This post , of all the ones I've read since Tipping Point started, is the most concise, descriptive and comforting one I've read to date! It gives us a clear picture of our future in our Heavenly home and what a joyous life awaits us there. As much as I appreciate my life here on earth--I've been blessed with wonderful parents, siblings, husband and sons as well as friends--I'm so looking forward to the day I will truly meet Jesus and dwell with him into eternity!💕

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Amen Miss Margaret!

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Beautifully written too Margaret!

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So blessed by this post❣️🙏🏼

I pray God helps me to know & do His will in my life.

I want to please our Lord Jesus & I mourn the years I wasted on worldly things.

Come Lord Yeshua❣️🙏🏼

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I too remorse over the years I spent NOT living for Jesus. I was the most lost person ever lived and yet I know that God has forgiven me and I am so thankful! Come quickly sweet Jesus!

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022

One of my favorite books in the Old Testament is the book of Ecclesiastes. King Solomon reflects on his life at an older age and realizes his life pursuits and achievements were worthless compared to Godly purposes. I read Ecclesiastes for the first time in my late fifties and could almost feel his sorrow and regret because it was so close to mine.

Ecclesiastes 2:11: (ESV) "Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun."

One of the many reasons I believe the Bible is the infallible word of God is that it hides nothing about the people God used to deliver His message. I am so thankful we can read about our Biblical "heroes" failures or shortcomings (with the exception of Jesus, of course) and realize our mistakes were their mistakes too.

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Yes! Spot on. We have message after message in the Bible where God used ordinary people with the same struggles we have today for His work in the kingdom.......we are so blessed that we know the truth! Thank you sharing this because it makes me know that I am not alone in my way of thinking! God bless you!

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Such insightful comments, Bruce. Thank you for sharing that. 😊

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We are imperfect. Seeing ourselves for who we are, is half the battle!! Changing with the Lords help, working on it everyday, reaching for the Lord, is the other half. Praise the Lord!!

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I really like that one too because it tackles the question of purpose so thoroughly. The why for doing anything and everything. My wife was so saddened when I was reading it to the family the other night. The despair in places seeps out pretty contagiously.

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Amen Bruce!

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I too can relate to Ecclesiastes.

I look back on my life & see all my mistakes & how many times I backslid & then came back to God.

I was the prodigal daughter over & over again throughout my life & mourn all the mistakes I made, people I hurt & time I lost not doing our Lord’s work.

So very thankful that God is faithful even when we are not❣️

I’m so thankful that God’s mercies are new every morning. 🙏🏼

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Amen to that Sheila. Praise God!!

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I know what you mean, Debi. You sound like me hon, and I'm so grateful to Jesus. My Savior, Lord and King!! I still have bad days, but lots more good ones. I owe it all to my Sweet Lord!! Love you, Debi.

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Yes, same here. I just grasp and hold tight the promises God has given us. In the end that is all that matters! Living by faith and growing to be what He wants us to be and never looking back. All glory to God that we know the truth!

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Me, too Sheila!! Me, too.

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Can't wait to get home. Feel more like Lot all the time. Maranatha!

2 Peter 2:7-8 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition He rescued righteous Lot, greatly worn out and distressed by the wanton ways of the ungodly and lawless. For that just man, living there among them, tortured his righteous soul every day with what he saw and heard of their unlawful and wicked deeds.

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For those of us who love righteousness, we really understand how he felt. Similar environment.

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Maranatha David 😊

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Amen David.

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Amen and again I say Amen. Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, and mind has not imagined what God has for us!

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I love this so much! I struggle with a great fear over eternity - the idea of time never ending scares me - and I pray about it. God gave me a dream with basically a reverse rapture, where all UNbelievers were taken away and we remained on the earth with Him. He asked "are you afraid?" And I wasn't. He said it wasn't eternity I'm afraid of, it's the unknown. But Heaven will be home like nothing I've ever experienced and remembering that helps me. Trusting how great God's love for me is, helps me. Thank you for this article because it helps me too.

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Alex, you're not alone with that thought. On one hand, I can't wait to get to go to heaven. On the other hand, I've thought about how after even a wonderful vacation, I look forward to going back home. I look forward to being done with a job I'm doing, etc. I've moved so many times and always look forward to starting fresh in a new home and different location. 🙃 Some of us are a bit restless and always need new challenges in our lives. You're right, the thought of "forever" feels a bit scary because it's such an unknown. Personally, I worked through those feelings by putting all my trust in our God. I think once we're "there", we'll be astounded by how amazing and perfect it will be for us. He's such a loving God. How could it be anything less than our wildest dreams. Blessings to you. 🙏

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You’ve GOT to read the book Heaven, as he explains will be ruling and reigning over nations.... the things that are unique about us, God did that, and will build in those things and we will be sooooo busy but work will but be under the the curse do it will so fulfilling, and we will actually get tired and need a vacation and bounce around from different galaxies or go to the mountains or go to the sea

we will need time off

we will have days of rest

We will have large feasts with all of our family and friends

I don’t think for one minute we will be bored or look for some thing to do we will be so at home and so fulfilled

Love you brother

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Love that perspective.

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Agree Jessie. Great share . Be blessed 🙏😘

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Sorry typo--our work will NOT be under the curse....lol

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Prayers for you Alex. May the peace of God dwell and thrive in you.

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I love the dreams that He sends to show or explain things. He always knows the exact best way to show an idea or help us understand things we grapple with. Fear of the unknown is a struggle we often face even now, perhaps just not recognizing it. For me, it is the challenge of a new job on occasion or moving to a new place, with new people and a new environment. I’m so uncomfortable and a bit apprehensive of the unknown at times, until I am in it for a while and realize it’s not bad at all. Thanks for sharing such a cool dream.

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I love how God is so good to us. I was praying about my fear before and He sent me another wonderful dream of me and I was driving when the Rapture occurred and I was filled with such joy that it woke me up CRYING! I have never cried such happy tears. I just started praising and thanking Him! The dreams He has sent me, I treasure in my heart!

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Wow Alex! What a beautiful dream! Thanks for sharing that! 😊

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Sounds like such an amazing experience. In the end times, it talks about people having dreams and visions poured out on them. That is an amazing one. I am so happy for you and thanks for sharing.

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Thanks so much for sharing Alex, what a wonderful dream!!there are some days that I cannot contain the happiness!!!!

Pastor Jimmy always says he teaches not to scare anyone but he wants to encourage us!!!! Well he certainly has changed my life and my walk with God. This whole Tipping Point family is amazing!!

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Hi Alex... You're not alone. So many pastors don't mention these topics that Tipping Point shines a light on. Hunt for Jon Mark's comment.... he mentioned reading the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn. You will love his comment and LOVE the book! I've never read anything like it and so grateful Pastor Jimmy shares his knowledge of New Jerusalem (this is where the King of King resides) and the gates will never ever be closed- open for eternity. Also, New Earth!!! Think of it like New Jerusalem is the capital city on New Earth. The book Heaven will open up your eyes and heart to the very best that God is preparing for us. I love that God gave you that special dream... thank you for sharing it with us, too. 💛

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Hi Kari. I’m still reading my Heaven Book by Alcorn: I read it slowly few pages at a time to absorb all that God has prepared for us. It will be AMAZING 🤩. Heaven! Pray you are blessed.

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I read slowly too… mostly because I had lots of tears of joy! I wanted to take my time ….💛

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022

Me too but then I just think I'll meet my Friend Jesus and thats all I concentrate on.

Plus He'll walk me through anything I'm scared of.

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Amen!! That’s why I’m so grateful for the Tipping Point… it was created to comfort & inform. I feel as I’m comforted I’m gaining in wisdom & knowledge about Jesus Return. Hello, have you watched Before the Wrath film? I started last night and it has nothing to do with the tribulation (so not scary) but everything to do with a Galilean wedding. It all makes sense to me now— this is like the whip cream on top of a delicious pie!! Lol Its all about the wedding…. 💛

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Thanks again for the movie suggestion. I do want to check it out. 🙂

I'm also very excited to watch

Why the nativity- by David Jeremiah.


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I’ll watch today…. Love David Jeremiah❤️💚 Thanks Hello

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No problem.

Looked really good from the trailer.

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Hi Kari

I haven't seen the movie but I'm definitely interested.

Just hesitant to pay 🤭

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Wonderful message. This is the season of giving and remembering Jesus's birth. Your message tells how much more joy, love, contentment is coming. Its more than my simple brain can comprehend.

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Hallelujah Glenna.

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I get butterflies in my stomach, when I think of his paradise. It's like experiencing your first puppy love. The concept of heaven makes me feel that way. I am so anticipating his arrival, as things of this earth get worse day by day. Imagine never feeling fear again only being enveloped in love. This is what we have to look forward to brothers and sisters, we should all feel blessed. Thank you Pastor Evans for this wonderful and inspiring word.

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Love your comment about 🦋 in your stomach and 🐶 love, Beth. A perfect description! 💙

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Beautiful description. Can hardly wait to marry Jesus and go to the Father’s house and see the place He has prepared for me…out of this world!

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I just started reading “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn this weekend so this post is super timely! One thing I’ve been reflecting on is the idea of Heaven on earth. Questions I’ve had are like why doesn’t the local church ever go deeper into what Heaven is like? Most people only think of worshiping all day and night and that’s it. But just in my brief time of reading this book, I have already begun to imagine more than ever before about our future eternal home! Here is a scripture brought up a lot but never really explained beyond verse 9.

9 but just as it is written, “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, And which have not entered the heart of man, All that God has prepared for those who love Him.” 10 For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God. 11 For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, 13 which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words. - ‭‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭2‬‬:‭9‬-‭13‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

The concept of Heaven is not a mystery to us. Verse 10 in this passage states “For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.”

So we can know more about Heaven than we realize. Through the Spirit who reveals it to us who are in Christ!

““The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law.” - Deuteronomy‬ ‭29‬:‭29‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

“Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”

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Amen Jon! I love that book, I love that scripture, and I love that comment you wrote because there were a lot of important reminders in there for me personally.

And I think I'm just going to sit here and wait on Kari to come along to see her excitement that you just started reading "Heaven"...she get's super-excited over that book!

Oh...and great to see you back brother!

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Thank you Steve! I’m super excited about this book! Only read through 3 chapters so far so I have plenty more to dive into!

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Nov 28, 2022·edited Nov 28, 2022

Wow Jon Mark ! Love your comments. I didn't even realize how much the bible does talk about heaven until finding this sight and starting to read the "heaven" book. I don't remember a single sermon in church about it. So many things are skipped over by most churches. There's alot to think about here, that's for sure! Yes....Come, Lord Jesus! 🙏

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Oh Jessie I agree! Of course we all know there’s a heaven as believers but I didn’t understand anything about New Earth & New Jerusalem. This book goes into great detail — I love that the author also shares when it’s his opinion and when it’s directly from scripture just like Pastor Jimmy. These messages teach us the greatest lessons we could ever hear!!!! Why wonder God created our imagination— 💛💛

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And, I double agree... 😄 I think for most people "heaven" is just this completely "vague" notion. I know that's what I thought before I was introduced to a much better view of heaven. ❤️ I thought we had to just wait and see for ourselves what it's like when we die. I LOVE these conversations about actually imagining more of the details. I've only gotten through part of the heaven book but eventually will get through with the whole thing. It just makes things so much more exciting, doesn't it. And I think we all need a bit of that excitement to keep us focused upwards and not just on our daily lives. I started to think about what type of home God would prepare for me. It got me pretty excited. 😄 My vision is more of a cottage in the woods with huge floor to ceiling windows overlooking trees and nature and lots of stars in the night sky. (Not sure if there's nighttime. I clearly need to read more)

I envision an Aslan like lion that prowls through the yard that is tame and I can rub his head...lol I need to find time to finish that book! I think God loves our imagination, don't you?! Love this " heaven " talk!! ❤️

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I just started watching the film Before the Wrath (run buy it) on Amazon if you haven’t watched it yet, Jessie. It’s all about the Galilean wedding— reveals all the mysteries of a wedding and why Jesus used this basic event to explain the rapture when He returns. She says his family and his disciples are Galilean, so it makes perfect sense why he would use this to help us understand the why.

Christians waste so much time arguing about the “when” we should just focus on the Why. This film explained only 17% of believers believe there will be a rapture!! I’m thinking that’s the majority of us here on the TP! Thank God for our teachers who take the focus off of the when, but show us the why and the how. Only our Father God knows the when👑 And…. It can happen anytime. like a thief in the night. ✨

Btw love your analogy of the lion 🦁 I had a beautiful dream about a lion and my daughter who was starting day one at her new university. It was breathtaking. God is so good…..💛

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Amen! My sentiments exactly Jessie! Amen!

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Love these details Jon Mark. And I love your name.

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Me too, I had to do a double take and think about why that name is so familiar 😂

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And, he's our TP music celebrity, too!!!! 💛

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Thank you Hala!

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One of my all time favorite books is Heaven!! Jon Mark, the book blows my mind every time I pick it up to read it. I went really slow, savoring every page. The last chapter is stunningly beautiful... he reminds me of a modern C. S. Lewis. Now, I'm going back through it again. Praise God for pastors like Jimmy Evans who will talk about what Heaven will be like. One of my favorite Jimmy sermons was about Heaven.... I was blessed to hear it live. I was a puddle of tears, I was so overwhelmed with emotions on what God is preparing for us. I think the reason some pastors don't talk much about heaven, they really don't understand the subject. My dad passed away in 2016 and although he is in Present Heaven.... and that is incredible too, can you imagine what is coming soon for all believers on New Earth and New Jerusalem!!! The verses you shared are spot on.... Keep us updated on any new songs that come pouring out of you about Heaven ;) 💛

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Amen! That makes me sooo excited to continue reading! It’s a big book but I love that! Just means there’s a lot to learn and imagine in the days ahead! I grew up on Narnia and love how he incorporates C.S. Lewis writings into his message. I would love to hear that sermon you mentioned on Heaven from Jimmy Evans too! Can’t wait to write songs about all I learn too! Idk if I shared but I wrote another one called “Midnight Sun” (my way of describing Jesus as the Bright and Morning Star). If I didn’t already, I can share that with you all here as well!

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Just have to jump in to your conversation and say that I LOVED the Narnia books as a child. I have new copies on the bookshelf and keep thinking about reading them again as an adult. I'm sure there's alot that a child wouldn't pick up on.

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Nice! You’re right Jessie! I’m sure there’s so much embedded we missed when we were younger that will probably translate to our faith now as adults! Makes me want to grab some of those books too!

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Ooooo you haven’t shared that one yet! We’d love to hear it. And yes, we still have a lot to learn until Jesus returns!

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Sweet! Okay here it is! https://s.disco.ac/csjrczykjqoy I can tell you for sure right now God is highlighting a couple of melodies to me that I’ll most likely flush out this week and create something new from! Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Since this summer I’ve just been going back and forth with music and scripture, spending way more time in the Word and way less in music creation. But this excites me so much because I want the fruits of this gift to be good, so I’m okay with watering and watering this tree 🌲 lol. God will show up as a collaborator in whatever I do/create next so I trust His perfect timing and enjoy feeling satisfied with Him. The contrary has always been a spirit of disappointment/depression if a couple days went by and I didn’t create anything new. But patience is a virtue and God gives me peace that really surpasses my natural understanding of how creating music used to work. Ha I’m going on a tangent but it’s how I really feel, so thank you for always exhorting me and showering me with kindness and love Kari! 🙏🏽☺️

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Bonnie asked today what is doing the will of the father.... this is it Jon!! i hope Bonnie reads your comment too. God gives us all talents, passions, and gifts... uniquely created just for us. We honor God using these gifts. I pray you continue to collaborate with your King and keep sharing with us your incredible music. Praying God continues to amaze you with his wonder. 💛

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Love your new song

don’t ever stop creating,

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What is doing the will of the Father? Would it be following the Ten Commandments? What exactly does that entail? Praying for others, talking with HIM and doing nice things for others…does that fit in the Fathers will? I try to be patient, non judgmental, helpful and always kind, praying and reading the word, doing my best to be like the LORD, or as close as I can with my sin nature….but I am a believer and recently in the past year or two, learned of the Rapture….so I am praying I am found worthy to escape the things coming upon the earth and to stand before the Son of Man.

Because it says few will make it ….I Love the LORD and don’t want to let him down, to have HIM happy with me….I feel I may be missing the mark. I love HIM so much but don’t know how to have a fulfilled relationship ….maybe because I am not sure what true love is? (when you don’t know a Dads love it is difficult to imagine).

Anyway, thank you for taking time to read. If you have time to respond that would be appreciated.



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You are the apple of you heavenly Father’s eye! His love for you is the exact same love HE has for His only Begotten Son, Christ Jesus! He loved us with the Cross, the only tree that restores & gives eternal life.

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Hi Bonnie :)

I think these are great questions, and they are ones that each of us has asked at some point if we don't currently. I agree completely with the replies of Lorrie and Sharon here and listening to enough of Pastor Jimmy's teachings, I am positive he would say he does as well. He may even see this and comment on it...he does that from time-to-time!

Just to repeat one of the main things PJimmy has stated in his past teachings here: The Bible says you can know for sure that you’ll be with God after you die. Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” If you have done that (which I believe you probably have!) then you are going to be counted worthy.

Sounds too easy, I know. But He did it this way for a reason. He designed it simple so that salvation couldn't be earned. Ephesians 2:8–9 states: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”....So, if any part of our salvation was based on us doing enough good deeds, we would be able to take credit and boast...God made sure we can't.

The only thing that is dependent on our good works here is the rewards we receive when Jesus returns at the rapture. It will be a judgment but it will be a judgment of rewards, specific only to believers.

You may already know this but I just like to type it out because it helps me to remember. Plus, it sure is comforting to be reminded of!

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You go, Preacher Steve!! Good explanation!

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Amen Steve🙏

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Bonnie...God loves you so much. By you believing in His Son is what pleases Him. The fruit of your faith will be actions. There is nothing you have "to do" once you believe Jesus is your Lord and Savior. Actions will just come from a heart that is walking with the Lord. Trust in the Lord with all your heart all your mind and all your strength and lean not on your own understanding. God bless!

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Nov 28, 2022·edited Nov 28, 2022

We must remember that we were bought with an ultimate price, the precious blood of Jesus. It isn't by works that we get to heaven but by what Jesus done for us at calvary. I am so thankful that he paid that ultimate price. I am so thankful that he saved a little country girl from the hills of eastern Ky. I don't have a lot here, but I have a home in heaven that is out of this world beautiful and what Christ gave to me by his blood atonement, no one can take from me. He lives on the inside of me. No greater love have I ever felt than what Christ placed on the inside. For Christ is love!

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That's beautiful, Hala! 😊

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I really enjoyed reading your post and identified with a lot of what you said. I think we all have thought or wondered about these things at one time or another. Often, I find myself contemplating worthiness or if I am pleasing my God enough, much like you mentioned. Some of this comes from our earthly experience and relationships. And this being our basis for understanding some of these spiritual and heavenly principles, which are not the same at all. I’ve found more understanding and comfort in my experience and viewpoint in having 8 kids, in a basic way of how God looks at us. I love my kids because of who they are, not what they do. They are in my image and like me in some ways. They have their own individual personalities, opinions, likes and dislikes that I adore. They have to really work hard to get themselves way out on a limb for disobedience. God loves us for who we are, not what we do. We show Him our love for Him by what we do and how we live our lives. That is why any job or task or any thing that we do, we can do well and right to show Him our love for Him. There’s nothing we can do to be more saved. The Bible does say to pray that we are found worthy to escape all these things that are coming upon the earth. They teach here, and I agree with, that you simply need to be saved. I believe this reference may be addressed to the greater church body of our rapture season. Which is shown to have about 50/50 legitimate believers. This is shown in close analysis of the churches in Revelation 2 & 3, as well as the parable of the 10 virgins. With said parable looking backwards in time at the rapture. Close analysis of the churches in Revelation 2 & 3 gives good hints at the critical failures of the rebuked churches or portions of churches.

Our salvation and rapture is all about what He did. Our part includes recognizing this, repenting (turning away from sin), confessing Him with our mouths, and committing our entirety to Him, including all our failures. Failure is one of the greatest teachers and humblers. That you care so much, or worry at times, is a good sign that it really matters to you and you care, in my opinion. I know He wants us to let go of the worry part, because I still get in the same place from time to time. we have to let go of that part and remember to keep our faith in what He did and let go of our failures. The Bible gave really good guidance for identifying the traits of believers with the 9 fruits of the spirit. If we are saved, we will bear these fruits. It says a good tree can not bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Of course, measured over a consistent and long term basis. If we are bearing no fruit or bad fruit on a consistent basis, it’s time to start taking a really hard look, if the person really cares enough to look. If we can win the battle of where we keep our heart, mind and eyes, this is one of life’s biggest goals. We keep it on Him and His salvation, righteousness, forgiveness, holiness and goodness. And try to be as much like that as we can, hour by hour, situation by situation and day by day. The more our gaze stays on Him and the less on our failures and sin, the more we become like Him. I know I really get caught looking back a lot, so I really understand what you are saying. But I can say for all surety and fact that He loves and adores you because you are His child. And because of who you are. Made in His image and likeness. Every detail about you, whether personality or physical, etc, He poured His heart and love and thought into creating you. That He picked this exact time and place to have you be for this story. He spent a lot of time on each of us. Even little details like how many hairs are on each of our heads and all the little things about us we don’t even know about ourselves. We were made by Him and for Him. To have eternal and permanent family relationship with. This short period of time is just to find out who is going to choose Him. Be blessed today sister.

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I forgot to answer your very first question. Jesus said that all of the law and the prophets were summed up in two commands. 1) Love the Lord your God with everything in you (paraphrased), 2) Love your neighbor as yourself. All the commands and laws, 10 commandments and all the rest will do these two things. And we will manifest the fruits of the Spirit as a result of obeying these commands.

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Great words of wisdom Justin. Love for God and others. The most important thing on my life is my personal relationship with Jesus and other people: family and friends. It’s all about Jesus! Day by Day! Be blessed. He is our soon coming KING and LORD of LORDS. 🙏

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Hello my friend. So happy about that coming day and its inevitability. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God bless you too my friend.

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Thank you so very much for your guidance. Greatly appreciated…GOD BLESS

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😦...Now THAT was a good read! What an amazing reply brother. I had to read it a few times. It was from a reflective, intimate, and personal perspective and I think every person who reads that has a blessing waiting. Hope that your family, Melanie, and yourself are doing well.

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Hello my friend and thanks for the kind words. I find myself struggling with value at times or having doubts and other people have been kind enough to pass this truth of God along to me. We are doing really well here. I am transitioning work a bit, so praying for the right thing to come together soon. I took an unprecedented amount of time off for the past few months and been working through some of the health stuff. I’ve worked so many hours and days for so long, everybody encouraged me to take some time off. Fortunately, this coincided with hunting season this year and I was able to spend a large amount of time with the kids and help them all get bucks they were really happy with, along with a few elk. It’s been very nice. But it’s back to business and I’ve been neglecting this TP family a bit. Been missing all of you guys and thinking of you a lot. I pray the Lord has kept you well during all of this time.

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Wow, I'm happy you were able to take the time and that it was a success for the kids to! Just keep that one elk tied up for me. 🤣. I'll be praying over you for the Holy Spirit to lead you into the answers you may be asking and for blessing in this transition brother. Glad you're back!

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Bonnie, Steve did an excellent job making sure you understand that if you have truly accepted Jesus has your Savior and repented, you do not ever, ever have to wonder if you will be in the Rapture. God holds our salvation in his hand and Jesus said 'no man can pluck them out of my Father's hand!' That's a promise! One thing I do want to assure you of, when Jesus died on the cross for our sins, He set us free from sin and Satan. We still live in a fallen world but we are no longer under Satan and sin's power. We are now under the power of Jesus. Satan wants us to think he still has power over us so you have to banish him in the name of Jesus and the power of God's Word. That why we told to wear the 'armor of God' to protect us. When you feel weak of like you're being temped by something you know is wrong, go straight to your Bible and start read and rebuke that sin! One of the most important things you can do is spend time everyday in God's Word! Keep it open when you pray and pray scripture!! Hope this helps to give you assurance. I will lift you in prayer.

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Bonnie.... I love your big heart for Jesus. You're His child and.... you're already enough. Your worth is extraordinarily valuable and you will spend eternity in Heaven!! I love your question... what is the will of the Father?! I love this quote from a TP post - "The martyred 20th century missionary Jim Elliott put it like this in his journal: “Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.” We were created to love Him and serve Him, love others, and serve others. i hope this encourages you - https://www.gotquestions.org/will-of-God.html

and ... https://www.gotquestions.org/know-God-will.html

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I do think this message is vastly lacking out here. Where there is no hope their is despair....

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Amen and again I say Amen!

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This article brings so much serenity. One of my favorites ❤️ and I will read it multiple times knowing that it’s a home waiting for me.

Thank you 😊

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What an AWESOME post! They are always awesome but I think this just happened to hit at the right time with the conviction I needed. My favorite part of the whole article was:

"Now, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the pleasures of earth, like good food and good friends. However, there is something very wrong with exchanging our dependence on God for wealth, ego satisfaction, and the physical pleasures of this world."

I had to do a self-inventory to see if I was ever guilty:

1. Wealth:...🤔........................................✅🙋‍♂️

2. Ego and satisfaction:....🤔............✅🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️

3. Physical pleasures:....🤔....😦......✅🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️

😞 I'm grateful for God's grace and that I am most dependent on Him when I am broken.

Please keep me broken Father. 🥹

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My self check has some areas in need of improvement also. Glad to know I’m not alone.

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Now that was absolutely magnificent as usual - thanks so much for that Jimmy.

Said it once and I’ll say it again - roll on rapture!!! 😊🙏👍

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Thank you so much pastor Jimmy!!!!! I love this site!!!!

I’m about 1/2 way through Heaven by Randy Alcorn, (of course at the suggestion of our Tipping Point Librarian Kari 😆😆😆) I love it. This site and your book Tipping Point and Missing People have litteraly changed my walk with God. Since my teens I have loved end time teaching and had a great youth pastor that was instrumental in my fascination with eschatology. I will never be a passive Christian again!!! I will be loud in Jesus❤️❤️✝️✡️⬆️

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LOL I'm sitting at my desk and Heaven book is right here.... re-read a few pages aligning perfectly with Pastor Jimmy's post today!!! I'm so thankful we have a teacher that shares not only about end times, but our forever home!!! Glee... have you read Walking With God by John Eldredge? I read Heaven & Walking with God at the same time. It took me a few months, but both books are fantastic and highly recommend. I agree.... these books you listed and TP have flat out changed my life and my walk with God. 💛

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