I was talking to a friend yesterday and the subject turned towards the Pope and how Pope Francis might be the last one. As we searched online for a reason as to why that was (900 year old prophecy from St. Malachy of Ireland), I stumbled across several things about Pope Francis that surprised me. He went to Abu Dhabi in February 2019 and signed an agreement “A document on Human Fraternity for world peace and living together”. An excerpt from the Catholic News Agency article “Within a paragraph about human freedom, the document states that religious plurality is willed by God. "The pluralism and the diversity of religions, colour, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings," the document states.”

We were quite surprised and dug a little deeper and found out that the signing event sprung forth the building of the Abrahamic Family House. It’s described: “is an interfaith complex on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi inspired by the 2019 Document on Human Fraternity. It houses a synagogue, mosque, and a church – Imam Al-Tayeb Mosque, St. Francis Church, and Moses Ben Maimon Synagogue, respectively.” It’s scheduled to open in 2022.

In our search we also made the discovery that in Berlin, Germany a church that will house all 3 religions called House of One laid it’s cornerstone in May 2021 on the foundation of a church that was destroyed by Russia in WW2.

My doubts on whether the 3 major religions could ever really come together into one religion with Jesus-believing-Christians still on earth have been thrown to the curb…. and run over by a convoy of 18-wheelers. This is really happening. I’m just…. wow.

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Chris, thank you for this information!

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I hope Pastor Jimmy will comment on this particular subject. I too have done some studying on this subject and I am just about convinced that the Pope will be the head of the one world religion standing with the Antichrist.!

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Why Phycilla? Be he an evil man or not, that does not qualify you to be the Anti-Christ. Y0u have to be an Assyrian (Turk/Iraq snd Syria made up old Assyria) according to Isaiah ch 10. You have to be born in Greece according to Dan. 8:9 AND finally, you have to come to power out of the Fourth Beast's head, amongst the 10 (Europe) according to Dan. 7:7-8.

So, he has o e a Gentile, born in Greece, who comes to power 9n the E.U. who is more than likely of Turkish descent, I say that because Turkey has a common border with Greece, thus they migrate and have into each other's countries.

The Beast will kill off all religions, Isam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc all.

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Phycilla didn’t say he’d be the Antichrist. She said he’d stand with the Antichrist as the head of the one world religion, aka false prophet. Which is a possibility (but everything is a possibility at this point) after reading some of the Pope’s comments - like journalist Eugenio Scalfari (the Pope’s longtime friend) published an essay in the Italian daily La Repubblica declaring, among other things, that the pope told him that he believes that Jesus of Nazareth was an exceptional man, but not God incarnate. The Catholic News Agency then had to attempt to spin the meaning of that comment.

Phycilla - I agree that it would be interesting to hear Ps. Jimmy’s take on this, but I can certainly understand why he might shy away from speaking of another living minister in this manner.

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You are correct sir, but people who peg the RCC/Pope always go down the same road, it's either the Pope is the Anti-Christ, or more frequently he is the False Prophet, I admit I thought this one said the Anti-Christ, so by being in error, I now get a chance to speak on who the False Prophet has to be also, SMILE, an error made this possible, signed BIG MOUTH Ron, who loves to talk Prophecy. He can't be a Gentile, whilst the Anti-Christ can't be a Jew.

In Rev. 13 the First Beast arises from the [Mediterranean] Sea and thus he's a Gentile, as all the others were, the 2nd Beast/False Prophet arises from the Land/Earth, and since Israel is what prophecy and the bible is about, the Earth/Land was always referring unto Israel, but that is not how I came to understand who the False Prophet has to be 5 or 6 years ago.

I was doing an Exegesis on Daniel 11 and 12 as I explained above, and posted a part of that Exegesis to show who the vile man is in verses 21-34. I named every king and all the players because God was like Ron, why can't you explain Daniel 11 to people? So I went to work !! That's when I came across a man named Jason (real name Yeshua) who bribed Antiochus to be named the High Preist of Israel, thereby having his Pious High Priest brother Onias III killed, he then welcomed Antiochus into the temple of God to sacrifice a pig unto Zeus. Then he decreed that the Jews would become Hellenized, he and Antiochus had a Gymnasiummen built (that is where men ran around playing sports and socializing in the buff). That is when the Maccabean Revolt started and they eventually won out. The thing that hit me however like a ton of bricks, by doing this Exegesis, I had discovered that not only was Antiochus a TYPE, but he also had a TYPE False Prophet at his side in Jason !! (DUO TYPE)

Thus I knew the End Time False Prophet had to be a Jewish High Priest who has gone rogue, who tries to "Hellenize" or in this case, make the Jewish people become "Worldly" so to speak or take on the culture and traditions of the world and we can already see that spirit taking hold now, Jerusalem is like the capital of the world as per being pro-homosexuality. So, this False Prophet has to be a Jewish High Priest just like Jason was to Antiochus.

This led me to understand (when I finally understood God's small still voice) that the 1290 had to be the False Prophet, not the Anti-Christ who only Conquers Jerusalem 30 days later at the 1260. The Holy Spirit was like SEE Ron !! Daniel asked Jesus (Man in Linen) the exact same question as the Angel did in verse 6, then in verse 7 Jesus says basically this, there will be 1260 days until ALL THESE WONDERS (Dan. 11:36-45 and Dan; 12:1-2) END (via Jesus' Second Coming).

Thus in verse 8, Daniel asks the same question, and the Holy Spirit was like, why would I change the symmetry, Ron? Thus the 1290 and 1335 are both likewise, a set number of days until ALL THESE WONDERS END, via Jesus' Second Coming. All we have to do is figure out what the events are !! And by the way, I just noticed this today, the SUBJECTS in all three are never spoken of. The 1260 is the Anti-Christ, we have figured that one out, but for some reason, no one that I know can see who the 1290 and 1335 are referring to.

So, who places the IMAGE of the Beast in Rev. 13? It says the 2nd Beast from the Earth plces the Image of the Beast in te temple and demands that all men worship the Beast, thus the 1290 in Daniel 12 has to be the False Prophet, 1290 days before the Second Coming ends all these wonders. Thus the Jews are given a SIGN to Flee Judea by an all-knowing God BEFORE the Anti-Christ conquers Jerusalem at the 1260, 30 days later !! (Only BEFORE makes sense).

So, we have to ask the question, Hmmmmm, how did the Jews know to Flee Judea, they don't read Matt. 24? Then it hit me. Malachi 4:5-6 says Elijah is sent back BEFORE the Day of the Lord (1260 event) and Zechariah 13:8-9 confirms this also, it says 1/3 of the Jews repent and God calls them His children again, and they call God their God. The 2/3 of the Jews who refuse to repent will perish. The very next verse is Zechariah 14:1 says "Behold, the day of the Lord has come". Then we see in verses 1 and 2 that Jerusalem gets sacked or conquered, just after the Jews repent in Zechariah 13:8-9, so all scriptures line up, the Jews repent just BEFORE the 1260 Day of the Lord event, that is how they know to flee Judea as Matt. 24:15-17 says, and who gets them to repent? Well, that would be the Two-witnesses (the 1335) who are a Blessing (Blessed are those who wait and come to the 1335). So, the Two-witnesses show up 1335 days before ALL THESE WONDERS END at the Second Coming.

I thoroughly checked every box to make sure this was correct like we are told to do by the Holy Spirit and the bible. It matches everything. Does it check that the Two-witnesses show up before the Beast? Yes, they both have 1260 day "Ordained Offices" on this earth, and since the Two-witnesses DIE at the 2nd Woe and the Beast DIES at the 7th Vial, that should settle it, they have to show up before the Beast (1260) and turn Israel back unto God where the Jews will know to Flee Judea, the math says so!!

So, here is where it gets deep if the Jews repent BEFORE the 1260 Conquering of Jerusalem, and the Anti-Christ only conquers them at the 1260, and the Jews are already worshiping Jesus by the 1290, then what "Sacrifice" was the evil False Prophet TAKING AWAY? Well, of course, it was Jesus Worship !! Zechariah 13:8-9 says 1/3 of the Jews repent, that is 3-5 million Jews, three million in Israel, or five million worldwide. So, these Jews naturally go to the temple to start worshiping Jesus whom they now see as their God, this makes this False Prophet Hgh Priest angry, he forbids Jesus worship in the temple (takes away THE SACRIFCE) and places the Image of the Beast (I see him as the E.U. President) in the temple of God.

So, I am way past trying to figure out who all the players will be as per their offices, not their names per se, of course. The Anti-Christ must be born in Greece with an Assyrian bloodline, and then he comes to power in the E.U. The False Prophet has to be a Jewish High priest who we saw a shadow of in Jason around 2200 years ago.

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Hey do you have a Facebook or some kind of social media platform. I'd really like to hear more about your ideas. I've been studying for many years and looking for help from someone deep into Eschatology.

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It makes total sense that he'd be the false prophet and shying away on this topic will be the case.

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I think one of the reasons Pastor Jimmy won't speculate on "who" the Antichrist is.... we won't be here. He's shared a few times over the past 2 years on the tipping point, he believes we'll be raptured first before the Antichrist is revealed. Just my thoughts....

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Yes I agree with Kari!

And why try and figure it out? When we try and figure it out, we leave God out. God’s ways and thoughts are much higher than ours! I love what pastor Greg Laurie says, don’t waste your time looking for anti-christ, look for Jesus Christ!

Let us not waste time and get so side tracked trying to figure all this out when Jesus said to overcome to the end and go into the world and make disciples. We need to stay focused on our mission!

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Imagine so... I think the same thing. Gone before AC is revealed. To the best of my knowledge it will be a Gentile from the EU and I don't think a current leader of any those countries is him. :)

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Maybe he will be "the false prophet."

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Isn't that what the Head of the One World Religion will be called? Bro Jimmy needs to weigh on here and give us answets!

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I literally have flagged my Bible highlited and written "Do not be fooled" next to the Scriptures about the Antichrist coming to power during the Tribulation.

It's for those who find it after I'm caught up with the Lord.

I also have letters in there for the wanders who may find it or family/friends who may be left.

The time is growing short and I have been praying all will come to God and repent. 🙏✝️

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Maggie, what great ideas. I'm going to copy them. I bought a box of bibles and have hidden them around the house for people to find after we're taken home to be with Jesus. I thought I heard Pastor Jimmy mention a booklet he was working on for people left behind. That would be so great to have hidden away too.

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I hope we have time to get the booklet he mentioned last week. I'm gonna use all your ideas. Thank you !! Love in Christ Jesus !!

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Can I ask WHY you would "hide them"? They may only take a cursory look inside the home and go on to another. Keep them out in the open so they are readily available. Just my thought, Your books, your home. Do what you feel best.

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Amen, Maggie. God bless you and yours. Great ideas. Thanks for the tip. Love in Christ Jesus.

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Thank you so much, Pastor Jimmy!!!

I'm so grateful for your teachings. I have only been at this , with all my heart, for about a year, maybe a little more. What I mean, is that I have truly been seeking God. I dont think I would have made it this far without your teachings, or the loving caring people here at Tipping Point. I can say this for sure, I'm not scared all the time anymore. The bible makes more sense than before, and definitely brings more comfort. I am seeing my Father in heaven in a new way. He has become real to me. Loving, kind, caring, peaceful, stern but fair, generous with Himself. I can actually talk to Him. Its WONDERFUL. Thank you for helping me to know Him.

The article today was very interesting and important. We need to understand what's coming, and to mind our hearts and minds. I'm grateful you care about people, saved or unsaved so much. It shows, Pastor Jimmy. Thank you. Looking forward to more.

By the way, I just received your book on 21 day inner healing. It's the hardest thing I have ever done. Today is day 3. I am excited to see what's next. I have gone through almost 2 boxes of tissue so far, but it is worth it. Thanks again.



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Hi Verna, wow that is great news! I did some very intensive inner healing at one point in my walk with the Lord. It was hard work but Jesus was right by my side! I got rid of a lot of stuff that needed to go so it was worth every minute. I know Jesus is by your side too and the rewards will be great for you as well! Prayers for you as you work and feel (mind, will and emotions) your way through. You are a Blessing to all of us!! Jesus Loves you and did it all for you! 🌻

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Kris, I just finished day 3, although I will have to go over it again and again. My head and eyes hurt from crying ... but I feel Gods live more than ever.

I wanted to say Thank You. You are good for me. Love in Christ Jesus... 🤟💝


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Pastor Jimmy, again & again, powerful, relevant, truthful post about the Antichrist. These posts can't be easy to write... but they are teaching us about the dark side and how to protect ourselves from the ultimate evil deceiver. One thing that stood out to me was.... literally. "The Antichrist will tell people that he is God incarnate and offer himself as the replacement for Jesus Christ. He will demand to be worshiped." This will literally happen... It's scary to me when I hear people interpreting scripture as not literal. Yes, there are parables and stories, but the Bible is literal, there's no room anymore for this kind of doubt. Jimmy, we appreciate your years of pastoral expertise helping us maneuver through the Word of God. As we learn more and more we can call out when we hear someone add or take away from the words of the book of prophecy. (Rev 22:18&19) Now when we hear someone say.... there's no evidence of a real Antichrist, we have the Word to stand on. Also, on the flip side, if you ever hear someone say there are no scriptures in the Bible that states Jesus was a Jew.... oh yes there are....literal verses that help us set a firm foundation and deeper understanding of our Savior and his never ending love for Israel and His chosen ones, the Jews. Jesus IS Jewish. As Jimmy stated here

https://endtimes.substack.com/p/israel-and-gods-indestructible-love "Jews are still special to God, by covenant, and He is still upholding the everlasting promise He made to Abraham. As believers, we are also a part of a special covenant relationship with God. Through the blood of Jesus we have been adopted into the family of God." Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.💛💛

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I was a bit wordy this week ;) I think I was really rattled watching the news and the dishonor happening in our world against Israel. I just watched an incredible message that partners perfectly with Pastor Jimmy's teaching... Pastor John Lindell shares a powerful message on God's plan for Israel and us. He explains replacement theology and other important things we need to understand as we stand with Israel...even shares who Elijah is! Hope you enjoy this too -https://jamesriver.online/sermon/gods-plan-israel-us/ God will never break his promise with the people of Israel, his chosen ones the Jews. (read the sermon notes too!)💛

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Great article and scriptures that point out the Antichrist! Our world has definitely become lawless and evil! Even rejecting the Word of God. I pray for the lost, that the salve will fall off their eyes and their ears will be opened to see and hear the Truth! This is a sad but also joyful time for the coming of the Lord! Sad because we will see many of our family and friends be left behind. Joyful because we will be captured to a wedding, our wedding with Jesus Christ! Hallelujah Praise the Lord!!! ♥️🙏🏻

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Hi Pastor Jimmy,

In your last show you've talked about ressources "Where are the missing people" that you're preparing for after the rapture.

I would like to offer the French translation, so this material would be available for French speaking countries.

Let me know how we can work it out.

Best regards,


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Joelle.... that is really amazing! I hope Pastor Jimmy sees this!💛

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Everyone needs this Message!!! Time is Very Short and Our Families Need to be Right with JESUS CHRIST (Born Again) BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE❤️✝️❤️🩸❤️⛪️❤️📖❤️🙏❤️

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Something that I have always wondered about is why does God allows Satan to exist at all? I believe every single word in the Bible and I am not asking this to stir up any doubts or concerns but I sometimes struggle with why do bad things happen to good people. People that have horrible disabilities or have endured major physical and emotional challenges and have lived God honoring lives. I do not understand it nor can I really find any verses that explain this, any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks for all you are doing Jimmy/ God Bless Everyone

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Just my thoghts:

God cursed the Earth (Gen. 2:17-24), expel Adam and Eve (the mankind) from His presence and from Eden (the land what created for them). It's a curse for us too, through the bloodline of sinners. Thats why we have sickness, diseases, mortality, etc. etc.

Plus we are exist in Satan's territory, under spiritual principalities, at this moment.

Remember: The ruler of this world is Satan

(And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Luke 4:6)

God don't erase His heavenly creatures (which are spirits), because His Spirit is in them partly. (Spiritual beings, living creatures, and God is life, remember.) And God cannot destroy himself...

God wants to prove His righteusness to Lucifer, through the mankind. Man created outside from heaven, after the fall of Satan. Man had no knowledge about sin, about the fall of Lucifer. Man is an "outsider", an independent balance in the "lawsuit process" in the debate between Lucifer and God.

When God will proove his righteusness through mankind for first, then he will have the total right to the punish Lucifer.

And the whole heaven and earth will have the freedom (by choice) to praise God becaus of HE is righteus.

Nearly everything is about free will and the freedom of choice.

But just thoughts, not too deep wisdom... :-)

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its good insight, thank you!

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I want to suggest you reading the book “You’ll Get Through This” by Max Lucado. I myself have wondered this since I have a heart condition requiring me to have heart surgery every 15 years to replace my pulmonary valve, type 1 diabetes since I was 10, and hypothyroidism since I was 19. This book helped me with why people die and why people have certain health issues.

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thanks Mary, I have heard him (Max) on the radio as well, and he is on TV now and then

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Hi Greg... that's a great question. When Lucifer (angel) sinned why didn't God just wipe him out and the other fallen angels? Free will doesn't exist without a choice. Lucifer wanted to be worshipped like God....I think this is one of those God-mysteries. There's a powerful 7-part series I'd love to share with you that answers part of your question about satan existing - https://jamesriver.online/sermon/angels-demons-introduction/ part 2 - https://jamesriver.online/sermon/spiritual-battle/ part 3 - https://jamesriver.online/sermon/rebellion-redemption/ The Apostle Paul often talked about the spiritual forces of evil who opposed his ministry. He identified them as: rulers, principalities, powers, dominions, gods, lords, thrones, cosmic forces, forces of evil

Here's some verses -

1 Corinthians 2:6-8 ESV "Yet among the mature we do impart wisdom, although it is not a wisdom of this age or of the 'rulers of this age', who are doomed to pass away. But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. None of the 'rulers' of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."

Colossians 1:16 ESV "For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether 'thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities'—all things were created through him and for him."

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And.... 1 Peter 3:18-22 NLT

Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit. So he went and preached to the 'spirits in prison'—those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his boat. Only eight people were saved from drowning in that terrible flood. And that water is a picture of baptism, which now saves you, body, but as a response to God from a clean conscience. It is effective because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now Christ has gone to heaven. He is seated in the place of honor next to God, and all the 'angels and authorities and powers' accept his authority.

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yes makes sense-thank you very much

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awesome Kari, I will check them out, thank you very much

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I know the series sounds wild... Angels & Demons, but it's so powerful. In fact, I hope Pastor Jimmy does a post or two about the supernatural we can't see with human eyes. We are protected by God's authority, but so important to have an understanding about the battles raging we can't see. Blessings

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yes and thanks again trying to be light and salt everyday, appreciate you

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Great message Pastor Jimmy, Godspeed. Yes, this evil tyrant will indeed offer up that he is the one true God, but I don't think, as some do, that he offers himself up to be the Jewish Messiah, after all, hes a Gentile king who has got to born in Greece (Dan. 8:9 identifies this) and comes to power in the E.U. (Dan. 7:7-8) with Assyrian Blood (Isaiah chapter 10 who you used today).

I see a lot of people who cite Dan. 11:21, but verses 21-33 maybe even 34 are about Antiochus Epiphanes, the TYPE Anti-Christ who is to come. We see that via the verses, I did an exegesis on the whole chapter where I explained every verse by exploring the histories of these events, and I name all the kings' players and how they came to power. I do these things, God was like Ron why ca;t you explain Dan. chapter 11 to people, so I went to work, it's what I do, and God rewarded me with the understanding that Jason is also the TYPE Fale Prophet to come, who will likewise be a Jewish High Priest who tries as Jason did to "Helenize the Jews" but of course it won't be called that in these end times, but its the same thing.

A Portion of my Dan. 11 & 12 Exgesis this is Dan. 11..........

21 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

Antiochus Epiphanes IV then became king, he is called a vile person. He became king via a series of maneuvers which included flattering the king of Pergamum to gain his allegiance and by the death of the heir to the throne.

22 And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.

The High Priest, Onias III (prince of the covenant) was replaced via a conspiracy involving the high priest's brother (Jason whose real name was Yeshua) and Antiochus Epiphanes but his brother was also double crossed when another priest bribed Antiochus Epiphanes with even more money, it seems he was for sale at all times for a price. Both men were pro Hellenization of Israel.

23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.

Antiochus Epiphanes wanted to conquer Egypt in a bad way. He took a “small army” down to Egypt feigning to be the protector of Ptolemy VI who was his nephew. He was of course trying to deceive them whereas he could eventually conquer them. This was seemingly his master plan.

24 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.

Antiochus Epiphanes gained Egypt’s trust and loyalty via spreading his bounty from his wars amongst the public. He visited Egyptian strongholds to get a better understanding of how to conquer them, he was quite cunning.

25 And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him. 26 Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain.

This is the Sixth Syrian War. (the last of the lot). This was Antiochus Epiphanes against Ptolemy VI. Antiochus Epiphanes attacked Egypt and prevailed over them and many of the Egyptians were won over by him and betrayed Ptolemy VI. He was a corrupter of people no doubt, he knew how to divide and conquer.

27 And both of these kings’ hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed.

Watching Antiochus Epiphanes operate must have been enthralling back in the day. He pretended to support Ptolemy VI his blood kin, and he pretended to have his best interest in mind, but the truth is he was pitting him against his own brother Ptolemy VII the whole time. Ptolemy VII was of course made king of Egypt by the Alexandrians who did not trust Ptolemy VI any longer.

28 Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land.

Antiochus Epiphanes returned north it seems because of a rumor that he had died. That rumor seemingly caused a war to break out in Jerusalem. Antiochus Epiphanes plundered the temple of God, killed many people, then journeyed north to Antioch. (his homeland)

29 At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter. 30 For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.

Antiochus Epiphanes soon returned to Egypt with the intention of conquering Alexandria. The Egyptians however sent a message to Rome asking for help. Three Roman senators were sent by ship to inform Antiochus Epiphanes that he was not to invade Egypt and to demand that he retreat immediately. This of course made him angry and he seems to have taken it out on the Jewish believers. He killed 60,000 of them but allowed the Hellenistic Jews to live as long as they forsook the Holy Covenant !! He was indeed a vile man, seemingly a forerunner to the coming Anti-Christ/Beast in some of his mannerisms.

31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.

Antiochus Epiphanes defiled the temple of God, stopped the daily sacrifices, and even built a pagan altar unto Zeus and sacrificed pigs on it. This was an abomination unto God, but it's not the Abomination that Jesus and Daniel are speaking about of course. This desecrated the temple while it was still there circa 175-170 BC. The coming Anti-Christ will do the exact same thing in a newly rebuilt temple, along with his High Priest False Prophet whose type was Jason.

32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. 33 And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.

This of course created a schism so to speak amongst the Jewish peoples, which is what Antiochus was good at, divide and conquer tactics. So in the end, many Jews forsook their God and many Jews (Maccabean Revolt) refused to do so and paid the price with their lives, but in the end the Maccabean movement won the day. This of course is a likeness unto the coming end-time events in many ways, and in the end, Jesus will win the day, just like the Maccabeans, and the Anti-Christ will be killed without hands (Jesus speaks victory) just like Antiochus who died on the battlefield on the Eastern front, but not via a battle, but rather a sickness/disease !!

34 Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. 35 And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.

I think this is referring to the Maccabean Revolt here, of course, It seems we need to look at this prophecy here in segments. A historical segment that has already been fulfilled (Dan. 11:1-35) and an eschatological segment where the prophecy has yet to be fulfilled in verses 36-45. Of course when Daniel received this prophetic uttering none of it had basically come to pass, now all of it has come to pass except for Dan. 11:36-45 and Dan. 12:1-12. So, it seems after verse 35 we can say that we fast forward so to speak into eschatology and the Anti-Christ/Beast.

I put some of my Exegesis/blog here because no doubt I will get a few who says the Anti-Christ is shown in verses 21-35. So, now I won't have to answer the question, what do you mean since I am going to be in the barn after 12:00 for the rest of the day, God bless.

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Interesting Ron. I love the bible prophecy and I also love history.

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Thanks, Hala, I'm taking a rest from barn clean-out duties. I was rewarded marvelous finds by doing every verse in Dan. 11 and 12, firstly I found out the False Prophet will be a Jewish High Priest because I found Jason, then my most important find God blessed me with is coming to understand the 1335 comes first followed by the 1290 and the 1260 comes last out of these three, each one references an EVENT that is that number of days until ALL THESE WONDERS END (via Jesus' Second Coming). So, they are all three juxtaposed against the Second coming.

1335 = Two-witnesses show up 1335 days before the 2nd Coming.

1290 = Th False Prophet takes away Jesus Worship by Jews who have repented, then he places an Image of the E.U. leader in the Temple of God (AoD).

1260 = The Anti-Christ conquers Jerusalem/Mediterranean Sea Region to become the Seventh Head or simply The Last Beast.

P.S. Jesus wins, we rejoice, BUT.........Back to the barn, have a great day my friend.

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great message!!! Can you please do a podcast on this or in question and answer section of podcast explain the difference between Satan, Devil, and the Antichrist.


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Great question Joan.... I thought I'd jump in here. Satan is a spiritual being who led a heavenly revolt against God and was cast down into the earth (Luke 10:18). His personal name, “Satan,” means “adversary.” This name indicates Satan’s basic nature: he is the enemy of God, of all God does, and of all God loves. He is also called “the devil” in the New Testament. The word “devil” means “false accuser” or “slanderer.” Satan has many names.... but like Jimmy shared the Antichrist is a literal man (with many names too) who will come to deceive the world and is against Christ and will receive power from Satan. Hope this helps.💛

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Thank you Kari - Great comment and very well explained and well put. The original comments Jimmy made prompted some great and lengthy conversations within our family. You summed it up nicely, I appreciate you jumping in.

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Just saw this on Bill Koenig's Watch.org: https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2021/09/28/bidens-vax-mandate-to-be-enforced-by-fining-companies-70000-to-700000/?sh=630c71b41c0d

Note the interesting Section # of the law being taken over by Biden: "666". By no means do I think the vaccine mandate is the "mark of the beast", but the correlation is eerie, as is the impudence of this administration to put nearly every working American in harms way with this mandate. He's arm-twisting employers into doing his dirty work by basically threatening to fine them into bankruptcy if they don't force employees to taking the shot.

I'm so grateful for https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/2/religious/ who provide guidance on an exemption based upon religious convictions.

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Perry Stone, yesterday:

"A WORLD IS GONE NUTS! Is is just me, or has the whole world gone nuts. I can't write what I want to on Facebook (shadow banning ect.), but I can preach in my own setting (conferences) what I want to reveal to people. The world is things setting up to control the masses, that is alluded to in Revelation 13: 17-18. I have a message for the Main Event to explore HOW this will happen.

There is something brewing behind the scenes ,and I can still feel it (in my spirit) coming. It may be a massive natural disaster, or something related to economic situations. I will post a You-Tube videos on "Beware of the Winter," and also "The Shortages" in the next few days."

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Hey y'all, this person keeps liking the things I say. They call themselves, "Someone". I want to say Thanks to Someone, and Love in Christ Jesus. I'm grateful for you.


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Yes, I 2nd that.... who is our TP someone?!!! lol I like the mystery.🕵🏻‍♂️

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I think Someone might be Jimmy! He lets us know from time to time that he is there, like Jesus! :)

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Wouldn't that be awesome !! He is a blessed of God teacher. He is another that I am going to hunt up once we go to heaven.


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LOL now that made me laugh. mmmm Someone are you Jimmy.... we know you read all our amazing comments!

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I wish he would let us know. Biggest Hugs to All of you!!

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You make me laugh. Love you, Sister Kari. Been missing hearing from you.



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Oh I left a big, wordy post this week lol Love you Verna🍁

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Can you please explain what it means to believe in Jesus. I feel that it isn't just acknowledgement but that it's a turning our hearts towards the things of God and away from everything else. I feel that many people are deceived in thinking they are saved just because they said a prayer and acknowledge Jesus. Am I wrong?

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Mark 8:33-38

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No you are not wrong. It says you must also repent from your sins. Repenting means turning away from all the things or people that cause you to sin/backslide. Not just acknowledgement of it. You are to be made new in the Blood of Jesus.

So many people say they believe but don't change a thing about their life. Or their once passion grows cold. These are truly the people that He will tell "I never knew you" and they won't understand.

Having an ongoing relationship, repenting, changing your life to reflect His calling for you. ❤️🙏

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Hi Brittney, here's a fantastic 2-part message from my pastor in MO John Lindell and it's powerful easy-to-understand on the basics of salvation. I share this all the time.... great tool to spread the good news https://jamesriver.online/sermon/salvation-basics/ and part 2 https://jamesriver.online/sermon/salvation-beginning-end/

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I am so thankful for you and know I am blessed to hear your teachings! 🤍

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Perfect summary, Pastor Jimmy! Thank you.

I hope we will not see him (the antichrist as a person), but Jesus in the clouds soon. God bless you.

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Another powerful message, thanks Pastor Jimmy, for making plain, and bringing such understanding about the days, just ahead..

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