Thank you Pastor Mark for your encouraging word today. It means a lot for us who deeply care about our country & our future. I gave it my best shot last night to watch the entire debate but at times had to mute, just too hard to hear Harris talk about abortion so radically and passionately. Although neither candidate is perfectly aligned with my beliefs, I know who I’m voting for and why I’m voting. I’m going to stand firm for the sanctity of life and sanctity of marriage and family…I’m voting for morality the best I know how. I pray believers are praying and seeking the Lord’s guidance and like you said… God have mercy on our country and globally too. We are living in the end days and until we are raptured home we vote, we pray and we share the good news to the lost. There will be a day coming soon when the Restrainer is removed and we’re gone in a twinkling of an eye. Love my TP family💟
Hala, it was painful to watch! Ridiculousness at its best!! It’s hard to fathom this woman running our country 🫣 but…. The other side are gnashing teeth over Trump! We’re a divided country and only Jesus can save us! But, we know what to do pray big and get out there and vote! Love you 🥰
Amen sister. I have never seen so much lyin". Look at the lady's track record. She has sat silently the whole 3&1/2 years in office. She let Joe take the hits. stayed silent on the border and now she wants to pretend like she will fix everything. The very first question the moderators asked her, she skirted. You are right, ridiculous is what it is. And you can bet your bottom dollar, I'm going to vote. Yes, ma'am. And i have been praying for you know who. Love you dear lady! It won't be long now until we meet in the skies!!! We must be about the Father's business and vigilant in prayer and vigilant for standing for what is right.
Whoohoooo Hala! Spoken like a true Texan 😉 I read his statement that he will not do a third debate due to her unwillingness to have conservative moderators or even NBC! He’s done with debating this lady, but hopefully has a Townhall where we can just hear him talk about what he will do to help our country renew with “normal” moderators that help people have a greater understanding what value benefits us.
I believe that we all need to have time with God and pray, because neither candidate can solve the problems of this nation and the world globally. Only the coming Kingdom that is coming will be solve the problems this world has, the coming of the King of kings and the Lord of lords: He alone has the answers to this world, and my prayer is that we don’t get caught up in thinking one or the other candidate can keep us from going or that one or the other candidates can bring peace and tranquility. The Lord Jesus is the only One can solve the issues or problems of this nation and this world. I like what pastor Mark said God is in control.
Exactly! I’m not voting for Harris, my spirit feels very convicted for several reasons, but in the end you’re 100% right on only the King will solve the problems & His coming will renew this earth.
Absolutely James. But while we are here, we need to stand for what is right. Little by little our religious freedom and all of our other American freedoms are being taken away. That is exactly what happened in Germany before the holocaust. Hitler conditioned the people with taking freedom a little at a time until he was a despot meglemaniac. I am deeply concerned about our national freedom and our religious freedom. Christians are and have been singled out especially during the pandemic and by evil people who want Christians to go against their faith and do things that we all know just isn't right. Nothing that is happening now though doesn't surprise our Lord. All of this must take place in order to fulfill prophecy. Prayer is our weapon!!! Thank God for prayer warriors and the throne room of grace and mercy!!!!
I am also deeply concerned, Hala. Our nation is slipping down a very slippery slope from which I’m afraid there is no return. I would be so happy to be proved wrong. But God….! 🍒
Yup ........ We have comfort in the depths of our souls because we know the Creator of the universe is in charge of all events ... In the meantime we do the things in obedience to Him and marvel at the way it all unfolds as the end times prophesies become reality for the entire world to see ......... God Bless!!!
Amen! While walking this morning I was ruminating over the debate and how worthless it was and started complaining to God. Right then Phil Wickham’s song “Battle Belongs” began playing in my AirPods and I felt that nudge that my job is to pray, not worry. He’s got this.
“When all I see is the battle, You see my victory
When all I see is the mountain, You see a mountain moved
And as I walk through the shadow, Your love surrounds me
There's nothing to fear now, for I am safe with You
Yes, Glee! Those words of that song r perfect for right now, for such a time as this. I’m so glad the battle is His to fight, and ours to pray about❣️🍒
Amen!! God is in control. Keeping my eyes on Him. He knows the end from the beginning and all the places in between. We can do all things through Him who strengthens us. 💜
Amen Kris! I think what I was disturbed about most was the passion from Harris about abortion! Passionate & unwavering on her belief to support abortion no matter the cost of life… it was heartbreaking. Now radicals are using the term “miscarriage” and connecting this to abortion. It’s disgusting. These are two VERY different things. A friend sent this to me today… I really feel like this part of the Bible is happening now “Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires.” 2 Peter 3:3 NLT
Yes, Kari! Praying big! The best defense! Praying for salvation and complete repentance of her sins would be the best revenge ever, and would bring her into the Kingdom! Praying for Mr. T’s salvation would be a good idea too. Neither candidate is perfect, but Mr T is a far better choice, I really do like him. Whatever the outcome of this election, may God’s will be done. His will, not mine. Love u, Kari and all the TP family❣️🍒
I think he is God's chosen. What else could be the driving force behind him.
Any normal person would have quit by now. The devil is working overtime to destroy him. He does stand for Israel like no other. He moved the embassy
To the holy city Jerusalem. He is not a saint he's flawed . God uses flawed men. He does take righteous stands on most things. I can't say he is a believer. I don't think he is too far from the Kingdom. When God spared his life and protected him at 6:11 pm on that Saturday July 13 . I knew right then he' s going to win. I felt something shift a feeling in my heart.
Steve Bannon former white house chief strategist was quoted as saying President Trump wears the Armor of God. You think it was just a coincidence that Ephesians 6:11 says
Put on the full Armor of God. Remember it was 6:11 pm. Could he be the last Trump along with the trumpet. He can only run 2 terms was God saving him for such a time as this. He ain't scared of nothing . Remember he said fight fight fight. We need to pray pray pray. Pretty exiting to watch God work. Come Lord Jesus.
I pray every day for our country and its leaders. Even after I saw the debate last night, I still thought no matter what, God is in control. I still believe that Biden was placed in the position of presidency by God as a final wake up call to America! As many of us saw the assassination attempt on President Trump on live tv, I believe with all my heart that God spared him for a purpose and how can anyone not believe that God turned his head at exactly the precise moment to avoid a direct kill shot! I have never seen the level of pure evil in our country as I do today and I believe God is getting the attention of all Christians and even non Christians.
Much love to you Carol. Sometimes we all need to decompress. May God pour his many blessings upon you dear sister. May he remove all of the things that tear at your soul!!! Love you dear lady!!!
Along with millions of others I too watched last night’s debate. Commentators keep saying that the needle was not moved much, if at all, and it’s going to be a very close race. It’s amazing to think it may be so close. While we older folks have witnessed the ongoing demoralization of America for many years, that process has seemed to speed up over the past several years until, now, the election of a President Harris looks to be the final nail in the coffin. We want to see someone elected to this highest office who will put a stop to all the woke insanity, to the governmental micromanagement of every aspect of our lives, to the involuntary demographic transformation inundating us, and someone who will be friendly to Christians. Could that be too much to expect? At this point, very possibly. But we believers must remember God’s sovereignty over events, over history itself. Isaiah 40:15: “Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, He taketh up the isles as a very little thing.” And Daniel 2:21, “And He changes the times and the seasons: He removes kings and sets up kings…” And Psalm 33:10: “The Lord brings the counsel of the heathen to nought: He makes the devices of the people of none effect.” In fact, read the whole chapter. He delivers those who put their trust in Him. Whatever happens. Even if we have to walk through the valley for a time. Wait on the Lord. Full of mercy, He is our shield.
Good comments, FOW! God is paying very close attention to what is happening in this nation and in our hearts. He’s paying close attention to His whole creation and His beloved Israel. Being what He wants us to be is very important and should be our focus now and always. Let’s pray, pray, pray❣️🍒
I don’t know if Trump can do all the things he says, I only know he’s determined to try and he’s the only one on offer. And also, he miraculously survived certain death. Amen, Cherre, we keep praying. It’s weird you said that about being what God wants us to be, because I was praying about that very thing yesterday.
Thank you for that grounding response to the debate. My husband and I were so upset with the lies and poor moderators, feeling President Trump's irritation at the accusations. You are right and I've even said it myself, but the reminder that God is in control; He sets up leaders and nations, was really hitting home today.
If you don’t vote for Trump , it will be our last election, and they will try to prevent Christian expression of worship and evangelism …it’s not about elevating Trump above Jesus…my word, of course not. You need to get serious about what the Harris campaign will bring to the US…and the world . Dont be complacent because you aren’t “excited” about either candidate. You need to be in reality about our future well being, religious freedom, healthcare and ability to provide. This isnt a popularity contest. It’s Trump or it’s communism.
I agree, Blondie and Kathy! It’s down to the wire. It may be too late, but we still have to try to allow T to attempt to stop this country from self destructing! He is not God, but God can use Him to put the brakes on this descent into hell on earth under communism. 🍒
Remember guys, it wasn't close last time, they stole it and God allowed that for a reason. Its like Satan thinking he was winning by killing Jesus. These socialist think they are winning via dishonesty and theft, but in reality they are losing.
My take on why they started cheating was they finally realized they could not achieve their utopian goals without stealing elections because if they voted a certain way, they knew they would be voted out. Once these machines and mail in ballots came along they realized they could steal elections and just ignore the will of the people.
So, if God chose Trump in 2016 to come against the OWG agenda why did He let him lose in 2020? Because Trump was supposed to be elected in 2020 and still be the president in 2025-2028, I personally think God gives us people with certain names as a warning, I think the Rapture will happen while Trump is the President (LAST TRUMP). I think Trump had to create the Abraham Accords and move the Jewish Embassy to Jerusalem, no Dem or Republican would have done those things.
The OWG was coming too fast, so God put Trump in in 2016, and let him lose in 2020 so as not to retard the OWG altogether, it must come to pass. By the time Trump wins another term,(I think he will because I see chaos coming in spite of him being president, I think its merely a sign) it will be time for the Anti-Christ to be revealed. We are there now guys, ladies, brothers and sisters. Remember, Apophis is heading our way, if it hits (I think it will) on April 13(Friday), 2029 that will be the DOTL/God's Wrath, and that has to happen in the exact middle of the 70th week.
Gog and Magog is at had. Psalm 83 has passed us by. The 10 = the E.U. (Complete Rome Reunited) not 10 nations. Just like the 10 Virgin brides = "Complete Christendom".
Now, God might just let us fall to pieces with a Socialists election, I see things differently on that front, but as the Lord told Israel, you get the King you so deserve and desired. Either way, we will be out of here soon anyway. God Bless
Lynn thank you for posting this video. I just watched it and it he gave a powerful on point sermon! I pray Christians will get out and vote this election!
Thank you Pastor Mark for your encouraging word today. It means a lot for us who deeply care about our country & our future. I gave it my best shot last night to watch the entire debate but at times had to mute, just too hard to hear Harris talk about abortion so radically and passionately. Although neither candidate is perfectly aligned with my beliefs, I know who I’m voting for and why I’m voting. I’m going to stand firm for the sanctity of life and sanctity of marriage and family…I’m voting for morality the best I know how. I pray believers are praying and seeking the Lord’s guidance and like you said… God have mercy on our country and globally too. We are living in the end days and until we are raptured home we vote, we pray and we share the good news to the lost. There will be a day coming soon when the Restrainer is removed and we’re gone in a twinkling of an eye. Love my TP family💟
Amen Kari, I think if I could have pulled someone's hair or teeth out, I would have last night. lol. Love you, my friend.
Hala, it was painful to watch! Ridiculousness at its best!! It’s hard to fathom this woman running our country 🫣 but…. The other side are gnashing teeth over Trump! We’re a divided country and only Jesus can save us! But, we know what to do pray big and get out there and vote! Love you 🥰
Amen sister. I have never seen so much lyin". Look at the lady's track record. She has sat silently the whole 3&1/2 years in office. She let Joe take the hits. stayed silent on the border and now she wants to pretend like she will fix everything. The very first question the moderators asked her, she skirted. You are right, ridiculous is what it is. And you can bet your bottom dollar, I'm going to vote. Yes, ma'am. And i have been praying for you know who. Love you dear lady! It won't be long now until we meet in the skies!!! We must be about the Father's business and vigilant in prayer and vigilant for standing for what is right.
Whoohoooo Hala! Spoken like a true Texan 😉 I read his statement that he will not do a third debate due to her unwillingness to have conservative moderators or even NBC! He’s done with debating this lady, but hopefully has a Townhall where we can just hear him talk about what he will do to help our country renew with “normal” moderators that help people have a greater understanding what value benefits us.
They need to get Shawn Hannity to be a moderator. lol. Do you reckon Kamala would go for that? lol
lol she’s not brave enough!
No, never would she allow that, sweet Hala❣️🍒
Yes, Hala! All of her hair and all of her teeth! Toothless and completely bald❣️🍒
lol! Love you Cherre!
Love u too, Hala❣️🍒
I believe that we all need to have time with God and pray, because neither candidate can solve the problems of this nation and the world globally. Only the coming Kingdom that is coming will be solve the problems this world has, the coming of the King of kings and the Lord of lords: He alone has the answers to this world, and my prayer is that we don’t get caught up in thinking one or the other candidate can keep us from going or that one or the other candidates can bring peace and tranquility. The Lord Jesus is the only One can solve the issues or problems of this nation and this world. I like what pastor Mark said God is in control.
Exactly! I’m not voting for Harris, my spirit feels very convicted for several reasons, but in the end you’re 100% right on only the King will solve the problems & His coming will renew this earth.
Absolutely James. But while we are here, we need to stand for what is right. Little by little our religious freedom and all of our other American freedoms are being taken away. That is exactly what happened in Germany before the holocaust. Hitler conditioned the people with taking freedom a little at a time until he was a despot meglemaniac. I am deeply concerned about our national freedom and our religious freedom. Christians are and have been singled out especially during the pandemic and by evil people who want Christians to go against their faith and do things that we all know just isn't right. Nothing that is happening now though doesn't surprise our Lord. All of this must take place in order to fulfill prophecy. Prayer is our weapon!!! Thank God for prayer warriors and the throne room of grace and mercy!!!!
I am also deeply concerned, Hala. Our nation is slipping down a very slippery slope from which I’m afraid there is no return. I would be so happy to be proved wrong. But God….! 🍒
Yes, what she said 🙌
Yup ........ We have comfort in the depths of our souls because we know the Creator of the universe is in charge of all events ... In the meantime we do the things in obedience to Him and marvel at the way it all unfolds as the end times prophesies become reality for the entire world to see ......... God Bless!!!
Amen Cornel!! So well said 🙏🙏🙏
Amen! While walking this morning I was ruminating over the debate and how worthless it was and started complaining to God. Right then Phil Wickham’s song “Battle Belongs” began playing in my AirPods and I felt that nudge that my job is to pray, not worry. He’s got this.
“When all I see is the battle, You see my victory
When all I see is the mountain, You see a mountain moved
And as I walk through the shadow, Your love surrounds me
There's nothing to fear now, for I am safe with You
So when I fight, I'll fight on my knees
With my hands lifted high
Oh God, the battle belongs to You
And every fear I lay at Your feet
I'll sing through the night
Oh God, the battle belongs to You”
Amen!!!!! I love that song 🎶❤️🙏
Yes, Glee! Those words of that song r perfect for right now, for such a time as this. I’m so glad the battle is His to fight, and ours to pray about❣️🍒
Praise the Lord. One of my favorite songs:)
Beautiful Chris.
Amen!! God is in control. Keeping my eyes on Him. He knows the end from the beginning and all the places in between. We can do all things through Him who strengthens us. 💜
Amen Kris! I think what I was disturbed about most was the passion from Harris about abortion! Passionate & unwavering on her belief to support abortion no matter the cost of life… it was heartbreaking. Now radicals are using the term “miscarriage” and connecting this to abortion. It’s disgusting. These are two VERY different things. A friend sent this to me today… I really feel like this part of the Bible is happening now “Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires.” 2 Peter 3:3 NLT
Praying big!!!
Yes, Kari! Praying big! The best defense! Praying for salvation and complete repentance of her sins would be the best revenge ever, and would bring her into the Kingdom! Praying for Mr. T’s salvation would be a good idea too. Neither candidate is perfect, but Mr T is a far better choice, I really do like him. Whatever the outcome of this election, may God’s will be done. His will, not mine. Love u, Kari and all the TP family❣️🍒
I am convinced that Mr T will win.
I think he is God's chosen. What else could be the driving force behind him.
Any normal person would have quit by now. The devil is working overtime to destroy him. He does stand for Israel like no other. He moved the embassy
To the holy city Jerusalem. He is not a saint he's flawed . God uses flawed men. He does take righteous stands on most things. I can't say he is a believer. I don't think he is too far from the Kingdom. When God spared his life and protected him at 6:11 pm on that Saturday July 13 . I knew right then he' s going to win. I felt something shift a feeling in my heart.
Steve Bannon former white house chief strategist was quoted as saying President Trump wears the Armor of God. You think it was just a coincidence that Ephesians 6:11 says
Put on the full Armor of God. Remember it was 6:11 pm. Could he be the last Trump along with the trumpet. He can only run 2 terms was God saving him for such a time as this. He ain't scared of nothing . Remember he said fight fight fight. We need to pray pray pray. Pretty exiting to watch God work. Come Lord Jesus.
Agreed Dave.
I pray every day for our country and its leaders. Even after I saw the debate last night, I still thought no matter what, God is in control. I still believe that Biden was placed in the position of presidency by God as a final wake up call to America! As many of us saw the assassination attempt on President Trump on live tv, I believe with all my heart that God spared him for a purpose and how can anyone not believe that God turned his head at exactly the precise moment to avoid a direct kill shot! I have never seen the level of pure evil in our country as I do today and I believe God is getting the attention of all Christians and even non Christians.
Me too Kim.
Tipping Point Family ...
My brain is on overload lately and so I am taking some time to decompress.
You are all in my ❤️ and 🙏's. Carol
Much love to you Carol. Sometimes we all need to decompress. May God pour his many blessings upon you dear sister. May he remove all of the things that tear at your soul!!! Love you dear lady!!!
Just yesterday decided same thing, Carol.🙏✝️🥰
Love u, sweet Carol! What’s happening in our world right now is overwhelming to all of us. God bless and protect u and give u peace in your heart❣️🍒
Excellent comments, Mark! Thank you so much! 🙏
He will receive all the glory
Great word’s Pastor Mark. 👀👆🏼⛅️🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Along with millions of others I too watched last night’s debate. Commentators keep saying that the needle was not moved much, if at all, and it’s going to be a very close race. It’s amazing to think it may be so close. While we older folks have witnessed the ongoing demoralization of America for many years, that process has seemed to speed up over the past several years until, now, the election of a President Harris looks to be the final nail in the coffin. We want to see someone elected to this highest office who will put a stop to all the woke insanity, to the governmental micromanagement of every aspect of our lives, to the involuntary demographic transformation inundating us, and someone who will be friendly to Christians. Could that be too much to expect? At this point, very possibly. But we believers must remember God’s sovereignty over events, over history itself. Isaiah 40:15: “Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, He taketh up the isles as a very little thing.” And Daniel 2:21, “And He changes the times and the seasons: He removes kings and sets up kings…” And Psalm 33:10: “The Lord brings the counsel of the heathen to nought: He makes the devices of the people of none effect.” In fact, read the whole chapter. He delivers those who put their trust in Him. Whatever happens. Even if we have to walk through the valley for a time. Wait on the Lord. Full of mercy, He is our shield.
Good comments, FOW! God is paying very close attention to what is happening in this nation and in our hearts. He’s paying close attention to His whole creation and His beloved Israel. Being what He wants us to be is very important and should be our focus now and always. Let’s pray, pray, pray❣️🍒
I don’t know if Trump can do all the things he says, I only know he’s determined to try and he’s the only one on offer. And also, he miraculously survived certain death. Amen, Cherre, we keep praying. It’s weird you said that about being what God wants us to be, because I was praying about that very thing yesterday.
Thank you!🙏
Thank you for that grounding response to the debate. My husband and I were so upset with the lies and poor moderators, feeling President Trump's irritation at the accusations. You are right and I've even said it myself, but the reminder that God is in control; He sets up leaders and nations, was really hitting home today.
If you don’t vote for Trump , it will be our last election, and they will try to prevent Christian expression of worship and evangelism …it’s not about elevating Trump above Jesus…my word, of course not. You need to get serious about what the Harris campaign will bring to the US…and the world . Dont be complacent because you aren’t “excited” about either candidate. You need to be in reality about our future well being, religious freedom, healthcare and ability to provide. This isnt a popularity contest. It’s Trump or it’s communism.
Agreed, Kathy. Thank you for saying it.
I agree, Blondie and Kathy! It’s down to the wire. It may be too late, but we still have to try to allow T to attempt to stop this country from self destructing! He is not God, but God can use Him to put the brakes on this descent into hell on earth under communism. 🍒
Amen!! Thank you for coming on today after the debate to encourage us as I know you are so incredible busy. May the Lord bless you and your family.
Remember guys, it wasn't close last time, they stole it and God allowed that for a reason. Its like Satan thinking he was winning by killing Jesus. These socialist think they are winning via dishonesty and theft, but in reality they are losing.
My take on why they started cheating was they finally realized they could not achieve their utopian goals without stealing elections because if they voted a certain way, they knew they would be voted out. Once these machines and mail in ballots came along they realized they could steal elections and just ignore the will of the people.
So, if God chose Trump in 2016 to come against the OWG agenda why did He let him lose in 2020? Because Trump was supposed to be elected in 2020 and still be the president in 2025-2028, I personally think God gives us people with certain names as a warning, I think the Rapture will happen while Trump is the President (LAST TRUMP). I think Trump had to create the Abraham Accords and move the Jewish Embassy to Jerusalem, no Dem or Republican would have done those things.
The OWG was coming too fast, so God put Trump in in 2016, and let him lose in 2020 so as not to retard the OWG altogether, it must come to pass. By the time Trump wins another term,(I think he will because I see chaos coming in spite of him being president, I think its merely a sign) it will be time for the Anti-Christ to be revealed. We are there now guys, ladies, brothers and sisters. Remember, Apophis is heading our way, if it hits (I think it will) on April 13(Friday), 2029 that will be the DOTL/God's Wrath, and that has to happen in the exact middle of the 70th week.
Gog and Magog is at had. Psalm 83 has passed us by. The 10 = the E.U. (Complete Rome Reunited) not 10 nations. Just like the 10 Virgin brides = "Complete Christendom".
Now, God might just let us fall to pieces with a Socialists election, I see things differently on that front, but as the Lord told Israel, you get the King you so deserve and desired. Either way, we will be out of here soon anyway. God Bless
Thank You Pastor Mark for the encouraging words.
Pastor Gary Hamrick, Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg, Va election sermon delivered to his church September 8, 2024
Lynn thank you for posting this video. I just watched it and it he gave a powerful on point sermon! I pray Christians will get out and vote this election!
For those you haven't seen this video, it's worth watching the whole thing. Everyone be blessed in the mighty name of Jesus(Yeshua).