Thank you Pastor Jimmy for this fantastic post on Rosh Hashana! Our family will be together this year—making challah bread and taking communion. I LOVE that we can celebrate & partake of these feasts as followers of Jesus. God’s Word holds true and his promises are everlasting! Maranatha!💛
That awesome Ms Gibson! Im glad u will celebrate and be with the family!! God's word couldn't be more true Amen! Hope u and ur family are doing Amazing! So if this is the big year and our Father comes and gets us, don't u forget about me, u owe me a hug and a hello 🤣🤣🤣. I love u Ms. Gibson and may God continue to bless u always
God heard the prayers of the righteous! Ask Him to search your heart for anything that does not please Him (this is for all of us). It is His Will, according to His Word that He does not want anyone to perish! BELIEVE… He will seal your Kimberly with the seal of God and He will do it! Rebuke all doubts.. this is a time for believers to stand in faith on THE PROMISES OF GOD!!!!🙌👑✝️🔥
If the Rapture does happen this Feast of Trumpets, I'll have the best birthday I've ever had! LOL! Our bible study group is studying Ezekiel right now - it's mind-blowing. Our loving, merciful Father also means business when it comes to sin...let's stay faithful and ready!
I am very thankful to our Heavenly Father for placing gifted biblical teachers like Jimmy in our lives. I have learned so much from Pastor Evans on the end times, and if his teaching didn’t line up perfectly to what God’s Word says then I certainly wouldn’t lend an ear to any of it. I don’t believe in coincidence or luck, there is no such thing. We are absolutely living in the last days and we all know this because of what the Bible describes as “in those days”, clearly speaking of the end times. We all have strong opinions on how this is all going to play out, but let’s make certain we aren’t just turning to certain scripture that meets a selfish narrative and then ignoring the rest. We have to look at all the scripture that pertains to end times. Jimmy doesn’t date set, he’s doing his homework with world events and then turning to God’s Word for answers and then sharing his findings with us all. I know Pastor Evans was chosen by God to be here at this time on Earth to help win souls for Christ Jesus, just like you and me. Keep fighting the good fight!
Amen Jennifer! I love that we don't encourage one another here to ever ever date set. It's just so foolish, frustrating, and causes dissension.... but learning about the scriptures, seasons and eschatology with Pastor Jimmy has been life-changing for me too.... all of us here. Thanks for your encouraging words💛
Hi everyone, I tried to find the question someone asked about Abraham's bosom after reading somewhere in our 183 comments😉 a reader said when a follower of Jesus Christ dies, they don't actually go to heaven. I wanted to encourage my brothers and sisters that ohhhhh yes we do go to heaven immediately! Our spirit is with Jesus, but our earthly body (whether buried or cremated) stays here "sleeping" until the rapture. Read 1 Thess 4:16NIV "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ (fallen asleep) will rise first.” Abraham's bosom was a REAL place...this is a literal & factual story in Luke 16:19,22-23AMP. Sheol was divided into two places …Hades (wicked dead) & Paradise/Abraham’s bosom (righteous dead) But, when Jesus died on the cross He went to Abraham's bosom and took ALL of the righteous dead with him up to heaven. Hades is a temporary hell until the end of the end....fiery lake & brimstone. I LOVE the rapture scriptures in 1 Thess 4:13-18NIV, NLT— this will be a rescue operation military-angel evacuation in a twinkle of an eye all believers who are alive will be gone. So, when we die....Angels guide us to heavens shore and Angels escort us to be with Jesus. If you have time, here's a fantastic message on this subject and 11 awe-inspiring truths about who angels are and how God uses them to impact our lives. #7 talks specifically about Abraham's bosom. Blessings, y'all! I hope this encourages you!
I just finished listening. That was so good! God is so so good. I can’t wait to worship Him for eternity. You are so blessed to attend James River Church. I’m going to add this to my weekly listening!
Morgan yay!! I’m so glad you watched the sermon from JRC! We attended there for 21 years and it radically changed our lives. We live now in TX (my hubby’s a pastor at a church in NFW) but we don’t miss a single online sermon! Pastor John just started Acts! It’s going to be incredible!💛
We will have to agree to disagree here sister, why would our bodies need to be raised? No flesh can enter heaven. It's our spirit man that is raised, and scriptures back me up. I will just post the most pertinent veses. It's a rather long chapter.
1 Cor. 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: 6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are FALLEN ASLEEP.
Notice Paul doesn't say they have gone to be with the Lord. In between the above and below verses Paul is saying that Christ has been resurrected, and so will we be, then THIS:
20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But EVERY MAN IN HIS OWN ORDER: Christ the firstfruits; AFTERWARD they that are Christ's AT HIS COMING.
So, Paul is not telling them their kinfolks are with the Lord, but he patiently explains unto them that yes, Jesus was resurrected, but he is the First-fruits of many, but each person in Christ has to wait on God's timing, which will be AFTERWARDS at Jesus' Second Coming.
24 Then COMETH THE END, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
People do not get this, at the very end, the last thing Jesus overcomes is DEATH, he raises his church from the dead, and translates those of us who are still alive into Spirit men.
42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption(our sin Flesh); it is raised in incorruption:(Spirit Man) 43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: 44 It is sown a NATURAL BODY; it is raised a SPIRITUAL BODY. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. 45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
We are Flesh men, but flesh and blood can not enter heaven, so all that is raised is our Spirit Man so that which is raised AT THE END is our Spirit Man. Verse 52 says so.
47 The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven. 48 As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. 49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 50 Now this I say, brethren, that FLESH AND BLOOD CANNOT INHERIT the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
So, our bodies have no need of being raised we will get our new bodies in Heaven.
51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but WE SHALL BE CHANGED, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and THE DEAD SHALL BE RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE. (With no sin flesh) and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible(Sin Flesh) must put on incorruption(Spirit Man), and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible(Sin Flesh) shall have put on incorruption(Spirt Man), and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP IN VICTORY. 55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
The LAST FOE that is defeated is death. Verse 52 says the DEAD shall be raised at that time, and then those of us who are still alive will be CHANGED (From flesh men to spirit men), meaning we leave or flesh bodies on this earth and go to Heaven as Spirit men, just like those who are asleep, or dead do.
Ronald. That’s a lot. I would simply say, there are several examples of people being taken to heaven without dying. Then there is the whole resurrection of Christ. What you are saying is that God cannot transform us? To make a new glorified body? It’s actually very concerning and borderline denying the bodily resurrection of Christ. I realize you didn’t say that, but you are close. I understand what you are saying but I think context is important. Additionally ,where do the bodies of the 2 witnesses go if not a bodily resurrection?
Ronald... you know I love you brother. I wanted to ask if you would watch this sermon on "What's next" about our bodies sleeping, raptured believer's bodies and our new glorified bodies in heaven. I want to make sure others understand that the believer's spirit will be received at home with the Lord instantly! Our soul & spirit will never sleep and always conscience. 2 Cor 5:8 I'd love to hear your thoughts about the message.... I think you will love Pastor John too.
Sure sister I will watch anything...........OK, so I stopped writing and watched the 47-minute sermon..........but it doesn't match up with 1 Cor. 15's words. Listen, I thought the same thing for a long while, but the scriptures are clear. This body will not go into Heaven (flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of God) thus what is being raised when Jesus comes sister? Our Spirit Man is raised, judged, and given our Robes or Glorious bodies, at Jesus' coming.
The verse where it says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord is Paul trying to comfort the Corinthians who were afraid their loved ones, having died, seemed to have no hope. It's like a man telling his kids, "GO TO SLEEP, and we will be heading to the Beach as soon as you open your eyes" Well, of course as soon as the kids awake, its off to the beach, it seemed like no time, but it was really 10 hours of sleep. Likewise, Paul is saying don't be afraid of death, we cant go be with the Lord unless first we die (sleep). Hes not saying you will go straight to Heaven, it will just seem like it.
Humans are immortal, the Wicked shall also be raised and Judged, but only after Jesus' 1000 year reign. Thus they SLEEP also. The scriptures are clear here. The part where he was quoting the books by Tim Lahaye is just not correct, we will not just vanish, but the three carrying the casket will fall down and die, the one driving the plane will die, their Spirit Man leaves their bodies, our bodies do not go to Heaven, the bodies in 1 Cor. 15 are described as CORRUPTED, meaning when we die and are raised we are raised as a Spirit Man (with NO CORRUPTION). Get the old thought process out of the way and reread it sister and just ask God the meaning. Here is the Holman version, some people just can't see the KJV, I can read it and see the nuances in the KJV, some can't.
The Nature of the Resurrection Body
35 But someone will say, “How are the dead raised? What kind of body will they have when they come?” 36 Foolish one! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. 37 And as for what you sow—you are not sowing the future body, but only a seed,[l] perhaps of wheat or another grain. 38 But God gives it a body as He wants, and to each of the seeds its own body.
{{{ The seed goes into the ground and a Plant arises, not a seed. }}}
39 Not all flesh is the same flesh; there is one flesh for humans, another for animals, another for birds, and another for fish. 40 There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is different from that of the earthly ones. 41 There is a splendor of the sun, another of the moon, and another of the stars; for one star differs from another star in splendor. 42 So it is with the resurrection of the dead:
43 sown in dishonor, raised in glory;
sown in weakness, raised in power;
44 sown a NATURAL BODY, raised a SPIRITUAL BODY.
{{{ Now, what is Paul saying here sister? That we are SOWN as a SEED via a Natural body and RAISED as Spirit Men. Now, could it be we are given our Glorious bodies as we are raised? Maybe, but I doubt it, if so it seems Paul would have just stated such, instead he specifically states we are raised as Sprit Men or in a Spiritul Body, God is a Spirit so I take that to mean in our translucent state of consciousness. When we go to Heaven we get our Glorious bodies and Marry the Lamb. Is that possible? Sure, all Demons have no bodies and they travel to and fro all the time. Angels have bodies, but they can also be translucent whenever they so desire. }}}
If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. 45 So it is written: The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit. 46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, then the spiritual.
47 The first man was from the earth and made of dust; the second man is from heaven. 48 Like the man made of dust, so are those who are made of dust; like the heavenly man, so are those who are heavenly. 49 And just as we have borne the image of the man-made of dust, we will also bear the image of the heavenly man.
Victorious Resurrection
50 Brothers, I tell you this: Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, and corruption (Flesh bodies are still SIN CONTAMINATED even when Jesus washes our Spirit Man in his blood)) cannot inherit incorruption(Heaven). 51 Listen! I am telling you a mystery:
We will not all fall asleep (not all WILL DIE), but we will all be changed(Or we MUST BE CHANGED, from Flesh men with sin-stained bodies into Spirit Men), 52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the DEAD WILL BE RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE (As Spirit Men like verse 44 says), and we will be changed (From Flesh men to Spirit Men). 53 For this corruptible must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal must be clothed with immortality. 54 When this corruptible is clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal is clothed with immortality, then the saying that is written will take place: Death has been swallowed up in victory. 55 Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?
{{{ Once the Holy Spirit gives me an understanding I know, that I know, that I know wat it means sister, I did not get this from listening to other men, they think along the same lines, in many cases as this fine preacher, but he hasn't dissected the word properly here, not that It matters a whole lot per se, but as a Prophecy wonk, I never stop until God gives me an answer I wrestle until I get the answer. If the dead were in heaven with Jesus, then why do they need to be raised at the Last Trump? Their explanation is we need to be rejoined with our bodies, that makes no sense, the passage says 1.) Flesh and Blood can not enter heaven. 2.) That we (those who are alive) must be CHANGED?
Well, why do the living need to be CHANGED at the Rapture if it's OK for our bodies to travel to Heaven? This is why we need to be CHANGED......our Flesh Bodies are stained with Sin even though our NEW Spirit Man is alive, God will never allow our flesh bodies to enter Heaven, His Holy Presence would consume them. Mary was told not to even touch Jesus before he went to offer the Sacrifice unto God (Ascended unto the Father), her merely touching Jesus with her SIN FLESH would have defiled the Sacrifice (John chapter 20) but 8 days later Jesus told Doubting Thomas to touch his wounds.
Again, why do those who died (sleep) need to be RAISED at the Last Trump sister if they are already with the Lord? Our old Flesh is CORRUPTED, that is why verses 43 and 44 say SOWN in Corruption, raised in Glory, sown in a natural body, and raised in a Spiritual body. We were BORN AGAIN by the Spirit, we became a NEW MAN, but our flesh body still yearns to sin, it has been corrupted by being the SEED of Adam, our new man is the SEED of Jesus Christ. That is why those of us ALIVE at the Rapture have to be CHANGED, we have to leave these SIN STAINED Bodies, and go to the Lord as Spirit Men. }}}
If you don't get it, sister, that's OK, you will see I am correct on this when we get to Heaven (SMILE). It's not a requirement that we understand all things, of course, because we see darkly now, as if through opaque glass, but one day we will see clearly with Jesus. Amen.
Ronald, that was not a short reply lol😉 Thank you for watching the message— Pastor John Lindell has been a pastor for 40years and one of the BEST expository pastors in the world. (in my opinion:) We attended JRC for 21 years (20K weekly attendance) — radically changed our family! BTW I don’t think anyone was saying that our flesh and blood “old” bodies are going to heaven… we get NEW supernaturally perfected bodies in heaven!💛
Yes Kari, when I get started I go and go at times. That point you stressed thus settles it, if we are in agreement that we are raised as Spirit Men and get new bodies in Heaven, then what is being raised at the Last Trump? It can only be our Spirit Men, thus they can't be in Heaven, else they wouldn't need to be raised. Believe me, I think these things out to the penultimate extended possibilities.
Since the Spirit Man is being "RAISED" at the Last Trump at Jesus' coming, then those who have passed on can't be in heaven, else they would already be with the Lord and wouldn't need to be "RAISED" at the Last Trump.
The problem is people take Paul's Letters to LIFT UP (as a Pastor) his Churches/Flocks, and they take them for "Thus Saith the Lord" Old Testament Prophets scripture where basically Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, and Isaiah was saying the exact words the Holy Spirit told them to write because they were as I stated "Thus SAith the Lord" scriptures. The RCC made these Letters Scripture, and that's OK by me, but we don't even get the full details of the correspondence, we also don't get the other party's letters, like the Thessalonian's questions, that's why we don't know in full that 2 Thess. 2 is about the Rapture, not a Falling Away from the Faith.
In this instance, Paul is saying to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord in order to get them to understand that even though their loved ones died or will die, that is just like a seed that that goes into the ground, only to be raised as Corn, Wheat, etc., etc. We have to die to [eventually] be present with the Lord, so Paul is telling them that it's OK to pass on, it will not stop Jesus from resurrecting us at his coming.
I mean, the verse that puts it over the top is it clearly says the Dead are raised at the Last Trump. Again, logic tells us that if they were already with Jesus they would not need to be raised.
God Bless.
P.S. those seen in Rev. 7:9-17 do not come out of the 70th week Tribulation, the reason I know is scriptures make it IMPOSSIBE for that to happen. Thus that situation is kind of like this one here. I went through every possibility before I understood that John was saying we come out of the 2000 some odd year Church Age Tribulation via the Rapture. As n 2000>7.
Your first sentence, which was not "That's a Lot", says there are several examples, which proves my point via the scriptures, no one has to have a body to go to heaven, Paul went in the Spirit as did John (unless they had visions). So, when we are raised, we go to Heaven and there we receive our Glorious bodies, and then marry the Lamb, Jesus Christ.
No one is saying God can't do anything, but His Holy Word is what He says He will do, and God can not lie, thus when God says the Dead will be raised at the LAST TRUMP, what part of that verse do people not understand? If our Sin Flesh is corrupted, and thus can't make it into Heaven, then what is being raised from the dead? Our Spirit man, of course, you know how we know, by READING verse 44
44 It is sown a NATURAL BODY; it is RAISED a SPIRITUAL BODY. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
So, when is this "SPIRITUAL BODY raised? Well, again, verse 52 tells us plainly.
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and THE DEAD SHALL BE RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE.
So, when are the dead raised my friend? At the LAST TRUMP, and thus not one second before that Trump is blown by Jesus AT HIS COMING !! When he calls us up unto the clouds, to Heaven, to be with him, at the exact same time those who are living are Raptured.
Now, these verses explain this, verse 44 tells you we are raised as SPIRIT MEN. It doesn't matter what anyone thought or believed, no flesh and blood can enter Heaven. Our Sin Flesh is so toxic to God's holy nature that in John ch. 20 when Mary saw Jesus in his resurrection body after he called her name, he told her, "Touch me not, for I have not yet ascended unto the Father" Thus if Mary had merely touched Jesus before he went to offer the Sacrifice unto the Father, her mere touching him would have defiled the Sacrifice.
The Two-witnesses are Elijah and (imho), Moses, they already have Glorious bodies. The only reason they are allowed to die is so we can juxtapose the soon to come Two-witnesses and the Beasts TIMELINES against each other, via their 1260 day ordained offices on this earth. If both have 1260 day offices, and then we see the Two- witnesses DIE before the Beast dies (2nd Woe vs. the 7th Vial) then that tells us they also have to show up BEFORE the Beast shows up in order to complete their 1260 day office on earth. Thus Malachi 4:-6 tells us that Elijah will be sent back BEFORE the DOTL in order to turn Israel back unto God, so therefore we know Israel repents just before the Anti-Christ becomes the Beast.
Do you think Paul's body was operational without his spirit man inside, and he may have just been given a vision, he stated he didn't understand it in full. I have had visions, I don't think we leave our bodies during visions. I think there are people who die, go to heaven and return, but God is showing them FUTURE EVENTS (the way Heaven will be after we are all Raptured to Heaven), the word of God is never wrong, the holy word above says the dead will be raised at the LAST TRUMP. I always stand on God's word, not men's traditions.
If you chose to think differently, more power to you, but the holy word says differently. Jesus has always had a Glorified body, he was without sin. So, your thought process there has zero merits as per my thinking to start with. Jesus was raised in Glory and has the exact same body because he knew no sin. We all have been sinners, so that's not even in the same stratosphere as per a juxtapostion.
The word says what it says, flesh and blood can't enter heaven. WHY? Because it's stained with sin. Jesus had no sin, Moses and Elijah will have Glorious bodies that can't be touched, but God allows them to die for one reason, to juxtapose the timelines, where we can understand the end time timelines. Otherwise, God could have just called them back to heaven after their work was finished.
Ms Thoelke im praying right now for your children that they find grace and Pease in the one true name Jesus Christ! To fill there hearts with truth and the word of God! I pray for comfort for you and that God's will be done. I pray that the lord reveals himself to.your daughters and for wisdom to be poured out on them so they can see what we see THRUTH! I love u very much and may God continue to bless each one of you in ur family!!!
I have several family members who say they’re believers but they’re not followers. They continue to live for worldly things… drunkenness, homosexuality, pride, lust… etc… I have a huge burden for them to see His light. To turn from their wicked ways and seek Him out…. It’s my mom, Julie. Brothers Jacob and Jonathan. Sister, Hannah. Thank you.
Prayed for your mom Julie, brothers Jacob and Jonathan and sister Hannah🙏♥️
This is also a test of our faith. To trust God that He hears our prayers that we pray according to His Word and promises to His children. It is His desire that none should perish but that all would come to Him. He hears and answers the prayers of the righteous. We have got to believe this with all our hearts and never doubt.
Father, I pray for all the people who have been listed on this forum and will be listed in faith. You are their Creator and know their innermost being. Wash over them with Your love into the darkness areas of their beings and heal them from the pain that causes them to deny Your goodness and love. As we pray, let us pray with full confidence that we receive what we ask, knowing Your promises to us are Yes and Amen! Please…Give every believer full confidence in a faith like Abraham and an increase in love and Wisdom through the power of Holy Spirit. We release our loved ones into your capable Hands and trust You at Your Word.
praying Truth is presented to your family through you by Jesus Christ. This is not a debate between right and wrong or you vs them. it is satan vs God....and God has already won. so speak with courage and confidence in your saviors victory!
Please pray for my husbands salvation. He is a hard heart. Today he asked that I not preach to our children (14 and 17) about “the end of the world”….I have never called it that. They know and love Jesus and have been baptized. And they hear me speak of this so it’ll be ok for them. I just want it to be ok for him. 💔
Yes Father I stand in agreement with my sisters and brothers in Christ. Remove from Morgan’s husband his heart of stone and pour You love into a new heart of flesh in him. Remove the pride and fear that cause him to doubt you, and let Him experience an intimate experience with You Heavenly Father through Your Son Jesus. Protect her children from all fear and attempts of the enemy to sway them in anyway but instead increase them in faith and boldness and LOVE. In Yeshua’s Name we pray🙏♥️
Morgan, I pray right now in Jesus name, that ur husband's heart softens to the voice of the lord I pray father God allows for his salvation that he says he doesn't want no man to.perish but to be in eternity with him! Lord give Ms Morgan peace and comfort in ur words and that she understands there no greater hands to be in! I pray ur will be done for her and her family Amen!! God bless u Ms Morgan Jesus will prevail in ur husband's salvation im declaring it in Jesus name!! I love u such and may God continue to bless u always....
Praying Morgan, it is our God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, He has shines in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. He will leave the 99 to save the one. Love to you dear.
Morgan, a dose of reality is needed. He doesn't want to hear it per se in truth. So, just tell him to look at the world today, look around you, don't you think Jesus' return will be a great thing? We can then live like we (at last people on this earth at that time, NOT US) are supposed to, not in a world full of wickedness.
Use your authority over DEmons sister. Don't forget, you have authority over all Demons. Amen. REMEMBER, God could have won the battle for Moses, but he made him hold up a staff in order to win. God wants us in that battle every day. Hold your staff up sister. Give those DEmons orders, they have to obey.
Prayed for all your family members, will continue making a list and will keep them in my daily prayers. Thank you for your prayers. Blessings to everyone here. ❤️
Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. Thanking the Lord that he is hastening to perform His word in Shania, Skylar and Danielle's hearts and that He is bringing them to the knowledge of the full truth of the Gospel! In Jesus Name.
Ms Harrell ur grandsons will be in the arms of the Lord Jesus christ I am declaring that is Jesus name that they find peace and grace in our father God! That the lord reveals himself to them and that there filled with the holy spirit and wisdom pours out of them like ouving water! In Jesus might name Amen! I love u Ms Harrell and may the lord continue to bless u and ur family
Because some don't want to get the congregation scared and lose them! It is sad 😔 I rather have people think that I am crazy when I talk about it, and not have Jesus judge me for not telling them to repent! for the day is near.
Thank you Pastor Jimmy. I hope and pray it is this year. I am reminded of the fist film in the Left Behind movie where the Rapture takes place at the same time as the Gog and Magog war. He was on a plane…. I may be on a bus…. Either way. Come Lord Jesus… Come soon!
I remember watching that film at church as a young kid when it came out. Scared the heck out of me. Lol know as an adult I understand that it'll be glorious for those who know the Lord and Jesus as our saviors. Amen!
Praying for my daughter in law Jamie. She's not a believer, praying also for my son Shene that he gets closer to Jesus. The vaccine passport is around the corner in Manitoba, Canada, very scary times. So come Lord Jesus!!
I love reading your words on the rapture. It sets my soul on fire. It feels like Christmas to me, when I was young. Waiting, watching, and hoping. The difference is what we are waiting for. Oh what a gift. To meet our beloved Savior in the sky. I pray the Lord finds me ready. God bless you all!!
Maranatha, Sweet Jesus. Come quickly. 🙏✝️✡✝️🙏💜💜💜💜💜
This group NEVER ceases to Amaze & Bless me...the Love, knowledge and compassion is beyond...
THE CRY: "PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR LOST "FAMILY & FRIENDS" ... Be Blessed & Receive God's Word:
"Believe in The Lord Jesus Christ and You will be saved, you AND your household (family) shall be saved!"
Acts 16:31
Paul & Silas were in prison, and YET, in their midnight hour of despair, they prayed & glorified God. There was an earthquake & door of the jail opened & the jailer thought that all had escaped. Fearing reprisal, he was about to kill himself. YET, Paul called out:
"Bring no harm to yourself, for we are ALL here!" To wit the jailer fell at their feet and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"
We were once ALL in Prison (=Sin & Judgement of hell & eternal separation from God), YET because of our Heavenly Father's GREAT LOVE for us, God allowed His ONLY Son to pay the price of the horrible judgement of crucifixion for our freedom and salvation.
Our Heavenly Father created us, all of you/us on this thread AND OUR FAMILIES, because:
I love how God is using this link to honor and bless Pastor Evans faithful years of ministry on so many levels. He is not only sharing prophecy and Wisdom through this link but producing fruit through this ministry in our prayers for the lost for God’s Kingdom!
Thank you Pastor Jimmy for this fantastic post on Rosh Hashana! Our family will be together this year—making challah bread and taking communion. I LOVE that we can celebrate & partake of these feasts as followers of Jesus. God’s Word holds true and his promises are everlasting! Maranatha!💛
That awesome Ms Gibson! Im glad u will celebrate and be with the family!! God's word couldn't be more true Amen! Hope u and ur family are doing Amazing! So if this is the big year and our Father comes and gets us, don't u forget about me, u owe me a hug and a hello 🤣🤣🤣. I love u Ms. Gibson and may God continue to bless u always
Joseph you just made my day brighter! Big hugs in heaven this year or soon very soon!💛
Haha Amen!! My day always gets bright talking with you all here I love it! And a of you
Praying for my daughter Kimberly who is not saved.
God heard the prayers of the righteous! Ask Him to search your heart for anything that does not please Him (this is for all of us). It is His Will, according to His Word that He does not want anyone to perish! BELIEVE… He will seal your Kimberly with the seal of God and He will do it! Rebuke all doubts.. this is a time for believers to stand in faith on THE PROMISES OF GOD!!!!🙌👑✝️🔥
I pray that she soon finds her way to him! 🙏
Prayed for Kimberly 🙏♥️
Thank you!
Prayed for Kimberly too!
Thank you!!!
If the Rapture does happen this Feast of Trumpets, I'll have the best birthday I've ever had! LOL! Our bible study group is studying Ezekiel right now - it's mind-blowing. Our loving, merciful Father also means business when it comes to sin...let's stay faithful and ready!
I am very thankful to our Heavenly Father for placing gifted biblical teachers like Jimmy in our lives. I have learned so much from Pastor Evans on the end times, and if his teaching didn’t line up perfectly to what God’s Word says then I certainly wouldn’t lend an ear to any of it. I don’t believe in coincidence or luck, there is no such thing. We are absolutely living in the last days and we all know this because of what the Bible describes as “in those days”, clearly speaking of the end times. We all have strong opinions on how this is all going to play out, but let’s make certain we aren’t just turning to certain scripture that meets a selfish narrative and then ignoring the rest. We have to look at all the scripture that pertains to end times. Jimmy doesn’t date set, he’s doing his homework with world events and then turning to God’s Word for answers and then sharing his findings with us all. I know Pastor Evans was chosen by God to be here at this time on Earth to help win souls for Christ Jesus, just like you and me. Keep fighting the good fight!
Amen Jennifer! I love that we don't encourage one another here to ever ever date set. It's just so foolish, frustrating, and causes dissension.... but learning about the scriptures, seasons and eschatology with Pastor Jimmy has been life-changing for me too.... all of us here. Thanks for your encouraging words💛
Hi everyone, I tried to find the question someone asked about Abraham's bosom after reading somewhere in our 183 comments😉 a reader said when a follower of Jesus Christ dies, they don't actually go to heaven. I wanted to encourage my brothers and sisters that ohhhhh yes we do go to heaven immediately! Our spirit is with Jesus, but our earthly body (whether buried or cremated) stays here "sleeping" until the rapture. Read 1 Thess 4:16NIV "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ (fallen asleep) will rise first.” Abraham's bosom was a REAL place...this is a literal & factual story in Luke 16:19,22-23AMP. Sheol was divided into two places …Hades (wicked dead) & Paradise/Abraham’s bosom (righteous dead) But, when Jesus died on the cross He went to Abraham's bosom and took ALL of the righteous dead with him up to heaven. Hades is a temporary hell until the end of the end....fiery lake & brimstone. I LOVE the rapture scriptures in 1 Thess 4:13-18NIV, NLT— this will be a rescue operation military-angel evacuation in a twinkle of an eye all believers who are alive will be gone. So, when we die....Angels guide us to heavens shore and Angels escort us to be with Jesus. If you have time, here's a fantastic message on this subject and 11 awe-inspiring truths about who angels are and how God uses them to impact our lives. #7 talks specifically about Abraham's bosom. Blessings, y'all! I hope this encourages you!
I just finished listening. That was so good! God is so so good. I can’t wait to worship Him for eternity. You are so blessed to attend James River Church. I’m going to add this to my weekly listening!
Morgan yay!! I’m so glad you watched the sermon from JRC! We attended there for 21 years and it radically changed our lives. We live now in TX (my hubby’s a pastor at a church in NFW) but we don’t miss a single online sermon! Pastor John just started Acts! It’s going to be incredible!💛
Agree! I think it may have been Joseph talking about being asleep in The Lord? I think that’s where I read it.
I think Joseph was right on spot but I thought I read a comment about not going to heaven when we die! I get passionate about this😉
We will have to agree to disagree here sister, why would our bodies need to be raised? No flesh can enter heaven. It's our spirit man that is raised, and scriptures back me up. I will just post the most pertinent veses. It's a rather long chapter.
1 Cor. 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: 6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are FALLEN ASLEEP.
Notice Paul doesn't say they have gone to be with the Lord. In between the above and below verses Paul is saying that Christ has been resurrected, and so will we be, then THIS:
20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But EVERY MAN IN HIS OWN ORDER: Christ the firstfruits; AFTERWARD they that are Christ's AT HIS COMING.
So, Paul is not telling them their kinfolks are with the Lord, but he patiently explains unto them that yes, Jesus was resurrected, but he is the First-fruits of many, but each person in Christ has to wait on God's timing, which will be AFTERWARDS at Jesus' Second Coming.
24 Then COMETH THE END, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
People do not get this, at the very end, the last thing Jesus overcomes is DEATH, he raises his church from the dead, and translates those of us who are still alive into Spirit men.
42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption(our sin Flesh); it is raised in incorruption:(Spirit Man) 43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: 44 It is sown a NATURAL BODY; it is raised a SPIRITUAL BODY. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. 45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
We are Flesh men, but flesh and blood can not enter heaven, so all that is raised is our Spirit Man so that which is raised AT THE END is our Spirit Man. Verse 52 says so.
47 The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven. 48 As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. 49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. 50 Now this I say, brethren, that FLESH AND BLOOD CANNOT INHERIT the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
So, our bodies have no need of being raised we will get our new bodies in Heaven.
51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but WE SHALL BE CHANGED, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and THE DEAD SHALL BE RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE. (With no sin flesh) and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible(Sin Flesh) must put on incorruption(Spirit Man), and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible(Sin Flesh) shall have put on incorruption(Spirt Man), and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, DEATH IS SWALLOWED UP IN VICTORY. 55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
The LAST FOE that is defeated is death. Verse 52 says the DEAD shall be raised at that time, and then those of us who are still alive will be CHANGED (From flesh men to spirit men), meaning we leave or flesh bodies on this earth and go to Heaven as Spirit men, just like those who are asleep, or dead do.
God Bless. Everything has an order.
Ronald. That’s a lot. I would simply say, there are several examples of people being taken to heaven without dying. Then there is the whole resurrection of Christ. What you are saying is that God cannot transform us? To make a new glorified body? It’s actually very concerning and borderline denying the bodily resurrection of Christ. I realize you didn’t say that, but you are close. I understand what you are saying but I think context is important. Additionally ,where do the bodies of the 2 witnesses go if not a bodily resurrection?
Ronald... you know I love you brother. I wanted to ask if you would watch this sermon on "What's next" about our bodies sleeping, raptured believer's bodies and our new glorified bodies in heaven. I want to make sure others understand that the believer's spirit will be received at home with the Lord instantly! Our soul & spirit will never sleep and always conscience. 2 Cor 5:8 I'd love to hear your thoughts about the message.... I think you will love Pastor John too.
Sure sister I will watch anything...........OK, so I stopped writing and watched the 47-minute sermon..........but it doesn't match up with 1 Cor. 15's words. Listen, I thought the same thing for a long while, but the scriptures are clear. This body will not go into Heaven (flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of God) thus what is being raised when Jesus comes sister? Our Spirit Man is raised, judged, and given our Robes or Glorious bodies, at Jesus' coming.
The verse where it says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord is Paul trying to comfort the Corinthians who were afraid their loved ones, having died, seemed to have no hope. It's like a man telling his kids, "GO TO SLEEP, and we will be heading to the Beach as soon as you open your eyes" Well, of course as soon as the kids awake, its off to the beach, it seemed like no time, but it was really 10 hours of sleep. Likewise, Paul is saying don't be afraid of death, we cant go be with the Lord unless first we die (sleep). Hes not saying you will go straight to Heaven, it will just seem like it.
Humans are immortal, the Wicked shall also be raised and Judged, but only after Jesus' 1000 year reign. Thus they SLEEP also. The scriptures are clear here. The part where he was quoting the books by Tim Lahaye is just not correct, we will not just vanish, but the three carrying the casket will fall down and die, the one driving the plane will die, their Spirit Man leaves their bodies, our bodies do not go to Heaven, the bodies in 1 Cor. 15 are described as CORRUPTED, meaning when we die and are raised we are raised as a Spirit Man (with NO CORRUPTION). Get the old thought process out of the way and reread it sister and just ask God the meaning. Here is the Holman version, some people just can't see the KJV, I can read it and see the nuances in the KJV, some can't.
The Nature of the Resurrection Body
35 But someone will say, “How are the dead raised? What kind of body will they have when they come?” 36 Foolish one! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. 37 And as for what you sow—you are not sowing the future body, but only a seed,[l] perhaps of wheat or another grain. 38 But God gives it a body as He wants, and to each of the seeds its own body.
{{{ The seed goes into the ground and a Plant arises, not a seed. }}}
39 Not all flesh is the same flesh; there is one flesh for humans, another for animals, another for birds, and another for fish. 40 There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is different from that of the earthly ones. 41 There is a splendor of the sun, another of the moon, and another of the stars; for one star differs from another star in splendor. 42 So it is with the resurrection of the dead:
43 sown in dishonor, raised in glory;
sown in weakness, raised in power;
44 sown a NATURAL BODY, raised a SPIRITUAL BODY.
{{{ Now, what is Paul saying here sister? That we are SOWN as a SEED via a Natural body and RAISED as Spirit Men. Now, could it be we are given our Glorious bodies as we are raised? Maybe, but I doubt it, if so it seems Paul would have just stated such, instead he specifically states we are raised as Sprit Men or in a Spiritul Body, God is a Spirit so I take that to mean in our translucent state of consciousness. When we go to Heaven we get our Glorious bodies and Marry the Lamb. Is that possible? Sure, all Demons have no bodies and they travel to and fro all the time. Angels have bodies, but they can also be translucent whenever they so desire. }}}
If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. 45 So it is written: The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam became a life-giving Spirit. 46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, then the spiritual.
47 The first man was from the earth and made of dust; the second man is from heaven. 48 Like the man made of dust, so are those who are made of dust; like the heavenly man, so are those who are heavenly. 49 And just as we have borne the image of the man-made of dust, we will also bear the image of the heavenly man.
Victorious Resurrection
50 Brothers, I tell you this: Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, and corruption (Flesh bodies are still SIN CONTAMINATED even when Jesus washes our Spirit Man in his blood)) cannot inherit incorruption(Heaven). 51 Listen! I am telling you a mystery:
We will not all fall asleep (not all WILL DIE), but we will all be changed(Or we MUST BE CHANGED, from Flesh men with sin-stained bodies into Spirit Men), 52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the DEAD WILL BE RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE (As Spirit Men like verse 44 says), and we will be changed (From Flesh men to Spirit Men). 53 For this corruptible must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal must be clothed with immortality. 54 When this corruptible is clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal is clothed with immortality, then the saying that is written will take place: Death has been swallowed up in victory. 55 Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?
{{{ Once the Holy Spirit gives me an understanding I know, that I know, that I know wat it means sister, I did not get this from listening to other men, they think along the same lines, in many cases as this fine preacher, but he hasn't dissected the word properly here, not that It matters a whole lot per se, but as a Prophecy wonk, I never stop until God gives me an answer I wrestle until I get the answer. If the dead were in heaven with Jesus, then why do they need to be raised at the Last Trump? Their explanation is we need to be rejoined with our bodies, that makes no sense, the passage says 1.) Flesh and Blood can not enter heaven. 2.) That we (those who are alive) must be CHANGED?
Well, why do the living need to be CHANGED at the Rapture if it's OK for our bodies to travel to Heaven? This is why we need to be CHANGED......our Flesh Bodies are stained with Sin even though our NEW Spirit Man is alive, God will never allow our flesh bodies to enter Heaven, His Holy Presence would consume them. Mary was told not to even touch Jesus before he went to offer the Sacrifice unto God (Ascended unto the Father), her merely touching Jesus with her SIN FLESH would have defiled the Sacrifice (John chapter 20) but 8 days later Jesus told Doubting Thomas to touch his wounds.
Again, why do those who died (sleep) need to be RAISED at the Last Trump sister if they are already with the Lord? Our old Flesh is CORRUPTED, that is why verses 43 and 44 say SOWN in Corruption, raised in Glory, sown in a natural body, and raised in a Spiritual body. We were BORN AGAIN by the Spirit, we became a NEW MAN, but our flesh body still yearns to sin, it has been corrupted by being the SEED of Adam, our new man is the SEED of Jesus Christ. That is why those of us ALIVE at the Rapture have to be CHANGED, we have to leave these SIN STAINED Bodies, and go to the Lord as Spirit Men. }}}
If you don't get it, sister, that's OK, you will see I am correct on this when we get to Heaven (SMILE). It's not a requirement that we understand all things, of course, because we see darkly now, as if through opaque glass, but one day we will see clearly with Jesus. Amen.
Ronald, that was not a short reply lol😉 Thank you for watching the message— Pastor John Lindell has been a pastor for 40years and one of the BEST expository pastors in the world. (in my opinion:) We attended JRC for 21 years (20K weekly attendance) — radically changed our family! BTW I don’t think anyone was saying that our flesh and blood “old” bodies are going to heaven… we get NEW supernaturally perfected bodies in heaven!💛
Yes Kari, when I get started I go and go at times. That point you stressed thus settles it, if we are in agreement that we are raised as Spirit Men and get new bodies in Heaven, then what is being raised at the Last Trump? It can only be our Spirit Men, thus they can't be in Heaven, else they wouldn't need to be raised. Believe me, I think these things out to the penultimate extended possibilities.
Since the Spirit Man is being "RAISED" at the Last Trump at Jesus' coming, then those who have passed on can't be in heaven, else they would already be with the Lord and wouldn't need to be "RAISED" at the Last Trump.
The problem is people take Paul's Letters to LIFT UP (as a Pastor) his Churches/Flocks, and they take them for "Thus Saith the Lord" Old Testament Prophets scripture where basically Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel, and Isaiah was saying the exact words the Holy Spirit told them to write because they were as I stated "Thus SAith the Lord" scriptures. The RCC made these Letters Scripture, and that's OK by me, but we don't even get the full details of the correspondence, we also don't get the other party's letters, like the Thessalonian's questions, that's why we don't know in full that 2 Thess. 2 is about the Rapture, not a Falling Away from the Faith.
In this instance, Paul is saying to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord in order to get them to understand that even though their loved ones died or will die, that is just like a seed that that goes into the ground, only to be raised as Corn, Wheat, etc., etc. We have to die to [eventually] be present with the Lord, so Paul is telling them that it's OK to pass on, it will not stop Jesus from resurrecting us at his coming.
I mean, the verse that puts it over the top is it clearly says the Dead are raised at the Last Trump. Again, logic tells us that if they were already with Jesus they would not need to be raised.
God Bless.
P.S. those seen in Rev. 7:9-17 do not come out of the 70th week Tribulation, the reason I know is scriptures make it IMPOSSIBE for that to happen. Thus that situation is kind of like this one here. I went through every possibility before I understood that John was saying we come out of the 2000 some odd year Church Age Tribulation via the Rapture. As n 2000>7.
Your first sentence, which was not "That's a Lot", says there are several examples, which proves my point via the scriptures, no one has to have a body to go to heaven, Paul went in the Spirit as did John (unless they had visions). So, when we are raised, we go to Heaven and there we receive our Glorious bodies, and then marry the Lamb, Jesus Christ.
No one is saying God can't do anything, but His Holy Word is what He says He will do, and God can not lie, thus when God says the Dead will be raised at the LAST TRUMP, what part of that verse do people not understand? If our Sin Flesh is corrupted, and thus can't make it into Heaven, then what is being raised from the dead? Our Spirit man, of course, you know how we know, by READING verse 44
44 It is sown a NATURAL BODY; it is RAISED a SPIRITUAL BODY. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
So, when is this "SPIRITUAL BODY raised? Well, again, verse 52 tells us plainly.
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the LAST TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and THE DEAD SHALL BE RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE.
So, when are the dead raised my friend? At the LAST TRUMP, and thus not one second before that Trump is blown by Jesus AT HIS COMING !! When he calls us up unto the clouds, to Heaven, to be with him, at the exact same time those who are living are Raptured.
Now, these verses explain this, verse 44 tells you we are raised as SPIRIT MEN. It doesn't matter what anyone thought or believed, no flesh and blood can enter Heaven. Our Sin Flesh is so toxic to God's holy nature that in John ch. 20 when Mary saw Jesus in his resurrection body after he called her name, he told her, "Touch me not, for I have not yet ascended unto the Father" Thus if Mary had merely touched Jesus before he went to offer the Sacrifice unto the Father, her mere touching him would have defiled the Sacrifice.
The Two-witnesses are Elijah and (imho), Moses, they already have Glorious bodies. The only reason they are allowed to die is so we can juxtapose the soon to come Two-witnesses and the Beasts TIMELINES against each other, via their 1260 day ordained offices on this earth. If both have 1260 day offices, and then we see the Two- witnesses DIE before the Beast dies (2nd Woe vs. the 7th Vial) then that tells us they also have to show up BEFORE the Beast shows up in order to complete their 1260 day office on earth. Thus Malachi 4:-6 tells us that Elijah will be sent back BEFORE the DOTL in order to turn Israel back unto God, so therefore we know Israel repents just before the Anti-Christ becomes the Beast.
Do you think Paul's body was operational without his spirit man inside, and he may have just been given a vision, he stated he didn't understand it in full. I have had visions, I don't think we leave our bodies during visions. I think there are people who die, go to heaven and return, but God is showing them FUTURE EVENTS (the way Heaven will be after we are all Raptured to Heaven), the word of God is never wrong, the holy word above says the dead will be raised at the LAST TRUMP. I always stand on God's word, not men's traditions.
If you chose to think differently, more power to you, but the holy word says differently. Jesus has always had a Glorified body, he was without sin. So, your thought process there has zero merits as per my thinking to start with. Jesus was raised in Glory and has the exact same body because he knew no sin. We all have been sinners, so that's not even in the same stratosphere as per a juxtapostion.
The word says what it says, flesh and blood can't enter heaven. WHY? Because it's stained with sin. Jesus had no sin, Moses and Elijah will have Glorious bodies that can't be touched, but God allows them to die for one reason, to juxtapose the timelines, where we can understand the end time timelines. Otherwise, God could have just called them back to heaven after their work was finished.
Please pray for my children to be ready for Jesus return!!!! Our blessed hope!!!✝️🙏❤
Praying for your children Beth
I am praying for you Beth.
Ms Thoelke im praying right now for your children that they find grace and Pease in the one true name Jesus Christ! To fill there hearts with truth and the word of God! I pray for comfort for you and that God's will be done. I pray that the lord reveals himself to.your daughters and for wisdom to be poured out on them so they can see what we see THRUTH! I love u very much and may God continue to bless each one of you in ur family!!!
Can we all list our children here that need to receive the Love and forgiveness of our Savior? Maybe pray for one another as The Lord leads?
My son…. Chad, thank you
My sons, Colton and D.J., daughter in law Cassie, husband Scott
Prayed for Colton, D.J, Cassie and Scott🙏♥️
They have been prayed for!! God bless them and u
Lord bro g Colton Dj and Cassie and scott to your salvation
I have several family members who say they’re believers but they’re not followers. They continue to live for worldly things… drunkenness, homosexuality, pride, lust… etc… I have a huge burden for them to see His light. To turn from their wicked ways and seek Him out…. It’s my mom, Julie. Brothers Jacob and Jonathan. Sister, Hannah. Thank you.
Prayed for your mom Julie, brothers Jacob and Jonathan and sister Hannah🙏♥️
This is also a test of our faith. To trust God that He hears our prayers that we pray according to His Word and promises to His children. It is His desire that none should perish but that all would come to Him. He hears and answers the prayers of the righteous. We have got to believe this with all our hearts and never doubt.
Father, I pray for all the people who have been listed on this forum and will be listed in faith. You are their Creator and know their innermost being. Wash over them with Your love into the darkness areas of their beings and heal them from the pain that causes them to deny Your goodness and love. As we pray, let us pray with full confidence that we receive what we ask, knowing Your promises to us are Yes and Amen! Please…Give every believer full confidence in a faith like Abraham and an increase in love and Wisdom through the power of Holy Spirit. We release our loved ones into your capable Hands and trust You at Your Word.
In The Name above every other Name YESHUA🙏
I set myself in agreement with your prayer Stacey in Jesus Mighty Name! So Be It!
praying Truth is presented to your family through you by Jesus Christ. This is not a debate between right and wrong or you vs them. it is satan vs God....and God has already won. so speak with courage and confidence in your saviors victory!
What an amazing idea. Blessings to you Stacey!
My sons, Tony and Ray...Daughters and in-laws Rebecca Tabatha and Elizabeth.
Please pray for my husbands salvation. He is a hard heart. Today he asked that I not preach to our children (14 and 17) about “the end of the world”….I have never called it that. They know and love Jesus and have been baptized. And they hear me speak of this so it’ll be ok for them. I just want it to be ok for him. 💔
Yes Father I stand in agreement with my sisters and brothers in Christ. Remove from Morgan’s husband his heart of stone and pour You love into a new heart of flesh in him. Remove the pride and fear that cause him to doubt you, and let Him experience an intimate experience with You Heavenly Father through Your Son Jesus. Protect her children from all fear and attempts of the enemy to sway them in anyway but instead increase them in faith and boldness and LOVE. In Yeshua’s Name we pray🙏♥️
Amen!! Im in agreement with you Hallelujah
Amen I agree. Don't know how my reply got deleted..but I reposted.
Thank you so much for your prayer. ❤️
Morgan, I pray right now in Jesus name, that ur husband's heart softens to the voice of the lord I pray father God allows for his salvation that he says he doesn't want no man to.perish but to be in eternity with him! Lord give Ms Morgan peace and comfort in ur words and that she understands there no greater hands to be in! I pray ur will be done for her and her family Amen!! God bless u Ms Morgan Jesus will prevail in ur husband's salvation im declaring it in Jesus name!! I love u such and may God continue to bless u always....
Thanks so much Joseph!
Praying Morgan, it is our God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, He has shines in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. He will leave the 99 to save the one. Love to you dear.
Thank you Angela!
Morgan, a dose of reality is needed. He doesn't want to hear it per se in truth. So, just tell him to look at the world today, look around you, don't you think Jesus' return will be a great thing? We can then live like we (at last people on this earth at that time, NOT US) are supposed to, not in a world full of wickedness.
Use your authority over DEmons sister. Don't forget, you have authority over all Demons. Amen. REMEMBER, God could have won the battle for Moses, but he made him hold up a staff in order to win. God wants us in that battle every day. Hold your staff up sister. Give those DEmons orders, they have to obey.
Thank you Linda!
Prayed for Tony, Ray, Rebecca, Tabatha and Elizabeth🙏♥️
Amen praying for them now in Jesus mighty name bring them to u
Abba father bring your salvation through your son Jesus Christ to this family and give Angela your word and peace to share with them all.
Thank you with all my heart.
Praying for your family. ❤️
Thank you so much Linda, love you all so very much.
Holy Spirit pull Chad to you. I pray with these believers for his salvation.
Prayed for all your family members, will continue making a list and will keep them in my daily prayers. Thank you for your prayers. Blessings to everyone here. ❤️
Yes, Shania, Skylar and Danielle !! Been working hard on them to fully accept the lord!!
Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. Thanking the Lord that he is hastening to perform His word in Shania, Skylar and Danielle's hearts and that He is bringing them to the knowledge of the full truth of the Gospel! In Jesus Name.
Amen! Angela I am in agreement with you!! I love and appreciate you and your pray! Thank you
Prayed for Shania, Skylar and Danielle🙏♥️
Amen! Thank you Ms. Bengtson I love u and appreciate ur prayer
Thank you
Praying for Chad!
Praying for your son Chad right now in Jesus now
Prayed for your grandchildren Linda. Gods mercy is from everlasting to everlasting and His righteousness to our children's children. Blessings!
Ms Harrell ur grandsons will be in the arms of the Lord Jesus christ I am declaring that is Jesus name that they find peace and grace in our father God! That the lord reveals himself to them and that there filled with the holy spirit and wisdom pours out of them like ouving water! In Jesus might name Amen! I love u Ms Harrell and may the lord continue to bless u and ur family
Prayed for Tyler and Rowdy🙏♥️
Praying for Tyler and Rowdy.
Why aren’t more pastors giving sermons on the End times?
Because some don't want to get the congregation scared and lose them! It is sad 😔 I rather have people think that I am crazy when I talk about it, and not have Jesus judge me for not telling them to repent! for the day is near.
Hi Zac... we were SO blessed to attend James River Church in Springfield, MO, and Pastor John Lindell does talk about the end times-- he's an incredible teacher too. Here's a great one - and here's the link to his 6 part series. Living in the Last Days -
I forgot to add.... Pastor John is PRE-TRIB :)
I asked mine....crickets....
They will be accountable, sheep without shepherds? Too worried about causing fear and losing attendance???
Please pray for my SIL Brad. Holy Spirit call Brad to You.
Prayed for Brad🙏♥️
Thank you Pastor Jimmy. I hope and pray it is this year. I am reminded of the fist film in the Left Behind movie where the Rapture takes place at the same time as the Gog and Magog war. He was on a plane…. I may be on a bus…. Either way. Come Lord Jesus… Come soon!
I remember watching that film at church as a young kid when it came out. Scared the heck out of me. Lol know as an adult I understand that it'll be glorious for those who know the Lord and Jesus as our saviors. Amen!
Praying for my daughter in law Jamie. She's not a believer, praying also for my son Shene that he gets closer to Jesus. The vaccine passport is around the corner in Manitoba, Canada, very scary times. So come Lord Jesus!!
Prayed for Shene and Jamie🙏♥️
Thank you !!❤
Thank you !!❤
Prayed for your family Ginette in Jesus name Amen!!!
Thank you Pam!!
Praying Ginette!
Thank you Morgan!❤
Grateful for your prayers Linda !❤
Please pray for my son John, daughter Sarah and husband Randy
Hello Ms Judy I am praying for ur family right now in Jesus name
Prayed for your family Judy and will keep them in my prayers.
Praying ❤️
Thank you Laurie! Grateful for your prayers !
Prayed for John, Sarah and Randy🙏♥️
Praying for you Judy!
This is awesome 👏!! I will be watching and what a great day it be when we meet the Lord in the air!!
Thank you Pastor Jimmy,
I love reading your words on the rapture. It sets my soul on fire. It feels like Christmas to me, when I was young. Waiting, watching, and hoping. The difference is what we are waiting for. Oh what a gift. To meet our beloved Savior in the sky. I pray the Lord finds me ready. God bless you all!!
Maranatha, Sweet Jesus. Come quickly. 🙏✝️✡✝️🙏💜💜💜💜💜
Aloha Kākou! ( Greetings to All!)
Pastor Jimmy, ANOTHER Winner! Mahalo Nui Loa!
This group NEVER ceases to Amaze & Bless me...the Love, knowledge and compassion is beyond...
THE CRY: "PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR LOST "FAMILY & FRIENDS" ... Be Blessed & Receive God's Word:
"Believe in The Lord Jesus Christ and You will be saved, you AND your household (family) shall be saved!"
Acts 16:31
Paul & Silas were in prison, and YET, in their midnight hour of despair, they prayed & glorified God. There was an earthquake & door of the jail opened & the jailer thought that all had escaped. Fearing reprisal, he was about to kill himself. YET, Paul called out:
"Bring no harm to yourself, for we are ALL here!" To wit the jailer fell at their feet and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"
We were once ALL in Prison (=Sin & Judgement of hell & eternal separation from God), YET because of our Heavenly Father's GREAT LOVE for us, God allowed His ONLY Son to pay the price of the horrible judgement of crucifixion for our freedom and salvation.
Our Heavenly Father created us, all of you/us on this thread AND OUR FAMILIES, because:
I ALOHA this Heavenly 'OHANA!!! (family)
Be Blessed and Encouraged!
I love how God is using this link to honor and bless Pastor Evans faithful years of ministry on so many levels. He is not only sharing prophecy and Wisdom through this link but producing fruit through this ministry in our prayers for the lost for God’s Kingdom!