I absolutely love our TP family as these messages continue to be so timely and relevant to what's happening all around us. My brother who is 3 years older is a very smart and caring guy, but he does not believe. Uncharacteristically, a couple of days ago he responded to my comment about "the biblical signs of the end times are everywhere". I had also sent an email (about a month ago) to him and my adult kids / spouses with a word document which I had written to all of them. It was on my heart to share with them the importance of what we're all witnessing as well as the significance of the upcoming new Shemitah cycle and Year of Jubilee. My brother commented that "the Black Plague was much worse than what's happening now" so the end of time is not necessarily here. The Black Plague happened in the mid 1300's. I reminded my brother that Israel was not a nation during that time and that prophesy was fulfilled in 1948. I described that all the other signs of biblical prophesies are flashing red everywhere across the globe. In my document, I had to spell out to all my unbelieving family members that once people disappear off this planet, they are not to believe that aliens were involved. I needed to emphasize that God is in the process of fulfilling what He revealed to us would happen in the end times. I needed to write the words for them that God can still save them during the 7-year ensuing chaos if they find themselves left behind, as long as they no longer fall for the deception and to NOT take the mark of the beast under any circumstances. I'm asking my TP family to pray for my immediate and extended family members who don't believe. Thank you and God bless you all!!!
Cornel, I did the exact same thing in writing a document for my coworkers and unsaved family members. I continue to pray that God would overcome them before the Tribulation, because I can’t imagine any loved ones going through it. Alas, some people have to see to believe, and I believe this is how the rapture will play a significant role in waking people up. I pray that they have the courage to stand until the end in the face of the greatest adversity believers will ever face.
Hi Andy ....... Great job in continuing to fight the good fight while we're here, trying to help those in our circle of influence with Biblical truth. We're all hoping for them to wake up before the rapture, but if not, then they'll have one last chance...... God Bless!!!
Amen Cornel. Prayer sure changes things. I just want to thank everyone who has been praying for my twins. God is working. Slowly, I believe he is softening their hearts. My oldest twin who just graduated from college has met a young man whom I believe may be a God send. She told me that she went to meet his parents and they are Baptist Christians. That is how she put it. She knows that faith matters to me. Cornel, I surely will pray for your lovedones. God can remove the stony hearts and put hearts of flesh in their place. He can also change the minds of the unbelievers. All the lost lovedones that we each have need special prayers every day for God to move and help them to see their lost condition. Many blessings to you my friend. Until we meet on heaven's shore, I will be in prayer for youl
What a blessing you are Hala, to our entire TP family. I'm so happy to hear about your daughter and yes, there is no doubt God hears the prayers of His faithful servants. There is nothing God cannot do (except lie) so it's comforting He has it all under unimaginable control, even when we don't see much happening. Stay strong and courageous my friend and know that you're all in my prayers also........ We have God's word and promises on our side.
Hi David. It seems the older I get (62 now) the fewer words I need to get to the point. I don't think anyone (including myself) can possibly imagine the absolute chaos that will exist on earth after the Rapture takes place ..... My kids know me well enough and I've written it all from the heart with Biblical truth .......... I'd say we're all warriors on this site .......... God bless you and your loved ones.
Cornel. So thankful for your boldness to share with your Brother and family members about the end time events; also your discernment to let them know and be aware of what is happening. I’ll be praying for your Brother and family. I was listening to a sermon on my phone and came across Pastor Jimmy’s message titled “ Habitation”. Dated March 2016. Very powerful as he speaks about taking authority in our lives against evil. Just FYI if you are interested! Thanks for your comments. Waiting for His Return ✝️🕊God Bless
Hi Anita ........ Always appreciate the prayers, so thank you!!! ....... Also, I've shared the document with others recently (if they request it) so please send me an email where I can forward it ........ my email is cornel@rizea-books.com ......... If it can help someone, that would be fantastic :) ........ Blessings to you and your loved ones.
Hi Michelle ...... I appreciate the reply as well as the prayers. We know that God hears His faithful servants. The entire TP family (and their loved ones) are also in my prayers. Definitely sad about most people's attitude (including my kids) regarding end times. It's the main reason I was compelled to write "End Game". I believe they'll end up reading it after the Rapture ....... God's plan will be fulfilled completely all according to in His timeline ..... Blessings to you and your family!!!
You're very kind Michelle ...... Thank you for your comments. My simple goal was "to help someone" either by encouraging existing believers or by pointing a lost soul toward the Creator of the universe....... Glad you're enjoying the book ...... I give God all the glory :)
Amen Maggie. Sometimes complete strangers can do better than we can. You have posted my thought completely. I don't know how many times that I have prayed for God to send someone that they have faith in to witness to them. You are not alone.
Great to hear from you Maggie ........ Unfortunately a lot of people (including our loved ones) will be surprised beyond description. Considering all that's happening around the globe, it doesn't seem like it will be much longer. God will continue to hear our prayers and we will continue to speak biblical truth to our family members. We'll remain faithful and do our part ...... GBU!!!
I pray for wisdom and discernment to know how best to steward my talents. Financially and spiritually. How to prepare, how to share, how to pray. Holy Spirit guide me in Jesus name.
Thankyou for your article...so many signs all around us now...we are being deceived by our government leaders, main stream media and big tech and pharma. It's all playing out before our very eyes. Why oh why can so many people not see it! I pray for wisdom and discernment for those who are blind to what's going on that they will wake up before it's too late. Jesus is the only way, how wonderful to have that hope and salvation on HIM ALONE.
"I tell you the TRUTH, those who listen to my message and believe in GOD who sent me have eternal life" JOHN 5 v 24....that's the only message we need.
Woe to those who don't believe. The great revival will happen after the Rapture and my prayer is that our loved ones who know us, will turn to God during that time....... Blessings to you and your loved ones!!!
Yes I have family members who are unbelievers I pray for their salvation daily...they see signs of the deception and evil around us they just need to take that leap of blind faith 🙏💞
Hang in there Erin. Keep praying for them, but don't miss an opportunity to prepare them with biblical truth and understanding of what happens after the rapture. It is my firm belief that our loved ones who know us personally will eventually believe, especially if we've informed them (in love) that the rapture is near and they may unfortunately find themselves left behind. It will be extremely unbearable, but your words to them will ring true.......... I'll keep you all in my prayers also......... God Bless!!!
Awe thankyou. I have given both my grown up sons recently a copy of "Where are the Missing People" and explained about the Rapture to them ...I pray they read it ...I also have a copy for my husband who's a bit more difficult to get through to but I will keep trying...I do believe God will answer my prayers but in his timing ..Thankyou Cornel for your kind words ..I follow Dr Mark Hitchcock's sermons found him during lockdown...he explains Bible Prophecy so well. I'm in Northern Ireland by the way.
You said something that I also struggled with for a long time...... God will answer prayers "in His timing", not in our timing. No doubt we're all impatient and it hurts to see our loved ones reject biblical truth as the end time is drawing near. Lately though, I have personally found it to be a relief as I began to "let it go because God is in charge of the timing". I know in my heart that I've done my very best to tell them the truth, so I have learned to leave the rest in God's will. I have gone so far as to write 3 books, all with the hope my kids would read them. I believe they'll finish reading them once they find themselves left behind ..... It's all good as we remain faithful ........ I believe and declare in Jesus' name that your family will also be saved (all in God's timing).
How wonderful to have written three books well done. Yes I'm at peace to that if it is His Will that they come to believe only after the Rapture that God will protect them. Of course I still live in hope that it is before hand.
Can you tell me what scripture references this? I know I’ve heard of a great revival. And I’ve kept watching for it here in the US. I thought it occurred before the rapture. But it makes more sense that it will be after the rapture
Hi Susan ...... The reference for the great revival during the 7-year Tribulation is in Revelation 7:9-17. This passage indicates that people from all nations, tribes, and tongues will have been martyred during that terrible time because they will not bow down to the antichrist and will not take his mark. Many people during that time will realize that they were deceived, and the believers were actually raptured. Your observation is right on the mark. More people are falling away from the faith in US today. Actually, I have reason to believe that there are additional believers happening in unlikely places like China, perhaps India, Africa, and even Iran ........ God Bless!!!
i receive magazines monthly from The Voice of the Martyrs. We have persecuted brothers and sisters in many hostile nations around the world. Every month they focus on certain people who are witnesses in these different countries. Many have been killed for their witness about Jesus. And still they keep right on. They surely do need our prayers.
Hi Cornel Thankyou for you comments we are certainly very close to all things wrapping up in this world l to have unsaved family members so sad that they don’t want to see the deception and many signs around us if only they could read their bibles to show them what’s about to occur soon in these last hours of end times l also have had discussions with my unsaved family members sometimes it’s like they have this wall in front of them they won’t give you the satisfaction of acknowledging that there must be something to what’s happening around the world God bless you and may God continue to give you wisdom in reaching the lost l also will percevere see you in the clouds ✝️🙏🥰
Take heart Sandra and stay strong. You may already know I too have unsaved immediate family members so I can relate. Even though it's sad, I believe it will be OK as those who know you best will remember your words when they find themselves left behind. You're all in my prayers (along with all the challenges you're all facing) ...... This is a war in the spirit realm and we can take comfort that in the end, God wins. Good will defeat evil ........ Zero doubt!!! ......... God Bless!!!
Yes, the world is full of signs. I think for us, some are given and so recognizable because we are watching so intently. I believe some of these are forbearers of what will be full blown in the tribulation. The Bible mentions pestilence(s) plural. Whether natural, unnatural or biological weapons, covid is a mild forerunner I believe. The first and least of many. Also, some locations not allowing buying or selling without a vaccine (or proof of it). Clearly a forerunner of the highly controlled financial system. We are on the verge of worldwide famines, it’s even in the mainstream news. Forbearers I believe of worse times to come in the tribulation. There’s been a moderate uptick in volcanic/tectonic activity (I watch every day) over the past number of years. The tribulation seems to show some version of earth crustal displacement happening. The reference of every island and mountain being moved from its place. And a huge worldwide earthquake where the cities of the nations collapse. Earthquakes of our time are limited to a specific location. Also, the increase in knowledge is at an exponential growth. Different numbers are thrown around but technology and knowledge are supposed to be doubling at a rate of more than once/day. This will allow AI to easily manage the governing and monitoring of all people and other things on the planet on a daily basis. The apostasy we see today is worked through all of society. It is not just in church but in government and most facets of daily life. My sister is running for office here in MT and I am helping her. I am appalled at what I see out of both parties. There just is a great and rapid falling away. This trajectory and pace is going off a cliff and one of the other reasons I think we sit on the threshold of His return, along with all the other prophesies. There won’t be half a church left in 10 years at this pace. The advent of digital currencies to replace fiat currencies. We aren’t going back to the old way of doing things and I suspect cash has a limited lifespan as well. Israel is the “super sign” as pastor Greg likes to say. We see the current situations setting up for massive conflict there, as prophesied. You also have the sign of dreams and visions and a lot of people have been getting those. I believe there are a lot of false and deceiving ones as well, so really careful to apply discernment and stay rooted in the Word. I think being in the Word is one of the very best disciplines and defenses we have. It is our weapon as well, to fight the enemy. Our sword. To summarize, it seems so clearly evident by most of the things around us, the season of His return has arrived. He tarries in mercy, to give every last chance, as He always is so merciful. But justice cannot wait indefinitely either. Be blessed today and remember that we will be unable to experience pain, loneliness, sin soon. There will be no more goodbyes. No more tears. Only righteousness, fellowship, worship and holiness in paradise forever and ever. 😎💪😊🙏.
Thanks Erin and what you said is so true. There is no running and hiding anywhere. He is our only hope. And He likes it that way ha ha. He is our knight in shining armor. God bless 😊
Great responses Justin! Faith : not Fear! Darkness exposed and Light revealed! Love to read your comments. Prayers that your Sister wins 🙏✝️ I’ve been praying for conservative leaders for the midterm elections. Our former Pastor after serving 30 years at the Church is now running for Congress! Blessings 🙏
Thanks Gladys and I always enjoy your post as well. Praying sister does as well, she is a great lady. Actually several good people running I’ve met. Just the parties and the ways they do things is really disheartening. Blessings to you as well.
Justin your last four sentences lift our hearts and minds to what is ahead for His true church, His bride. Thank you for sharing the positive in the midst of so much darkness and demonic activity! Thank you for being a Barnabas! GBU!
Good for you helping your sister with her campaign, and may she have God’s favor, and the people’s favor as she bravely seeks to be a servant of the people. Love your entire summation of the times we are in, Justin, and wow, your last thoughts on the reality of the beauty of living in Heaven was such a fragrant bouquet 💐 of joy! God bless!
Thanks Blondie 😊. I think thing I look forward to the most is the extinction of sin/evil, then the end of goodbyes. I’ve enjoyed helping my sister and she is running a great campaign. But the system feels like the end of Rome or at least my imagination of it. God bless you as well my friend.
Hi Justin....refreshing to read a godly woman is running for office. Encourage her to keep her eyes wide open as she governs. (Notice, I’m believing she will win:)
The swamp is deep. Both parties i.e. Republicans and Democrats have there corruption. I served as a councilwoman for 12 years. It’s disheartening to say that most of our “peeling away corruption” was of my party/Republicans.
Folks in my area knew I governed by two documents...First and foremost, God’s word the Bible and the Constitution.
Because of the corrupt parties I became an Independent. After my end of service, I do my best to avoid the public. I used to think most people are good. I’m sorry to say I no longer have that view.
I will pray for your sister that God will give her spiritual discernment and she governs with integrity.
Thank you so much for your service. Really enjoyed reading about your experience. Love that you governed with those two documents, it’s the best way to govern unquestionably. I encouraged her from the start to run as an independent as well also. I just think the parties have lost their vision, where they are focused more on the well being of the parties than the people. She knew it was going to be a rough and tumble. And she’s pretty tough young sister ha ha. But still sad to see the way the times are. Thank you for your prayers for her - praying Gods Will be done.
Justin...thank you:) Please encourage her to pay close attention to the false media. One wrong word in an article can change the entire article. My husband addressed the reporter of this very issue and was told that’s what sells papers. The press are notorious for spinning the facts. That is another reason why I try to avoid most reporting. They call good evil and evil good😥
STOP! Or at least slow down… I agree. I think that is part of the end-times signs of the times as well, that people are so “caught up” in what is going on in this crazy world, that they can’t pull off the fast moving road long enough to try and figure out what is going on!! It’s almost ironic as many many homes in this Country, and even World, have a Bible on some shelf somewhere, but they don’t take the time to read it. And even many who do, the religious folks, may read it but still have no clue about what it says, at least end-times wise. Mind Boggling. My attendant and I are being honored this week for the 45 years between us that we have been working on a Special Education School Bus, in Northern Virginia. Also mind boggling. There is one thing for sure that we can both safely say, and that is, that things are moving much faster out there on the road these days than they used to. People were actually thinking about where they were going and what was around them, more than they do today. There is one place on our daily route this year, where I litually have to blow my horn many times coming off the interstate, so the cars will slow down enough long enough to let me on the off ramp. It’s frightening actually. The sign says 20 miles an hour on the ramp, but people are doing 50 or faster, trying to get where they are going. Where are they going? Jenny and I hold our breath every day hoping and praying that some big truck or convertible, doesn’t slam into the back of our bus and leave us all in pieces!! That’s what will happen to this generation if they don’t slow down pretty soon to discern what’s going on in the world!! Can’t wait to get off the road! It’s getting really dangerous out here. The horn is blowing, look up and be Saved, before it’s too late and you find yourself in a fatal wreck! Jesus, come get us, just in the neck of time!! 🌻
"Mind Boggling" is right on the mark Kris. Religious leaders are falling away from the truth of biblical doctrine and most openly don't really care what the bible has to say. End of times for sure ........ Blessing to you and those around you!!!
God bless you, Kris, for taking care of those precious kids all these years! What an excellent analogy you have given. I think the increase in technology has also contributed to everyone moving through life at warp speed these days. I will pray for His protection over you and your attendant as you drive these buses
Kris, thank you for sharing your big heart with us. You've been here since day 1 on the TP and we all continue to learn from your wisdom. Congratulations on your special award for caring for children. We are proud of you! Praying for your safety and the children as you drive your bus slowly-- sharing the good news fervently! 💛
Hi all yes the signs are quiet prominent yet there are many who don’t notice what’s really happening in our world there is a world of deception going on we are heading towards the next Shemita cycle (Daniel 9:27) as stated by Messiac bible teacher Mark Biltz time could possibly be running out as we are approaching the 11th cycle on the Jewish calendar we indicated Chaos disobedience and disorder be Ye ready for the Blessed hope is coming for the bride of Christ praise his name ✝️😘🙏
Absolutely ........... most are totally ignorant and I found that they would rather believe the lies ...... Very sad but true ....... Blessing to you and those around you!!!
The signs are obvious, and theyre definitely coming more frequently with greater severity. Looking forward to seeing my King face to face, and walking with him on streets of gold. No more pain, suffering, death, illness, or sin of any kind. Like the song says "How I long to breathe the air of Heaven
Many times while reading the Bible, I am made aware of end times.
The way the world is changing is telling us that the Bible is absolutely correct. Now is the time to watch for the return of our Lord Jesus.
Jesus Christ is the way and the light. The only way to get into eternal life. The Trinity. Is totally of GOD. ♥️. Each day there are more signs appearing from the Bible. In Jesus name I pray for all people to know him. Amen
Amen brother Greg. The signs are all around us. Jesus told his disciples what to look for at the end of the age. However, he told the doubting pharisees that an adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and no sign would be given. Why would he tell his disciple the signs and not the adulterous generation? Because his disciple believed him, the adulterous generation did not. He gives his people warnings before he brings judgement. Why? Because we believe the signs that he gives. So yes, we are his people and we know that we are the generation that will witness the rapture, because we are the generation that have witnessed all of the signs given, and... WE BELIEVE! Hallelujah to the Lamb of God, forever and ever!
Awesome. I keep telling my three kids that I do not believe that I am actually going to die. I believe that the rapture is imminent, within the next ten years for sure, most likely within the next five years. I believe in my heart that this is the generation that will see the second coming. If I'm wrong, I will still be in heaven, but I will be sort of sad that I didn't get to experience the greatest miracle of our time. I suppose that it is going to be sort of sinful to wink at my kids when we are all in heaven in the blink of an eye, and I say to them, " I told you so."
And yet so few pastors are teaching Bible prophecy? We had to move out of our southern oregon town of 30,000 people because we couldn't find a church that was properly discerning the times. I think that alone is a sign of the times!?
I agree Drew......... I too think that more churches (including our own here in Florida) aught to focus more on Biblical prophesy and tie them to current world events ....... We'll do our part and move forward in faith anyway ........ God Bless!!!
Next month, (June) is suppose to be a high Rapture, according to Jewish transitions. Rock Island books, lately, have put out (3) very interesting YouTube videos on the Jubilee 2022. This gentleman seems to have done extensive research on the "End Times". He's worth the time to view his videos because this man is brilliant, in my opinion. He comes up with some times frames that you will like. We will see if he's right real soon!!!!
Thank you, Pastor Greg!! I'm giving you a standing O. I really enjoy how you just say what you have to say. Truth is gard ti come by nowadays. That's why I love Tipping Point. I get the truth!! Praise God!! And Amen !!Maranatha!!
I was humming to myself while tossing dirty clothes into the washing machine. I was leaning down as I reached for the last clothes in the pile when out of nowhere I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart the words “SOON! …… VERY SOON!” In that instant when the words were spoken, I was covered in goosebumps. Without even thinking about it, I quickly stood upright with the expectation of being raptured right that second. When nothing happened, I peeked around the corner and looked out the big picture window at the sky, expecting to see an angel or someone else waiting for me, but just saw the normal stuff. I looked around to see if any of my family had heard or felt the presence of the impending rapture, but they were still involved in their own things.
As I stood there somewhat puzzled, I could feel the following being spoken into my soul: “..They were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day. Just as you’re doing laundry now. In the twinkling of an eye.”
The rapture felt soooo imminent. And the feeling of it happening was truly in the blink of an eye.
I have hesitated sharing it because it honestly felt like the rapture was going to happen any minute and it would be a moot point for all of the TP family. In retrospect I think this was more of a Ready.... Set.............................................................................................
Hey Michelle, somewhere in your posts you mentioned Dr Barry Awe with a rapture date of June 6-8th? I find him really interesting. I just watched his video and he said June 15th? I'm just trying to mark a date on my calender...lol
I just went to YouTube and found this guy's video y'all are talking about. As I was listening to him, I felt compelled to scroll down to look at the comments. Go to Shamela Sukhraj comment. I nearly dropped my teeth. Exact. Same. Day. As. Mine!!!! OMGosh!!
I just want to make sure I look up the right video. It’s Dr. Barry Awe. I assume it is recent since he’s talking about June 15 of this year? If you can easily point me to a post with the link I would appreciate it :)
Ok...thanks for explaining that so well Michelle. 😃 I have to watch several times to catch everything ...this is all new to me. He's a crack up, isn't he...lol 🌼
Wow. Wow. Wow. Michelle, remember that Dr. David Reagan also believes that this is actually Jewish calendar year 5992. We have sat under his teachings a number of times, and he is just so very good.
I absolutely love our TP family as these messages continue to be so timely and relevant to what's happening all around us. My brother who is 3 years older is a very smart and caring guy, but he does not believe. Uncharacteristically, a couple of days ago he responded to my comment about "the biblical signs of the end times are everywhere". I had also sent an email (about a month ago) to him and my adult kids / spouses with a word document which I had written to all of them. It was on my heart to share with them the importance of what we're all witnessing as well as the significance of the upcoming new Shemitah cycle and Year of Jubilee. My brother commented that "the Black Plague was much worse than what's happening now" so the end of time is not necessarily here. The Black Plague happened in the mid 1300's. I reminded my brother that Israel was not a nation during that time and that prophesy was fulfilled in 1948. I described that all the other signs of biblical prophesies are flashing red everywhere across the globe. In my document, I had to spell out to all my unbelieving family members that once people disappear off this planet, they are not to believe that aliens were involved. I needed to emphasize that God is in the process of fulfilling what He revealed to us would happen in the end times. I needed to write the words for them that God can still save them during the 7-year ensuing chaos if they find themselves left behind, as long as they no longer fall for the deception and to NOT take the mark of the beast under any circumstances. I'm asking my TP family to pray for my immediate and extended family members who don't believe. Thank you and God bless you all!!!
Cornel, I did the exact same thing in writing a document for my coworkers and unsaved family members. I continue to pray that God would overcome them before the Tribulation, because I can’t imagine any loved ones going through it. Alas, some people have to see to believe, and I believe this is how the rapture will play a significant role in waking people up. I pray that they have the courage to stand until the end in the face of the greatest adversity believers will ever face.
Hi Andy ....... Great job in continuing to fight the good fight while we're here, trying to help those in our circle of influence with Biblical truth. We're all hoping for them to wake up before the rapture, but if not, then they'll have one last chance...... God Bless!!!
Amen Cornel. Prayer sure changes things. I just want to thank everyone who has been praying for my twins. God is working. Slowly, I believe he is softening their hearts. My oldest twin who just graduated from college has met a young man whom I believe may be a God send. She told me that she went to meet his parents and they are Baptist Christians. That is how she put it. She knows that faith matters to me. Cornel, I surely will pray for your lovedones. God can remove the stony hearts and put hearts of flesh in their place. He can also change the minds of the unbelievers. All the lost lovedones that we each have need special prayers every day for God to move and help them to see their lost condition. Many blessings to you my friend. Until we meet on heaven's shore, I will be in prayer for youl
What a blessing you are Hala, to our entire TP family. I'm so happy to hear about your daughter and yes, there is no doubt God hears the prayers of His faithful servants. There is nothing God cannot do (except lie) so it's comforting He has it all under unimaginable control, even when we don't see much happening. Stay strong and courageous my friend and know that you're all in my prayers also........ We have God's word and promises on our side.
Praying for your twins
Thank you Sharon. Prayers mean everything to me. Blessings to you today and always.
What an encouraging sign in your girls! Still praying!
I know. Love you Blondie. Thank you for praying for my girls.
It is a privilege, my sister! Love you too 💕
I admire your boldness and heart for your family.
Hi David. It seems the older I get (62 now) the fewer words I need to get to the point. I don't think anyone (including myself) can possibly imagine the absolute chaos that will exist on earth after the Rapture takes place ..... My kids know me well enough and I've written it all from the heart with Biblical truth .......... I'd say we're all warriors on this site .......... God bless you and your loved ones.
Cornel. So thankful for your boldness to share with your Brother and family members about the end time events; also your discernment to let them know and be aware of what is happening. I’ll be praying for your Brother and family. I was listening to a sermon on my phone and came across Pastor Jimmy’s message titled “ Habitation”. Dated March 2016. Very powerful as he speaks about taking authority in our lives against evil. Just FYI if you are interested! Thanks for your comments. Waiting for His Return ✝️🕊God Bless
Thank you Gladys ....... Great to hear from you and yes, I'll check out that message ..... God bless you and your loved ones also!!!
Praying they will be saved in Jesus name. I would love to see that document and I can share it too - would you mind?
Hi Anita ........ Always appreciate the prayers, so thank you!!! ....... Also, I've shared the document with others recently (if they request it) so please send me an email where I can forward it ........ my email is cornel@rizea-books.com ......... If it can help someone, that would be fantastic :) ........ Blessings to you and your loved ones.
Hi Michelle ...... I appreciate the reply as well as the prayers. We know that God hears His faithful servants. The entire TP family (and their loved ones) are also in my prayers. Definitely sad about most people's attitude (including my kids) regarding end times. It's the main reason I was compelled to write "End Game". I believe they'll end up reading it after the Rapture ....... God's plan will be fulfilled completely all according to in His timeline ..... Blessings to you and your family!!!
You're very kind Michelle ...... Thank you for your comments. My simple goal was "to help someone" either by encouraging existing believers or by pointing a lost soul toward the Creator of the universe....... Glad you're enjoying the book ...... I give God all the glory :)
Amen Maggie. Sometimes complete strangers can do better than we can. You have posted my thought completely. I don't know how many times that I have prayed for God to send someone that they have faith in to witness to them. You are not alone.
Great to hear from you Maggie ........ Unfortunately a lot of people (including our loved ones) will be surprised beyond description. Considering all that's happening around the globe, it doesn't seem like it will be much longer. God will continue to hear our prayers and we will continue to speak biblical truth to our family members. We'll remain faithful and do our part ...... GBU!!!
I pray for wisdom and discernment to know how best to steward my talents. Financially and spiritually. How to prepare, how to share, how to pray. Holy Spirit guide me in Jesus name.
Shirley, I could not agree more. Amen to the n’th degree.
Amen, Shirley!
Thankyou for your article...so many signs all around us now...we are being deceived by our government leaders, main stream media and big tech and pharma. It's all playing out before our very eyes. Why oh why can so many people not see it! I pray for wisdom and discernment for those who are blind to what's going on that they will wake up before it's too late. Jesus is the only way, how wonderful to have that hope and salvation on HIM ALONE.
"I tell you the TRUTH, those who listen to my message and believe in GOD who sent me have eternal life" JOHN 5 v 24....that's the only message we need.
Woe to those who don't believe. The great revival will happen after the Rapture and my prayer is that our loved ones who know us, will turn to God during that time....... Blessings to you and your loved ones!!!
Yes I have family members who are unbelievers I pray for their salvation daily...they see signs of the deception and evil around us they just need to take that leap of blind faith 🙏💞
Hang in there Erin. Keep praying for them, but don't miss an opportunity to prepare them with biblical truth and understanding of what happens after the rapture. It is my firm belief that our loved ones who know us personally will eventually believe, especially if we've informed them (in love) that the rapture is near and they may unfortunately find themselves left behind. It will be extremely unbearable, but your words to them will ring true.......... I'll keep you all in my prayers also......... God Bless!!!
Awe thankyou. I have given both my grown up sons recently a copy of "Where are the Missing People" and explained about the Rapture to them ...I pray they read it ...I also have a copy for my husband who's a bit more difficult to get through to but I will keep trying...I do believe God will answer my prayers but in his timing ..Thankyou Cornel for your kind words ..I follow Dr Mark Hitchcock's sermons found him during lockdown...he explains Bible Prophecy so well. I'm in Northern Ireland by the way.
You said something that I also struggled with for a long time...... God will answer prayers "in His timing", not in our timing. No doubt we're all impatient and it hurts to see our loved ones reject biblical truth as the end time is drawing near. Lately though, I have personally found it to be a relief as I began to "let it go because God is in charge of the timing". I know in my heart that I've done my very best to tell them the truth, so I have learned to leave the rest in God's will. I have gone so far as to write 3 books, all with the hope my kids would read them. I believe they'll finish reading them once they find themselves left behind ..... It's all good as we remain faithful ........ I believe and declare in Jesus' name that your family will also be saved (all in God's timing).
How wonderful to have written three books well done. Yes I'm at peace to that if it is His Will that they come to believe only after the Rapture that God will protect them. Of course I still live in hope that it is before hand.
Blessings to you Erin. I have brothers and sisters all over this world whom I will meet in the by and by. God has a big family!
Thankyou God Bless you x
Can you tell me what scripture references this? I know I’ve heard of a great revival. And I’ve kept watching for it here in the US. I thought it occurred before the rapture. But it makes more sense that it will be after the rapture
Hi Susan ...... The reference for the great revival during the 7-year Tribulation is in Revelation 7:9-17. This passage indicates that people from all nations, tribes, and tongues will have been martyred during that terrible time because they will not bow down to the antichrist and will not take his mark. Many people during that time will realize that they were deceived, and the believers were actually raptured. Your observation is right on the mark. More people are falling away from the faith in US today. Actually, I have reason to believe that there are additional believers happening in unlikely places like China, perhaps India, Africa, and even Iran ........ God Bless!!!
i receive magazines monthly from The Voice of the Martyrs. We have persecuted brothers and sisters in many hostile nations around the world. Every month they focus on certain people who are witnesses in these different countries. Many have been killed for their witness about Jesus. And still they keep right on. They surely do need our prayers.
Yes, it's simply remarkable what some believers go through as far as being persecuted ....... Absolutely in our prayers.
Thank you so much for clarifying this for me!
You're very welcome ......... Moving forward and upward!!!
Hi Cornel Thankyou for you comments we are certainly very close to all things wrapping up in this world l to have unsaved family members so sad that they don’t want to see the deception and many signs around us if only they could read their bibles to show them what’s about to occur soon in these last hours of end times l also have had discussions with my unsaved family members sometimes it’s like they have this wall in front of them they won’t give you the satisfaction of acknowledging that there must be something to what’s happening around the world God bless you and may God continue to give you wisdom in reaching the lost l also will percevere see you in the clouds ✝️🙏🥰
Take heart Sandra and stay strong. You may already know I too have unsaved immediate family members so I can relate. Even though it's sad, I believe it will be OK as those who know you best will remember your words when they find themselves left behind. You're all in my prayers (along with all the challenges you're all facing) ...... This is a war in the spirit realm and we can take comfort that in the end, God wins. Good will defeat evil ........ Zero doubt!!! ......... God Bless!!!
Amen, Erin.
Indeed 💞
Yes, the world is full of signs. I think for us, some are given and so recognizable because we are watching so intently. I believe some of these are forbearers of what will be full blown in the tribulation. The Bible mentions pestilence(s) plural. Whether natural, unnatural or biological weapons, covid is a mild forerunner I believe. The first and least of many. Also, some locations not allowing buying or selling without a vaccine (or proof of it). Clearly a forerunner of the highly controlled financial system. We are on the verge of worldwide famines, it’s even in the mainstream news. Forbearers I believe of worse times to come in the tribulation. There’s been a moderate uptick in volcanic/tectonic activity (I watch every day) over the past number of years. The tribulation seems to show some version of earth crustal displacement happening. The reference of every island and mountain being moved from its place. And a huge worldwide earthquake where the cities of the nations collapse. Earthquakes of our time are limited to a specific location. Also, the increase in knowledge is at an exponential growth. Different numbers are thrown around but technology and knowledge are supposed to be doubling at a rate of more than once/day. This will allow AI to easily manage the governing and monitoring of all people and other things on the planet on a daily basis. The apostasy we see today is worked through all of society. It is not just in church but in government and most facets of daily life. My sister is running for office here in MT and I am helping her. I am appalled at what I see out of both parties. There just is a great and rapid falling away. This trajectory and pace is going off a cliff and one of the other reasons I think we sit on the threshold of His return, along with all the other prophesies. There won’t be half a church left in 10 years at this pace. The advent of digital currencies to replace fiat currencies. We aren’t going back to the old way of doing things and I suspect cash has a limited lifespan as well. Israel is the “super sign” as pastor Greg likes to say. We see the current situations setting up for massive conflict there, as prophesied. You also have the sign of dreams and visions and a lot of people have been getting those. I believe there are a lot of false and deceiving ones as well, so really careful to apply discernment and stay rooted in the Word. I think being in the Word is one of the very best disciplines and defenses we have. It is our weapon as well, to fight the enemy. Our sword. To summarize, it seems so clearly evident by most of the things around us, the season of His return has arrived. He tarries in mercy, to give every last chance, as He always is so merciful. But justice cannot wait indefinitely either. Be blessed today and remember that we will be unable to experience pain, loneliness, sin soon. There will be no more goodbyes. No more tears. Only righteousness, fellowship, worship and holiness in paradise forever and ever. 😎💪😊🙏.
Lovely piece of writing. Our blessed hope is in Him alone. AMEN!
Thanks Erin and what you said is so true. There is no running and hiding anywhere. He is our only hope. And He likes it that way ha ha. He is our knight in shining armor. God bless 😊
Great responses Justin! Faith : not Fear! Darkness exposed and Light revealed! Love to read your comments. Prayers that your Sister wins 🙏✝️ I’ve been praying for conservative leaders for the midterm elections. Our former Pastor after serving 30 years at the Church is now running for Congress! Blessings 🙏
Thanks Gladys and I always enjoy your post as well. Praying sister does as well, she is a great lady. Actually several good people running I’ve met. Just the parties and the ways they do things is really disheartening. Blessings to you as well.
Agreeing with you in prayer, Ms Gladys 🙏🌷
Justin your last four sentences lift our hearts and minds to what is ahead for His true church, His bride. Thank you for sharing the positive in the midst of so much darkness and demonic activity! Thank you for being a Barnabas! GBU!
Thank you Carol and for your wonderful posts I always look forward to as well. It is an honor to serve with all of you in His Kingdom.
Good for you helping your sister with her campaign, and may she have God’s favor, and the people’s favor as she bravely seeks to be a servant of the people. Love your entire summation of the times we are in, Justin, and wow, your last thoughts on the reality of the beauty of living in Heaven was such a fragrant bouquet 💐 of joy! God bless!
Thanks Blondie 😊. I think thing I look forward to the most is the extinction of sin/evil, then the end of goodbyes. I’ve enjoyed helping my sister and she is running a great campaign. But the system feels like the end of Rome or at least my imagination of it. God bless you as well my friend.
Hi Justin....refreshing to read a godly woman is running for office. Encourage her to keep her eyes wide open as she governs. (Notice, I’m believing she will win:)
The swamp is deep. Both parties i.e. Republicans and Democrats have there corruption. I served as a councilwoman for 12 years. It’s disheartening to say that most of our “peeling away corruption” was of my party/Republicans.
Folks in my area knew I governed by two documents...First and foremost, God’s word the Bible and the Constitution.
Because of the corrupt parties I became an Independent. After my end of service, I do my best to avoid the public. I used to think most people are good. I’m sorry to say I no longer have that view.
I will pray for your sister that God will give her spiritual discernment and she governs with integrity.
Thank you so much for your service. Really enjoyed reading about your experience. Love that you governed with those two documents, it’s the best way to govern unquestionably. I encouraged her from the start to run as an independent as well also. I just think the parties have lost their vision, where they are focused more on the well being of the parties than the people. She knew it was going to be a rough and tumble. And she’s pretty tough young sister ha ha. But still sad to see the way the times are. Thank you for your prayers for her - praying Gods Will be done.
Justin...thank you:) Please encourage her to pay close attention to the false media. One wrong word in an article can change the entire article. My husband addressed the reporter of this very issue and was told that’s what sells papers. The press are notorious for spinning the facts. That is another reason why I try to avoid most reporting. They call good evil and evil good😥
It’s not like you have nothing else on your plate 😂, which makes your help an even bigger sacrifice.
Great comments Justin and thanks for the words of encouragement ...... Blessings to you and those around you!!!
Thank you sir and blessings to you as well. Have a fine weekend 😊
Hallelujah Justin. Truth in every wordx2. God bless you brother and you keep right on writing and I will keep right on reading.
Thank you sister :) Always so glad to see you here as well and glad to do some reading when you speak too! God bless :)
STOP! Or at least slow down… I agree. I think that is part of the end-times signs of the times as well, that people are so “caught up” in what is going on in this crazy world, that they can’t pull off the fast moving road long enough to try and figure out what is going on!! It’s almost ironic as many many homes in this Country, and even World, have a Bible on some shelf somewhere, but they don’t take the time to read it. And even many who do, the religious folks, may read it but still have no clue about what it says, at least end-times wise. Mind Boggling. My attendant and I are being honored this week for the 45 years between us that we have been working on a Special Education School Bus, in Northern Virginia. Also mind boggling. There is one thing for sure that we can both safely say, and that is, that things are moving much faster out there on the road these days than they used to. People were actually thinking about where they were going and what was around them, more than they do today. There is one place on our daily route this year, where I litually have to blow my horn many times coming off the interstate, so the cars will slow down enough long enough to let me on the off ramp. It’s frightening actually. The sign says 20 miles an hour on the ramp, but people are doing 50 or faster, trying to get where they are going. Where are they going? Jenny and I hold our breath every day hoping and praying that some big truck or convertible, doesn’t slam into the back of our bus and leave us all in pieces!! That’s what will happen to this generation if they don’t slow down pretty soon to discern what’s going on in the world!! Can’t wait to get off the road! It’s getting really dangerous out here. The horn is blowing, look up and be Saved, before it’s too late and you find yourself in a fatal wreck! Jesus, come get us, just in the neck of time!! 🌻
"Mind Boggling" is right on the mark Kris. Religious leaders are falling away from the truth of biblical doctrine and most openly don't really care what the bible has to say. End of times for sure ........ Blessing to you and those around you!!!
God bless you, Kris, for taking care of those precious kids all these years! What an excellent analogy you have given. I think the increase in technology has also contributed to everyone moving through life at warp speed these days. I will pray for His protection over you and your attendant as you drive these buses
Amen Kris.
Kris, thank you for sharing your big heart with us. You've been here since day 1 on the TP and we all continue to learn from your wisdom. Congratulations on your special award for caring for children. We are proud of you! Praying for your safety and the children as you drive your bus slowly-- sharing the good news fervently! 💛
Come quickly Lord Jesus!
Hi all yes the signs are quiet prominent yet there are many who don’t notice what’s really happening in our world there is a world of deception going on we are heading towards the next Shemita cycle (Daniel 9:27) as stated by Messiac bible teacher Mark Biltz time could possibly be running out as we are approaching the 11th cycle on the Jewish calendar we indicated Chaos disobedience and disorder be Ye ready for the Blessed hope is coming for the bride of Christ praise his name ✝️😘🙏
Absolutely ........... most are totally ignorant and I found that they would rather believe the lies ...... Very sad but true ....... Blessing to you and those around you!!!
The signs are obvious, and theyre definitely coming more frequently with greater severity. Looking forward to seeing my King face to face, and walking with him on streets of gold. No more pain, suffering, death, illness, or sin of any kind. Like the song says "How I long to breathe the air of Heaven
Where pain is gone and mercy fills the streets
To look upon the One who bled to save me
And walk with Him for all eternity".
It is written.
Many times while reading the Bible, I am made aware of end times.
The way the world is changing is telling us that the Bible is absolutely correct. Now is the time to watch for the return of our Lord Jesus.
Jesus Christ is the way and the light. The only way to get into eternal life. The Trinity. Is totally of GOD. ♥️. Each day there are more signs appearing from the Bible. In Jesus name I pray for all people to know him. Amen
Amen brother Greg. The signs are all around us. Jesus told his disciples what to look for at the end of the age. However, he told the doubting pharisees that an adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and no sign would be given. Why would he tell his disciple the signs and not the adulterous generation? Because his disciple believed him, the adulterous generation did not. He gives his people warnings before he brings judgement. Why? Because we believe the signs that he gives. So yes, we are his people and we know that we are the generation that will witness the rapture, because we are the generation that have witnessed all of the signs given, and... WE BELIEVE! Hallelujah to the Lamb of God, forever and ever!
Awesome. I keep telling my three kids that I do not believe that I am actually going to die. I believe that the rapture is imminent, within the next ten years for sure, most likely within the next five years. I believe in my heart that this is the generation that will see the second coming. If I'm wrong, I will still be in heaven, but I will be sort of sad that I didn't get to experience the greatest miracle of our time. I suppose that it is going to be sort of sinful to wink at my kids when we are all in heaven in the blink of an eye, and I say to them, " I told you so."
And yet so few pastors are teaching Bible prophecy? We had to move out of our southern oregon town of 30,000 people because we couldn't find a church that was properly discerning the times. I think that alone is a sign of the times!?
I agree Drew......... I too think that more churches (including our own here in Florida) aught to focus more on Biblical prophesy and tie them to current world events ....... We'll do our part and move forward in faith anyway ........ God Bless!!!
Next month, (June) is suppose to be a high Rapture, according to Jewish transitions. Rock Island books, lately, have put out (3) very interesting YouTube videos on the Jubilee 2022. This gentleman seems to have done extensive research on the "End Times". He's worth the time to view his videos because this man is brilliant, in my opinion. He comes up with some times frames that you will like. We will see if he's right real soon!!!!
Thank you, Pastor Greg!! I'm giving you a standing O. I really enjoy how you just say what you have to say. Truth is gard ti come by nowadays. That's why I love Tipping Point. I get the truth!! Praise God!! And Amen !!Maranatha!!
Hard to come by
Hi Verna
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Thank you.
God bless you.
Amen and Amen!!
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Just like the days of Noah
I was humming to myself while tossing dirty clothes into the washing machine. I was leaning down as I reached for the last clothes in the pile when out of nowhere I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart the words “SOON! …… VERY SOON!” In that instant when the words were spoken, I was covered in goosebumps. Without even thinking about it, I quickly stood upright with the expectation of being raptured right that second. When nothing happened, I peeked around the corner and looked out the big picture window at the sky, expecting to see an angel or someone else waiting for me, but just saw the normal stuff. I looked around to see if any of my family had heard or felt the presence of the impending rapture, but they were still involved in their own things.
As I stood there somewhat puzzled, I could feel the following being spoken into my soul: “..They were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day. Just as you’re doing laundry now. In the twinkling of an eye.”
The rapture felt soooo imminent. And the feeling of it happening was truly in the blink of an eye.
Oooh Chris..just read this and got goosebumps! Thanks for sharing that! 👍
I have hesitated sharing it because it honestly felt like the rapture was going to happen any minute and it would be a moot point for all of the TP family. In retrospect I think this was more of a Ready.... Set.............................................................................................
Beautiful, Chris! What a blessing for you to receive this message, and it’s a blessing that you shared it with us. 🔜
I've been hesitant to share because it felt so imminent but I guess it was more of a heads up.
Hey Michelle, somewhere in your posts you mentioned Dr Barry Awe with a rapture date of June 6-8th? I find him really interesting. I just watched his video and he said June 15th? I'm just trying to mark a date on my calender...lol
Jessie, I agree. Lol. I think :)
You are on fire, Michelle!!
We’re coming too!
I just went to YouTube and found this guy's video y'all are talking about. As I was listening to him, I felt compelled to scroll down to look at the comments. Go to Shamela Sukhraj comment. I nearly dropped my teeth. Exact. Same. Day. As. Mine!!!! OMGosh!!
Wowza!!!!!! Amazing!!!
I just want to make sure I look up the right video. It’s Dr. Barry Awe. I assume it is recent since he’s talking about June 15 of this year? If you can easily point me to a post with the link I would appreciate it :)
Ok...thanks for explaining that so well Michelle. 😃 I have to watch several times to catch everything ...this is all new to me. He's a crack up, isn't he...lol 🌼
I'll have to look these up. Wowza!! I'll have to catch up to you and Blondie!! ❤️
Wow. Wow. Wow. Michelle, remember that Dr. David Reagan also believes that this is actually Jewish calendar year 5992. We have sat under his teachings a number of times, and he is just so very good.
Thank you