Happy Sunday TP family. Well, this was not an easy read and so hard to watch our world falling away from God at a time when we should be embracing Him with ALL our heart, soul & strength. The good news, He’s coming back and the seeds planted will grow and more will follow Jesus. Thank you for praying for my brother who attended his first church service in Tyre, Lebanon with fellow believers. God is moving!💛 “It’s news I’m most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary Message of God’s powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him, starting with Jews and then right on to everyone else! God’s way of putting people right shows up in the acts of faith, confirming what Scripture has said all along: “The person in right standing before God by trusting him really lives.”” Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭16‬-‭17‬💛

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Glad to hear it about your brother Kari! Thanks for the update! He is on my heart. So glad he stepped out to go where few might go with the shoes of the gospel!!! Jesus, give him the words to speak!! 🌺

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Yesterday (Sunday) he got to experience an Arabic service early and then went to an African service later in the day. All happening in a Hezbollah controlled city! The church is still alive all around the world! Pray for our brothers & sisters around the globe living radically for Jesus.💛

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Wonderful, Kari!!!! Love you sister in Christ!

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So happy to hear that he is adjusting well, encouraged, and introducing Jesus to the lost! Continually praying for him and the family every day. :)

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Thank you Steve-O!!!! That means the world to me! Keep praying big

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Everything might be true what Pastor Evans is stating but the people that I see getting saved are solid, undeniable, and intensely real. At my church our pastor knows what's up, he gives an altar call every Sunday. The people who raise their hands know what they are doing and I see many in tears. God is still in the saving business and his Holy Ghost drawings are getting thicker and louder. What a time to be alive beloved! It's so exciting to stay turned on and keep the heat high! Love all of you. Go out to church today and if your church has 2 services go to both and love on people. Stay encouraged.

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Awe Chris...When I read about attending both services that is just what I did today. A few asked me why bc they are back to back and almost identical. I wasn't sure but had not been there long when God showed me....the lady I sat next to had been evicted from our RV park along with her 3 little boys. I spoke to her and the boys and hugged her and she broke down telling me that she was clean and sober for the first time in 12 years and for me to tell my husband that she would be paying him some money soon, that she had her family back and her husband was working! I explained that my husband has passed away 4 weeks ago. She broke down again and said that she would bring me the money. Service started and when our pastor made the altar call she went forward. When she returned I hugged her told her how proud I was of her and her commitment to God. Then I told her that she did not owe me any money and to use it to keep her family in church and take care of her boys. I did not have to wonder any longer WHY I had stayed for 2nd service....it was ALL in God's plan. What a wonderful day it has been to serve the Lord! I am nothing and I have NOTHING without God! All I am and all I have belongs to Him! God bless you all!

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Debi…my heart rejoiced as I read your post. Isn’t it wonderful to be a child of the King:)

He said, whom shall I send, and we reply SEND ME

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Debi. What a beautiful testimony as you were the hands and feet of Jesus as you followed the Holy Spirit’s leading to attend the second service. I pray that prayer every day as you do: All that I am, and have and hope to be is yours and from you: I surround all to you Lord! God bless you and thanks for sharing your story and giving heart for God’s Kingdom. 🙏

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Thank you, Gladys!

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What a blessing for her and for you. ❤️

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Yes, it was! God is so good!

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Awesome testimony Debi! This is what living for God is all about! Be blessed sister! Have an awesome day!

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Debi, what an awesome testimony. And for you to be so giving and loving to her, while you're dealing with the loss of your husband, shows how God is using you to help others be led to Him. You are a blessing!

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God bless you, Debi.

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I have no words as I read this. Just emotion, Debi. 🥹🤗

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I would agree. There are pockets out there of Pastors and people coming alive for Christ!! Nice to see it the midst of all this other.... Jesus, keep fanning the flame!! 🌺

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I went to church this morning and now my family and I are going to see Pastor John Hagee tonight right here in Wasilla Alaska! I’m a huge fan, so to say I’m a little bit excited is an understatement! 😇🦋

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Definitely we see our country falling apart since the plandemic - the loss of faith in our government doing what’s right as evil behavior rises. People seem to be out for themselves only and don’t care what pain they inflict on others. For myself, I can actually say that I have been in the Bible more, praying more and asking God to lead my life more these past 3 years as I want to walk more closely with my Lord. But I am not always faithful in attending church. I have always struggled with connecting with others and although I believe my church is very solid in the Word, and friendly, as a single person I struggle. I am trying to read/listen to sound teaching to overcome my past and walk in life redeemed by the Lord, but it is still a struggle. I don’t know - this is just my perspective.

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Diana, I agree about the evil in our world since the PLANNEDEMIC. I have had to step outside of my comfort zone and the blessings have been wonderful. I am recently widowed and it is hard to not be a "couple." I pray for you right now! God knows your heart!!!!

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Thank you Debi. I am so sorry for your loss! I imagine it is quite an adjustment for you. I pray you are comforted and supported by our Lord and through a multitude of people. I am trying to learn to enjoy being single because for me it doesn’t seem I’m any good at relationships.

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Apr 23, 2023
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Thank you so much. I am blessed with a son, daughter-in-law, granddaugther, her husband and 3 great grandsons, a grandson and his wife that ALL serve the Lord and take very good care of me.

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Apr 23, 2023
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Thank you for that encouragement Rachel. I do seek Him and am leaning into Him being EVERYTHING to me and for me.

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Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 NLT

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace.

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Repost from Friday’s Rapture post.

Such an important message to get out to EVERYONE! I shared an in depth message this past Wednesday night about the soon coming of our Lord as well. We know about the 144k and the two. Knowing that people will have waited too late to make the sudden rapture and knowing many will be saved during those terrible times that are to come, where would be the best place to tell friends/loved ones ahead of time (thinking that they will THEN believe once the faithful are gone), is there any place to be near those 144k and the two witnesses or will it reach the entire world? Thankful and grateful for this ministry of TP. God bless and keep looking up!

Luke 21:28

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Hi Chad!! What a great question— I think it was Pastor Mark Hitchcock who recently talked about the Angel who will literally fly in the sky proclaiming Jesus as Lord & Savior. This radical flying angel will speak all languages and reach all people groups during the 7 year tribulation. Salvation will reach the eyes/ears of the entire world supernaturally until the end of the end. “And I saw another angel flying through the sky, carrying the eternal Good News to proclaim to the people who belong to this world—to every nation, tribe, language, and people. “Fear God,” he shouted. “Give glory to him. For the time has come when he will sit as judge. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all the springs of water.”Revelation‬ ‭14‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬💛

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My thought is the 2 witnesses will most likely be located at the 3rd Temple and will be broadcast live continually on some type of channel. The 144K will most likely be traveling much of the world and this Angel that Kari mentions will be traveling the world, too. Looking up! GBU.

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What if the 2 witnesses turn out to be the old and new testaments?

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That's not possible because it states in Revelation 11:7-14 that these 2 men will be killed by the Antichrist, then after 3.5 days they will be resurrected and people will witness this including them ascending into heaven.

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I would actually greatly appreciate your thoughts on the theory below. I feel that my generation (while admittely not very knowledgable) is bringing new life and creative discernments regarding scripture but we lacks the wisdom of experience. It is my opinion that in order to bring spiritual healing and maturity to the church, both elder and child must acknowledge their own weaknesses and strengths. The truth is they are complementary of each other, the elder lacks the childlike innocence and creativity, the child lacks the elders patience and wisdom of experience.

Could you imagine the what a church would be capable of if it embraced both?

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The Bible verse below in combination with the teachings of the Holy Spirit and its dwelling in John are another theory I have. The law of God is written on our hearts and minds and the Holy Spirit is the witness of truth. The mind of God. Prophecy is discerned through the holy spirit (the mind of god), not human logic and standards. It is foolish to assume the most popular interpretations of prophecy would be the most accurate, the world only understands worldly things. How many religious leaders got it wrong when Jesus came the first time around? Jus sayin... But Im a baby christian so what do I really know???

The Pharisees therefore said to Him, “You bear witness of Yourself; Your witness is not [a]true.”14 Jesus answered and said to them, “Even if I bear witness of Myself, My witness is true, for I know where I came from and where I am going; but you do not know where I come from and where I am going. 15 You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one. 16 And yet if I do judge, My judgment is true; for I am not alone, but I am with the Father who sent Me. 17 It is also written in your law that the testimony of two men is true. 18 I am One who bears witness of Myself, and the Father who sent Me bears witness of Me.”

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Not sure I'm grasping what your theory is. Do you have a particular prophecy in mind that you think is not accurate based on popular interpretation as an example?

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Have you considered applying the words of Jesus in the in the verse above to the prophecy of the 2 witnesses in revelation?

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If you read about the two witnesses in revelation, they are definitely testimony word speaking Men who have special abilities and will be physically killed, their bodies displayed to the world and then they are raised up on the third day.

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Apr 24, 2023
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Me too.

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No doubt. Things are crazy in the world for sure. As in the days of Noah.... It just makes you want to get in the boat and be lifted high!! On the other hand, about Church, our Pastor managed to preach a sermon that sent the gospel echoing through the halls! And the worship was actually worship!! And the people looked happy to be there! And the Holy Spirit was definitely present! I was genuinely encouraged. God will call who He will call I guess. Last chance before the door closes and the boat takes off. All aboard?? Jesus pack the boat!! 🌺

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I’m a data gal and I really enjoy diving into the studies (I may have to find this one to review it more). I have more questions like are works based Churches seeing a steeper decline than faith/grace based Churches? Maybe that shift isn’t a ‘bad’ shift. I’m curious about the 14 differing faiths they studied. I know correlations are not always causations. The decline in valuing life does break my heart. During Covid and even now.....we get flooded with messages from ‘leaders’ that encourage their own beliefs that life isn’t valuable...not in the womb, not in our suffering teens and not in our mentally suffering communities. They certainly use the stories to create dividing narratives and people no longer know what to put their trust in but I’ve seen spiritual hunger in my own community. People really are looking for what they can believe in. I’ve seen some discouraged seeing how it seems like evil is wining and they’re asking ‘where is our God?’ I know He’s working and He wins this battle. I’ve seen some in my own Family stop going to Church for various reasons...one interesting one is feeling the effects of inflation (most of my Family are blue collar workforce), they don’t feel that they can afford tithing anymore or don’t feel like their tithing is being spent in the most responsible ways. I’m curious with that in mind, are online Church attendance rising (outside of brick and mortar)? My own Family knows that now is the time to invest financially and with our time to help our Church, our Family, Friends, community and missions and it does take intentional faith right now believing it’s helping somewhere for God’s glory in these most dark times.

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I share my morning's devotional with my TP family:

In Our Midst


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"One day the Pharisees asked Jesus, "When will the Kingdom of God come?" Jesus replied, "The Kingdom of God can't be detected by visible signs. You won't be able to say, 'Here it is!' or 'It's over there!' For the Kingdom of God is already among you."Luke 17:20-21


Just like the Pharisee who asked Jesus in Luke 17, “When will the Kingdom of God come?”, sometimes I get caught longing for eternity and to be in Heaven with our Lord and our loved ones. The things of this earth can cause us to become weary and long for Heaven. And while that longing of eternity with Christ will someday be fulfilled, we can find joy here on this earth as God is with us even now. I am reminded by Jesus’ words that the Kingdom is already here in our midst, and every day we can experience His presence.

Because of our belief that Jesus Christ died for our sins and was resurrected to give us eternal life, we can experience God’s presence in our lives. We can see His work in our lives and the lives of others when we position our spiritual eyes to be open to seeing Him move. While sin and death are present and part of our lives, even greater is God’s grace and His hand at work! It is in Him that we can put our hope!

From the air we breathe, to the people we interact with, to the amazing miracles taking place all around us, God’s kingdom is always advancing here on this earth. Every day, we can look for the Kingdom of God at work in our lives. Even in trials, there are millions of little miracles taking place all around us: new life being born, salvation prayers being prayed, healing taking place, addiction being overcome, families being restored, and even lives entering into eternity are all evidence of the Kingdom of God at work in and on the earth.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the things of this world that may distract our attention or focus from seeing the hand of God. Today my prayer is that our hearts would be positioned to see and experience the Kingdom of God, every day of our lives. Would you pray with me?

Prayer: God, I pray that my heart would be positioned to see and experience your Kingdom at work every day of my life. May I not miss the millions of little and big miracles taking place all around me. Thank you for sending your son Jesus to die for my sins and rise again. Because of his resurrection, I can have eternity with you. Because of his resurrection, I can experience that same resurrection power here at work in my life on this earth. I pray I would see your Kingdom in and among my midst today. Give me eyes to see what you see. In Jesus




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While I pressed the heart to "like" this post, I most assuredly did not like reading the confirmation that what my eyes have been seeing and my ears have been hearing is, in fact, true. This last week has been the busiest week of dreams and visions I have ever had. Almost every single morning I have awakened to another. The week started with a vision of a gorgeous rolling meadow full of royal purple-blue flowers and a beautiful glow of light like at sunrise or sunset, but there was no sun - just the glow from the Son. The next morning I saw skeletons - like those you see at at the doctor's office. My vision was filled with white skulls floating detached from the rest of the body against a black background. I was glad when it ended and I awoke from that. Another vision was a gorgeous white Phoenix against the clearest bright blue sky I have ever seen. Yet another was particularly odd as I was floating above people searching through either a grocery store or food pantry trying to figure out what food they could eat and where they could find more. There was someone next to me during that but I couldn't see them, just felt the presence and could hear their direction. Friday night I was shown war with bombs exploding, militaries fighting, and destruction - human and structural. Yesterday afternoon I fell asleep on the sofa and in the 2.5 hours of my nap I was told I needed to work on the website I was led to create last year because more people were going to be directed to it. Pretty sure that was a strong admonishment because I have neglected what I was tasked with. Last night I took a few minutes to go look at it and my jaw dropped when I discovered the number of visits and visitors has almost tripled. My kids are going to help me now since they know about this kind of stuff and I ...... don't. ;)

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Apr 23, 2023
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Oh gosh yes! The dreams and visions night after night this week wore me out. I never take a nap unless I'm sick but I was so wiped out yesterday I laid down on the sofa and was instantly out like a light. Something seems to have changed in the last 10 years but especially the last few months. I've gone from a dream every couple of years, to yearly, to almost monthly, and now the dreams are coming one right after another. I can only think that the Lord is trying to impress upon us an urgency to get His messages out because time is short.

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Apr 23, 2023
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A night or 2 would be nice. Yesterday’s nap helped me quite a bit as well. Maybe I’ll start making time for a nap 😜

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Apr 23, 2023
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NFJ: Nappers for Jesus! 😜

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I wouldn’t be surprised if, soon, AI programmers see this growing need for meaning in the US culture and come up with ‘How to Live Life’ programs that feed the needs of the flesh. This will become ‘Man’s Bible’. It will describe the plans to follow for health, wealth, happiness, and satisfaction, in great detail using all the accumulated knowledge of man.

We live in remarkably deceptive and evil times. Look up, for your redemption draws near!

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I see the great falling away in my corner of this world. As a hairdresser I have found the majority of folks are too busy with life to have a relationship with Christ.

The one good thing for me is the Holy Spirit is drawing me into a deeper more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. I am experiencing a strange sense of calm and quietness, even if there is clamoring all around me. Life used to be a rat race leaving little time for my devotions. No longer. I meditate on his word daily and have learned the art of praying without ceasing.

I can tell you the spiritual battles are much more fierce; the last three weeks I’ve been attacked physically, mentally, and spiritually, however, I feel the presence of God as never before!!!

I’m telling you folks since I joined this group something magnificent has been happening in my spiritual life. He’s teaching me to, “Be Still and Know That He Is God”.

Thank you all for your love and prayers!!! You all are a blessing to me♥️♥️♥️

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Yes...I feel the same this TP group has been an answer to prayer...I ve learned so much form everyone ..Love this group..GB!

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Amen Esther, since I retired in September I’ve had more time to really study the word. I love this group, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to share and learn from y’all.

Pastor Jimmy has become my pastor. I also listen to others preaching the gospel, but the Tipping Point site has become my Church, my place of and support and loyalty. I just love it and love all the tipsters.!!

God bless y’all 🙏⬆️

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I love this whole thread. I love my church and my church family. But TP has become my "social media" and God provides me with so much encouragement through each person here. Love this place and love you peeples. 😁🤗

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Back at cha, sweet man! I thought of today when my single daughter sent me a text and you know I’ve been praying big time for my kids and family. She said mom this is my refrigerator verse!


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💓🤗 Now I really like that!

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Thank you so much for posting this article. I am one of those who quit going to church although in the last year. Our church a United Methodist has gotten more liberal. It does not address praying for wisdom regarding drag queen story hours, gay marriages, and not our church is splitting because abortion and validity of the Bible. Many churches are splitting. So I believe the churches play a big part in the statistics of loss of faith. I am realize however that reading the Bible , confession and asking God for direction daily is of paramount importance ✝️🙏

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The Lord said end of days the people will fall away from him. I can say I don't attend church because I'm sick of none truth in the church to satisfy itchy ears. I study with you and others who speak Truth. Yet I refuse to take part in a building speaking untruth to draw a crawed. It makes me sick. And the school in AZ. Isn't what it states it's a school for Mrs. Degress as per my Daughter who chose AZ. Christian University for her education. I know many more who have their hearts set on the Love of God who study and lead outside man's buildings labeled Church. Finding God outside the box isn't difficult in our Country. May God Truth lead all man's hearts back to him. His Truth is the only way. May his strength lead us through this storm. He Wins All Storms. Thank you Father for our Savior Jesus Christ may we see him in your perfect timing. God Bless us All.

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It is discouraging as is the violence in our country this week... wrong doorbell shooting, wrong driveway shooting and wrong car shooting. As in the days of Noah... Genesis 6:11... violence abounds.


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Apr 23, 2023
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Yes, lawlessness is rapidly intensifying. I forgot to mention the Dad and little girl who were shot because the neighbor didn't like that the basketball came into his yard. None of these incidents involved the shooter being threatened in any shape, form or fashion.

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Are you folks watching the news?? Massive fire at Disney!

"a Maleficent DRAGON caught fire" and there's a stunning mpg on the internet of its blazing fiery destruction! I hope SATAN is watching that preview of his fiery 'end!'

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I feel like its pretty obvious that we are living in the days of the harvest. The sorting of the wheat and the tares seems like a more fitting scenario for this period to me... The tares becoming fully ripe is the reason evil is so aggressive in our generation, its fully ripe. God always raises a standard in response to a great tide of evil.

The wheat, the sons and daughters of God are also maturing and becoming ripe in response to this opposition. Great good is most luminous in the darkest of times. Right next to the very worst humanity has to offer, is the very best of us.

My theory is below....

This remnant is responsible for the shift in faith. There is only one church and one head and that is Lord Jesus Christ. Organized religion and those identifying as "christian" will only continue to fall because God is doing a new thing.

The new church identifies itself as the sons and daughters of God and follows Jesus Christ. It does not bend the knee to the laws of man, only the laws of God. All authority comes from God and any entity that claims that authority for itself is declaring war on God. All systems and men that have challenged Gods authority must now reap what they have sown.

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Wow, such wisdom. Praying for as many as will to surrender and receive His Truth as well as His Grace.✝️🙏

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Sometimes I think the verse in scripture that says one shall be taken from the field and one left behind is in reference to the harvest, not so much the rapture. The tares are separated first....

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