So true. I love it that God uses the analogy of “birth pangs” to describe how things will start coming faster and faster, and you honestly feel like you aren’t going to be able to take much more… Women who have had babies can relate to this in a big way. Others just have to take our word for it. The baby does come eventually, thankfully. I’m starting to feel like I can’t take much more. But I can. We can. As the last generation, we were designed for this. Thank-You Jesus. We give You thanks and praise. We are in Your hands. 🌻
Hi Rachel. I happen to be a Special Education School Bus Driver and have transported many Downs kids over the years…. Some of my favorite kids! Such a gift from God. And 5 C-sections!! You go girl! 🌻
Rachel your 36 year old son will one day soon have no health issues and not be labeled down syndrome but perfect in the Presence of the Lord! Our first son was severely brained damaged during birth with a lack of oxygen and died at three months old. One day soon I will meet him in Heaven and he too will be perfect. His father, my husband who had a 9 year journey with Alzheimer's disease dying in 2014 knows him fully! No more health issues, syndromes, disease or lack of oxygen. No more death! One day soon we will leave earth's pain to be with our God for all eternity in the awesome JOY OF OUR SALVATION! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! ❤️🙏
For a number of years I taught Sunday school to down and autistic kids. I honestly felt they were much more spiritually connected in many ways. So full of joy and Gods love. What precious relationships. So special to experience their unconditional love!
We have had folks in our government calling evil things good and good things evil. The people have at times changed their life by saying they were not man but woman or vise versa. These are abominations to GOD yet they still do it.Our nation, our world cannot continue in this manner. GOD won't let us he will make everything new and destroy evil. I have also believed from a young age that we are the generation to see His coming and I cant Waite for that glorius day.
For those who say the pre-trib Rapture would require "three comings" of Jesus, if we are called to meet Him in the sky, He would never come to earth. That preserves the Second Coming to the end of the tribulation and the "end of times." The whole "thief in the night" analogy only works for the Rapture. He will come with the seventh trumpet blast on a horse in a very public and visible event during His second coming. No one on the planet will miss His arrival.
I share the feelings of many of the commenters here, the amount of criminality and pure evil at work in the world today is stunning. When you were a teenager, did you ever envision it getting this bad? I have long felt these were extraordinary times and when I found Jimmy's site, it clicked. While I had hoped goodness and common sense would prevail and mankind could turn this around, I realize now this the final act of pre-destiny. Jesus will end this evil world after a final test of those who claim to be Christians. Do not fall for the Great Deception. May God bless us all and keep us safe.
Birth pains indeed!!! The earthquake and Tsunami warning yesterday, intense weather out east. I don’t remember who in this forum said it awhile ago, but when I see these headlines, though my heart gets heavy for whomever may be affected, I look up and praise the Lord knowing He is coming soon!! 🙌🏻
In the meantime, we continue to speak truth with love, pray without ceasing, bear down and breathe! 🙏🏻🙌🏻
Oh Kari! I'm so sorry you experienced that level of damage. We were without power for over 60 hours. When the inside temperature of our house dropped to 40 degrees, I pulled out every candle I had, put them into groups, and rotated the groups burning/resting in all of the crucial rooms in the house so we constantly had a source of heat. It actually raised the inside temperature to 52 degrees - which was still so cold. We were praying like crazy when my husband felt led to light our gas fireplace (even though when we bought the house our home inspector said not to use it because the chimney had issues that could cause a fire). When my husband opened the chimney flue, he discovered we had a squirrel who had chewed through our chimney cap and was busy making a nest in the chimney and did NOT appreciate my husband opening the flu or lighting the gas burners. And theeennnnn the Chevy Chase 'Christmas Vacation' squirrel incident commenced inside our home. We went from being afraid we were going to freeze to death to busting a gut laughing at my husband in mortal combat with the squirrel and its mate. My husband finally won and we sustained some damage from the squirrel, but we saved our plumbing..... and we're still teasing my husband about the squirrel. LOL.
Chris this is the best story!!!! Squirrel Wars 🐿 We had a family of large fat rats 🐀 FALL down from the frozen attic. I nearly died realizing they had been living with us—my husband popped one over the head with a broken staircase spindle and killed it instantly! Haha I was born in Minnesota, grew up in Chicago & lived 21 years in the Ozarks! We’ve lived through many ice storms but the Texas storm of 2021 beat us up! 🥶 God was faithful and filled ALL the cracks with gold.
Kari - The Texas snowpocalypse was a beast. I'm so glad your family was ok, albeit probably had a lot of repairs to contend with. I have lived in several different areas around the country, including Buffalo, NY, and the February storm topped the mountains of snow there. You had rats, we had fuzzy tailed tree rats. Somehow they sneak their way in and scare the beejeebies out of you. Your husband was quick on his feet to knock that rat out! My husband swung a large rubbermaid storage tub lid like a golf club and launched the squirrel back outside where it belonged. Every day for 2 months after the incident, whenever my husband was outside, that squirrel would sit in a tree and chatter non-stop at him. I think he held a grudge.
LOL I can picture the whole battle! We had just moved 4 days before snowpocalypse and had severe damage.... after 6 months of repairs we sold a "brand new house" to a sweet family minus rats.
Wow. These are incredible hardships, for both you and Kari! Lord, we are holding on to You! Love the squirrel story. Our Jewish cat Amos (that’s his name) has 2 squirrel friends that visit him every day at the window. They are so cute and playful, but boy can they tear up a house…. 🌻
I was just sitting here with my daughter and she was telling me that a women was pushed to her death on the train (I live in New York). It's a horrific world that we are living in, but God keeps me grounded and quite truthfully sane. Everytime I read his book, he reminds us not to live in fear it's not an easy thing to do nowadays, but the Bible reminds us that he will come for us and then we can be enveloped in his arms, feel safe, but most of all feel his love. I wait in anticipation, as I'm sure do all of you my brothers and sisters. God bless us all and keep us safe.
When we walk into a department store in August and see Christmas decorations advertised on the shelves, we know that Christmas is coming! Well, the earth is “advertising” right now that Jesus is coming soon. So looking forward to getting my heavenly hug from Jesus.
Great article!! And even greater still to be able to share with other Believers here on this platform without fear of having to put your guard up for haters backlash. I truly love my TP family, you all are so loving and encouraging, can’t wait to meet you all someday.
When I think about the Marriage Supper, I feel so sorry for everyone. You have to be locked in with me for 7 years and I can't even stand myself for 7 hours...remember Jesus commands grace folks!
Huh! Funny! Don’t worry. All the brokenness will be gone once we get to Heaven, yours and ours!!! I gotta feeling you may be the life of the party!! Grace abounds! 🌻
I'm alittle hesitant to post a dream I had but it does seem fitting about birth pains..
A van was driving by and it's side door was open as I witnessed someone I knew in agonizing labour..
The I was in the hospital giving birth also..
But I was wrapped in a cocoon like cover..
I was protected and had no pain.
Outside the hospital room I also stood with Jesus who was also my doctor...He said "how old are you?" (He was joking)
I said "lord you know I'm 61" He laughed and said you don't look a day over 30" I loving smiled and put my head on His shoulder and watched my painless delivery!!!
Thankyou Pam for sharing, dreams are powerful. It seems God might be ramping up the dreams amongst us to let us know that He has Jesus right at the door about to come for us. Thankyou Pam. 💖💖🌻
I love it when Jesus starts to comfort in such extra special ways…. He was just telling all of us olders that He’s got it covered as the birth pangs start to increase…. Thanks for sharing. Keep it coming! That was an end times dream!🌻
Actually Kris it is what I think was end times also but as I posted this I thought of the rapture.. when I woke up the song was playing on my phone " I'll fly away" I thought was I going to die? (Which I have no fear of) but realized it's possibly a rapture dream
Pastor Jimmy, I’ve been wanting to ask this question for a while. I am very troubled and burdened for the people who call themselves Christians, but yet their lives do not reflect a relationship with Jesus Christ. It makes me think of the parable of the ten virgins. Since the ten virgins (if I recall your teaching correctly), represent the Church of today, where half have a relationship with and know Christ and the other half don’t, then when the Rapture occurs and the door is shut on the foolish virgins (who would be those people who call themselves Christians of today within the church that do not really have a relationship with Christ prior to the Rapture), does this mean that even though Christ didn’t know them at the time of the Rapture, that they would still be able to accept Jesus as their Savior - even though it means that they cannot escape the tribulation but will have to endure it?
Hi Terri, I think you’re asking if people who are *not* believers before the tribulation and were not raptured but left behind— will they be able to accept Jesus as their Savior during the trib? YES!!! God’s grace extends beyond the rapture … Jimmy has shared that millions if not billions of people will NOT take the mark of the beast & will be saved. These are the 7 year tribulation saints and will most likely be martyred for their faith in Jesus.💛💛
Yes, more or less - that’s the question. But it’s the most chilling, devastating sentence a person could ever hear - “…Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.” Matt. 25:12 I see now that this is different than when, in Luke 13:22-30 that it seems like Jesus is addressing those people who, when standing in front of the judgment seat, are crying Lord, Lord… and He replies that He does not know them. Those people have already foregone their last chance to accept him, whereas, with the five foolish virgins, they (unsaved people) will still have the chance to repent and accept Jesus during the tribulation.
Terri I completely agree!!! 😭 Thinking one is a Christian and hearing the most terrifying words that “I didn’t know you”. I love all the articles and shows Jimmy has shared with us exactly how to know if we are followers of Jesus Christ. Keep sharing the good news Amen! Praise God for His grace to the very end of the end.💛
So true. I love it that God uses the analogy of “birth pangs” to describe how things will start coming faster and faster, and you honestly feel like you aren’t going to be able to take much more… Women who have had babies can relate to this in a big way. Others just have to take our word for it. The baby does come eventually, thankfully. I’m starting to feel like I can’t take much more. But I can. We can. As the last generation, we were designed for this. Thank-You Jesus. We give You thanks and praise. We are in Your hands. 🌻
So well put! Just when you've reached your "breaking point" the baby comes and instant relief. We will all soon have relief. Amen!!
What a great reminder- instant relief, followed by inexpressible joy! 🙌❤️👏🏻🙏🏼
Amen! We have a lot of work to do— steady the course!💛
Gee whiz Kris...are you trying to get the award for most likes? (I added mine)! Love it!
Hi Rachel. I happen to be a Special Education School Bus Driver and have transported many Downs kids over the years…. Some of my favorite kids! Such a gift from God. And 5 C-sections!! You go girl! 🌻
Rachel your 36 year old son will one day soon have no health issues and not be labeled down syndrome but perfect in the Presence of the Lord! Our first son was severely brained damaged during birth with a lack of oxygen and died at three months old. One day soon I will meet him in Heaven and he too will be perfect. His father, my husband who had a 9 year journey with Alzheimer's disease dying in 2014 knows him fully! No more health issues, syndromes, disease or lack of oxygen. No more death! One day soon we will leave earth's pain to be with our God for all eternity in the awesome JOY OF OUR SALVATION! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! ❤️🙏
For a number of years I taught Sunday school to down and autistic kids. I honestly felt they were much more spiritually connected in many ways. So full of joy and Gods love. What precious relationships. So special to experience their unconditional love!
They are truly filled with and give God's agape love to all they encounter!
THANK YOU RACHEL. He has walked with me all my life often carrying me.
Beautiful Linda, God has definitely got his hand on your granddaughter hasn't he? Wonderful. Thankyou for sharing. 💖💖💖
Oh thankyou Rachel for sharing, this is beautiful. It is so wonderful he can see, most likely God's angels. Beautiful. 💖💖💖
We have had folks in our government calling evil things good and good things evil. The people have at times changed their life by saying they were not man but woman or vise versa. These are abominations to GOD yet they still do it.Our nation, our world cannot continue in this manner. GOD won't let us he will make everything new and destroy evil. I have also believed from a young age that we are the generation to see His coming and I cant Waite for that glorius day.
“If Antichrist is close, Jesus Christ is even closer.” Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!
For those who say the pre-trib Rapture would require "three comings" of Jesus, if we are called to meet Him in the sky, He would never come to earth. That preserves the Second Coming to the end of the tribulation and the "end of times." The whole "thief in the night" analogy only works for the Rapture. He will come with the seventh trumpet blast on a horse in a very public and visible event during His second coming. No one on the planet will miss His arrival.
I share the feelings of many of the commenters here, the amount of criminality and pure evil at work in the world today is stunning. When you were a teenager, did you ever envision it getting this bad? I have long felt these were extraordinary times and when I found Jimmy's site, it clicked. While I had hoped goodness and common sense would prevail and mankind could turn this around, I realize now this the final act of pre-destiny. Jesus will end this evil world after a final test of those who claim to be Christians. Do not fall for the Great Deception. May God bless us all and keep us safe.
Birth pains indeed!!! The earthquake and Tsunami warning yesterday, intense weather out east. I don’t remember who in this forum said it awhile ago, but when I see these headlines, though my heart gets heavy for whomever may be affected, I look up and praise the Lord knowing He is coming soon!! 🙌🏻
In the meantime, we continue to speak truth with love, pray without ceasing, bear down and breathe! 🙏🏻🙌🏻
And… the epic ice storm in Texas last year. Our home was destroyed in that storm from a frozen pipe. Unprecedented storm! ❄️
Oh Kari! I'm so sorry you experienced that level of damage. We were without power for over 60 hours. When the inside temperature of our house dropped to 40 degrees, I pulled out every candle I had, put them into groups, and rotated the groups burning/resting in all of the crucial rooms in the house so we constantly had a source of heat. It actually raised the inside temperature to 52 degrees - which was still so cold. We were praying like crazy when my husband felt led to light our gas fireplace (even though when we bought the house our home inspector said not to use it because the chimney had issues that could cause a fire). When my husband opened the chimney flue, he discovered we had a squirrel who had chewed through our chimney cap and was busy making a nest in the chimney and did NOT appreciate my husband opening the flu or lighting the gas burners. And theeennnnn the Chevy Chase 'Christmas Vacation' squirrel incident commenced inside our home. We went from being afraid we were going to freeze to death to busting a gut laughing at my husband in mortal combat with the squirrel and its mate. My husband finally won and we sustained some damage from the squirrel, but we saved our plumbing..... and we're still teasing my husband about the squirrel. LOL.
Chris this is the best story!!!! Squirrel Wars 🐿 We had a family of large fat rats 🐀 FALL down from the frozen attic. I nearly died realizing they had been living with us—my husband popped one over the head with a broken staircase spindle and killed it instantly! Haha I was born in Minnesota, grew up in Chicago & lived 21 years in the Ozarks! We’ve lived through many ice storms but the Texas storm of 2021 beat us up! 🥶 God was faithful and filled ALL the cracks with gold.
Kari - The Texas snowpocalypse was a beast. I'm so glad your family was ok, albeit probably had a lot of repairs to contend with. I have lived in several different areas around the country, including Buffalo, NY, and the February storm topped the mountains of snow there. You had rats, we had fuzzy tailed tree rats. Somehow they sneak their way in and scare the beejeebies out of you. Your husband was quick on his feet to knock that rat out! My husband swung a large rubbermaid storage tub lid like a golf club and launched the squirrel back outside where it belonged. Every day for 2 months after the incident, whenever my husband was outside, that squirrel would sit in a tree and chatter non-stop at him. I think he held a grudge.
LOL I can picture the whole battle! We had just moved 4 days before snowpocalypse and had severe damage.... after 6 months of repairs we sold a "brand new house" to a sweet family minus rats.
Love it!!! Jesus gets us through!! 🌻
Wow. These are incredible hardships, for both you and Kari! Lord, we are holding on to You! Love the squirrel story. Our Jewish cat Amos (that’s his name) has 2 squirrel friends that visit him every day at the window. They are so cute and playful, but boy can they tear up a house…. 🌻
I was just sitting here with my daughter and she was telling me that a women was pushed to her death on the train (I live in New York). It's a horrific world that we are living in, but God keeps me grounded and quite truthfully sane. Everytime I read his book, he reminds us not to live in fear it's not an easy thing to do nowadays, but the Bible reminds us that he will come for us and then we can be enveloped in his arms, feel safe, but most of all feel his love. I wait in anticipation, as I'm sure do all of you my brothers and sisters. God bless us all and keep us safe.
When we walk into a department store in August and see Christmas decorations advertised on the shelves, we know that Christmas is coming! Well, the earth is “advertising” right now that Jesus is coming soon. So looking forward to getting my heavenly hug from Jesus.
Prayers for SW Florida! Tornado warning ... waterspout with rotation moving 40 mph
Amen! Come quickly Lord Jesus!❤🙏
Great article!! And even greater still to be able to share with other Believers here on this platform without fear of having to put your guard up for haters backlash. I truly love my TP family, you all are so loving and encouraging, can’t wait to meet you all someday.
When I think about the Marriage Supper, I feel so sorry for everyone. You have to be locked in with me for 7 years and I can't even stand myself for 7 hours...remember Jesus commands grace folks!
Huh! Funny! Don’t worry. All the brokenness will be gone once we get to Heaven, yours and ours!!! I gotta feeling you may be the life of the party!! Grace abounds! 🌻
I have a feeling you're right. Steve has that subtle humor that is the best kind.
I believe that Jesus is coming very soon.I hope that he comes in my life time I am seventy four and I want to see him in all his glory.
I'm alittle hesitant to post a dream I had but it does seem fitting about birth pains..
A van was driving by and it's side door was open as I witnessed someone I knew in agonizing labour..
The I was in the hospital giving birth also..
But I was wrapped in a cocoon like cover..
I was protected and had no pain.
Outside the hospital room I also stood with Jesus who was also my doctor...He said "how old are you?" (He was joking)
I said "lord you know I'm 61" He laughed and said you don't look a day over 30" I loving smiled and put my head on His shoulder and watched my painless delivery!!!
Thankyou Pam for sharing, dreams are powerful. It seems God might be ramping up the dreams amongst us to let us know that He has Jesus right at the door about to come for us. Thankyou Pam. 💖💖🌻
Second to the word the lord speak alot to me in dreams...probably because I'm quiet
I love it when Jesus starts to comfort in such extra special ways…. He was just telling all of us olders that He’s got it covered as the birth pangs start to increase…. Thanks for sharing. Keep it coming! That was an end times dream!🌻
Actually Kris it is what I think was end times also but as I posted this I thought of the rapture.. when I woke up the song was playing on my phone " I'll fly away" I thought was I going to die? (Which I have no fear of) but realized it's possibly a rapture dream
Yup! That’s what my Spirit tells me. And I love that You shared it! We have all been Blessed and encouraged!! That what the gifts are for!! 🌻
Thanks Kris 😊
That was the song that my Dad wanted for his funeral.
Bring it on, Thankyou Jesus and thankyou Jimmy for saving me I feel truly blessed for you bringing me closer to Jesus and GOD
Pastor Jimmy, I’ve been wanting to ask this question for a while. I am very troubled and burdened for the people who call themselves Christians, but yet their lives do not reflect a relationship with Jesus Christ. It makes me think of the parable of the ten virgins. Since the ten virgins (if I recall your teaching correctly), represent the Church of today, where half have a relationship with and know Christ and the other half don’t, then when the Rapture occurs and the door is shut on the foolish virgins (who would be those people who call themselves Christians of today within the church that do not really have a relationship with Christ prior to the Rapture), does this mean that even though Christ didn’t know them at the time of the Rapture, that they would still be able to accept Jesus as their Savior - even though it means that they cannot escape the tribulation but will have to endure it?
Hi Terri, I think you’re asking if people who are *not* believers before the tribulation and were not raptured but left behind— will they be able to accept Jesus as their Savior during the trib? YES!!! God’s grace extends beyond the rapture … Jimmy has shared that millions if not billions of people will NOT take the mark of the beast & will be saved. These are the 7 year tribulation saints and will most likely be martyred for their faith in Jesus.💛💛
Yes, more or less - that’s the question. But it’s the most chilling, devastating sentence a person could ever hear - “…Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.” Matt. 25:12 I see now that this is different than when, in Luke 13:22-30 that it seems like Jesus is addressing those people who, when standing in front of the judgment seat, are crying Lord, Lord… and He replies that He does not know them. Those people have already foregone their last chance to accept him, whereas, with the five foolish virgins, they (unsaved people) will still have the chance to repent and accept Jesus during the tribulation.
Terri I completely agree!!! 😭 Thinking one is a Christian and hearing the most terrifying words that “I didn’t know you”. I love all the articles and shows Jimmy has shared with us exactly how to know if we are followers of Jesus Christ. Keep sharing the good news Amen! Praise God for His grace to the very end of the end.💛
Stay focused. 🙏🤗❤️
Is not the Great Tribulation the last 3 1/2 years of the 7 year-tribulation period, Matthew 24:15-21?
You got it!! 🌻