Good Morning Folks… would you kindly join me in prayer for my two sons and granddaughter? They are under horrible satanic attacks. I too have been experiencing an unbelievable, unexplainable physical heaviness that crushing. All I am doing is pleading the Blood of Jesus over them and me and asking God’s will be done. Ever since I have been praying for their salvation truly all hell has broken loose around me and them. I would soo appreciate your help!!!

Thank you so much

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Esther... praying with you sister and your TP family! Do you have the Walking with God book (John Eldredge)? I want you to read the last 4 pages of the book, it's a powerful prayer. I have tears and stains on my pages as I pray over & over, and together we will rebuke, command, and cast out these horrible attacks. They are satanic in nature, but you don't have to be afraid. Ask in Jesus powerful name (speak the name of Jesus outloud) and when you do this.... they will be removed. Pray through and you will experience freedom from these attacks. You can also pray in Jesus name for angels to be summoned and instruct them what you need. Your prayers are filled with HIS power. Don't be afraid to yell at the top of your lungs....as you rebuke, command & cast out, always in Jesus name. I'm praying right now....💛

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I’ve experienced these attacks to and rebuke the enemy in the authority of Jesus’s Name and the Power of His Blood. Thanks Kari for your wise words of encouragement. Jesus is Lord!

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Amen.... His Name & Blood is power! We never have to be afraid.

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Hallelujah and Amen!

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Amen! Praying with you Kari and with and for Esther and family.✝️🙏❤️in the ALMIGHTY POWER AND BY THE CLEANSING BLOOD OF THE ONE WHO CONQUERED ALL and OWNS ALL and IS ALL.

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Kari…I did exactly what you said…rebuke, command and cast out. In between clients and loudly and firmly the burden lifted. Thank you Kari. I thank God for blessing me with this family. A reprieve is so needed. I’m mentally exhausted. I love my TP family ♥️♥️♥️

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It is mentally exhausting. Those nasty minions want to cling and hold on, but it takes bold, strong prayers, and Jesus power through us to rebuke, command & cast out. If you still feel attacked…. Pray again! Have a trusted sister or brother in the Lord or Pastor anoint you with oil and prayers for you. As a follower of Christ, you cannot be possessed, but we can be oppressed. If you don’t have the book, Walking with God, I encourage you to buy. One of my favorites!🔥🙏💛 I’m praying with you & your TP fam! Love u

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Thank you Kari. I’m ordering the book today

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You will love it! There are prayers throughout but the last 4 pages will really help when you or a loved one is under attack. This would be a great post for Pastor Jimmy to share. How do we pray against the evil one and his minions? What does it mean to rebuke, command, and cast out in Jesus name? When we speak the name of Jesus—it’s power 💥

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Standing with Kari. She gave me this prayer. She told me about the strong Angel's that protect me from my own horrid dreams. Do it Esther. Stand firm on the name of Jesus. Fear not.

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Verna is so right. And, if you still feel attack, keep commanding & rebuking & praying. Those evil minions can really be nasty and try to cling on, but our God is stronger! 💛🙏🙌🏽

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Praise God! Hallelujah and Amen. ✝️🙏🧡

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Pleading the blood of Jesus with you Esther. May God’s will be done and may He comfort and protect you and give you His peace.

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Joining you Esther. But God...

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Thank you my friend ❤️❤️❤️thank you

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Amen, But God...

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Esther, you have my prayers! You are covering with the name of Jesus, your best defense! I think we are all feeling the pressure! Satan knows his time is running out and he is furious!!

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Thank you Phycilla…I so agree. The pressure is on us all. By God’s grace we have to stand and pray

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Yes it is.. please pray for my children and step children . That they would come to Jesus.. that he opens their eyes.. and I have dear friends whose family is just fall apart.. and they were all so close .. the devil is out their frantic.. his time is short🙏✝️

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Praying for everyone you love to be saved

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Thank you❤️.. God bless🙏✝️

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Praying now.

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Thank you Debi. 💝💝💝

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Esther, we are all praying for you hon. Standing together in the name above all names, Christ Jesus, cover Esther in your blood, tell the evil one she is Your child, and please Jesus, send Your strong Angel's to Herr children and guard them and their souls from the evil one. satan has no power over your children other than to buffet them, and no one can snatch them from your hand. Thank you Jesus. Not my will, but Yours be done, in the matchless name of Christ Jesus, Yeshua, Everlasting Father, Holy One of Israel, Lion of the tribe of Judah, Amen!!

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Thank you Verna. God is graciously helping me. I love you my friend ♥️♥️♥️

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Oh hon, I love you too. God is so good. God bless you and your children !! I will be praying. ✝️🙏🌻💜

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Praying for your two sons and granddaughter.. that Jesus will open the eyes of their heart and plant the seed .. in Jesus name .. Amen🙏✝️

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Teresa, thank you so much for your prayers. I have felt the burden lifting today ♥️♥️♥️

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Praying Esther🙏

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Gladys, thank you so much for your prayers. God has lifted this heavy burden. Thank you again

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Myself & the 5yo boy I took in at birth, both, have also suffered the same extreme physical (& my emotional) heaviness for many months now. For me, it has also come with a trifold (very deep) grief. First for the sin of the current world/lost, secondly, what is to come for those left behind (which all preparations have been made) & for the unspeakable longing for my Bridegroom. He understands we have "but little strength". We must & will endure. Even through the depth of this suffering, my weeping at His overwhelming love, mercy & compassion will be what kills me if His rescue is not soon. The boy (never been to daycare/I homeschool) will turn 6 on Sept 16 & I am to turn 55 on Sept 20. We want nothing more than His physical presence this birthday. His strength, not ours. Maranatha

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Praying in agreement with you Esther. 🙏

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Thank you Maggie. I love love my friend. You are so appreciated ♥️♥️♥️

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So sorry, Esther. I will lift your situation up to the Father. God bless you and your family.

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June…thank you. Appreciated beyond words 💖💖💖

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Esther, how can we pray for you today? (Tuesday) 💛

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My dear Kari…I’m sorry I’m just responding to your post. It’s been a long day at work and I’m mentally and physically exhausted. All I can tell you at this point is that God has so graciously answered our prayers. Tonight the Peace of God has overtaken me and the satanic oppression has subsided. Praise His Blessed Name. Every prayer from this family has been answered. I think I understand a little why I was experiencing this. Tonight my husband started asking questions about end time events. I had the opportunity to witness to him that there is one way to Heaven and that Jesus is the way etc.. God gave me the words and truly I couldn’t tell you what I said. The Holy Spirit led the conversation.

I feel like I’ve been through the wringer. I’m heading to bed. Praying tonight for a much needed peaceful sleep. I love this family with all my heart. Everyone’s prayers were so much appreciated ♥️♥️♥️

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Esther, now we know… I can’t wait to celebrate when your husband gives his heart to Jesus. This much we know… satan hates us and send his foul stinky minions to do the dirty jobs. I’m so sorry this has been one of those weeks where you’re exhausted crying out to Him to rescue you. I’ve been praying for you in my prayer language & have learned through my amazing pastors here & James River—satan can’t hear or understand prayers spoken in the spirit. We are covering you dear sister. Miracles are in motion & He will show you His wonders in your obedience to pray. I can’t wait for you to read your book too! No turning back… 🎶 https://youtu.be/VA6x8AELBEA?si=puU1z__3Qn2boGDs 🙏🙏🙏💛

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Praying Esther ❤

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Thank you my friend ❣️❣️❣️

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I feel the darkness to Susan.. it’s Jesus that keeps me a peace..”I Trust Jesus”✝️

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Jimmy I like you have thought that the rapture may happen at the feast of trumpets but according to Amir Tsarfati the rapture can occur at any time and is not limited to any two day period. He says that Jesus will fulfill the feast of trumpets at the second coming, then the repentance of Israel will fulfill Yom Kippur followed by Israel entering the Millennial Kingdom which will fulfill the Feast of Tabernacles. This seems to make sense, what do you think? Here is his article.

Amir Tsarfati

In a few days, Jews around the world will celebrate the Feast of Trumpets. Known in the Hebrew Bible as “Yom Truah”, it is traditionally referred by the Hebrew “Rosh Hashanah”, or “the head of the year”.

Too many Christians are looking at this day on the Hebrew calendar as the day of the rapture because of the reference to the trumpet of God in 1 Thessalonians 4 and in 1 Corinthians 15.

Let me make it very clear - the trumpet of the rapture is the trumpet of God, not one belonging to Jews who gather in a synagogue to blow a shofar.

Just as the four spring festivals were fulfilled in their chronological order during the first century, the last three will be fulfilled in the near future in a chronological order, as well.

Thus, the only future event that can possibly be the fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets is the second coming of Jesus. But that will not be FOR the church but WITH the church.

That event will be followed by the repentance of Israel, which will fulfill Yom Kippur. Then their entering into the Millennial Kingdom to fulfill the Feast of Tabernacles.

The rapture requires no specific day on the Hebrew calendar. It is imminent. No one knows the day or the hour. The rapture isn’t limited to only two days each year.

Be ready today!

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That is disappointing but makes total sense! That's what I get for hoping we wouldn't be here after this weekend! 🤔. However, I can't imagine it will be very long the way things are moving so fast! Amir says that also. This push to a one world economy and one world government is moving too quickly for the Rapture not to happen unless we are going to be here during at least the beginning of the bad times! And I do not want to be here for any of that!

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Do you know why we don't even have to be disappointed, He promises He will come back. Yes, I pray it's today, tmrw or this weekend, but we know we are deep in the birth pangs! When Father God tells his son to go.... get your bride, it will be in a twinkle. I sure love your heart Phycilla... I love having these good discussions with you. 💛

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Kari, I so look forward to meeting you in person! We are all going to have such a wonderful with our Lord and with each other!! Yay! Soon, Lord, Soon!!

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Don't worry just because it won't happen on the Feast of trumpets doesn't mean it couldn't happen tonight tomorrow or next week.

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Also doesn't mean that it wont happen this next weekend.

Just be ready...

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Amen.... any twinkle of an eye!!! 💛

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I so long for that twinkle.🙏

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Thank you for referring to Amir Tsarfati. I watched his message ‘God’s Calendar’ and believe his view of the last trumpet arriving at Christ’s return is more likely than at any other time. Amir points out that when Jesus referred to scripture it was always from the Old Testament. Amir found God personally after reading Isaiah and parallel preaches from the Old Testament/New Testament so Jews will finally understand and accept Jesus as Messiah.

My opinion: God always fulfills his promises to Israel, and to us, so I believe He will rapture His church at the right time, but sound that last trumpet for His people, Israel, announcing to them that Messiah has arrived! That’s when they finally recognize Him and repent. The Feast of Tabernacles will be celebrated during the millennium. After all these thousands of years with God’s warnings, why would He sound that trumpet to only His church? No, that last trumpet will be heard by every person still alive on earth! Every eye will see and every ear will hear!

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!

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So, I have always looked forward to Rosh Hashanah, as an opportunity to say Lord, we know You are coming for Your Bride, Your Church, to keep us out of Your coming wrath at which time You will judge the Nations for 7 years. I can honestly say it has never been a downer when He did not come. And of course, we all know that Jimmy could be wrong and Amir could be right. But just like Christmas comes every year and we get to open a gift by way of remembering that Jesus gave the ultimate gift to all who would receive, and be Saved. Once a year Rosh Hashanah comes around and we remember, Jesus is Coming. At least I do. And it is one of the most wonderful thoughts of my year. My Blessed Hope. And Yours. He says He has gone to prepare a place for us. And when it’s ready, it could be on Rosh Hashanah as Jimmy has skillfully pointed out. And so the butterflies start to flutter with anticipation just like a kid, It could be this year. It really could. And if any year would make sense for it to happen, it actually would be THIS year! All the pieces of the end-times puzzle are coming together at lightning speed, as Jimmy again has skillfully pointed out, year after year after year.... Johnathan Cahn will blow the last trump and at the actual time we will either still be here, or we will be in Heaven!! If we are here, then we go on living for Jesus. And if we are in Heaven.... then this was the year and Jimmy was right and Amir was wrong. I obviously love them both. Don’t you? And I don’t really care. Just like I love to pull that red bow on my Christmas present at Christmas, I will be holding my breath on Rosh Hashanah once again. I will be watching from home like many of you, as I just had surgery, and I live far from Texas, but I am happy for all my friends who will be there in person. How fun, to be together on such a wonderful day! Jimmy had a great idea right? Especially if it’s the Day. What a witness. Believe the best God’s Word says. We will know soon. Only one week away. Love ya all. 🌺

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Kris... you did it again, I've got goosebumps reading your comment. I do love them both, too :) Before the TP I never knew anything about Rosh Hashanah honestly. My daughter Hannah was studying the Jewish Feasts at TKU and I was soaking in all the Jewish studies books she was required to read for classes. Between TP and TKU I was back in school learning at high speeds. I definitely feel anticipation for Rosh Hashanah 2023, but I anticipate every single day for His return. I woke up early this morning to cool temps, rain, stunning sunrise, and a double rainbow! I was in awe of his artwork exploding in the sky! I thought to myself.... it just takes a twinkle of an eye. Anytime, any moment, any twinkle. Our family has been celebrating Rosh Hashanah for almost 4 years, this year we're making a roast (now that I can eat red meat again:) His miracles won't stop, His love will keep flowing, His forgiveness is everlasting, and when the Father says.... Go get your Bride, we are ready!! whoohooo! 💛

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Now Kari that was a pretty spectacular post yourself! Glad for your sunrise and cooler temps, and rain to top it off!! I agree, anytime, any moment…. But ohhh how I love that Rosh Hashanah!! John and I bought a bed over Labor Day $1000 off! So then we decided to throw in a new chair and couch, all coming this weekend! So I will be one eye on the Conference and one on my new bed! I’m so excited that Rick Renner will be there. Can’t wait to see how he fits in on the panel! I would love to see him contribute to the blog. He is an excellent writer and I love His Holy Spirit fire!! Love ya! 🌺

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Just two words sums it up "be ready". 😉

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And keep looking 👀 up.. 🙏🙏🙏✝️

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But I don't want to wait another year! I am ready now! And I really can't imagine things holding together much longer! Things are moving too fast!

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I agree Phycilla. It seems to be getting darker( more evil in the world) daily.. I just keep praying for Isreal and our World every day!🙏✝️

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Kris, one of my favorite worship singers, Steffany Gretzinger has a new album out. whoooweee it's good! I thought you'd love this song today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob2Wxc4pgyE

Album - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTNJ1xzSK3u9SNHcJpLgS-5NTWuH7_Ljo

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I love her, she has the most amazing voice ever. I will check it out!!! Thanks! 🌺

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I’m telling you…🙌🏽🙏😭

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Yup, I get it! 🌺

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I’m sitting in car line … let me know when you listen with your King David the new album! Every song…. It’s just breathtaking 🙌🏽🎶🙏💥

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I just put it up on Utube on the TV. It is on full sound right now. Breathtaking. I agree. I literally have chills, which doesn’t happen very often. But when it does… worth waiting for. I love where her heart goes, and then she takes us all with her. Jesus in her. 🌺

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I silently prayed, "Father, let Your Home be nearly prepared for your bride." He softly answered, "It is."

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Love this❤️🙏✝️

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I am looking up and praying. I also have children and family members that I request prayer for. Some have know Jesus and have strayed and some need a true encounter with Jesus. I want them all to know Him 🙏🏼🥰 I will also being praying for others 🙏🏼✝️

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Praying for your family and ours to have their eyes and hearts open to Jesus before it's too late. God bless you.

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I agree with you Mr. Evans. I believe the Rapture will happen during this period. We just don't know what year it will happen. As to the condition the world is in, I believe it is going to happen very soon. I'm Ready, as is my wife.

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GM TP fam♥️ it’s almost a year since I joined even though I watched all the videos before. I mainly subscribed last Oct so I could watch the conference which totally blessed me♥️ I’m trying to be sensitive to all opinions, comments & this ministry.

First, charging a monthly/yearly subscription IS a form of tithing. If you do it yearly, it comes to $6.40 a month which is less than a McDonald’s meal or even a drink for that matter. TP probably does this for several reasons & im thinking one is only members can comment. Can you imagine how invaded we would get by haters or nonbelievers? There would be an ocean of comments we wouldn’t be able to be the close family we are. Second, if I’m going to travel, it would be to visit my son in salt lake. I was hoping to watch the conference as a subscriber but if I have to pay the streaming fee, so be it! I don’t have to worry about the seat location & such. Gods paying for my subscription! Lol

I buy all of Jimmys books, Mark H books, Amir’s books, Perry stone, David Jeremiah, Jeff Kinley Jack Hibbs, & more! I watch all of these pastors or teachers free on YouTube & am blessed! They are all pretty much same page on end times! Praise the Lord! I do somewhat get annoyed with promoting all of these trips to Israel whether Perry, David J or TP as again I would visit my son & brand new grandson♥️ I’m going to visit the new heavens & new earth & LIVE in the NEW JERUSALEM very soon🥰 and Jesus paid for that too!

3rd Jimmy always makes it clear it is his “opinion” that the rapture will happen this wknd, yet scripture is clear on His imminent return. The problem is new believers or even those who who may be less studied will only hear “it’s this weekend” & if it doesn’t happen, there goes the witness! Now we have to wait another year! I feel he stresses the 2-day strong possibility too much.

I’ve also wondered why Jimmy never has Amir as a guest on TP? I’ve learned sooo much about Israel & the Jews from Amir & am very blessed to watch his messages! His app “Behold Israel” is free & very informative, yet I don’t understand half of the texts about what’s going on in the East. & I honestly don’t need to understand the politics.

As far as having to subscribe, my only issue is I would like to share more than what is shareable (if that makes sense). I can screenshot some but it’s not the same & I feel a lot of ppl would be saved if I could share more of this site.

I know that masking & mandates are coming very soon:( I know the cashless society is on the brink. I know the one world order is way past baby stage. These are definitely the times Jesus warned about! I am more than ready to meet my precious Savior ♥️♥️ I can hear His footsteps on the canopy, & Jesus is saying...Ready or not, here I come!!🙏❤️

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I agree with you, Lori. I don’t think charging for this event is a bad thing at all. Bills have to be paid! It seems too often people expect pastors to do everything for free. I have no problem paying for a subscription and I’m definitely not wealthy. Jimmy Evans does a fantastic job with his ministry and I pray God continues to bless him and Tipping Point until Jesus returns!!

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I have been blessed many times over with this ministry and I do not object to paying a small fee for this subscription. I consider it a very good and stable investment in my future!

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Beautifully said Lisa & Lori. What an honor to subscribe to this incredible ministry who impacts lives every single day. 💛

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Messianic Jews also have strong beliefs regarding the fulfillment of the final three feasts. They believe the Feast of Trumpets will occur and be fulfilled at the Second Coming of Christ. They do not connect Rosh Hashanah to the rapture. They believe the Rapture is imminent and will happen at any moment, but it is not connect to the Feast of Trumpets. Now, I am a member and I look forward to the weekly updates, but on this one, detailed point, I will have to side with the Messianic Jews. There is some danger in preaching that Jesus gathering us in the clouds will only occur over a two day time period…. Out of 365. When it doesn’t occur, people will be let down and then wait 363 days til the next feast. That is not the doctrine of imminency.

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I think Pastor explained that he was not sayin it would defenatly happen.

Only that it could happen.

He allways says that it could happen at any time and he would not put a specific day or hour.

This artical is just to inform us about Rosh Hashanah

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Jimmy has clearly stated, he believes the Rapture will happen during the Feast of Trumpets. He just doesn't know which year. He has also stated that the Rapture could happen any time, but he leans his opinion to Rosh Hoshana. He's on tape and print saying it over and over. I love and respect Jimmy and have known of him for 30 years, but it is my opinion that he has it wrong on this one. As I have stated before, this topic of conversation shouldn't be at the forefront of our Christian thinking. At the most, this should just be interesting trivia for Christians to spit-ball. Instead of a focus on a Jewish Feast, we should be focusing on the salvation message and the imminent event where we meet Christ in the clouds. 99% of what Jimmy and Mark and others teach on End-Times, I am in agreement with. Imminency keeps believers focused, striving to live holy and passionate. Finally, the feasts are for the Jews. I believe the feast of trumpets will be happening when Jesus returns for the second time, which kicks off the Battle of Armageddon. The Feast of Trumpets is not for the Church, but with the Church, when we return to Earth with Him. Next is Yom Kippur, which is the feast of repentance of Israel after the Battle of Armageddon and finally is the Feast of Tabernacles, when the Jews enter the Millennial Kingdom. For the record, I am a Spirit-filled, dispensational, pre-Trib follower, believer and servant of Jesus.

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I understand Amir Tsarfati’s point about the feasts being for the Jews and not the Church, and he could be right for all I know. However, I don’t know how it can be said that the death (crucifixion, Passover), burial (Unleavened Bread), and resurrection (Firstfruits) was only for the Jews. Not also for the Church? How can that be? Secondly, the alternative names for the Feast of Trumpets do match up remarkably well with the rapture. And thirdly, I never have really completely understood the doctrine of imminence. If imminence means the rapture could happen at any time, then why did Paul assure the Thessalonians, concerning “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him” that that day would not come except the apostasy comes first and that man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition? If those two things must happen first, then how can “our being gathered together to him” happen at any time? I guess you could say those two conditions could happen at any time, and it looks like the apostasy has gotten off to a very good start, but has that son of perdition been revealed? He may be alive somewhere now, but currently nobody knows who he is, meaning he hasn’t been revealed yet. And lastly, if someone living in, say, the year 1523 AD believed the rapture was imminent and could happen in his lifetime, and we know in retrospect that it didn’t happen then, yet it was still imminent, then one would also have to believe that there can be a minimum 500-year span of time between the rapture and the Second Coming. If the rapture rescues, or delivers, us from the wrath of God, then how can one be “rescued” or “delivered” from an event hundreds of years in the future? A rescue, or a deliverance, would seem to indicate that you are being rescued from something terrible that is just about to befall you. Just some of my questions, questions that seem not to have been definitively answered.

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Excellent points regarding the doctrine of imminence... makes much sense. Hadn't heard that before... thanks for sharing.

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Maybe the feasts are for the Jews but the gentile church is grafted in to the olive tree and get to be a part??? Maybe not for us but with us.

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Maybe so. It’s true that the rapture doesn’t HAVE to happen during the 2-day feast of trumpets and could happen on any date prior to the onset of the Tribulation, according to the pre-trib view which I believe and you said you believe as well. It just seems to me that Jesus’ fulfillment of the first three feasts was effective salvation for everyone who would believe in their heart and confess with their mouth, and those believers ARE the church. Then next, the church was birthed via the indwelling of the Holy Spirit on the feast of Pentecost. So it’s understandable to think that the next feast might also be connected to the church, just as the previous four feasts were. I could be wrong.

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Bro Jimmy has been very clear that he is not saying that! He says that is his personal opinion but very clearly says 'the rapture is imminent". He has told us that several times. And clearly said we cannot know the day or the hour. Amir's opinion is that the Second Coming will be during Rash Hashanah. They are both wonderful teachers but they are human! Only God knows the time and the hour!

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David Patterson that was not very Christian like either. Same thought passed through my mind as Mr. Flores. I would love to be able to attend this conference online, but I truly cannot afford it.

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Hi Lorie, please don't hesitate to reach out to the staff at endtimes@xomarriage and request a complimentary streaming pass if you want to watch the conference live online. Also, in a few weeks, TP will post all the speakers and sessions right here for the community. You can watch the sessions with your subscription. I hope this helps....💛

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Amen 🙌🏼. Maranatha

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Come Lord Jesus..... Maranatha..!!

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Whether the rapture happens this weekend or not, I know I’m ready!

Just a thought. The feast of Pentecost also started the church age. Right? Maybe I’m wrong. It’s definitely a Jewish feast.

If it did start the church age, which I believe I did, it started a new dispensation. Now salvation came thru the blood of Christ. He paid the price for all sin.

Could the FOT be the bookend to the FOP by the rapture happening, closing the church age?

After the rapture, a new salvation dispensation starts. Not only does one have to put their faith in Christ death, burial and resurrection, but they also will most likely have to pay the price with their blood.

Although, some will not be killed to repopulate the earth in the millennium. Only believers move into this last 1000 years. I’m guessing the 144,000 sealed Jews are part of that group? Not sure on that one.

So two questions to Jimmy, Mark and/or community.

1. Could Pentecost and Trumpets be bookends to the church age? Am I correct saying Pentecost was the beginning of the church age?

I know Amir disagrees that the rapture will be fulfilled at FOTs. I respect his biblical knowledge just as I respect Jimmy’s. Jimmy makes it clear it’s “his opinion”.

2. Do the 144,000 sealed Jewish disciples move into the millennium in a new immortal body or as regular humans? What happens to them at Christ 2nd coming?

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Hi Art, my thought....the 144K Jewish men who are activated supernaturally during the tribulation (marked by God) I believe will receive their resurrected bodies at the end of the trib, along with the trib saints and OT saints. But, this is a great question, a God mystery. Jimmy shares that the "sheep nation" who are alive at the end of the trib (new believers who rejected the mark & protected the Jews) will be mortal. It's possible they will be mortal. Again, really great questions! 💛

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When you read Rev 5, do you also see us, the saints, in the Throne Room watching the thousands of angels, 24 elders, 4 beasts, God on His Throne and Jesus standing in the middle with the book and 7 seals? Singing the new song together with everyone? It seems so clear to me. Maybe I am wrong?

Also, could you email at amartintx@aol.com regarding the conference?

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Yes, I see that too! I’ve always had a vivid imagination but when I read the Heaven book and all of the amazing teaching we receive here about heaven and new earth—I’m imagining even bigger & bigger! Yes, I’ll email you in the morning. Love ya Art💛

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Excellent thoughts, Art!! Thanks!

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I was reading Rev chapter 19 today. It was so fun imagining us being there and all that is happening around us. Then thinking God has already seen this scene play out. Wow, we will be there!!! Amazing!!

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Hello everyone,

Just a quick note that back in March I created a Telegram channel for folks going to the Tipping Point Conference, to help us hopefully coordinate meeting each other somehow. Please feel free to join and communicate during the conference however you need to. Please forgive me in advance for posting this same message on each post Pastor Jimmy makes this week just to make sure that everyone sees it. The link will also be able to be accessed by clicking on my profile picture.


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Steve, Sound like you are back full speed health wise... :).

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Thanks so much, Steve!!! Just to be sure…this will also be available for those attending via computer too (I live in Florida, so can’t attend personally)? I’m so excited about the conference!!! 👏🎉✝️

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Come Lord Jesus!!

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So looking forward to the Conference on line. Thanks Pastor Jimmy for organizing this and the guest speakers. God bless🙏

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

TP Family… just wanted to share some real numbers in light of some of the posts. Not trying to call anyone out and honestly I was clueless before I went to the church non profit world! I work for a very small church in a very small town. Myself and the preacher are the main employees. I take care of lots of duties and all the bills for a pretty small salary. I left my corporate job many years ago hoping to further the kingdom. Not complaining though. I’m very conservative with our ac and all bills really. We have maybe 75-100 people attend weekly. Just our power bill alone is over $1K a month, the list goes on and on for just basic bills! No one cares that we are non profit. There is also the crazy amount of money for maintenance, water testing to comply with government mandates and do you know for this small church the insurance alone is over 20K a year! This insurance is based on size of church and number of employees and volunteers. I can’t imagine what the large church bills are. I don’t have a lot of money but if there is anyone in the area of the conference that wants to attend and just needs the cost of the ticket, I want to help. I went last year and have been anxiously awaiting this year. Love and hugs to you all.

Forgot to mention if it’s denomination driven… they take money too.

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Mel, I just love your big heart. Thank you for sharing this. My dad and mom ran a ministry for 30 years and ALWAYS had a few people complain about charging for tickets. It's good for people to put some skin in the game, but just like you said.... it cost money to host a church event. You're sharing examples from a small church, I can't imagine those numbers for a big church. My husband and I both work for the church and receive a salary. I guess I'm baffled how Jesus cleansing the temple from wicked priests and scribes was compared today to Jimmy's TP conference. It's way out of line. Thanks again....💛

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