It’s so frustrating sometimes because I have friends and even some family that are either in denial or just absolutely will not talk about it. They say the world has always been this way, people thought in the 30’s and 40’s it was almost over, now here we are 80 years later. Which I have a good explanation for that, and I know from reading God’s word and praying a lot that we are near the end. Closer than ever! My soul feels it. It’s like the atmosphere is heavy. But so many I know just don’t see it and it makes me sad for them. Thank you to Jimmy Evans and all his staff for all the wonderful messages and things they put out. It’s helped me grow so much! Please continue to share your love of The Lord and these times we are in! God bless you all.

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It’s ironic that this is actually one of the signs of the last times. “Where is the promise of His coming? All things continue as they have from the beginning” is the prevalent attitude. And one of the warning signs that we’ve actually reached the end times. I’m thankful that this TP family is well aware and awake, lamps lit and full of oil.

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So true Justin. I'm grateful we have this place and this family to learn from and stay encouraged. Logging in and spending time here is my favorite part of the day, behind spending time with Jesus and my family.

How are you and Melanie doing brother? Continuing to lift you both in prayer buddy.

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Hey there my friend. We are good, one day at a time. Our local church that is new to us are embracing and supporting us like never expected. I always know it could be way worse. My wife is struggling but she is strong and tough. I am struggling too, with my back. Xrays showed all kinds of degeneration since my original injury and I likely have compression fractures in my thorassic vertebrae from a couple dumb falls I took recently. Headed for an MRI next. Would rather just hit the easy button (AKA Jesus healing button) and skip the rest. I know He’s got a plan for it all. I just want to be doing everything for His kingdom while I can. He’s called each of us to work where and when we are and He didn’t call anybody else to do some of these jobs. So I am hoping to get patched back together on my end. God bless brother.

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You are a true warrior, Justin for God’s Kingdom. Many continued prayers for you and Melanie. Healing and restoration comfort. 🙏

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Thank you, that means a lot. Thanks for praying over us.

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Thank you for the update. I can only imagine what you both are feeling. Continuing my prayers for you and your amazing wife. If there is ever a time that you feel the need for prayer with another person, you would be wrong not to say it. Until then and if, just know that those prayers will continue.

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You are an inspiration to all of us Justin. Lord, just help me to be more like my brothers and sisters here on T.P. I fall so short. The Lord has given all of us the opportunity to witness to others. Each of us have our own abilities. Maybe it's in words of kindness to one who is in need. Maybe it is a song of praise to help those who are discouraged. Whatever one's ability is, God can use to help others. There are so many here on T.P. that I feel are such great warriors for the kingdom. Each one of you inspire me in your own way. May God's blessings be many upon each one of you, and Justin, I pray the Lord completely heals your back. He is able and the Bible says that by his stripes we are healed.

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Thank you so much, I would love to get that healed now. We are all integral members of the Body of Christ, each of us plays a unique role that can't be replaced. We are thankful for you and all the things that you do for the body of Christ here. God bless :)

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Hala. Thank you for these kind words of encouragement and your sweet spirit of love and compassion. Yes. We sure need each other to be a blessing and keep our lights burning for Jesus. Yes, it’s by His stripes we are healed, physically, and emotionally. He is our Good Good Abba Father! God bless you. May He send you a hug 🤗 and wrap you in His arms of His Love 💕 and Grace. Hug from me to Hala. 😍

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Aw! Gladys, you have made me cry!! Love you!

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Just prayed for you.

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Thank you so much Sharon, really appreciated.

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Likewise. I am grateful for believers coming together in support, encouragement and love - especially now. 👏🏻❤️👍🏻

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Amen, Justin!

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I just reminded someone of this .....just think , Israel was gone for nearly 2000 years....and is now back and doing well...WHICH WAS PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN (isn't that wild)....and as for the Mark of the Beast....the technology was not invented........but is is now....SOOOOOO, because of these 2 things alone ...one should wake up and realize ...oh wow...I didn't think about it like that...

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Mike, you are so right. If there was ever a time to know that the Bible is 100% truth, it is now! I never thought I’d see so many signs in my lifetime, but I feel privileged to be living in that time. 🙏🏻

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Right on .....to be in action is the the way to go....no time for fear...no bench warmers....

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I feel exactly just as you describe.

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I know exactly what you mean Amber. Not long ago I talking with 2 other women (both believers), one of them is like me and very interested in staying up to date with everything going on in the world from covid/vax controversies to Ukraine to Israel and we were speaking about end times prophecy. The third woman however seemed to really dislike the conversation as a whole. She said the same thing you did above that people in WWII thought it was the end too and ...it wasn't. Not only did she dismiss current world events as worthy of discussing from a prophecy standpoint it seemed she got aggressive almost about it. She even was adamant to deny that there was any government overreach happening anywhere in the world. (we are in Canada and had just gone through our Freedom Trucker thing with the bank accounts of citizens being frozen for no reason). She was a bit confrontational about that too. I was so surprised at the hard push back on it all and her disinterest in all things prophecy related. I get disinterest, it was the aggression (for lack of a better word) that really took me off guard. So many churches don't talk about this either which lends to many Christians being totally unaware.

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Hi Amber,

You are so right. It seems like for every one person we find that believes biblical prophecy is credible, we find 200 who make these same statements. I have my own family members who believe in God and even pray and love him, but they actually avoid conversations of the rapture and prophecy. I never push it. Even with other believers, I just let the conversation open naturally if it will, but I have one family member who spends a considerable amount of time with us and has this mindset. She is my Aunt, in her 70's and she is one of my favorite people. But T and I do talk about prophecy often and my son has developed a considerable interest in it (I'm really proud of him!) When my Aunt is around and my son asks a question about prophecy, I can hear my Aunt's butt cheeks squeak from the anxiety! It is heartbreaking, especially when we know that prophecy is to comfort us.

I certainly understand.

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Every day you share on here is a joy to me. I have to admit, it is some crazy description or joke that just makes me bust out laughing. That crown of righteousness will sure be great for all of us who look forward to His coming.

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🤣 I'm human, and just like every human, I like hearing that I affect others in ways that make them smile, or that some goofy joke I make has taken their mind off of the world, even if just for a moment. Some days I'm goofier than others. Today, it seems like I'm staying in a constant state of humility. This is my favorite "me" because it's when I'm the most empathetic with others and want to do nothing but pray. I think most people in the world call it a type of "depression", but praying in the Spirit isn't a depression. It's the most wonderful place in the world to be...to feel His presence and to be able to remain there is a high that I will never stop chasing. I pray that feeling for every person.

Thank you for the smile brother. :)

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Steve...no matter how serious or hard a matter is you know how to put a laugh in ones belly 😁

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Thank you so much. 🤗🤗🤗

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With everything going on and the "advancements of evil" even in the last couple of weeks, if your Aunt could get her butt cheeks to squeak before.......I bet she can get them to play the William Tell Overture now!! :)

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I have folks in my family that give me the silent treatment just for talking about God, or mentioning the sermon at church. If I speak of the time we live in, or the signs Jesus and the Bible teach, and the worst thing, The Rapture, well that gets being yelled at or doors slammed in my face. They don't understand, and yet they don't want to learn either. Really?!? Well, only the Lord can take my voice, or make me not Praise Him.

It sure gets lonely some times but I follow Christ. I'm not stopping now. So I pray.

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Hi Verna. I understand about lonely... just want someone to have a conversation about the GREATEST EVENT IN THE WORLD about to happen. I guess I'm like the others in our group, that just blow them off. I can find community right here so... I just wish some would at least not look at me funny... lol Reading through all the posts just fills me up and makes my heart so happy.

I keep this song running in my head "Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back, can't you feel it?"

we know, we know

(We know that he's coming back) we know, we know

(We know that he's coming back) we know, we know

(We know that he's coming back) woo

Have you ever thought that the world has kinda lost its way? Mmh

Crazy as it seems, yeah, I know it's gonna be okay, ooh, yeah

It doesn't scare me, it's temporary

There's something better, we got forever

And it won't be long, 'cause we know our help is on the way

The way

So, keep your head up

Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back

No, don't you give up (hey)

Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back

And when the world gets complicated

We're gonna keep on celebrating

'Cause we know (yeah, we know)

Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back

We gotta stay awake 'cause nobody knows the day or time, no

The trumpet's gonna blow and the skies are gonna open wide, ooh yeah

He's coming for us, just like He told us

It's been a long wait, but there's a new day

And we're gonna sing Hallelujah when the King arrives

Oh, you know you gotta keep your head up

Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back

No, don't you give up (no, no)

'Cause Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back

And when the world gets complicated

We're gonna keep on celebrating

'Cause we know (woo)

That Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back (oh, yeah)

Woo, yeah, yeah

Are you ready?

Are you ready?

People get ready

People get ready

Are you ready?

Are you ready?

People get ready

People get ready

Are you ready?

Are you ready?

People get ready

Yeah, let's get ready

Oh, He's coming back

Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back

No, don't you give up

Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back

And when the world gets complicated

We're gonna keep on celebrating

'Cause we know (yeah, we know)

Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back

Are you ready now?

Are you ready now? Yeah

(People get ready)

We just wanna celebrate, yeah

Ay, ay

Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back

So keep your head up

Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back

Click this link to watch video


MARANATHA to all my TP friends.... Jesus is coming back!

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Woke up with this song playing in my head....went told my wife how "Jesus is coming back" keeps playing over and over in my head as I meditate on overcoming shoulder pain. Then I start reading through my TP family post and see this....How inspiring (Jesus is coming back!)

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I'm going to watch that video in the morning. Thank you for sending the link. I could almost hear you singing my Sister. And I'm here if you ever need me!! Love in Christ!

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It is hard Miss Verna. I certainly understand. The hardest part is that we know we are just trying to love others to life, but they don't understand or see it that way. Until then, I just continue to pray for patience with them and for Gods Holy Spirit to lead my tongue and actions in a way that glorifies Him. :)

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Amen. And Thank you!! Happy and blessed Sunday!

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A lot of those seeds you are planting will bear a lot of fruit after the rapture I believe. At least they will recognize the truth after they see it come to pass. A lot of people aren’t saying anything at all so I think it is great you are.

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I can't not say something!! I even ask the nurses in my various doctors offices if they know Jesus. I can't stop now!! Thank you!! Happy Sunday !!

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Jesus told us to go and tell and if they believe great. That is all we can do. We cannot change their heart.

Keep telling everyone you meet. Yo never know if someone you casually meet may be the one who has lost hope and you have the answer. Just keep telling, Amber. You are in my prayers.

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Amen Patsy!!!!! ☁️🎺🔜

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My pastor and friend Dr. Malone Dodson passed on to the Lord this past week and what a glorious celebration of life we had at our Methodist Church in Roswell, Ga where he was the retired Senior minister. For me it was a glimpse of what Heaven might be like as it was a huge reunion of the church and community surrounding a life well lived filled with love and laughter and most of all filled with the love of Jesus in a big way through his tireless service to the Lord, his family, his church, and the community. We sang, we cried, we laughed, we hugged, and we told many, many stories as this man by sharing and spilling out his love in the name of Jesus affected so many…. It was like “old home week”! Malone could have been the CEO of any major corporation and he changed our community by really sharing of himself with others and investing in people — all for the love of God. His pastor son was one of the speakers and he had us rolling laughing with all of the Malone stories to which we could all relate. There were many “Malone-isms”! But as he closed his remarks, he spoke of how his father came from humble beginnings where there was always an empty mayonnaise jar on the kitchen table labeled “for others” — and that his father who as a young boy with a speech impediment was called to preach….I never knew that, wow — there was never a hint of that in his speech, ever. Our God is so good and I am so humbled and amazed at what He can do through us if we are willing to heed His call!

Pastor Jimmy you are His faithful servant and I am so grateful that you are living out your calling. You and your team are a blessing to all of us!! Thanks be to God for you and your ministry! In Christ’s Love, Connie

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Aug 14, 2022·edited Aug 14, 2022

I'm happy for him, but sad for all of you folks that will miss him. Hopefully, it will be only a short period of time before we are all reunited with our loved ones that passed away. GBU

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Really enjoyed the message today. I did have one point I wanted to add a little more on. It’s in reference to the prepping. To define, we are not preppers as they are known today. Much of this mindset is obsession on this topic and where ones hope lies, which should not be us as Christians. However, there is a certain amount of prudence and wisdom that comes with some preparation. It is clear we are going into worse and worse times. Whether it’s us or others that could use a little extra bullets, bread or bandanas, I think some reasonable preparation is very reasonable. I think it is a fine line that we are not placing our hope on it. It’s just common sense aka wisdom. Just wanted to add that on. God bless you all today.

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I think this is a great reminder Justin. Like you said, there is a major difference between being smart and planning ahead, and actual "prepping". Pastor Jimmy even mentioned this a few times in his past shows stating that he and Karen keep a few months of food on-hand. We have always canned some of the food from our farm and still do it just because I love to have tomato juice and greenbeans all year long.

Love your statement about "bullets, bread and bananas." Although it did convict me a little because I would probably be considered a prepper when it comes to one of them. Let me tell you, I have no plan of knocking someone senseless with a banana. 👀

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What about a petrified banana? 😂😂

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Ooof...good point. I always have those on hand because I don't eat them fast enough. 🤣🤣😂

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Love your comments Steve. You are one cool dud! You must have fun with your family and on the farm. Enjoy 😊

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🤣Thank you Miss Gladys. 🤗

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Agreed, Justin, and well said

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I love this message. I am ready and look for Jesus to return everyday. It's crystal clear that the current events are signs of the end-times. I look forward to attending the End Times Prophecy conference next month, I'm sure it will be enlightening. May God bless you and keep you. May God make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, and give you His peace.

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Hope and joy to be getting out of here soon is my response. ✝️

Did y’all hear about the pink light in the sky called STEVE? Very interesting! https://weather.com/en-IN/india/space/news/2022-08-13-steve-pink-batsignal-like-beam-reappears-after-solar-storm

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Whoa!! How awesome is that? A tiny glimpse into the magnificence taking place in the heavens above us! I don’t know if that could be a sign for us (and obviously the scientists could only attempt to explain it) but Keep Looking Up as Our Redemption Draws Near!

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WOW, there’s a whole lot going on in that gif, Chris! So pretty, wild and exciting!!!

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Well, I like the name...I think? Although I think my wife and kids would have a different interpretation for "Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement" when it comes to me.



Thank you for sharing this Chris. This is awesome :)

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Amen! God is so good.

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Pastor Jimmy. Love this post. Thanks for the encouragement and your wisdom to keep us informed to end time events. Even though we sense these events happening in our spirits, and feel it in the air, we stay informed we remain steadfast in our Lord and in His Word. A quote from Dr. Charles Stanley reminds me of this: As you walk through the valley of the unknown ( Although we know what’s happening now), you will find the Footprints of Jesus both in front of you and beside you. Thanks for the David Jeremiah’s words of wisdom. I do have the Book and will read it. Also, I remember those Texas storms. I was born in East Texas, but grew up in Midland. I’m looking forward to the Conference teachings as I will watch stream line. All of you Pastors speaking is a gift from God. I appreciate each of you and your faithfulness to our Lord and His Word. God bless.🙏

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Thank you, Pastor Jimmy!! Just right, and right on time. Praise God!!

Hey y'all, this kinda plays into this article.

My son finally called me. He said he knows how important this is to me, but he is never going to change what he believes. He believes in the ancient religions, and that he feels God is an alien. He feels that the ancient beliefs are so similar, Egyptian, Mayan, and so on, that they must be true. It broke my heart for his family. He got these beliefs from watching a show called Ancient Aliens. Personally I think it's just easier, because he doesn't have to be invested in it. Just lip service. I told him I was going to keep praying for him and his family.

Then he starts blaming the government for every I'll our country is suffering. He is scared. He wants to move out of state, (Ca) , he wants to go somewhere he can buy land, and hide out. If I could get him to just stop and pray. Wow !! So, my sweet brother's and sisters, could y'all pray for my son Steven? The one thing I am grateful for is that he recognized that Jesus is important to me. I hope he will remember that when I'm not here to remind him.

I thank God that I know the truth, and that God hears my prayers, and that God knows best.

Thank you again Pastor Jimmy, and may God bless you and yours and your ministry!!


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Hi Verna, I will be praying for your son. Sounds like he got tangled up in the lies that the world is throwing out there these days. If you can, try getting the book called Prayers for Prodigals by James Banks. It is a great book and will help you put the prayers you have for your son into words. I have been using it myself for my own kids, and it has really helped me pray. Love you, and pray with and for you, 🌻

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Oh, Kris, hon Thank you. I will try to find that book. Thank you so much. Happy Sunday !!

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I'm glad you got to talk to your son Verna. 😊 I havnt talked to my oldest son in 3 months and just have to place him in God's hands. He also doesnt want to hear what I have to say. So sorry though that your Steven has blinders on him. And I don't think he ( or millions of others) understand that there truly is nowhere for any of us to move to that will be completely safe and free of the dangers and evil occurring. Our only ultimate hope is that the rapture will occur before things get too much more crazy. I will pray for your Steven that his eyes and heart may be opened up and that all of the fallen children of our group be touched by God's grace and mercy as well.I will also pray for comfort for you as well. Blessings to you! 🙏 🤲

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Amen, my sweet Sister in Christ. Amen. Praise Jesus.

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I agree with you Rachel

Your son HAS to be your first priority and it's frustrating that they can't understand that. My youngest son also needs care 24 /7 and my other kids can give me alot of attitude that I'm not giving them their fair share. Theyre capable of taking care of themselves and he can't. It's as simple as that. There are days I'm not even able to take a shower because everyone needs me. All we can do is pray🙏 and do what we feel God wants of us and set some boundaries for our own sanity . Sigh... I want to go to heaven so I can get some rest! 🤣

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Yes. Unfortunately they take it personally 😕. Sometimes all we can do is pray for them. How's your sweet boy? Are you guys feeling better?

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I'm praying for you and your family Verna. I know it's hard to see our loved ones looking at life the way they do. GBU

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Thank you Maggie. So much!! It is sometimes terribly hard!! God is good ! And we just keep living for Him. God bless you hon!!

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God bless you too.

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Praying for Steven Miss Verna, and for you that God will give you the words and the actions to change his heart.

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That's what I pray for too. I want more than anything to be an example to him. I never see him. He and his sweet wife work all the time, and on top of it, they are starting a new business. Plus they have 3 little yummiest that are in soccer. Judo, karate, and dance. They are so busy that they just don't have time to drive out here, and I can't drive because I can't see well enough. One thing that I hold onto is the Lord God!! With Him, anything is possible. Amen. Thank you Steve, I'm so grateful!! Love in Christ!!

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I added Steven to my prayer list, Verna. Keep your sweet spirit and light shining for Jesus. Love 💕

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Thank you Gladys!! That means so much. I will always try to shine for Jesus!! Praise God!! I love you Gladys 💜✝️💜🌻💐🌻

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So wonderful you get to be a grandmother Verna. My daughter is my only hope for that but after a horrible divorce, I don't think she's up for that again. She says there are no Godly men in their 30s or 40s. The stories she's told me make me believe that the world has permeated even the institution of marriage beyond repair. She says that the guys in the church are the absolute worst. They're no better than the atheistic men. I'm rambling. It was a very tough weekend for my family. It's my dream to get to have yummy grandkids ❤️ but I don't believe I will getting that. Maybe heaven will allow that? Lol


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Jessie, you are so sweet. I don't know about grand babies in heaven, but maybe after the second coming when the millennium begins, and the young ones of those that have accepted Christ during the tribulation will need a Grandma. I don't know, but I'm sure that there will be lots of folks who would love to have someone like you in their lives. Your sweet spirit , well, I know that I will want you in my life. I already do. I don't think that things will be just the same as here, because we will be with Jesus, and this I do know. All the pain and hurts we have known in this life will be forgotten, and the things we missed out on here will be forgotten, and our true joy, the joy we can't even imagine here, will be completed in that time with Jesus. Imagine that if you can. Hold on to that. Don't worry about what we don't have here, but look to what we will have there. Hon, God is so good. He won't let you miss a thing. With Christ Jesus, our joy will be complete. I know you are greatly loved, and needed right here. I need you and I love you, and I know that there are many here at Tipping Point that feel just like I do. God bless your day , and give you peace and contentment right where you are, in His loving and precious way.

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I'm sitting here drinking my coffee and you have me bawling like a baby. Everyone has always depended on me to be the strong one. The one with all the answers. I feel like my stregnth is gone. It's all just been too much and my prayers ( really crucial ones) have not been answered. I can feel the same pain coming from so many people on here. This world is just crushing us. I don't mean to sound so pathetic here. I'm just really struggling today. Love you! 💙

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Hon, I'm sorry I made you cry. It wasn't my intention. Ever since I was baptized on the 7th, it's been hard. Yesterday when I woke up, satan decided that he was going to keep me from going to Church. I kept calling out to Jesus and the Holy Spirit for help, and I went to Church. When I walked in the chapel, all was peace. But before that instant, I felt like I was going to come apart. Once I was in there, all I could do was cry . I was so happy, and so very grateful that it made me weep.

You said God wasn't answering your prayers. I used to think that. I realized that He was answering them, but not necessarily the way I wanted. Then I decided to try and live by His will and His will alone. Now I have found that I have more joy, and more peace than ever before. Hon, God knows best. Trust Him, and follow His will. Submit every part of your life to Him, and listen to the Spirit. I promise you Jessie, everything will work out for the best. And it will start becoming apparent to you. And pray for His peace. There is nothing like it. I'm not preaching at you. I truly want to sooth your heart. Struggles are part of life in this world. When we submit to Him, and allow ourselves to be led by the spirit, our joy is wonderful and real and lasting. There is nothing like it in this world. I'm here if you want to chat. Here is my email address if you want to use it ever.


I'm so sorry you are hurting, and I'm praying for you!! Love in Christ Jesus. V.

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Jessie how are you feeling today? Praying for you sister-in-the-Lord! 💛

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Amen, Sweet Rachel, Amen!! Praise God!!

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Sounds like heaven to me!! 💙

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Praying for Steven right now!!!! He has no idea his mama shared this with an army of PRAYER WARRIORS!!! I believe with all my heart he will fall to his knees soon and know you were sharing with him the greatest news of his life.

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Oh hon, thank you so much. From your mouth to God's ears. Praise God.

And if he knew, he would laugh at me. He has gotten kind of callus about it. He is expecting to get dropped on my head, and then he can say, told you so. I pray he doesn't get dropped on his right into the tribulation. Lord Please! I love you, and I am so grateful. God's blessings on you.

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Amen Pastor. I watch with great anticipation and even though I know the great events about to happen. My heart grieves for those that will be left behind. It is what I call a sweet sadness and reinforces my/our duty to support all our great pastors, missionaries, and people that God has appointed to share the wonderful GREAT news. Thank you for all that you do!!!

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Happy Sunday TP family!☀️ I love this message that gives us all hope and grace. And wow do we need it! Although I don’t watch the mainstream media anymore (except my son on KY3 The Place;) I feel caught up on the current news with the downpours of posts we read here. Where else will you hear that the Gog Magog war has started!! 🔥 My son shared this with me this week…. Have you ever seen a Rainbow 🌈 Cloud ☁️? God is forcing people to look up!! So, let’s keep looking up y’all we can face the future with courage & certainty.

Kris, did you see this in the Virginian sky? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rainbow-cloud-virginia-rare-weather-phenomenon-iridescence-fire-rainbow/

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Hi Kari, wow that was pretty cool!! I did not see it but that location is about 5 miles from my house.... I have seen some beautiful things in the clouds around here, to be sure!! That rainbow cloud is God’s way of telling us, perhaps, that He is coming soon, not in the flood as in Noah’s day, but in the clouds in the twinkling of an eye!! Church today, at Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg VA which is about a mile from that rainbow cloud, was a stark reminder that the world we are living in today has veered so far away from God’s Truth, that we have to come to Church just to be reminded that we have not all gone crazy!! A sure sign that Jesus is coming soon... in more ways than one!!! Thanks for the share!! Beautiful!! 🌻

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Amen Kris!!!! Thank you for being a bright light in your community! I hope you get to see a rainbow fire cloud this week in the sky…. In a twinkle 💛

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Kari...it’s amazing you mentioned, “God forcing people to look up”. Last night my husband was sitting on the patio and I was trimming my flowers and he said for me to look up at the sky. He noticed some odd clouds and a stillness settled around us that forced him to acknowledge and comment how eerie the “feeling” was in the air. I don’t know where he stands spiritually but this “something that was still and quiet” in the air troubled him.

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Esther I’m praying right now for your husband. I pray God speaks to him looking up (literally) and speak to him in his dreams too. May his heart open up wide to know Jesus. 💛

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Thank you Kari...thank you soooo much 💗💗💗

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Esther , praying for you and your husband. God is reaping many into His Kingdom. Love and blessed Sunday 😇💕

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Praying that your husband answers the soft knock on the door of his heart, Esther.

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Also praying for your husband Esther.

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Could you include my husband also. Thank You!

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Yes. Absolutely. Blessings 🙏☺️

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Absolutely Kim❣️❣️❣️Prayers are upward bound for him❣️❣️❣️

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Hi Esther,

I know that one of the greatest desires of your heart is for your husband to know Jesus in an amazing way. I don't know anyone who truly loves Jesus that doesn't want this for the person they love the most in this world.

Praying over him as soon as I send this. Praying that regardless of where your husband is, that God will let His glory fall on his heart, and for endurance for you to model Jesus in every way for him.

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That is AMAZING! Thanks for sharing.

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Kari!!! I’ve seen a rainbow cloud & it blew my mind even more because I could only see it with my sunglasses on! I actually walked over to the next person I saw, said it was going to sound crazy but would he please humor me and put his sunglasses on.

We both were completely gobsmacked by not only seeing it but the wearing sunglasses/not wearing sunglasses mystery. We both stood there in awe until we could no longer see it. Felt like we saw a unicorn!

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A quick comment on how it's unbelievable that any believer can't just see it...

I think it is the Pastor's duty to be teaching End Times or at least just have a conversation about it...

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Thank you. This is so true and so well written. I am really enjoying this ministry and all the deep insight. God bless you 🌸

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Thank God for your gifted and balanced teachings. Bible not fear based.

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Thought I would share... I have had COVID for the last 10 days... I have a lingering cough that will not go away. It has wore me out. It has taken all my strength over and over again. My daughter took me to the ER worried I had pneumonia, the ER Dr set me up for monoclonal antibodies.... Guess it helped some but that hacking cough is gonna be the death of me yet. The thought ran thru my head that I wasn't going with all of you in the Rapture... that made me sad. I actually begged God to just take me on Home but wasn't His plan I guess. Anyway I am still struggling with this cough that zaps all my strength. I am trusting Jesus to get me through this mess... would appreciate a prayer if you can. "Come Lord Jesus, Come quickly" Linda

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Prayers... Maranatha!

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Agreed with Steve for healing from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet; your cough to be clear and strength restored. Rest and be blessed. 💕

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I'm in prayer for you right now Miss Linda. Praying for total healing in your lungs, and every fiber and cell of your body in the name of Jesus.

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Agree in prayer with you for Linda .🙏 Steve

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Praying for your recovery and return to good health, Linda.

Me and my family had Covid in January. We were all down for 3 weeks with this blasted virus. My brother caught it in June and a friend came down with it a couple weeks ago as well. That stupid cough is tough to kick and the monoclonal antibodies just didn’t seem to work. We all ended up on steroids, cough syrup (Bromfed), and a vitamin regimen that included D3, quercetin with zinc, vitamin C, and a multivitamin. Once we started taking all that, we started kicking the virus pretty quickly. But it takes a bit to get your strength back. I’ll be keeping you in my prayers.

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Linda…It seems the battles are getting closer and more severe. Stay strong my friend and know we’re covering you in prayer. I daily pray and plead Jesus blood over my fellow Christians everywhere, because I feel certain they are experiencing similar problems. I just know He’s coming soon. We’re NOT going under, we’re going up. I love you my sister

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

Thanks Esther for your words. Yes... the battles are getting worse because we're getting so close. That gives me alot of comfort. "We're not going under, we're going up"...lol...you made me laugh.🤣 Love that !!

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🙏 praying for you Linda!

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Praying for you Linda. Hang in there. GBU

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Dear Linda, I'm so sorry I'm late responding to your comment. I honestly have to go back days at a time to see what I've missed. This is huge. I hate that you got COVID and praying for heaven's healing honey to flow all over you. We ask in Jesus precious name to heal your cough and feel refreshed in your lungs. We are grateful you're here and feeling slightly better. We drove through Weatherford on Saturday (we were at the lake) and I yelled out in the car.... hey this is where my good friend Linda Harrell lives. For reals!!! Please keep us updated on how we can pray for you.... may you experience his healing touch immediately! 💛💛

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Don't know where this will show but I want to update my Covid battle... I originally posted back on 13th (I think) I have still been very sick with a cough that I will swear to comes from the enemy. Been fighting & determined not to give in. Today I went to Texas Health Willow Park and had my lungs x-ray.... Praise God I received a notice in my email that my lungs are CLEAR and there is NO PNEUMONIA! I am still very sick but I understand rest, food & drink (plus an inhaler & Tessalon Pearls) should make my fight a little easier. I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me because I know those prayers were heard in Heaven. I would appreciate more if you think about it... The dr says with time and me following the protocol I will heal back to normal... But if another medical personnel says "this virus is harder for women my age" , I am claiming full recovery for this woman my age!💜😊🙏✝️🦋💜

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Wrapping you in prayers my friend 🥰🥰🥰

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Praise God no pneumonia Linda!! I’m not able to take antibiotics so I wanted to recommend taking “cold & flu” w ginger & cayenne pepper “shots” from Trader Joe’s or a natural juicer. I would love to send some to you. I think you have my number— text me and I believe this will help you get over this wall. I live near one so let me know…. Love you💛

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thank you Kari.... I finally tested negative yesterday.... but I still have this awful cough. I will pray "Father God, please take this cough from me"

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Great message! The birth pangs are happening in greater frequency and intensity! The story that has me worried is the expansion of the police state in our government. My attitude anymore is why file taxes if they can kill you for you pocketing undeclared income from a lemonade stand. Jesus is Lord. Protect me from this madness. All I hope is if they come knocking at my door, I'll be watching from celestial home theatre in paradise. Wink wink 😉. Until then I'm on the lookout for Kevlar muscle shirts. Bye and God bless.

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Did you hear that the WEF is wanting to insert AI into human brains to "stop hate speech and misinformation"? All the new IRS agents who must be willing to kill over the money from the lemonade stand. This stuff is not "beginning birth pangs". This baby is in the birth canal and ready to be delivered at any moment!

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Ugh, these implants. Interesting how many distractions there are for Elon Musk; his brain implant company Neuralink seemingly gets the least amount of press.

For now.

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Aug 14, 2022·edited Aug 14, 2022

I was saying something to my sister the other day and she said she doesn't want to read Revelations because it scares her. I tried to tell her it was written to comfort, not to scare, then you posted this today and I'm passing it along to her. Personally I'm completely intrigued by prophecy and looking forward to the rapture. I'm not concerned about leaving my "things", but am concerned about the welfare of my children, grandchildren, and, yes, about what will happen to my inside dog and my horses since they are completely dependent on being fed 2x a day and locked up where they cannot get nourishment. Sigh. I know. God will take care of them. I am doing what I am able as far as my children and grandchildren, but the urgency just does not seem to get across to them. What I do is pray that they will become intimate with our Lord. They'll all tell me they believe, as many do.

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