ROE VS, WADE OVERTURNED Friday January 24, 2022

Praise God! I remember taking a bus from Long Island, NY to peacefully march for life in Washington, D. C. on January 22, 1978, five years after abortion was made legal in America. We marched to the Supreme Court. We began ascending the steps on both sides. My husband and I were on the last two steps on the right side as you looked at the building. Prayer began on the steps and all around the Supreme Court. Suddenly there was a D.C. policeman at my side saying, "You can't do this!" I said to him, "Do what officer?" He said, "what you are doing!" I said once again "What can't we do officer?" He could not say the word "pray" and with head down he walked away. Minutes later a man carrying a huge flag with the image of Jesus on His knees holding a tiny fetus in His right hand with the words SHED NOT INNOCENT BLOOD ... I would post the picture but TP does not permit pictures.

1973-2022, was 49 years ago on January 22 this past January. In the fullness of His time and His perfect will God answered those prayers that day and all the years of prayer that led to today.

Sadly I believe riots will break out in our country as abortion has always been such a divided issue.

Many times over these almost 50 years I prayed that abortion would be overturned. Over 63,000,000 male and female babies made by God's design were snuffed out. I wondered about all the prayers that God wanted to answer through the lives of those children as we all have a divine God given purpose for our lives. When we are raptured and taken to our heavenly home all those children will be there praising God!

Lord you alone know what is next as a result of the Supreme Court's ruling.

"Good is called evil"!in our society by so very many; have mercy on America.

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Great news! But you are right, we now all have a responsibility to do all we can to help crisis pregnancy centers, and single moms.

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Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this victory for the Kingdom of Heaven!

Please remove the curse and judgment on America from abortion.

You have said in Your Word,

“When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” - 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 (NKJV)

We have humbled ourselves, prayed and sought Your Face, and turned from our wicked ways. Please hear us in Heaven, forgive our sin, and heal our land, according to Your Word!

We pray in agreement, so we know You will do this for us, as we pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus.


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This is a win, no doubt. This horrendous practice should have never been legalized to begin with. Now, it has become an entitlement and convenience to deal with fornication, for the most part. I'm sure a lot less babies died at the hands of the Canaanites where they received their judgment. Innocent blood is a heavy weight on God's scales. Like some of our subscribers have pointed out, this is not just a "woman" issue and there is a lot of accountability that needs to be taken by the men as well. The reality of the problem is that a good portion of the population has become partially to completely corrupted and getting them back to Christ may take significant crisis and/or pain. Abortion is a symptom of a much bigger problem.

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I’m so thankful that this court put aside thoughts of the threats made against them and their families and did the right thing! Praise the Lord!

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My 25 year old daughter just texted me.... We are POST Wade generation!!!! wow! Our children have seen a lot in their short years, but grateful they can witness a bright light shining in the darkness. The sanctity of life is so precious. The sanctity of marriage and family are precious to the Lord. I wanted to join all of you today, despite our differences in theology or politics, and celebrate LIFE today! This is truly a victory and now we pray for our nation through the aftermath. Love y'all! 💛

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Wow, just walked in from the Beach, and got the gooood news!!!!! Praise God Praise God Praise God!!!! 🌻🌻🌻

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This is great news! But the best news is that Jesus is coming soon!

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Today is most definitely a victory! However, the evil that is in our country, even running the government is on full display with their disgusting remarks and calls to action to push for the murder of these babies. Just imagine how our country could become if these in government would use their same support to help these mothers and provide assistance for couples to adopt these babies. They should also be supporting and helping these mothers in pregnancy centers. It’s hard to believe how many evil people celebrate and fight for the “right” to murder babies.

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Amazing! No other words. I’m so happy and I’m not even from the US. Thank God for this decision, Amen!

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Unfortunately, here in CA it won't be banned. Our Democratic governor has already had ads running as soon as it was leaked that he's pro women's right to choose, along with some others that will be running in Nov. This is a Democratic state and he's a one-man show doing whatever he wants and not in the interest of the people. He won his recall election so that gave him even more resolve, power, and control. Although little does he know, he's furthering Christ's coming!

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Jun 25, 2022·edited Jun 26, 2022

1.) Jeremiah 1:5: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations. Even though many of us are not prophets, it doesn't change the fact that God knew us before we were formed in the womb. Life begins at conception, not at a later date or formation of the baby.

2.) When God created the 10 Commandments and wrote "You shall not murder", did he have sub-points that said "Unless there is incest, rape, or a career that is currently more important"? No, he did not. We Christians should not justify abortion in any way possible. We are dishonoring God if we do so.

Rape/incest is awful and it is a horrible thing to happen to any girl or woman. Rape is a product of Satan's work, but when there is a life that is developed from this horrific experience....it is not from Satan, as he cannot create life.

God does not approve of the violent actions, but he is the one who decides to put the new life in the woman's body if a pregnancy occurs. If you don't believe this to be true, then you don't believe that God is the creator of life. You can't have it both ways.

Look at James Robison of Life Outreach International. He is a product of rape, which his mother decided to not abort him. How would you like to tell him that his life is not important because his mother was raped? Are we any better than him. NO! This man of God has done so much good for mankind. I can assure you that Satan did not create his conception.

First, we should pray for all of the pregnant females (forget the "birthing people" title). We should donate to the organizations that help the pregnant females in need. If you cannot give a donation, perhaps volunteer. At the very least, pray.....pray....pray. Do whatever you can to help.

Things are really going to get bad in this country and around the world. If the rapture doesn't happen by this Fall, we Christians need to keep these things in mind:

How are you going to vote in November? I will make it very easy for you. As a Christian, we need to vote on what is important to the Lord. Not on personalities and what we like versus not like. Not based on our pocket books or who has the smooth words or bad tweets. We are suppose to be in the world, but not of it.

Q.) Where does God stand on abortion?

A.) It is murder in is eyes and we need to vote against it.

Q.) Where does God stand on LGBT?

A.) Even though he loves the sinners, he hates the sin and it will send the sinners to hell. Vote against it.

Q.) What do we do if both parties stand for abortion and LGBT?

A.) Go beyond the surface and see what their other policies are. DON'T just watch the news stations that you normally watch. Jonathan Cain's website posts so many articles from here and around the world. It's another good source.

Years ago someone once said that many Christians are mentally lazy....they don't want to go out of their way to get all of the information needed to make a Godly informed decision. We say that preachers will be held at a higher level of accountability, but we Christians are in the same category. With God, you can't get by with playing the dumb card. It won't work.

* Did you know that our government put pressure on conservative countries to promote abortion and LGBT or the US would not continue to give them the regular financial aid?

* We now have a LGBT flag at every US Embassy that will allow it.

* Parents are fighting to keep their children's innocence from perversion.

* Our military is spending too much time on woke agendas and not protecting our country.

* The boarder is allowing anyone in and it is just a matter of time before there is another internal attack on the US.

These of just some of the many things currently happening in our country.

Jesus wants us to either be hot or cold and not to live on the fence. You cannot be for the Lord and vote for what he is against. You cannot be for the Lord if you deliberately live in sin while saying your "Amens".

Stop justifying why you voted the way you did in the last election and focus on what is important to God. Make sure that you are casting a Godly vote. I think about the way people bashed Trump for holding a bible up after the damage that was done on the church. People questioned what is intentions were. They made a big deal out of it. My question to you is "Why does it really matter to you?" His relationship or lack of relationship with the Lord has no bearing on our Christian walk. Likewise, Biden and Nancy Pelosi says they are strong Catholics, but yet they are really pushing abortion rights. They refused to condemn the illegal protesting at the Supreme Court Judges homes and the threats made against them. Which one of these are the lesser of two evils? Trump, Biden and EVERY SINGLE person in this world (past, current and future) will be judged at the Great White Judgement. Even my autistic brother was smart enough to see the craziness of these two situations.

Forget January 6th and the George Floyd riots. We are literally at the end of mankind on earth as we know it, on the verge of the rapture happening. Are we Christians going to focus on what is important to God or what is important to mankind? Are we going to be "in the world, but not of it" or "in the world and of it?

You can get ticked off at me for this post, but it is time for us Christians to take a hard, honest look at ourselves and stop fighting over things that doesn't matter to God and focus on the things that will please him.

God bless you.

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Praise be to God!! Let it be in Canada now!

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Hallelujah to the Lamb of God who lives forever and ever. I rejoiced all day at work yesterday since hearing of the overturn. May God supernaturally protect all of those 5 justices who voted to overturn Roe vs. Wade. We are already seeing protest in major cities. Thousands stood at Washington D.C. awaiting the results of the vote. Thousand were in protests. Thank God for answering our prayers. What a stain that abortion has left on this nation. Ky. is one of those trigger states where abortion will be illegal now. There is going to be a vote on the ballot in November. I pray all God fearing people vote against Roe vs. Wade. Many blessings to all of you and thank you Jimmy for updates.

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Thanks for this, and you are right: the Church has a big responsibility for this answer to prayer.

Also, just so you know: pregnancy centers are no longer referred to as “crisis” pregnancy centers because out-of-wedlock pregnancies are no longer viewed as a crisis.

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All the people that believe in abortion, their parents chose life for them.

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