AMEN!!!! AMEN!!!! Good morning Tipsters!!!!! What a great Sunday morning word. I think this message will become more and more clear and relevant as we continue in the last days. Things are getting a little bumpy and will only continue. God is more evident today than ever in my life and I am sure of the same for y’all. I heard Barry McGuire say the other on a podcast with Charlie Kirk, that “ just love people, show them love and don’t worry about getting everyone saved, God will take care of that, you just love them and move them just a little closer to Jesus, and always ask them if there’s anything you can pray about with them.”

It was exactly what I had asked God for. To help me get out my head that everything I had to do for God had to be huge!!!Satan uses that in our lives to keep us from being effective!!and so often just loving people, loving on their kids, when you’re out and about or whatever, just touch someone the little tiny things are what people are hungry for. This world is in such a shape and is so void of truth, honest authentic love that so often that breaks down barriers, we could never with all the degrees of any pastor ever penetrate. The little guys out in our little world. It’s amazing what God can do through us.

HAPPY SUNDAY!!! And my precious Steve I love you ❤️


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I too listened to Barry on a Happening Now episode with Jack Hibbs this past Wednesday. Your right, He makes being a witness so simple. Love others. How can I pray for you? As simple as that. Showing more concern for others, while trusting God with all my stuff. Geez, the world needs some real love more than ever. The Love of Christ.

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Great share Glee!! I remember the first Church I worked at we had these guys called “Parish Pastors” ( about 8 of them) and their main job was to call around once a month to all the people in their geographic area and ask 2 questions: How are you, and how can I pray for you? Then report back to the main Pastor. That Church grew like wildfire and people got Saved every week! It really doesn’t take much to make a difference in someone’s life. God can use it all. Happy Sunday all, 🌺

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So true, satan for years has successfully backed us off! trying to make us think we all had to be tremendously smart, instant recall of the word, fire in the pulpit, when all it might take it’s just a hug. He had me for a while, But not anymore!!!

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Hallelujah, and thank you Jesus!

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AWESOME! "Parish Pastors!". "How are you?" "How can I pray for you?". I live in a senior community. Maybe it could be done here!!

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Happy Sunday Kris!!

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Thank you so much for this! I, too, need to get out of my head and stop believing the lie that I can't be effective because of my circumstances. I really needed to hear this today.

God bless you all and have a beautiful, joyful day resting in the promises of God! Love you all!!

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Beautifully said Glee!! 💗

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Amen to that! Y'all on fire today! Praise God

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So true and so beautifully said.

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Amen Glee. What you have said is so true. The world is hungry for love. Young people who are raised in today's society often seek so-called love in many ungodly ways. You are so right. Just loving them, hugging them and letting them know they are loved means the world to most.

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Amen !!!! Happy 4th of July 🇺🇸fireworks!

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Yes we should love people and show are love to them, but we should also warn them of the judgement to come, these verses speak of Israel, but they are also an example to us as Christians.

Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Ezekiel 33:7 So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.

Ezekiel 33:8 When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

Ezekiel 33:9 Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.

The following verse sums it up well:

Colossians 1:28 Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus:

We are not only to love those around us, but love them enough to speak out and warn them of the judgement to come.

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Absolutely absolutely without doubt 100% true. But unlike the world that speak their version of the truth with angry riots and mobs with pipe bombs!!!

The church, speak truth in love absolutely I am a very hard-core Tough-love. Grandma have been since I raise my kids in the 70’s

I’ve always told them you have to choose Jesus on your own. All I can do is lead you to Jesus you have to choose him, and if you decide not to choose him. I will never stop loving you. I will be hanging onto your ankles as you walk your life in sin, and until you walk up to the very gate of hell, you’re gonna have your mama in your face, loving you and witnessing to you hanging onto your ankle till the day you cross over into that gate of Hell, I will never stop loving you, so yes, I totally totally believe I am the watchmen for my family because my ex-husband chose not to walk with the Lord during the formative years of our children’s lives so yes, sir 100% and thank you for your clear word to the church. God bless you brother .

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Thank you and God bless you too Sister, and very very well said, loved your words and dedication to the salvation of your children!

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God bless you too brother I think in the world we live in with such hate and rebellion Christians are going to be more and more noticeable truly the light on top of a hill

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Jul 3, 2023
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What the World Needs Now Is Love" is a 1965 popular song with lyrics by Hal David and music composed by Burt Bacharach. First recorded and made popular by Jackie DeShannon, it was released on April 15, 1965, on the Imperial label after a release on sister label Liberty records the previous month was canceled.

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That brings back memories! Good song!😀

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Calling out to all TP prayer warriors:

At 4pm CST, today, a small group of fellow believers will be going back to Baybrook Mall to share the gospel and hand out tracts. This is our 2nd outreach at this same mall.

Please pray for God’s anointing, protection and hearts to be softened to hear the message of Jesus’ free gift of salvation.

Pray that the security guards would be at peace with our presence. Not asking us to leave.

Pray the Holy Spirit would go before us and fill each one us with the love of Christ. Speaking the truth with love. Planting seeds and nudging the lost closer to Jesus.

To give us supernatural recall of God’s word. To give us boldness, courage and a light that shines the Love of Christ.

Thank you for your prayers! Have a blessed Sunday! Art

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Amen Art! If you can lovingly trap a listening ear to hear your testimony it gets them everytime! There's power in our testimonies brother they can't deny what took place in you when God corners their heart to respond to his love! You go bro! I'll pray for you. Lord anoint Art and his merry team of love messengers at the mall today! Use the power of personal testimonies to convict and bring forth a decision for the kingdom in the mighty name of Jesus! I also pray for divine favor with the security detail that people won't get offended or triggered by your message today! satan we bind you and your henchmen's tactics and strategies and pray for complete success today with Art. In the wonderful and mighty name of Jesus amen! Tear it up Art!

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I agree Chris, throw in a little of what God has done for you, and you got their ear! They want to know what kinda difference He makes. I often start with the peace that passes understanding, especially in a world like today!! Jesus in our Hearts!! 🌺

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I join you in prayer for Art, praise God!!!🙏🙏⬆️

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Praying for Devine connections and supernatural protection and wisdom in Jesus All Powerful name, Amen! 🙏

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Where is the mall located! Which State. Prayers. I also pass out tracts here and there on my errands and plant those seeds and God causes the growth. Blessings. Heaven will be filled with God’s Glory and Grace. 🙏

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It’s at Baybrook Mall in South Houston. Headed there now. Will be sharing a message over our speaker using the song, “O Come to the Altar”, while my friends pass out tracts. God’s been working on my all day to give me a message of hope, love, forgiveness thru Jesus Christ. If you see this before 4pm CST, please pray for the people there. Pray the security won’t run us off. Pray for a soul to come to Jesus. Pray that I would get out of the way and the Holy Spirit would speak thru me. I’ve never done this before. But He has.

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Jul 3, 2023
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Thanks for your prayers Teresa. God bless your witnessing at the nail salon.

Below is a recap of yesterday’s outreach at the mall. Forgive me for being so “long winded”....

We passed out around 500 tracts. We led one person in the sinners prayer.

That was an answered prayer. “Father, help us lead at least one person to You, Lord!”

We have no idea how many seeds were planted, yet we believe some were definitely planted.

God gave me a message to share from the song, “O Come to the Altar”. A way to share my testimony.

We use a like a karaoke speaker, and wireless mic. We set up in the food court.

I was able to play the song and stop it throughout, while sharing my testimony and the open arms of our Father, and the amazing sacrifice Christ made for me and everyone there.

As the song says, “Jesus is calling”, I kept telling them to listen to their heart, look at their cell phones. Is Jesus calling you right now?

About 45 minutes into being in the food court, 3 young security guards approached me. I knew exactly why they were there. I wasn’t surprised, but grateful God had allowed us 45 minutes without interruption.

With the mic still on, I introduced myself to these young men and asked if they knew Jesus? 2 of the 3 said yes and quickly said they were not against the message. There boss just said we had to leave. Not allowed in the mall. Private property! Naive of me to think everyone knows if all belongs to God.

I spent the next 5-10 minutes sharing the gospel with them. Why? I asked if they knew if they were going to Heaven? One said, “I hope so.” I said “brother you can KNOW SO and never have to hope again”.

I was amazed how this young man, who looked like the leader of the 3 security guards, intently looked at me as I shared how he could be sure.

Not once interrupting me, or pushing me to leave. Afterwards, I realized he wasn’t listening to me, but the Holy Spirit was do the talking to him thru me.

When I finished, we shook hands and said we would move on and go outside the mall. So we did.

Outside the entrance, we continued to share tracts and preach the gospel.

That’s where I saw I guy standing off from us, acting like he wasn’t listening, but I could just tell he was and was too shy to approach us. He was reading a tract we had given him.

I took off the mic and asked him if he had ever prayed the pray on the back of the tract? We talked about Jesus and the sacrifice He made for him (His name was RG). He then prayed the prayer out loud with me. My heart was immediately filled with joy! I didn’t even know what to do next...lol

My friends came up and gave him information on next steps. And gave him a small Gideon Bible.

Soon, a security guard drove up to where we were. Same message, private property, can’t do what we were doing. We gave him a tract too and promised to stop and leave.

What hit me right in the face as I was driving home made me so sad. God showed me how our country has turned its back on God. Kicked Him out. Just like the mall. Why didn’t I see that right when it was happening??

Why didn’t I stand my ground and ask those security guards who professed to be believers, “don’t you see what’s happening? If Jesus was standing here preaching, would you have walked up to Him and ask Him to leave?”

Well, I’m certainly not Jesus, but it happened to Him too and so much worse. Crucification on a cross! Of course we are going to be persecuted. Duh!!!

Anyway what hit me like a ton of bricks, is a I could see how so many turned down a tract, saying, “No thanks, I’m good”. Really, “you’re good”.??? Do you have any idea where you will spend eternity or what it will be like to be Left Behind???

Or many just ignored us. and look away when I tried to make eye contact. It was like, “please don’t bother me, I just want to enjoy my day at the mall”. God will certainly let you enjoy your day. There will be a day coming, they may have wished they answered that call from Jesus!!!

Romans 1 was shared in a message by Andy Woods yesterday. With the country celebrating 247 years of Independence, Dr Woods gave a sobering account of how far our country has turned away from the biblical ideas it was founded.

I can say that all those descriptions in Roman’s 1 were on display in some fashion at the mall. Maybe not near as severe as described. The main one being God being kicked out of the public domain in the name of private property. So God “gave them over”. 3 words I never want to be assigned to me!!

Nevertheless, at least one soul heard the message and prayed the prayer. The gospel was shared with many. The results, the harvest is in God’s hands.

I can’t save anyone, only Jesus can. Also takes a heart to respond. God will not force Himself on anyone. Nor should I.

I am no better than anyone in that mall. God loves them just as much as He loves me. My heart grieved afterwards. I can only imagine how it grieves Him? Jesus died for all of us.

Romans 1:18-32 The State of the World

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

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Proud of your boldness. Really surprised you were allowed to speak beyond a few minutes. My advice would be next time to just walk the mall with another person and very casually approach people. Have a small group that splits up so not to draw attention. If you and your group want to do similar style again... a park or college campus could be the place. The following is to Ray Comfort's website who is an expert at this. He has many videos of him talking with people one on one, too.


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Thanks Dave. Yes, we have watched some of Ray’s videos. Will watch the one you sent. This was our 2nd outreach. Both at Baybrook Mall. We are considering Discovery Park, downtown next. One of our team did some recon and watched another street preacher there on this past Saturday. We are learning by trial and error. Thanks for your advice and support. God Bless! Art

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Art, Doing some recon is smart. My suggestion would be to stick to your neck of the woods... invite those you and your group are witnessing to to your church so they can be discipled if receiving Jesus. GBU!

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Art. Thanks for the Good News. To God

be the Glory. Keep sharing the Good

news of salvation; stay bold and wise. So, thankful that many lives were touched and the Holy Spirit will bring forth the truth to those you and your team ministered to. God Bless🙏

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Oh Art, how encouraging and bold were your moves for Jesus. Thank you for being so bold and it saddened my heart to read of the security guards telling you, you could not witness for Jesus there. How awful. However, you are right, you planted the seeds, God gives the increase. We know that God has been removed from society by many. However, they can never remove him from our hearts. The more the persecution, God gives stronger will to witness. Thank you for what you are doing. No telling who you have influenced. Oh that I could be so brave. May God continue to bless you my friend until he calls us home. I'm proud of you for your service for the kingdom!

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So looking forward to Jesus being king! This might be a match that's about to light a big fire...


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I agree David, that will not go over well... 🌺

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R u watching the news in Israel in Jenin???

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Just now seeing what's going on.

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Happy 4th brother, as we pray for the peace of Israel 🇮🇱

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Back at ya sista, amen.

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From Amir:

For the first time in 20 years, Israeli tanks are on the way to the West Bank cities of Nablus and Jenin.

This limited short operation is planned for 2-3 days against specific terror targets.

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This is exciting. Thank you for your teaching as it helps me/us know who I am and who God created me to be. Through His mercy & grace, I’m learning, and going from glory to glory. Amen and Hallelujah!

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Thank you for this Truth and the reminder that we are above only and not beneath. I feel a fresh wave of power through the Holy Spirit to take authority over the dominion God has entrusted to me through Jesus Christ, my King and Lord! What greater honer is there than stewarding the authority He has given to us and being a light to the nations in this dark world. Thank you for writing this. It has impacted me greatly and sharpened the sword of the spirit in my hand and in my mouth. Hallelujah

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So true Kelly, I felt this word strengthening me too!!!

Thank you Pastor Jimmy!!!⬆️

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Thank You Pastor Jimmy for all your recent posts; the guest speakers and all the end times prophecies. It seems so overwhelming at times; but

I’m reminded it’s just another day closer to Jesus’s coming. Your thoughts and teachings I always glean from your words of wisdom. Thanks for investing in us TP

Folks and your time in loved. We are blessed to be priests and kings in God’s Kingdom. My ladies SS class are studying Ephesians now; our Richness in Christ in the our Inheritance in Him. Amen 🙏 and Amen! God bless. Enjoy the Israel trip!

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Oh man! That one got me excited!

Praise The LORD!!

Can't wait to see the whole TP family there! GOD bless you all!

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Wow Pastor Jimmy!! Thank you for making sense of all this for me. Glory to Father now and forever. God bless all of you here, your families and our great Pastors. Such a blessing and help in this wicked time. I'm ready to go home. Love in Christ Jesus. Maranatha!!!

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Not good... https://allisrael.com/violence-and-disagreements-between-groups-reported-as-judicial-reform-protests-enter-26th-week In a Wall Street Journal interview last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the judicial reforms would proceed without the controversial override clause. The Saturday evening protests appeared to attract larger crowds than in previous weeks, with organizers reporting over 286,000 protesters nationwide.

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This was another great teaching moment! Thanks Pastor Evans!

I'd like to hear what y'all's thoughts are... I know that "no one" knows the day or hour... But I think Lord Jesus will be back for us before the year is over!!

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Oh I hope and pray those are prophetic words you have spoken!!

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I certainly hope so. I believe He'll call us up soon to meet Him in the air. Think about it, with all these prophetic events unfolding at an unprecedented rate and with the WEF driving hard at getting the "Great Reset" completed by the year 2030, I truly do believe we'll be called up soon. There are just too many prophecies unfolding like never before & I feel sure that it's by design and not coincidence.

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Funny, I was just thinking late last night about how we will reign with Jesus during the Millennial Kingdom! This sheds some much welcome light on this subject. I am looking soooo forward to being with our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, for all eternity! God bless you and keep you, Pastor Jimmy. Thank you for all that you do!

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What an encouraging word!!!! It makes me so Happy! Looking Up!!!!! Maranatha all!!! ☺️

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I have a couple of question in reference to the Divine Seal of the Holy Spirit. Can it be broken (lost)?

32 “…Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven…” Matthew 10:32-33(NIV)

12 if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; 13 if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself. 2 Timothy 2:12-13(NIV)

According to Matthew 10:32-33 and 2 Timothy 2:12, a Believer (sealed with the Holy Spirit) whom denies their faith (Christ) in public, Jesus will deny them before God. Does this mean the Believer will not be raptured when Jesus returns and that they will stand before God at the Great White Throne of Judgement rather than the Judgement Seat of Christ? In other words, they lose their salvation?

9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men. 1 Corinthians 6:9(NIV)

Is the Apostle Paul referencing in 1 Corinthians 6:9 that a person who practices homosexuality and later receives Jesus at Lord of their life but continues in the homosexual lifestyle because they to not think it will disqualify their salvation or perhaps, they have attempted to repent and break from that lifestyle in order to live according to the Word of God, but they have failed to turn from that lifestyle, was this person ever sealed with the Holy Spirit? If so, can that divine seal of the Holy Spirit be broken and as a result, they lose their salvation?

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Hi Mark - The following is a great resource for the specific questions you've asked. Be sure to see all related listed on each page for explanations regarding different aspects and so on.





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Mark, read 1 John 3:9. It is pretty clear. There are many other verses that say the same.

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