It's not to say that we shouldn't pursue knowledge, but that we shouldn't prioritize knowledge over God. Proverbs 2:6 says, "For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." If we pursue God - if we love the Lord with all of our everything - we will gain knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. The more we know about God, the more we know about everything, because "all things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made." (John 1) The more we know God, the more we understand His ways, and the more we gain a heart of wisdom to act rightly on the knowledge and understanding He has given us.

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Happy Sunday to all you Tipsters!!! What a loving and compassionate sunrise message. Thank you Pastor Jimmy so much for all you do for us. You are a true Shepherd after God’s own heart.

God richly bless you all 🙏⛅️🎺⬆️

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God bless you Ms Glee! 🙌

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Thank you Pastor Evans for this beautiful reminder of our loving Heavenly Father. “But there’s another side to the cross—God’s side—and He is saying, “It was worth everything that was paid to get you back into My presence.” This heartsick Daddy sent His one and only Son so He could be back in your presence. He loves being with us more than we could possibly understand.”

I don’t ever recall experiencing vast amounts of spiritual battles before as I do now. I know what it’s like to pray without ceasing. I’m so thankful for your words of encouragement. I’m so thankful to be the daughter of the Great I Am. What an AWESOME FRIEND we have in JESUS!!!

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This was beautiful Esther. ❤️ Yes, the spiritual battles are ramping up for us all and praying without ceasing is what we all must continue doing. GOOD NEWS! We know the ending to this story and the enemy and his vipers and minions all lose! Thank you Lord for loving us so much even though we are so undeserving! 🙌

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So we’ll said both you and Esther. Thank you sharing those very encouraging words! God bless you and Esther!! 🙏🙏🙏

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Amen Esther, when the enemy of our souls knows he can't tempt you with the things of your past, the all out assault on your mind starts. I know with the theatre of operations everything starts in the mind but in these final days it appears the battles in peoples minds have only increased with people's emotions turned up to 11. God's word and presence keeps us on the Rock of emotional stability.

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I’ve never sensed and seen more evil out in the open as I see today. It’s become bold and full of pride. So ready for Jesus “smite” these demonic minions!!

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That is so true, Art! Every single day there is new and worst evil! It's like people are thinking more awful things to do and say! I just said to a friend yesterday, that I am surprised God doesn't just say "OK, I have had it with this bunch" and lower the hammer like He did on the world of Noah! I am thinking it can't be long now. At least I hope not because I don't want to continue to live in a world that just gets more and more evil! Cone quickly Lord Jesus, Come quickly!

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Hi Phycilla! Happy to see you’re back on here, I didn’t see any messages from you lately.

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Thank you, Susan. Very sweet of you. I fell and sprained my shoulder, my wrist and my knee so have kinda been out of it! At 81 with bad Arthritis, that hurts! 😃

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Praying for a quick recovery for you Phycilla. 🙏

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Aww, I’m sorry to hear that. Wow!

I always get concerned when you and Sweet V aren’t writing anything. I know you both have serious health concerns.

So much pain right now isn’t it. In every way possible. Pray Jesus calls us all home very, very soon❤️

Take care of yourself!💞🙏

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You're so right, Art!

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Amen Chris! 🙌

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You are so right, Chris I’ve even waked up in the morning with crazy things on my mind, and that is when I just go to my praise and worship some of the old songs I grew up with, and I am old.... some of those dear hymns, some of the things the Gaither vocal band does I just crank that bad boy up and it’s a on!! 🙏❤️

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Me too, Glee! Especially Sandi and Larnelle "I've Just Seen Jesus" !! That song gives me chills!!

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I’m telling you for Phycilla, when Sandy sings that part of that verse that says, and “he saw me too”

Oh my gosh!!! I get chills on top of chills

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Soon, Glee, soon!!

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Glee, I have been listening to Gather today and got to hear Sandi and Larnelle not only to "I've Just Seen Jesus" but also "He's More Wonderful"!! WhooHoo!! And Russ Taft do " Praise The Lord"!! I am ready for Jesus to come get us!🙏🙏

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Girl, I’m telling you were sisters from a different mother!!!

that is right up my alley what I was raised on every Sunday morning getting ready to go to church Sunday school all weekend long anytime daddy was home we had it cranked up😂😂

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Amen!! What a friend we have in Jesus!!

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Just beautiful, Jimmy. Thank you for this sharing this truth with your family this blessed Sunday. Thank you, Lord, for your unending faithfulness and love. "Oh, the joy of drinking deeply from the fountain of salvation" (Isaiah 12:3); "Your love is better than life" (Psalm 63:3). We look forward to seeing You face to face very soon.

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A ditto in my morning devotion:

"We should reach up to God like little children, knowing there is no safer place to be than with Daddy. His hand will support us and protect us."

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Amen Sister!

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Good morning to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Pastor Jimmy, thank you so much for these encouraging words. This morning I have been in tears because of the physical pain that I am in. I was injured almost 40 years ago and I have suffered since that time. I’m 59 years young and 40 years of chronic pain wears you down . I am very wary right now and honestly I would love for Jesus to come and take me home. However, I know that I am here for a purpose and I am, standing and believing God for my healing. Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday! 🩷🙏

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Carlyne, my heart and prayers go out to you! 40 years of Chronic Pain!!! I take so much for granted at 61 years of age and then I hear a story like yours. Forgive me Lord.

I’m ready for Jesus to come get me too! The mighty sound of the trumpet or my last breath. I’ve let go of this world. I’m ready to go home.

There is something prophetic in your journey. We read about 40 days, and years in the Bible so many times. While I’m no prophet or bible teacher, I do love the Lord. Just maybe all this suffering is coming to an end just like it did in the Bible after the passing of 40 days or 40 years???

The very fact you are trusting God and posting on this site tells and shows me our Abba Father has always had purpose in your life. Jesus is bringing his rewards with Him. Be ready, you will be rewarded!

Thank you for sharing sweet sister. You blessed me today. Our redemption draws nigh!! Come quickly dear Jesus!! Maranatha!!

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Thank you for these encouraging words. Yes, the number 40 is very prophetic in the Bible. I believe I will see my total healing by the end of the year. Right now it’s just extremely hard not to give up. I know one of Satan‘s tools that he uses against us, is to wear down the Saints. Even during the low times and the times that I want to give up, I always realize that I’m not walking this journey alone. And I’m not the only one that is going through a lot right now. Anyone who is doing anything for Jesus, is being attacked by the enemy. Satan knows his time is very, very short, and he is unleashing every demonic assignment that he can against the true saints of God. Thank you so much for your encouraging words.

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🙏 🙏🙏

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Bless you, Carlyne! I know exactly how you feel! It does wear on us but soon we'll dump these feeble bodies and we won't remember the pain! Meanwhile keep looking up!!

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Nice way to look at it!

I'm trying that!

Thanks Ryan,

May GOD bless you all!

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Ryan, you and Carlyne humble me today. Thank you for sharing. I know Jesus has great rewards for your faithfulness!! Thanks for being an example to follow.

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Thank you. Blessings to you, Art

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I am sorry that you also experience chronic pain. You’re so very young. Right now though I can’t have an intimate relationship with my Savior because I am very mad at God. How could he allow everything that he has allowed to happen in my life. He is allowed other peoples free will to hurt me to where I’m shutting down. I can’t take any more pain, whether be physical, emotional, mentally or spirituality. Good bye

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Aug 20, 2023·edited Aug 20, 2023


I remember having a few years when I was so mad at God that I turned my back on him. I remember telling him that since he clearly didn't love me, I wasn't going to love him. Not sure how, but he reached in, grabbed me and pulled me back to him. Please open your heart back up and allow him back in? I've questioned God so many times on why he's allowed so much pain and heartache and devastation in the world and in people I am so close to. The answer that keeps coming back to me is that God didn't create all this pain and chaos, the enemy did. And that we have an earthshatteringly amazing life in store for us coming soon. Hes coming soon my dear. Very soon. I pray for peace and God's comfort to wrap around you. 🙏

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I'm praying for you, Carlyne. I'm sorry for your hard times and pain. Sending hugs. Jesus loves you. He endured pain on the cross to pay for our sin. It helps me when I feel forsaken to remember His sacrifice on the cross. Our pain is temporary and we have a beautiful future in eternity with no more pain and suffering. It is good for me to write these words as I need to hear them too! Look at Jesus more than your pain. Look for the things, even the smallest little things that you can thank Him for. I hope you find this helpful. Doing these things help me. I deal with some pain too. For me, I can see that my hard times have brought me closer to Jesus. If I didn't have the hard times, I'm sure I would not have spent as much time seeking the Lord and in prayer. The hard times have resulted in my being more dependent on Him. So in that way I can be thankful for them.

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Thank you.

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Dear Carlyne, I hear you.

When my 37 year old special needs daughter was killed in 2017, by her mother, who then committed suicide, I prayed to our Father to not let me lose my faith. (My ex wife divorced me twice.) As you can imagine, the pain was enormous. The sadness, grief, sorrow, loneliness were ever present. I missed my sweet one every day for years. She WAS the love of my life.

By God’s grace, He loved me through this horrible time. I did not lose my faith. Through counseling I processed so much that needed processing. Including wounds from my youth.

By His mercy my love for Him grew. Since the tragedy, for over 6 years, I have dealt with significant somatic effects of emotional pain. Balance problems, lightheadedness, fatigue, extreme reflexes, etc.

Still my faith continues to grow and my walk with Jesus continues to grow in sweetness!

I pray that the Lord will show you similar grace, mercy and love. He will if you let him!

In His love!!

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Oh Rob, God bless you. I am so sorry you have gone through such horrible things but it is wonderful that you have clung to God! I am praying for you!

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Thank you Phycilla!

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I'm speechless!! My daughter attempted suidice from jumping her balcony.. now she's in a wheelchair.. this happen in 2022.. I don't have the words to explain how this wrecked me.. Rob I can only understand your pain in relationship to my experience.. May the lord continue to heal u in a way only HE can do.. He knows the depth of all the feelings you've had to endure.. and only the lord know exactly how to heal your heart as He created u !!

Remember the lord says that he draws near to the broken heart..GBU

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Dear Pam! What awful pain you must be feeling over your daughter. So sorry! May our Lord be with you and your daughter in a mighty way. May He embrace you and your daughter with His presence, peace, strength, faith, love and hope. Yes! The Lord does draw near the broken hearted. Always, if we know Him and let Him.

Thank you for your compassion!

God bless you and your daughter!!

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Carlyne, I too am in constant pain with my back but worse than the physically pain was fining out after about 45 yrs of marriage my Minister of Music husband was having an affair! That nearly destroyed me but when God could finally get me out of the pit of hurt, anger, bitterness and a broken heart, I am closer to God now than I ever was before! Want to know why? God showed me that my husband was first in my life, not God! He has told us over and over we cannot have anything above Him! Not even our anger! That too is an idol! I am still with my husband but he lost his position and he blames me so I live in constant tension and verbal anger from him but God has not given the freedom to separate. I don't know why but I do know God loves us and has a reason for everything He lets into our lives. We can choose to love Him and grow or we can stay angry. He will not force us to love Him!

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Oh dear Phycilla, it pains me to read your story. You humbly share a very vulnerable part of yourself in order to help a hurting sister. Cari, Jessie, and Rob have shared their pains out of love and in humility too. God bless you, and Carlyne, and Rob, and Jessie, and all who have, and are, suffering on this side of heaven. “The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us!” Romans 8:18

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Blondie, they are also nothing compared to what Jesus suffered for us! I don't think I ever fully understood the horror Jesus went through until I watched "The Passion of the Christ" but since then I truly realize how Jesus suffered to provide salvation for us!! God loved us so much He sacrificed His own Son! That just boggles my mind!

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Love and hugs to you Carlyne❤️‍🩹🙏

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Did not our hearts burn as we read these words!!! I embrace my weakness & declare my strength is the LORD. From one sheep to all my other sheep brothers and sisters...Shalom, Shalom!!

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Father I am dependent on You, Help my independence in needing You!

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Off topic for today's lesson but Michelle M. had a great quote that I wanted to share considering the shenanigans of this last week.

" In Noah's time, he was considered a conspiracy theorist". Something to ponder....

🙂 Have a great week all!

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Good point Jessie. He was even hated. All the way until the rains came and God closed the door. Then it was too late.

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It was Michelle's point and I just copied it! 😄

But, yes...he was ridiculed, mocked and hated up until those first raindrops started falling....... splish splash 🌧

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Jessie, not that you need my approval or to know my plan, but I will ignore anything and everything from this agitator.

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Blondie, How does this question make me an agitator?

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Don’t go!! We can have no contact and set a boundary without leaving…. We hear you and need your voice in this group. Don’t let one person ruin it

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Jessie, I'm not following how Noah being ridiculed, mocked and hated translates into him being a conspiracy theorist. The following link provides a clear definition of a conspiracy theorist and I'm having a difficult time applying that to Noah. Could you please shed some light on this.


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David Patterson. Please refrain from contacting me. Please LEAVE ME ALONE! I'm asking for no contact. NONE. I dont feel your words are sincere. Many have noticed your constant condescension towards the members. People dont feel free to have opinions and are tired of dealing with your behavior and so they drop out. You are responsible for personally chasing off some amazing people that were contributing so greatly to this group! Today Ive heard of 6 and those are just the ones I know about. Noone is required to explain ANYTHING to you. I'm a very incredibly patient person but I've had enough of you. I sincerely am questioning your walk with the Lord and I am not the only one. Do you care at all about the chaos you've been creating? I don't believe you do. I wasn't going to say anything more about any of this but you've messed with too many of the good people on here. This site has amazing people and doesn't deserve to be ruined by you. Yes, I will leave the site also as you've intended. Feels like a game to you. You push and push people to anger and then gloat about it. SCORE! You've accomplished raising up my righteous anger. Please get right with God! Your salvation is at stake. This will be my last posting on this site. God's blessings to all ( even David Patterson)

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I am in agreement with Jessie, Chris, and Blondie...I have been a subscriber for 2 years, and the majority of the time there is conflict in the comments, David P. is involved. I have been tempted to cancel my subscription many times because of it...Now David is adding to HIS list of what we are not allowed to talk about. I was married to a narcissist, that proceeded to tell what I was allowed to say, and the right way to say it. I will not continue to be a subscriber to a site that allows another subscriber to censor us.

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I too am in agreement. David Patterson please stop. This site and these people are a treasure. I’ve tried to ignore your posts but you have become increasingly negative, divisive and disrespectful. Praying that things turn around so we can remain focused on God, and on the messages that Jimmy and Mark work so hard in delivering.

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I can't recall ever interacting with you the past 4 years I've been on here. Think I've seen you comment a couple of times. SMH.

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Sadly, I have to concur with everything you say, dear Jessie. We have tried and tried to get along with him, and he might straighten up for a day or two. A number of subscribers seem to feel that we are “squabbling” and need to cut it out. None of us are prone to being divisive. Some of us who are concerned humbly feel that we have the gift of discernment, and as one subscriber said, we ask God to keep us in check. We do not seek to cause division, but feel led by the Lord to address this head-on. It would be easier to remain silent and go with the flow. Yes, he provides links to pertinent goings-on in Israel. But that doesn’t give him the right to verbally and psychologically abuse us. No doubt he will defend his behavior, and I fear many will be sympathetic to him. You are falling in to his trap.

We would love for this to not be a situation. I repeat, we are not getting any pleasure from this. Sadly, he seems to bask in controversy. He needs our prayers. I say that with all sincerity. We are not claiming to be better, wiser, or anything. But he is attacking, in a cunning way, certain members of the body of Christ.

I hope that this will be addressed, and that we will still be welcome in this community.

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Hi Blondie, please feel free to reach out to me at karigibson@xomarriage.com. You are welcome here. Our goal for TP community is to provide a safe place for everyone to comment and share their views/thoughts/opinions and wisdom on Pastor Jimmy's posts...and more. It’s ok to disagree, but disagree biblically, respectfully & lovingly. 💛

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I hope you continue to post here Jessie.

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Narcissists don't care about anyone's pain. If he was here all alone sucking praise from pastor Jimmy he would be in nirvana. The guy lacks any shred of empathy. I doubt his salvation as well Jessie. He's a piece of work.

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Hi Chris C, please feel free to email me at karigibson@xomarriage.com. Honestly, it saddened me to read the comments posted on this 8/20 thread between all of you. I realize buttons got pushed and I hope we can move forward honoring one another respectfully and lovingly.

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SMH. You need to leave too. SMH.

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I agree with you 100%

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Hi Jessie, I'm catching up on all the comments from 8/20. Feel free to email me at karigibson@xomarriage.com I'd love to talk with you. I hope this won't be your last posting on the TP.💛

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SMH. This sounds like the same crazy speech I received more than once from Michelle Moore. Total nonsense and all lies. SMH.

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Thank you for this message. It was exactly what I needed. A reminder that, I need to follow the Father, with every step I take in my life. I have been so caught up in these last days, I ache to do the right thing, I worry about not doing enough, I agonize over what I haven’t done enough of, or not at all..........The Father has me right where He wants me and I need to trust Him to lead me “like a little sheep” through this phase of life, trusting Him that I will be used for His will and not mine. Trusting that He will nudge me into the right circumstances to share His love and word with others as He sees fit. He is the one that saves, and not me. But He can save through me, as a vessel for His love. I pray His will, will be done through me. That my life will be a prayer lifted up to Him, acceptable in His sight. Thank you Jimmy for being such a wonderful vessel for Christ. Proclaiming to so many people. You are a wonderful example for me.


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Absolutely beautiful words Shanda!! Praise God for your faithfulness to His calling on your life!

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Precious word Shaunda🙏🎺⛅️

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Love this message Pastor Jimmy & as the world seems to worship satan more every day, I pray for massive revivals to break out all over the world so we can save many more souls before the Rapture.

I do believe the Rapture is close at hand.

Blessings to all my brothers & sisters in Christ Jesus this Sunday.


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Please pray for California today. Hilary is going to bring devastating floods and destruction.

Please pray for my son Hunter. He lives in Huntington Beach, just south of LA. His apartment is across the street from the beach. Please pray for his protection and safety throughout this storm.

Thank you family. Maranatha.

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Praying for Hunter, Art 🙏

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Thanks Blondie for your comment💖

I look forward to the vision of the rapture link!🙌

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Aug 21, 2023·edited Aug 21, 2023

Susan, here is the link. If it doesn’t work, search “The Dark Side of Bible Prophecy: Tom Horn and L.A. Marzulli,” posted by Prophecy Watchers. It’s just over an hour long, and very enlightening. Around minute 32 is LA’s description, but think you’ll enjoy the entire video. And…Gary Stearman, what a treasure. As Hello says, he’s like a kind, godly, intelligent grandfather :)

God bless you, sweet Susan. 💕


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Thank you so much Blondie! Sounds wonderful!

I’ll definitely check it out!

I just finished Jan Markell’s new one.

God Bless you too Blondie!💖🙏

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Oh, the one about the NAR movement?

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Yah, I didn’t know what NAR was and then I watched it and it was, wow, that’s it. It still makes me sad. I remember you mentioned your daughter in law followed some on ES?? It’s hard to get them to understand. I thought of sending the video to my sister in law, but I don’t think it will help.

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That was such a fascinating program! Thanks so much for sending it!

Exciting with L.A’s vision! I wonder what the dates are that he had those? The last one sounded recently. I liked hearing that it was like he took a deep breath and his sin nature was gone. I often wondered about that because back when my Mom was involved with a group of spiritual Intercessors, she had, like an Acts 2 moment. She couldn’t move for an hour and felt the Lord’s presence and felt all of her sin, known and unknown.

Gary answered my very first question on this TP group, what is written on the first seal? The seal is an indictment, Jesus is obviously the judge and he said we will be there as witnesses. Wow.

I wonder what Gary thinks about a gap from the rapture to the tribulation? If you know of one, please share it! Thanks Blondie

It is true about the evil possessions. Being around the supernatural in some way all my life, I believe it. It is definitely getting greater.

When LA talked about a child having a demon spirit etc., I can believe it. 2 years ago, I was helping in a 4 year old preschool class and this one boy, always had to be near me but suddenly his eyes would change, not the colour but he would look at other kids and say, “I want to kill them”. He suddenly used to hit other kids but not in your normal preschool way.

He trusted me and when I asked him why, he didn’t have an answer.

I asked him what he watches at home and he said his parents watch the Walking Dead. This is a Christian family. Not sure what will happen in those cases with the rapture. Age of accountability.

Thanks again!💕 Great program!

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Praying with you, Art.✝️🙏

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Father, we pray that you keep Art;'s son, Hunter, from all harm in Jesus precious Name-Amen!

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Absolutely Art praying now❤️🙏

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Praying with you, Art! Keep us posted!

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Love this line "You can only be intimate with God to the degree that you’re dependent on Him. Independence is how you lose intimacy." There is so much truth in this. As an American, this is a tough pill to swallow, but I am slowly getting there.

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Yeah me too Mike.

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Aug 20, 2023·edited Aug 20, 2023

Jimmy is going to be speaking at both services this morning at Heartland Church in the Dallas area. Following is the link to watch it live (9:30am & 11:30am CST). https://theheartlandchurch.com/seekweek/

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That was a great message. Thanks for sharing the link.

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It is a Sabbath day. Praise Jesus! May we learn from Jesus Christ the word of GOD and give love and praise to the Holy Spirit.

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So glad you balance the end times hope with the practical right now how then shall we live part of life. It’s good to look up, but we also must look around to deal with the disaster our world is experiencing.

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You are so right! I would like to stick my head in the sand and just wait for the rapture but we can't do that, can we! There are too many of our loved ones not saved!

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