Ok, this is fun! I just returned from our grocery store and the guy at the Checker, a long haired Dude from West Virginia, was talking to the woman in front of me, as he was ringing up her groceries. “The World is going to pot” he said “and the Antichrist will be on the scene soon!” She looked at him a little weird (Northern Virginia style) but she was listening.... “Hey Brother” I said, when my turn came. “Where did you hear all that?” “The Scriptures” he said, “and I’m reading this book.” “What book?” I said. TIPPING POINT! You can imagine where it went from there.... We chatted for as long as we could and I told him about the Blog!! God is so good, and so creative! He can get the Word out, in any way He wants, about anything He wants to!

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Kris.... somehow I missed your comment. This story is sooo cool and made my day. I would flip out if I randomly met someone who was reading the Tipping Point... this book came at just the right time! :)

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I heard Trader Joes will be expecting them to scan their right eye when they come to work!

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Right. It seems like this kind of stuff would really push God’s limit. It seems so obvious to us who know God. I noticed today that Sean Feucht and the Worship team, LET US WORSHIP, are coming to DC on the 11-12 of September. I love those guys... but I’m hoping by then we will be in Heaven and experiencing Worship of another kind! Wake up World! Put your Heart with God!! Not much time left....

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Thank you Pastor Jimmy for all the work you do to get this information out. What I am about to say is just my own critical thinking. When Adam and Eve sinned against God in the Garden mankind fell. Our Lord Jesus came and sacrificed himself so we could be born again spiritually, but our natural fallen flesh remains in the the fallen state until we go to be with Him. At which time corruptible puts on incorruptible. So for man to clone a human body it would be in the corruptible state. I personally do not believe that our Creator would put the image of Himself in man made flesh. Our Lord came into the world legally by being born of a woman. Just thinking if the cloning of man is a plan the enemy has to enter this world in bodily form during the tribulation, which is after He who restrains is taken out of the way. Jesus is coming soon! Blessings to all!

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I don’t even recognize this world anymore. Literally everything feels like it is spiraling out of control all around us, but this isn’t my home, it’s not our final resting place. God is going to take us home very very soon. Praise God! ❤️

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Amen Jennifer.... well said friend.

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This is a truly disturbing development. It goes back to the first temptation “you will be like God”. My heart is broken that our society has greater concern for these monstrous cells in a Pitre dish than an unborn baby.

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Thank you, this is so interesting, but SO wrong. And, yes, they can do it - but I pity the fools!

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This post was not easy to read and took me a few days to process. I appreciate reader, Carolyn directing us to Christian Dr Madej her video Human 2.0 is fascinating and really goes hand in hand with Pastor Jimmy's article. Link here - https://www.thriveon.com/media/human-20-a-wake-up-call-to-the-world Then, I read this article from The Times of Israel Dr. Lin and she shares more about transhumanism (honestly a word I didn't know anything about except in the movies) It's an eye opening read- https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/gene-editing-moderna-and-transhumanism/ This is a direct sign of end times especially all that's going on with bodiless brains and gene-editing. "And as transhumanism and biotech gain momentum, armies of hybrid humans of iron and clay may be a real possibility in a not too distant future world." Most importantly Dr. Lin mentions Daniel 2:43 "As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay." This is wild stuff that's happening right before our eyes. Stay alert and keep looking up! MARANATHA!!!!

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Dear Kari, thank you! Wow, this article is an eye opener, especially regarding the verse from Daniel! Thank you for sharing~

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Thank you for directing us to the article. Now I feel like I’m gaining more understanding on what Daniel might have been interpreting.💛

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🤦‍♂️ Lack of the Fear of God in this world!! Maybe we need those pastors of the 60’s and 70’s to preach brimstone and fire again...

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This is unrelated to this article, but I have a question. I woke up this morning thinking about the "defund the police" movement. Do you think that this movement is going to be used to eliminate our local law enforcement and replace it with something like the National Guard that has a centralized national governing authority - ie, the Commander in Chief? It was an interesting thought and I wondered if anyone else might have the same thought. It's another way of the Federal Gov't to gain more local control from a centralized point.

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We must keep well informed! I'm aware of a Christian doctor that began posting about trans humanism last year, and concerns toward this technology being introduced with the covid vaccine that will change the way we live and who and what we are also. Just look up: Dr. Carrie Madej Human 2.0 a wake up call to the world ~

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I just watched... she's really good!

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Dear Jimmy,

Thank you for working so hard to keep us informed on so many signs of the end times! So amazing how rapidly things are occurring!

Do you believe that Apophis is Wormwood? If so, does that indicate the Rapture could occur in 2025 during The Feast of Trumpets?

I know we don’t set dates, but...as you have said, I think, we know the season.

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This confuses me. The whole AI thing and clones. Is there a soul in these lab created humans? It baffles my mind. We know there are AI clones created and I wonder about their souls. If man creates it in this unnatural form is there a spirit? So confusing.

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how do i log in

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Hi Debra,

You may login to your account on our website at endtimes.com using your email address. If you run into any issues with this, please email support@endtimes.com for assistance!

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Use your pw or create a new one through your email request. Just

deleted a LONG reply.😢

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Thank you for your articles!

I have some amazing videos/ research that shows how far along the enemy actually is with cloning humans (they’ve been cloning humans underground since the 1950’s!)

They are ALL around us. I can tell most of them apart. But not all. The technology is getting more and more advanced. They are called “synthetics”. I prefer to call them Tares.

Also... the super humans... I believe that MOST if not ALL of the Chinese military and Russian Military now consist of them.

I have some amazing articles, videos, research about these things. I’d love to send them to you if you’re interested. I’d say the “end” is closer than we think 😉

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It hurts my heart!

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What about IVF?

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