my own sin my first marriage was destroyed from addiction resulting in my kids rebelling and rejecting God. I pray that God will anoint my thoughts to paper and God's love and compassion will smite their hearts the same way God got a hold of me. I really truly sense we don't have a lot of time. I covet this community's prayers. Love y'all.

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Wonderful message as always Pastor Jimmy.

Thank you so much for taking the time to disciple us & help us grow closer to our Lord Jesus.

Sometimes I find myself getting wrapped up in the horrible political & social unrest all around us & I need to focus more on Jesus.

Where I live there are no churches that I’ve found that are alive with His Spirit or teachings that are for the days we live in.

I get fed better from you & Pastor Mark & a few others online.

But I miss the human interaction with real believers that are full of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you all❣️

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Hope it’s ok that I shared this song of praise here?

It blessed me so much this morning I was crying tears of joy❣️🙏🏼

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Thank you Jimmy for sharing this insightful post. My wife and I are looking forward to traveling to Israel this fall with you. You shared how you have benefited from resources that have helped you over the years and I’m grateful for the way God has anchored you to be a resource today for so many including myself. Be encouraged and know that you and the team of leaders you work with are doing an important work in this critical time we are living in today.

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Thank you for feeding us spiritually Jimmy as many of us really are new, fairly new or pivoting in journeying In our faith. There are also many mature believers in the TP family as well that I learn from too. I’m so thankful for this group in this time and season.

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Excerpt: Is it possible that the Israeli government this year could pass legislation making it illegal for people to share the Gospel message in the very land where Jesus was born, raised, preached, died, buried and rose from the dead? Unfortunately, yes.

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I think the parable of the 10 virgins is the state of the church today. Thoses who truly believe and trust in Jesus and thoses who are either deceived or just play church. The reason they were not let into the wedding of the groom , raptured wasn't because they didn't believe in the rapture it is because in Math 25-12 Jesus says I don't know you. 5 out of 10 thats like 50%. Of the church that don't know Jesus and Jesus never knew them. How many will be praying in their Churches the day after the rapture crying out to be let in for the Lord to come and get them. How many churches won't even notice if anyone from their congragation is missing. I think this is going to be an indictment against the apostate church the pastors who know the truth and hold it Unrighteous the christians who know the truth but have turned away taking thousands or millions with them. This could only happen today. We are seeing so much apostacy . People are being deconstructed of their faith. Wolves in sheep's clothing. Church buying into Critical Race Theory, intersectionality , fragility

Social justice ,tribalism , and more. I believe there will be a great harvest after the rapture. Pray for your unsaved love ones today. God will hear your prayers. I believe he will do everything to save them. That is his will that all will come to repentance. The rapture will shake them up to the core.

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I haven't even had the chance to read the comments on this post yet and probably won't get to until tomorrow 😞, but I had to comment a few things between my Sunday routine:

1. I love Pastor Jimmy's statement "Sometimes, when I’m writing articles for this site, watching Mark Hitchcock’s videos or even reading your comments..." because it shows how invested his heart really is in Jesus, in his ministries (including Tipping Point), and us...you and me. There is no personal glory there...it's about Jesus.

2. I loved the statement "To tell you the truth, I could really have used a community like Tipping Point when I first got saved..." because it's a reminder of how blessed I am by Tipping Point, by our pastors and certainly by each of you! That's 🫵.

3. I loved that today's post actually covered 2 questions that were asked this week: one about the 10 virgins and one about prepping during these times!

I think I'm going to hang around here awhile. GOOD stuff!

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Happy Sunday! It’s a beautiful cold day in Texas! I loved this post, Pastor Jimmy! Thank you for encouraging us to look up and focus on all that the Lord has prepared for us for eternity! We say this often… live like today is your last day on earth and plan for 100 years! Although we know the clock started ticking on May 14,1948 we can get ready for the best is yet to come!! We have an eternity 💛💛 I really enjoy the singer Lauren Daigle and wanted to share her brand new song 🎶 https://youtu.be/OoEr8BSsrxg

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Wow! Thank you pastor Jimmy, another home run! Loved it!

Hal Lindsey's late great planet earth was one of the first books I read early in my walk as well. Followed by (God final word) by Ray C. Stedman. Very helpful.

I thank GOD for this TP family, and always praying for its leaders.

Maranatha! 🙏

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We have read all your books and the latest Looking Up is awesome. Thank you for your commitment to the Lord that blesses us all. BTW, I came to the Lord in 1978 after reading The Late, Great Planet Earth! I was so intrigued when I started to read it, I actually read the entire book aloud with my husband (he is with Jesus now since 1991) and we both came to the Lord the same day. I am remarried to a wonderful man who also loves the Lord.

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Pastor Jimmy, as I was reading that article with tears running down my face. In my mind i could see the huge smile of excitement on your face. The anticipation in your words, and it made me so happy for all of us. He is coming soon, and until I found this place and these people, and you Pastor Jimmy, via my Aunt, I had never known this kind of hope. I was "hopeless". All I have learned here, from ALL OF YOU, and through The Holy Scriptures, has changed my life. When I say Thank you, at the beginning of my comments, and my responses to my fellows here, that is why. You Pastors, and subscribers have helped me understand the gospel. And I'm so very grateful. Thank you Pastors Jimmy, Mark,and Greg. Thank you Tipping Point Family. Praise God!! I will see all of you soon. I truly believe that. Before this place I did not. God bless each and everyone of you! V.

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Me again Steve. I read Greg and Laurel's post saying you had an arsenal. I too have one. Yours is physical but mine is spiritual. In the early 90's up on Long Island I shared this in women's ministry. Then in 2021 I shared it with my Times Square Church NYC connect group in a ZOOM widow's group. Now I share It with my TP family.


The study of God's Word should do three things: 1. Lead to discovery, 2. Increase our understanding, and 3. Encourage application in our lives.

Many years ago while praying for a sister in the Lord, the Holy Spirit showed me how the OT account of David and Goliath has application in our 21st century life as Christians. ( Read 1 Samuel 17.)

We all face Goliaths in our lives; sickness, financial problems, unsaved love ones, temptation, sinful habits, fear, doubt, unbelief and loss especially that in widowhood!

What David brought with him to fight Goliath is symbolic of what the Lord equips us with in our battles.

STAFF - our staff is the AUTHORITY God has given us as believers in His Son Jesus. Luke 10:19: "Behold, I have given you AUTHORITY to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." A book entitled SIT, WALK, STAND authored by Watchman Nee is an excellent read to further study on who you are in Christ.


1. WORD OF GOD - when Jesus was tempted by satan (I don't capitalize his name) in the wilderness, His weapon was the WORD OF GOD. Three times Jesus proclaims the written Word, "It is written.". In Ephesians 6:10-17 Paul lists five defensive pieces of our armor as soldiers in Christ. The sixth piece of armor is our only offensive one - the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.

2. BLOOD OF JESUS - Roman 5:9 tells us we have REDEMPTION through the BLOOD; Hebrews 9:22 tells us all things are CLEANSED with BLOOD and without BLOOD there is no FORGIVENESS OF SIN; Matthew 26:28 tells us we enter into a NEW AND BETTER COVENANT through His BLOOD and Revelation 12:11 tells us we OVERCOME satan by the BLOOD of the LAMB and the WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY.

3. NAME OF JESUS - Mark 16:17a and 18b, "those who believe will in MY NAME cast out demons, speak with new tongues ... they will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover;" Romans 10:13, "Whoever calls on the NAME OF THE LORD shall be saved. As David said to Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:45, "You come against me with sword and spear and a javelin but I come against you in the NAME OF THE LORD ALMIGHTY..."

4. YIELDEDNESS TO THE HOLY SPIRIT - even though we have the Holy Spirit, unless we are yielded to Him and His will, His way and His timing, we will fail! Our new banner on our altar wall proclaims, "NOT BY MIGHT, NOT BY POWER BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD ..." (Zechariah 4:6.)

5. PRAISE - when trials, temptations, struggles come our way we don't Praise Jesus for them BUT IN THEM. Our praise of the Lord should never be removed. PRAISE in the mouth of God's children will bind the enemy with chains of iron. One who is praising God cannot be thinking thoughts of fear or doubt. PRAISE is a STRONG WEAPON that raises us above our trials. PRAISE is a way of taking back our mind from the enemy. James 4:7 tells us, "Resist him and he shall flee from us." The 150th Psalm verse 6 exhorts us, "LET EVERYTHING THAT HAS BREATH PRAISE THE LORD.

POUCH or Shepherd's bag where David kept his five stones. Our five stones are to be kept in our HEART. The weapons of God must be more than head knowledge, more than mental accent; they must be rooted deep within our heart as Romans 10:10 tells us, " ... for with the HEART man believes ..."

SLINGSHOT - we can have the staff, the five stones in our pouch but without the SLINGSHOT there can be no victory! Our SLING is EXERCISED FAITH - dormant faith as unexercised muscles will atrophy!

In 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 in the Living Bible, Paul addresses the believers in Corinth, "It is true that I am an ordinary, weak human being, but I don't use human plans and methods to win my battles. I use God's mighty weapons not those men have made, to knock down the devil's strongholds."

As he did so long ago in David's life, God has equipped us to SLAY THE GIANTS THAT COME AGAINST US AS WIDOWS! You never know what the day will hold. David went to bring lunch to his brothers and ended up slaying a giant!


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David posted an article below that really made me reflect with "What if" questions. It was actually Chris's statement "Some days I feel like " let's just get this over with and arrest me now" but I know there's hard work to do in the precious harvest field of lost souls" that opened Pandoras Box in my brain with this.

What would I really do if they came to arrest me for my faith? I know that no one else can answer that except me. Being honest, I know what my reaction would be and it sparks the question of whether or not it would be considered wrong by God's commandments and scripture to not willingly submit to authority at a time like that.

We have to be careful in the things we communicate because we know they can be used against us, but I'm sure I already know my response. I think I know the answer...that God would consider it as disobeying numerous scriptures and laws because at that point I would be taking it all into my own hands and not trusting Him?

I guess I'm not really looking for answers because I know this could be weaponized by others, but it really is something I think seriously about.

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This update s so timely and encouraging to me. At this point in my life my physical body is failing me due to satanic and sorcery attacks. I don't understand why they continue to come even though I pray. I now pray for protection and more for the Lord to peacefully take me home. I look forward to the rapture, yet I pray that He have mercy on me and not make wait much longer to enter into His rest. Ready to meet my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Your in Christ Jesus.

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Wonderful message, thanks. I keep getting filled with fear about im not close enough to Him, im not doing enough for Him, not enough fruit in my life, total perfectionism type thoughts and its stealing my peace and rest!

Can someone give me some advice or scriptures to help me! In Christ, Steven

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