Two thumbs up! If you didn't notice, this is a public post that can be shared. Great one to share on your social media. Maranatha!

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Great article, Greg!

Yesterday, I watched the first “Left Behind” movie, and the opening scene is Buck Williams (played by Kirk Cameron) broadcasting from a wheat field in the Israeli desert, talking about the worst food shortage in history, the early stages of which could be happening now due to Russia/Ukraine and their wheat exports. Then the movie pivots to the AntiChrist-in-waiting, a Romanian named “Nicolae Carpathia”. I’m not suggesting the AntiChrist is from Russia or Eastern Europe, but it felt a little eerie given everything happening in the world now with the AntiChrist-like Putin.

As I have mentioned before, wheat is a picture of the Tribulation (just as wheat requires tribulation to separate the grain from the chaff). Compare this to barley, which can simply be waved to separate the grain from the chaff. Barley is waved on the Feast of Firstfruits, so it’s a picture of both Jesus’ resurrection on Firstfruits as well as of the Rapture of the Church. Also, in Hebrew, the numerical value of wheat (חִטָה) is 22, so maybe 2022 is our year for the Rapture :-)

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Hello from Canada! Amen! Come, Lord Jesus. This world is not my home. And I thank the good Lord that it’s not. Eagerly waiting to go home.

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Praying for family and friends that are none believers. It is not God’s desire for any to be lost. I weep for those that do not know the love of Jesus. Today, I ask for prayer fir my Granddaughter Jacquelyn. Her life has been difficult and she doesn’t want to hear the gospel. Her heart is hard.

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My son's spring break is coming up next week and he wanted to visit a big city. He loves building Lego block cityscapes. We are going to Washington DC. Might sound crazy, probably is a bit, but just pray for us. My husband has a degree in History, so it's right up his alley as well. I want to keep a bit of child like wonder in my life for the sake of my children who love exploring this magnificent world God created. I know every day there's new earth shattering news, but I still like to enjoy family time, especially through the eyes of my 9 year old son. Pray for our protection and also to help us be a beacon of hope to anyone lost we may encounter. Thank you, that is all.

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What a great article and Pastor Greg is always so relatable with his content. It sure has been interesting to see in the past couple years the types of forebears of the tribulation we are seeing during these birthpains. Covid would be the first picture of pestilences (plural). Also coupled with a mark/digital tracking that could be used for buying/selling and any kind of function in society. Combined with digital money. Now we see Russia in Ukraine, China eyeing Taiwan, etc as pictures of the riders of the first white horse of conquest. Worldwide food shortages, inflation and stagflation are being talked about this year as a picture and forbearer of the black horse. The red horse and peace going from the earth and people killing each other seems to be a forebear slowly creeping in during the last 50 years. And the millions and millions killed by abortion. The pale green (chloros) horse follows all of these. We see a spirit of lawlessness at work with some of the more recent law changes that allow certain amounts of outright theft or drug use. I would agree that the end versions of these are extreme events of what we are seeing now. When reading some of these passages, it feels like Paul was peeking past the pages of time to speak directly to us here, now. It feels very direct and personal. I couldn’t imagine the digital and connected world of today from the time I was young, it’s been a paradigm shift in less than 50 years. It’s all happening so fast. Everything is visible on the horizon now. So glad for the rapture for those who love Him. Hard to fathom being part of a generation that doesn’t die, providing I don’t kick the bucket unexpectedly before that, ha ha. I would like to experience this living transformation. Gods blessings to everybody as we start off another work week.

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Hello from Australia .. I am fairly new to the Bible and must admit it is a real struggle trying to understand it. I just wish that I had grown up learning the stories - it sure would have saved a lot of frustration and confusion, lol. The pre-Trib Rapture is a common belief but in 2 Thessalonians 5:9 where is says " But God has not destined us for wrath ...." could that possibly mean that, rather than being Raptured and meeting Jesus in the clouds, instead we go through the Tribulation but we go through it unharmed ie we are saved from the worst of the Tribulation? I would greatly appreciate some understanding on this.

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Come Lord Jesus!

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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

Great article! FYI it’s 1 Thessalonians 5. 2 Thessalonians only has 3 chapters 🙃

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🎯 amen

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Amen Brother and never more so than to awake as now. God bless every one of you this day and especially in the days to come. I don't know about tomorrow, but I know what Jesus said, and I know what lies ahead..... I know Who Holds tomorrow!

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Please pray for my family. all living in the world Were all saved in Baptist church

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Thank you Pastor Greg. I have always believed that God makes His people in lonely places of great trial. Your life before Christ attests to that truth. His fingerprints are all over you. I encountered you early in my born again life cutting my spiritual teeth as it were on the true Jesus that you preached.

Revelation 19 tells us


"I (John) saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice, He judges and wages war."

This verse refers to Jesus bringing judgment against evil in the world after He returns to Earth." Continuing in verses 12 through 16:

"His eyes are like blazing fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has a name written on Him that no one knows but He Himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following Him riding on white horses[...] On His robe and on His thigh He has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS."


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What a great article- loved it!!

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Just saw on Fox News that Iran is trying to get a nuke deal. It says 49 of 50 GOP senators are against it. What exactly does that mean? If there’s no agreement with GOP, does that mean it doesn’t happen? If they don’t get the deal, does that mean the prediction of them trying to bomb Israel isn’t going to happen? It’s absolutely amazing to see things we talk about in this group happening

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I've been thinking about the rapture all day long... just soaking up this article and all the things we're learning here on TP and in the Word. Believers will escape ALL these things...we'll be raptured. God will never allow us to experience his wrath on earth for the 7years of tribulation. Thank you for the verses that comfort our hearts as we watch the world falling apart, knowing God's perfect plan is falling together. I keep thinking about what Jesus is going to find us doing when He returns? Today, I was reminded to get back to my first love. Keep looking up....A sweet friend just sent me this new album LION (Elevation) and there's a song called Bye Bye Babylon (perfect for us TP'ers) Pack your bags, we're going home ☁️🎺🔜 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhkJYehMRZE and.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2go_dOJVwc4

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