Thanks Jimmy. Love the analogy of Noah, building the Ark and being taken with his family, by God to safety, out of the tribulation of his day. We are that remnant now, living in the serious events of prophecy of our day, and awaiting our rapture, so we can be lifted to safety, and together with Jesus forever. This is comforting indeed. Time is short. Casting our cares on Him... just a few more planks to put in place until the Ark is ready to float, and the rest is in His hands. Our loved ones who may be left behind, may they know the joy of knowing Him face to face as we will. Jesus, call them home as the door is starting to close. 🌻

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I’m a deputy Sheriff in Oklahoma. I am on the Special Response Team which responds to protests,riots,civil disturbances,etc.. Since RvW was overturned,our city has had several protests for pro-choice advocates. The protests have been peaceful,but the rhetoric has been very much against the church and Christians. Many of the protesters have signs with vulgar messages to the church and Christian’s. A few pro-life people showed up and the response from the pro-choice crowd was to completely surround them and scream at them to where the pro-life crowd couldn’t be heard. The police stepped in and escorted the pro-life group away and asked them politely to leave so they would not get hurt. I was on a elevated position of our courthouse overlooking the scene. It was pure demonic. I do believe we are getting much closer to being persecuted than ever before,something I never imagined would happen in America

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Thank you Pastor Jimmy!! This is sharable.... what a vital message for not only the lost, but believers too. The line that hit me was "But whatever happens, they will remember you." Sometimes I feel frustrated when hearts don't move and seem stubborn & stuck. So, we keep praying and praying, but nothing changes. They will remember us— keep praying big & loving big! Happy Sunday TP.... would you pray for my youngest daughter Z who is at summer camp for 2 weeks. (she got on a charter bus yesterday in Dallas!) She was so brave to go solo and now with about 500+ teens at camp with a Christian staff that will pour the love of Jesus into the campers! We are praying God does radical miracles in these kids lives.... they are from all over the country (and globally too). Would you pray too? These are bright lights a lot in public schools too (like our daughter). Love y'all! 💛

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One other thought came to mind about why the Lord has tarried a while already. This clue came up in my study of the churches in Revelation. The church of Thyatira was given time to repent. I think part of the extra time we are lingering here is to give portions of the church time to repent of all of the apostasy we are witnessing today. “3.5” out of the 7 churches were commanded to repent because of things they were doing wrong. Only Philadelphia, Smyrna and parts of the churches of Thyatira and Sardis had “passed muster” enough to not receive a rebuke to repent. After dissecting this, I think this is part of our wait. Just a thought. Have a blessed Sunday.

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https://www.timesofisrael.com/lapid-warns-russia-jewish-agency-closure-would-be-grave-event-with-impact-on-ties/ Excerpt: The Jewish Agency, an unofficial arm of the Israeli government, is tasked with overseeing and encouraging immigration to Israel. People looking to immigrate to Israel must submit applications through the Jewish Agency. The organization also runs educational programs and a host of other activities. To facilitate these efforts, the organization maintains offices in many countries and cities around the world, including Moscow. In recent years, tens of thousands of Russian citizens have immigrated to Israel, with roughly 10,000 arriving just since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began in late February.

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Great word to wake up to before heading to church this morning, thanks Pastor Jimmy.

So excited to be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, to be changed in the twinkling of an eye.

It’s coming, one day closer.

I’m ready, I’m so ready, but I’m also still excited to be here doing the Lord’s work, being that bright light in this dark world, so it’s a win win the way I see it.

Abba’s timing is perfect, Hallelujah!

God bless you all, have a wonderful day.

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Thank you Pastor Jimmy!! Praise God!! I used to be counted among the fearful, the ones that didn't want to hear about the "End Times". I am now one of the comforted. Praise Jesus. I am grateful for what I have learned here.

I made the mistake of planning to go to church today. satan figured it out. So, when I got up this morning, I was in fierce pain. I had a cup of tea. I got in the shower, and I got myself dressed, and I went to church. It was wonderful!! Praise Jesus and Amen!!

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Pastor Jimmy, God is already trying to wake up America to the fact that the end is near. Never in my memory can I remember so many calamities hitting this country in such quick succession. The fires, and drought across much of the country and the mass shootings. This is not the country we grew up in. Satan has definitely made his presences known and is pulling all the strings on this government. I believe in the Lord God Almighty and his precious son Jesus Christ and we need to start fervently praying for this country and the world to bring unbelievers to Christ, because the end is much closer than most believe.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

Hi all. I found some mind-blowing things recently that contributes to a pre-trib rapture and supports a Feast of Trumpets rapture-timing.

The Feast of Trumpets is the first day of the seventh month (Sept/Oct on our calendar). Interesting clues are found in the sixth month of Elul (Aug/Sept on our calendar).

- Elul is a month of repentance and stocktaking for the Jews. Why would this month be a month of repentance? I think it's because at the Feast of Trumpets, some year, something significant will happen.


- The standard greeting for Jews during the month of Elul is "may you be written and sealed for good [in the Book of Life]." Pretty interesting that they do this for an entire month prior to the Feast of Trumpets.

- Elul is the month of the Bride. Could Elul be the month of final preparation for the Bride of Messiah, the church, to be called up for her wedding day?


-Elul is an acrostic from Song of Songs 6:3 - I am my Beloved's and my Beloved is mine. This makes a strong connection between the sixth month of Elul and the Bride.


-Elul is also an acrostic from Exodus 21:13 which talks about the cities of refuge. When I learned this, I became immediately aware of the connection between the cities of refuge and the rapture. God designates places to hide for the guilty so they don't receive vengeance. What grace and protection for the guilty who put their trust in the Lord.


-During the sixth month of Elul, Psalm 27 is read twice a day. Read this Psalm now and see that it's strongly connected to the rapture, especially Psalm 27:5-6.

For in the day of trouble (tribulation)

He will conceal me in His tabernacle (the purpose of the rapture);

In the secret place of His tent He will hide me (the rooms Jesus said He was preparing for us);

He will lift me up (1 Thess 7:17) on a rock.

And now my head will be lifted up above (again 1 Thes 4:17) my enemies around me,

And I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD.

- In Psalm 27:5 (reminder this Psalm is read twice a day for 29 days prior to the Feast of Trumpets) the Psalmist says he will be hidden from the day of trouble. The Hebrew word for "trouble" here is רעה. That is Strong's 7451. This word also appears in Proverbs 22:33 The prudent sees the evil (רעה) and hides himself, But the naive go on, and are punished for it.

This Hebrew word, רעה, means evil, calamity, or trouble. But most amazing is the facts that this Hebrew word appears 666 times in the Old Testament, which makes a clear connection between the tribulation and hiding during the day of trouble.

Again, Proverbs 22:3. The prudent sees the evil and hides himself, But the naive go on, and are punished for it.

The prudent see what's going on in our world and sense that trouble is coming. We could translate this verse as, "The prudent see the tribulation (רעה, 666) coming and hides himself, But the naive go on and endure the tribulation.

Last thing. During the sixth month of Elul, the shofar is blown every morning as a reminder to prepare for the holy days ahead. The first holy day after Elul is the Feast of Trumpets.

What will we hear this year during the month of Elul?

Will this Elul bring us warnings that His return is this year?

I will be watching and waiting, for sure!

Hope this is a blessing to this community! Love you all.

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

Pastor Evans... I sooo enjoy your messages and leadership. I don’t know who is responsible for bringing on board the other pastors but I am eternally grateful for their teachings also!!! My walk with Jesus Christ has grown exponentially since finding this site.

Periodically, I think of the ones in Heaven who I can’t wait to converse with (including our Lord Jesus Christ and immediate family) and my conclusion was Apostle Paul, Moses and John....However; .... I pray our Lord will allow me to say, thank you Pastor Evan, Pastor Hitchcock and Pastor Laurel for your faithful teachings. Thank you to all my TP family for your prayers. My heart is homeward bound 💖💖💖

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Fantastic - thanks Jimmy, that was excellent 😊

‘Roll on Rapture’ I say 👍😃

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Yes Pastor Evans I am ready for the flood. I have my life jacket on. I just pray that many more will put their life jackets on also. I say it must be worse now then it was in the days of Noah or is it because we have technology. and can tune into world events at the push of a button. Just want to remind all of us that we must hang in there, keep our faith in the only one we can put our faith in. Continue to look up he is approaching Thank you Pastor Evans once again for your wonderful information. God bless you all my brothers and sisters.

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I was told by a Pastor, where or Group went to sing as Song Evangelists, that he was so glad that we were there. He needed someone to feed him at that time. He said that a pastor can only feed the people for so long before they themselves run out of food. Pastoral retreats and vacations are so needed at times for our Shepard to draw aside and refresh their body and soul.

I'm glad Pastor Jimmie is doing so. He should arrive back refreshed and ready to pour into us again with renewed gusto.

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What a great message Pastor Jimmy, thank you. Looking around today sure gives me a visual and feel for the conditions before the flood. I believe the real bottom line of all of this is the seriousness God views sin. Committing that many prophets and scripture to prophecy and especially this specific end time period is quite and indicator. The world is ignoring, rebelling against and insulting their king, with the exception of those of us that love Him. He is unimaginably more compassionate and patient than any of our standards. He is also unimaginably more just, also. Have a blessed Sunday my friends.

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Amen. Praise God our Heavenly Father!

It’s interesting that as I was reading about this man who didn’t like to hear about the end times. My mother came to mind. She’s doesn’t like to hear about the end times. When I talk to her about the end times, I’m not trying to scare her but prepare her.

When I’ve explained the end times to her I’m trying to explain how it relates to what’s happening in the current world.

Everyone has the right to think, believe and feel whatever it is that they like.

I continue to pray for her and my two brothers and their families. I give the rest to God. I’ll continue to speak about all the wonderful and miraculous things that God has done in my life and continues still is. Without every day prayer and God’s everlasting love and guidance, I can’t fathom how one could feel at peace within themselves in today’s ever so evil and cruel world.

I need God every day, because on my own I’m nothing.

In Jesus name, Amen.

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Perfectly stated I have heard many many sermons and teachings on this matter and this lines up what I learned over the past 50+ years and I could never have said it as well as you have. I would say people get ready you don’t have to pack your clothes you don’t have to get pretty you just have to be ready and there’s even evidence how close the time is it’s not man-made evidence it’s scriptural evidence and Jesus himself evidence. And the more you look foolish the closer he’s coming because he’s looking foolish will be from those around you who have no idea what’s going on or that might be afraid of it. But for the Christian look up Our redemption draws nigh. So let me say thank you sir for listening to the Lord

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