I’m grateful for the teaching you are providing on prophecy the book of revelstion and end times. What a glorious hope we have and Heaven is awaiting our homecoming (this is what to teach and talk about with children). Ant recommendations on other end times books including Study:commentaries on revelations?
John Walvoord's commentary on the book of Revelation is really good. I like all of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's books. Dr. Thomas Horn is a great author with many end times books. Thanks Shari!
One of the children’s workers at my church asked me how she should present the “Rapture” to the kids “without scaring them” (elementary aged). Any suggestions?
I think Pastor Jimmy should write a Tipping Point for Kids! :) Our 13 year old hears me talk (a lot) about end times/rapture and she actually told me it makes her feel nervous... mainly due to the fact she loves her life, her family/friends, and pets. So I've changed the way I talk in front of her....she LOVES the Lord and is a follower of Jesus, but I keep things simple, positive & validating the incredible life God created for her. And the hope that the best is yet to come. As far as curriculum for Sunday School.... I'll keep my eyes open.
I talk about it with my 6 year old all the time. He doesn't seem nervous. I lost my mom when he was just shy of turning 3. He doesn't remember her, but we talk about her often. I explain that when people die, they're not really "gone" , they're just not here. They are with Jesus. I explain that there will be a trumpet sound one day and everybody that's still here gets to go up to heaven. To explain "heaven" I just say, there's nothing to be worried about or afraid of. It's just God making things Perfect like it was always supposed to be. It's the most wonderful place, no bad guys, nothing but good stuff. It's a place to look forward to going to. I explain that there will be animals and things there as well. Explain that in the garden of Eden things were supposed to be perfect, a perfect place, nobody had to work etc. Then when the devil caused Adam and Eve to sin, the world got cursed and going to heaven is just going to the place where God makes everything "right" and perfect again. I also explain that Kids are the most special people to God and in fact, it tells us that Grown ups have to become like a little kid just to get to go to heaven.
You can also share with the children that there are going to be so many children in heaven. It's like a big playground with everything bright, fun, joy, food, and Jesus. It's going to be incredible!
Yes! I love this idea! How to present the whole end times scenario to children in a way that they will know Biblical Truth, without being fearful of what is yet to come! That being in His presence would feel so natural, that being with Him in Heaven won’t be that big of a change!
Yes, I hear this as well, that generations before us thought that Jesus was coming in their generation as well, and He didn’t, so why bother? My standard answer to that is that it was their BLESSED HOPE as well!! It is how we get through whatever our generation is dishing up! In fact every generation needs the BLESSED HOPE and one of these generations will be it! But it is almost as though they use this argument so they can believe something else, that is not nearly as well supported from the Bible. Why? Who is teaching this persuasion? And why would the Church be so turned off at having the Blessed Hope? Is it just too hard to get our heads around? I agree the big difference for this generation is 1949, to say the least. Just when we are closer than ever, and the Church should be more excited than ever, for the RETURN of Jesus for His Bride, the opposite seems true. None the less. I am excited. Very excited! And glad for all the info! A new beginning, in a changed forever World! The Blessed Hope! Come Lord Jesus! Come today!
Awesome recap, Jimmy! FYI, my wife and I are thinking about coming to your marriage conference in Pittsburgh in April (we live in Philadelphia). Please pray for the LORD to provide a way for us to attend :-)
Jimmy, I have been following your teachings for the past two years and you have brought me so much closer to God. Thank you for that. I have a question that is puzzling me with the timeline. I believe you said it is very possible that the rapture could take place this year. I Googled, how long it would take to rebuild the Temple. And it said with today’s technology, probably around 10 years. So if the rapture ushers in the start of the seven year tribulation, how would it be possible for the desolation of abomination to take place after 3.5 years?
We can also be assured that we are that generation of Christ's return because this will not take place until the "third day". 2 Pet 3:8 states, But beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. It has been "2" days (2000 years) since the Lord's death/resurrection and 6000 years lease is up on this earth. We are the 3rd day christians and going home soon!!
Jimmy, I have a serious question, & want to know what you think. Everyone talks about the "generation that will not pass away til all these things are fulfilled" as being a generation of time. But I have heard others, like Mark Hitchcock, suggest that that is not what it means at all. They say if you dig deep into the interpretation of that, it means that the generation actually means the Jews living in the last half of the tribulation will not pass away until everything is fulfilled. That they will be protected by God. I know it's not what most people have been raised to believe or interpret, but is this correct? What if the generation is not actually a time period, but talking about the Jews? I hear so much lately about "rightly dividing the Word", & most people know that Matthew 24 is about the Jews, not the church. I don't want to make mistakes, or be believing the wrong thing. If you have the time, could you research this & let me know what your thoughts are? If it is true, I'd rather be in the minority & be believing the right thing, than be in the majority & be believing the wrong thing. Everyone is trying to pin down a timeline to the rapture, & I don't believe that is the right thing to do.... especially if the "generation" is talking about the Jews. Appreciate your answer, & I will be looking for it. I do not believe this is a common question, because I think 99% of people think 70-80 years from 1948 is the generation in Matt.24. Sorry for the lengthy question, but is it referring to the generation of Jews in the last half of the trib not passing until all is fulfilled?
Can I try answering this? The short version of course. (Trust me if I am wrong, Jimmy Evans will let us know). But to me this seems like a slightly different spin on the same thing. If the Jews are in the second half of the Tribulation, then the Rapture happened three and a half years, give or take, prior. And that is still part of the last generation, the same generation, if you will, that we are most likely in right now. And why do you say that Matthew 24 is about the Jews? It is about the Church, and the Jews at that point, as our destinies are very much entwined, as the birth pangs for the Church lead to the actual end time events themselves! We go the the House He has prepared for us at the Rapture, and they go into the Tribulation (yes they are protected). We all come together again at the The Second Coming just before the 1000 year Reign of Christ. Then the Great White throne Judgement, and then the end of the age.... The end is here!
Good job Kris! And I would just add that Joel 3:1-3 makes it very clear that in the same time frame that God brings back Israel to their land (1948), He will gather the world together at Armageddon and enter into judgment with them. The last days are a one generation event and Matthew 24:34 isn't the only Scripture where we find this truth. Hope this helps Kelley! Thanks for your help Kris!
Pastor Jimmy, you've taught us the importance of gaining wisdom & knowledge and understanding on the end times teachings from the Word. Thank you for making your posts clear & current, although not easy at times to read about the birth pains happening now & coming, always life-changing. One of the most exciting posts (for me) you wrote on 9/10/20 was about the return of Elijah and the RESTORATION of the family. “Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord arrives. His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. Malachi 4:5 You shared that just before Jesus returns, Elijah comes back to prepare the way.... "we should expect a greater prophetic fulfillment of Elijah’s family-restoring ministry before Jesus returns. Elijah “will restore all things." You also mentioned that today.... we can all speak up for the vulnerable in the spirit & power of Elijah. WOW! This gives us incredible hope. I would LOVE to learn more about this-- looking for the return of Elijah (don't want to miss this miracle) We won't know the identity of the antichrist, but definitely sounds like we will know when Elijah comes back....do you feel he's already here?
In Matthew 17:12-13 Jesus said Elijah has already come. And it says He was speaking of John the Baptist. I believe the coming of Elijah is both spiritual and literal. I believe the message of repentance and returning to our love for Jesus, our spouses and our children is a prophetic message for our day preached by those who possess the spirit of Elijah - just like John the Baptist. But I also believe the two witnesses are literally Enoch and Elijah. For three and a half years Elijah will preach to Israel and the world a message of repentance. And that will pave the way for the return of Christ. Thanks for the question Kari! You keep me on my toes!!
Thank you Pastor Jimmy.... you keep us all on our toes! ;) This is such an intriguing subject...I just can't get enough. You preach & write on marriage/family restoration & repentance always pointing us to our love for Jesus. What I'm hearing you say is the coming of Elijah is both spiritual & literal.... those who possess the spirit/power of Elijah are on the front lines right now, today helping the vulnerable. (That includes you too!!) You know my dad gave his life helping restore family/marriage and my hubby is a marriage/family pastor. WOW! This encourages me to keep praying bigger and bolder for restoration. Grateful for you!
Hi Kari, I am wondering if Pastor Jimmy was referencing Elijah coming as 1 of the 2 Witnesses that are talked about in Revelation 11:1-14? I have heard him say before that he believes the 2 Witnesses are Elijah and Enoch. They have a very important ministry during the Tribulation period, before Jesus Returns for the Second Coming in Revelation 19.
As I was reading this article it hit me that right now many of us in our nation are fighting for our children and the destruction of the family. Some examples, the church really focusing on building marriage and family (like Jimmy Evans and his XO team), the fight of the woke curriculum being taught in schools where many families are speaking up and pulling their children out of that environment to homeschool or placing them in a Christian school or charter school, more Christians are standing up to ungodly government policies and willing to run for office in their area, more people are searching for God, the fight of human trafficking, and abortion. The spirit of Elijah is preparing the way!
Ok Yes, thanks for sending the article! I think he is talking about Elijah who will preach and teach to the World at that point by way of technology, but in Jerusalem, to the Jews, during the first half of the Tribulation. The Jews are looking for him to return, and he will, as a Witness to the fact that Jesus is the Messiah! That will include all of God’s Truth about marriage and family and all things Jesus.... The Jews will recognize him, and it will be part of what will bring them to Jesus, and anyone else who is listening.... I pray my kids, if they are left behind, in America, will hear, and be healed, and come to Christ from the preaching of Elijah.... Thank-you Jesus, for sending Elijah soon!
I really believe that Jesus is soon to come, seems like when a disaster occurred it is every where not in one or two states, but every where. In some states all churches are closed that is scary, ice storms and snow storms everywhere, pandemic everywhere and the list goes on. Praying time
Hey guys, i am subscribed on YouTube to jimmy evans page and watch the tipping point videos there. I pay for the annual subscription to the tipping point updates aso but haven’t figured out where to find the second part of the videos that I pay for. Does anyone have a solution for this? Thanks in advance
Our church never talks about this and I feel like it is so important to understand the times and signs going on around us.
I’m grateful for the teaching you are providing on prophecy the book of revelstion and end times. What a glorious hope we have and Heaven is awaiting our homecoming (this is what to teach and talk about with children). Ant recommendations on other end times books including Study:commentaries on revelations?
John Walvoord's commentary on the book of Revelation is really good. I like all of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's books. Dr. Thomas Horn is a great author with many end times books. Thanks Shari!
Thanks!! I ordered that Commentary on the book of Revelation! It will be nice to have a commentary that I can rely on!!
Thank you! Can’t wait to start reading
One of the children’s workers at my church asked me how she should present the “Rapture” to the kids “without scaring them” (elementary aged). Any suggestions?
I think Pastor Jimmy should write a Tipping Point for Kids! :) Our 13 year old hears me talk (a lot) about end times/rapture and she actually told me it makes her feel nervous... mainly due to the fact she loves her life, her family/friends, and pets. So I've changed the way I talk in front of her....she LOVES the Lord and is a follower of Jesus, but I keep things simple, positive & validating the incredible life God created for her. And the hope that the best is yet to come. As far as curriculum for Sunday School.... I'll keep my eyes open.
Thank you!
I talk about it with my 6 year old all the time. He doesn't seem nervous. I lost my mom when he was just shy of turning 3. He doesn't remember her, but we talk about her often. I explain that when people die, they're not really "gone" , they're just not here. They are with Jesus. I explain that there will be a trumpet sound one day and everybody that's still here gets to go up to heaven. To explain "heaven" I just say, there's nothing to be worried about or afraid of. It's just God making things Perfect like it was always supposed to be. It's the most wonderful place, no bad guys, nothing but good stuff. It's a place to look forward to going to. I explain that there will be animals and things there as well. Explain that in the garden of Eden things were supposed to be perfect, a perfect place, nobody had to work etc. Then when the devil caused Adam and Eve to sin, the world got cursed and going to heaven is just going to the place where God makes everything "right" and perfect again. I also explain that Kids are the most special people to God and in fact, it tells us that Grown ups have to become like a little kid just to get to go to heaven.
That is great! Thank you for replying to me. Do you mind if I share this with my friend who works with the children?
You can also share with the children that there are going to be so many children in heaven. It's like a big playground with everything bright, fun, joy, food, and Jesus. It's going to be incredible!
Yes! I love this idea! How to present the whole end times scenario to children in a way that they will know Biblical Truth, without being fearful of what is yet to come! That being in His presence would feel so natural, that being with Him in Heaven won’t be that big of a change!
Yes, I hear this as well, that generations before us thought that Jesus was coming in their generation as well, and He didn’t, so why bother? My standard answer to that is that it was their BLESSED HOPE as well!! It is how we get through whatever our generation is dishing up! In fact every generation needs the BLESSED HOPE and one of these generations will be it! But it is almost as though they use this argument so they can believe something else, that is not nearly as well supported from the Bible. Why? Who is teaching this persuasion? And why would the Church be so turned off at having the Blessed Hope? Is it just too hard to get our heads around? I agree the big difference for this generation is 1949, to say the least. Just when we are closer than ever, and the Church should be more excited than ever, for the RETURN of Jesus for His Bride, the opposite seems true. None the less. I am excited. Very excited! And glad for all the info! A new beginning, in a changed forever World! The Blessed Hope! Come Lord Jesus! Come today!
Sorry, 1948. The other number, 1949, is my School Bus # :)
Awesome recap, Jimmy! FYI, my wife and I are thinking about coming to your marriage conference in Pittsburgh in April (we live in Philadelphia). Please pray for the LORD to provide a way for us to attend :-)
Hope to see you there Jeremy! I hope I get to meet you!
Thanks, Jimmy! I stepped out in faith and purchased 2 tickets. We just have to arrange the rest of the logistics :-)
Thank you Jimmy! I wish all pastors were awake enough to teach on this. Thank you.
Me too!
Thank you, Jimmy Evans, for keeping us informed and focused. My subscription is worth every penny and more.
Jimmy, I have been following your teachings for the past two years and you have brought me so much closer to God. Thank you for that. I have a question that is puzzling me with the timeline. I believe you said it is very possible that the rapture could take place this year. I Googled, how long it would take to rebuild the Temple. And it said with today’s technology, probably around 10 years. So if the rapture ushers in the start of the seven year tribulation, how would it be possible for the desolation of abomination to take place after 3.5 years?
We can also be assured that we are that generation of Christ's return because this will not take place until the "third day". 2 Pet 3:8 states, But beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. It has been "2" days (2000 years) since the Lord's death/resurrection and 6000 years lease is up on this earth. We are the 3rd day christians and going home soon!!
Jimmy, I have a serious question, & want to know what you think. Everyone talks about the "generation that will not pass away til all these things are fulfilled" as being a generation of time. But I have heard others, like Mark Hitchcock, suggest that that is not what it means at all. They say if you dig deep into the interpretation of that, it means that the generation actually means the Jews living in the last half of the tribulation will not pass away until everything is fulfilled. That they will be protected by God. I know it's not what most people have been raised to believe or interpret, but is this correct? What if the generation is not actually a time period, but talking about the Jews? I hear so much lately about "rightly dividing the Word", & most people know that Matthew 24 is about the Jews, not the church. I don't want to make mistakes, or be believing the wrong thing. If you have the time, could you research this & let me know what your thoughts are? If it is true, I'd rather be in the minority & be believing the right thing, than be in the majority & be believing the wrong thing. Everyone is trying to pin down a timeline to the rapture, & I don't believe that is the right thing to do.... especially if the "generation" is talking about the Jews. Appreciate your answer, & I will be looking for it. I do not believe this is a common question, because I think 99% of people think 70-80 years from 1948 is the generation in Matt.24. Sorry for the lengthy question, but is it referring to the generation of Jews in the last half of the trib not passing until all is fulfilled?
Can I try answering this? The short version of course. (Trust me if I am wrong, Jimmy Evans will let us know). But to me this seems like a slightly different spin on the same thing. If the Jews are in the second half of the Tribulation, then the Rapture happened three and a half years, give or take, prior. And that is still part of the last generation, the same generation, if you will, that we are most likely in right now. And why do you say that Matthew 24 is about the Jews? It is about the Church, and the Jews at that point, as our destinies are very much entwined, as the birth pangs for the Church lead to the actual end time events themselves! We go the the House He has prepared for us at the Rapture, and they go into the Tribulation (yes they are protected). We all come together again at the The Second Coming just before the 1000 year Reign of Christ. Then the Great White throne Judgement, and then the end of the age.... The end is here!
Good job Kris! And I would just add that Joel 3:1-3 makes it very clear that in the same time frame that God brings back Israel to their land (1948), He will gather the world together at Armageddon and enter into judgment with them. The last days are a one generation event and Matthew 24:34 isn't the only Scripture where we find this truth. Hope this helps Kelley! Thanks for your help Kris!
Pastor Jimmy, you've taught us the importance of gaining wisdom & knowledge and understanding on the end times teachings from the Word. Thank you for making your posts clear & current, although not easy at times to read about the birth pains happening now & coming, always life-changing. One of the most exciting posts (for me) you wrote on 9/10/20 was about the return of Elijah and the RESTORATION of the family. “Look, I am sending you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord arrives. His preaching will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. Malachi 4:5 You shared that just before Jesus returns, Elijah comes back to prepare the way.... "we should expect a greater prophetic fulfillment of Elijah’s family-restoring ministry before Jesus returns. Elijah “will restore all things." You also mentioned that today.... we can all speak up for the vulnerable in the spirit & power of Elijah. WOW! This gives us incredible hope. I would LOVE to learn more about this-- looking for the return of Elijah (don't want to miss this miracle) We won't know the identity of the antichrist, but definitely sounds like we will know when Elijah comes back....do you feel he's already here?
In Matthew 17:12-13 Jesus said Elijah has already come. And it says He was speaking of John the Baptist. I believe the coming of Elijah is both spiritual and literal. I believe the message of repentance and returning to our love for Jesus, our spouses and our children is a prophetic message for our day preached by those who possess the spirit of Elijah - just like John the Baptist. But I also believe the two witnesses are literally Enoch and Elijah. For three and a half years Elijah will preach to Israel and the world a message of repentance. And that will pave the way for the return of Christ. Thanks for the question Kari! You keep me on my toes!!
Thank you Pastor Jimmy.... you keep us all on our toes! ;) This is such an intriguing subject...I just can't get enough. You preach & write on marriage/family restoration & repentance always pointing us to our love for Jesus. What I'm hearing you say is the coming of Elijah is both spiritual & literal.... those who possess the spirit/power of Elijah are on the front lines right now, today helping the vulnerable. (That includes you too!!) You know my dad gave his life helping restore family/marriage and my hubby is a marriage/family pastor. WOW! This encourages me to keep praying bigger and bolder for restoration. Grateful for you!
Hi Kari, I am wondering if Pastor Jimmy was referencing Elijah coming as 1 of the 2 Witnesses that are talked about in Revelation 11:1-14? I have heard him say before that he believes the 2 Witnesses are Elijah and Enoch. They have a very important ministry during the Tribulation period, before Jesus Returns for the Second Coming in Revelation 19.
Hi Kris... that’s why I’m so excited to learn more about this particular subject of Elijah coming back to restore family globally before the rapture. I also agree that Elijah will be one of the 2 witnesses during the tribulation from Jimmy’s teaching. Here’s the post I’m referring to Elijah’s family-restoring ministry— https://endtimes.substack.com/p/dismantling-the-family-with-policy?r=1n6os&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=copy
This is an incredible miracle!!
As I was reading this article it hit me that right now many of us in our nation are fighting for our children and the destruction of the family. Some examples, the church really focusing on building marriage and family (like Jimmy Evans and his XO team), the fight of the woke curriculum being taught in schools where many families are speaking up and pulling their children out of that environment to homeschool or placing them in a Christian school or charter school, more Christians are standing up to ungodly government policies and willing to run for office in their area, more people are searching for God, the fight of human trafficking, and abortion. The spirit of Elijah is preparing the way!
Ok Yes, thanks for sending the article! I think he is talking about Elijah who will preach and teach to the World at that point by way of technology, but in Jerusalem, to the Jews, during the first half of the Tribulation. The Jews are looking for him to return, and he will, as a Witness to the fact that Jesus is the Messiah! That will include all of God’s Truth about marriage and family and all things Jesus.... The Jews will recognize him, and it will be part of what will bring them to Jesus, and anyone else who is listening.... I pray my kids, if they are left behind, in America, will hear, and be healed, and come to Christ from the preaching of Elijah.... Thank-you Jesus, for sending Elijah soon!
Praying his return is in 2021!
This is GOLD, as usual. Thanks for this great resource.
I really believe that Jesus is soon to come, seems like when a disaster occurred it is every where not in one or two states, but every where. In some states all churches are closed that is scary, ice storms and snow storms everywhere, pandemic everywhere and the list goes on. Praying time
Does the Bible say if the new temple must be built before the rapture? The temple still seems a few years off?
Hey guys, i am subscribed on YouTube to jimmy evans page and watch the tipping point videos there. I pay for the annual subscription to the tipping point updates aso but haven’t figured out where to find the second part of the videos that I pay for. Does anyone have a solution for this? Thanks in advance
Hi Cody,
You can watch the full videos when you are logged into your subscriber's account here on endtimes.com.
Feel free to email support@endtimes.com or call +1(866)363-8163 with any questions you may have.
I emailed the support, thanks for referring me to the correct location.
Cody I’m having the same problem? I copied the url like it said and nothing happened?!?