It’s getting so hard to not be afraid. I feel so bad every time I start to fear what isn’t here yet, but IS in Israel. I know I have nothing to complain about, especially in comparison.. I’ve never been attacked by fear, anxiety, and awful, disturbing thoughts as I have these last few weeks. I pray and cry for Israel, then I pray and cry that it doesn’t come here and that’s my day lately. Continued prayers for Israel.. I woke up at 5:30 this morning with Israel on my mind… I pray they come to Jesus before it’s too late.. Come Lord Jesus! Maranatha 🩵🕊️
I will pray for you Cat, that our Lord will calm your mind and help you thru these hard times for us all that love Israel. When the apprehension strikes, just Lift a prayer or a song of praise. If you have a favorite praise song; sing it OUT "LOUD"SO THE DEVIL CAN HEAR YOU. Where the spirit of the Lord is, the spirit of fear cannot abide.
At eighty, I have found that a song in the night chases away the fear that overthinking can bring. I have found a song, in any circumstance, can change that hollow we feel in our stomach.
I lean more toward the old Hymns we used to sing. A good Hymn for all difficult situations is "How Great Thou Art," another good one is, "I Know Whom I Have Believed." Another, "It Is Well With My Soul."
I hope this helps. If you don't know these Hymns, Google them and learn them. Don't let a great Hymn go to waste.
So many think that this music is to sing Sundays and they sing along with the Top 50 during the week. I have 100 Hymns or Gospel songs saved for every secular song on my music play list. Music comes from God. He loves to hear it returned.
When I was small, during war time, (Korean,) we'd pick up soldiers that would hitchhike home on leave.(It was a lot safer back then.) Our whole family would sing gospel songs for them, and my Dad would present the Gospel. My brother and I walked to churches around town as teens, carrying our instruments, and did the same. He then traveled with a gospel quartet, full time. My Dad and I along with a friend did the same for several years.
I can no longer sing. (Acic reflux burned my vocal chords.) Sometimes I sound like more like Kermit the Frog. I just play a hymn and mouth 👄 the words. I know the Lord hears me in the volume that is in my heart. Anyway, good to hear from you, Kris. God's richest blessings on you, my sister in Christ.
I really do need to learn some more hymns. There’s one I really like, we sang it in church a few weeks ago but idk the name of it. The chorus is “this is my story, this is my song. I’ll worship my savior all the day long” (I think, I have epilepsy and my brain likes to jumble stuff up) but if I remember right, the title isn’t in the chorus. I will google it and then some, though. Thank you so much for your kind words. God bless and I’ll be praying for you as well ❤️
That one is called, "Blessed Assurance." It's by the famous Hymn writer Fanny Crosby. She got an infection at wks. And the 💧the Doc gave her caused her to go blind. She lived to be 94 and wrote so many beautiful Hymns. Somewhere over eight to nine thousand hymns. My favorite one is, "Tell Me the Story of Jesus," and second, "I Love To Tell the Story." I listen to the Hymns at night while I sleep. I have You Tube Music and can make my own lists of songs, so I listen to Hymns, Southern Gospel. Quartets and some Contemporary Christian. I cannot attend church anymore and don't really know many Worship Songs.
From what I hear, a lot of the older people are attending Church on line or TV because they can sing along to the old Hymns. They feel that that's the way they can worship. My son, (a worship leader,) said if we don't sing them, they will be lost to the young people, and that would be a shame. He is introducing them again, with the Worship music. Anything that Praises the Lord is Ok by me.. if you read my letter, didn't mean letter but that's what it is almost, to Kari you will know a little of my life history..... anyway God Bless You sweet sister. By the way. Your brain is fine. Try one that's 80.
Well thank you. I don’t always feel like my brain is fine lol but I do appreciate you saying so! I have been reading all of the comments (except Damien’s.. not sure why people stay in groups that they obviously disagree with, but.. what do I know) and it’s really nice getting to know more about you and the overall fellowship in this group ❤️ A lot of churches have moved away from hymns, I guess to try to be more “up to date”, so I’m going to try to find some that I still remember 😊
Some people are just confrontational. Seems strange to me. The fear now days is more than enough for me without arguing back and forth about something that doesn't change what we are are here to do, and that's spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
. Maybe we should argue about how many angels can sit on the head of a pin. Something important like that, don't you think?
Tha answer to that would solve all our problems. If we ever got the answer.
Maybe if you have You Tube, Bill Gaithers Hymn sings would be a good place to start. Let me know how you make out.
Hi, Cat. Whenever I get scared, I remember that the very essence of God’s peace, lives inside of me. And then I put my hand on my heart, so I can connect with that peace in a physical way, and let it penetrate my entire being. I also remember, that He told me, that He would never give me more than I can handle. In fact He told me, that the burden is His, not mine. That seems unrealistic at times, until I remember that peace... which indeed has been enough, in the worst and best of times. You are ok because Jesus lives in you. He will never leave you. He will always see you through. He is truly your best friend, and mine. Just my thought, Kris 🌺
Thank you for that, Kris 🩵 I do try to remind myself of that. Even just a few months ago, all of this would, no, not all of it, but some these events would’ve just made me more excited for the rapture; but then, I started seeing all these thumbnails about why the pre trib rapture is false, and ig I let it get to me. I wish the Bible had been more clear on it, but I also know that that’s probably where our faith is supposed to come in. I read Psalm 91 a lot lately lol
Thank you again for your kind words and reassurance 💕
Cat, I would say we are all reeling from the atrocities happening in Israel. Your feelings are normal, and God gave you every single one of your feels. We love Israel and watching a holocaust happening in real time is beyond words, right. Believe me, I’ve shed tears & feel physically sick watching the news that changes hour by hour. We can cry together. I love what Kris shared with you, it’s helping me too. Everyone on the TP has opened up our hearts to learn as much as we can about end times and at times when we start to feel afraid, we pray and God covers us with His peace. A few weeks ago, I printed off some of my favorite verses and put them on my fridge —I’ve been reading Psalm 23 outloud every morning. He restores my soul. Hope that helps you too. We can cover our fears with His word. Love you sister💙🤍🇮🇱
Thank you, Kari ❤️ I know I’m not alone and yes, it’s so difficult. Im trying to avoid seeing it all the time, but it’s everywhere. I’ve been reading Psalm 91 every day, but I will look at Psalm 23 as well. I very much appreciate the suggestion! Thank you again and I love you too, my dear sister in Christ 💙🤍💙🤍
The best medicine in times like these is prayer, keep praying for all of our brothers and sisters over there who have lost their lives. But our hope is not in guns, houses, lands, or any political power. We have only One hope and His name is Jesus! Keep praying keep trusting in Him. I thank God that He has given you a heart for the Jewish people, the reminds us to pray for the people of Jerusalem May they proper who love you. Psalm 122:6
I pray that your ministry will reach and teach everyone in this nation and around the world. I am a black pastor and many in the congregation love Jesus and don’t like Jews or Jewish people. I always remind them what Heard you say at one time. I remind them that Jesus is a Jew, the first name Christians came from the Jews, before when they were found “in the way.” And the Bible came from Jewish authors and it is the greatest book that has ever been written. My prayer is before it is too late, that all of us who know Jesus at this time now will lift up the name of Jesus, to our friends, relatives, and whosoever, because God is on His own time table and by looking at the events unfolding right before our very eyes, it won’t be long before Jesus calls His children home. And the second advent of Jesus return. Israelis abroad urged to take care as Hamas calls on supporters to hold ‘day of rage’. Foreign Ministry says Friday rallies could devolve into attacks on Jews; wartime cabinet approved as Gazan terrorists fire barrages at south; 2 injured in Jerusalem terror shooting.
Israelis abroad urged to take extra care tomorrow, when Hamas has urged ‘day of rage’
The Foreign Ministry and the National Security Council issue a joint statement urging all Israelis staying abroad to take extra care tomorrow, citing the Hamas terror group’s call on its supporters worldwide to participate in a “day of rage.” This, the statement says, is expected to include attempted attacks on Israelis and Jews and rallies that might turn violent. Israelis abroad are recommended to “show alertness, stay away from protests and demonstrations, and if possible get updates from local security forces about possible protests and incidents of unrest around them.” Hebrew media reports say security will be upped in Israeli embassies worldwide tomorrow.
I am praying through out the day, and have been for what is happening in Israel and the innocent people on both sides! We also need to pray for those with in our own government who are supporting hamas.
Jimmy, thank you for all the updates! In the event of all that has happened, do you feel this is the very beginning of the GogMagog War? Also, I have a dear Christian friend and she said she and many well known prayer warriors praying for the nation said, the rapture is still at least 100 years away! UGH!! What is your personal opinion on that? How can that be???
Hi Leslie, Jimmy or Mark may answer your question directly, because it is a good one! But my opinion is that probably many people who hold to the Pre-tribulation view, may be willing to consider that this may be the very beginning of what could escalate into the Gog-Magog war. How long that will take? That part is uncertain. All the players are indeed near by, and the “hook in the jaw” could come sooner verses later. 100 years away, UGH is right! Likewise, these people you are talking to, probably do not take the pre-tribulation view which generally believes that we are the last generation. There are lots of Christians out there that have different views on what the end-times, from their Biblical perspective, will look like. Doesn’t mean they won’t be Raptured, when it happens, and we believe will happen soon. If they have Jesus in their hearts, they go, as do all Christians, whenever the trumpet blows. 🌺
Hi Leslie, these are great question and the perfect place to research the rapture!🤗 The clock started ticking on May 14, 1948 and we know that date is significant. We don’t set dates on the Tipping Point and we don’t know the hour, but in a twinkle of an eye, the Lord will rapture His bride. If you’re comfortable sharing with your friend, these are two great posts from Jimmy Evans… He explains about the generation that will see all these things.
Jimmy & Mark have explained this recent war is not the Gog Magog war because many countries are coming to Israel’s aid. This could be the start of Psalm 83 war. But the Gog Magog Ezekiel 38 war, Israel will be alone and God fights the battle for them. Hope that makes sense…. 💙🤍🇮🇱
Hi Damian, we always appreciate people sharing their opinions and views on the Tipping Point…most of us here believe 100% there is a rapture. I believe Jesus is returning for His bride and soon! I’ve believed in the rapture for as long as I’ve known Jesus as my Savior. If you’re interested in learning more about the rapture, this is the perfect place. There are hundreds of posts— just put “Rapture” in the archive 🔎search and you’ll have a lot of great teaching and scripture. It’s possible you have heard there is no rapture from the Amillennialism view and in my opinion, not accurate. Blessings💛
Who is Slamduck and what’s his comments? I wanna know too lol Also, I just read II Thessalonians and I don’t see where he’s getting what he’s getting. The main thing that stands out to me is how aggressive these people get that refute the rapture. That just makes me believe in it that much more. Kind of like the aggression that only Christianity gets, because Christianity is the one, true religion. Like, you have a different opinion… great.. but what Christian would not at least want there to be a rapture? Seems like a really good thing to be wrong about if you ask me 🤷🏻♀️
Slamdunk is an elderly gentleman that comments on here occasionally that has an unyielding belief in the post tribulation point of view. He's very knowledgeable and loves to find someone to debate it in a friendly fashion. It's like a "calling" to him to try to persuade us to switch to that point of view so we're not disappointed to end up in the tribulation being persecuted and not be able to handle it.
As you should know, chapter four of this book contains the great passage concerning Christ's second coming that is so quoted throughout "Christendom". I can't wait until we make it over to chapter four, but we really need to start in chapter one and verse one.
Verse one: Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now honestly, who is this book written to? Can you honestly say that it was written to anyone other than the church of the Thessalonians – 2,000 years ago? Can unto the church of the Thessalonians be ‘interpreted' or taught to mean anything but unto the church of the Thessalonians?
He goes on in verse two, saying, We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;
Verse three: Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.
KNOWING, BRETHREN BELOVED, YOUR ELECTION OF GOD. Paul tells them that he KNOWS that they are elect of God. Is there any chance that these people could have also been the ones that Christ was talking about in Matthew 24 when He said that there should no flesh be saved, BUT FOR THE ELECT'S SAKE THOSE DAYS SHOULD BE SHORTENED?
How was it that Paul was so convinced of their election that he KNEW it? Paul had read Matthew 24 when Christ said, Behold, I have told you before! There is no doubt in my mind that the elect of I Thessalonians 1:4 and the elect of Matthew 24:22, are one and the same. Look down at I Thessalonians 1:9-10: For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;
Verse 10: And to wait for his Son from heaven, who he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come. Was Paul giving these people misguided hope for their future? Was he misleading these people as Christ supposedly mislead His disciples in Matthew 24? How can we even begin to believe anything other than what is so plainly stated in black and white (and red) in the Scripture?
Chapter Two
Look at verses 13 through 20 of chapter two. For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye have heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh in you that believe.
Verse 14: For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
Verse 15: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
Verse 16: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might fill up their sins alway: for the WRATH IS COME UPON THEM TO THE UTTERMOST.
These past few verses must be reckoned with. Paul has told the Thessalonians that he knows about their persecutions. He knows about all of the tribulations that they are being put through. And he says about the ones who have done the persecuting – THE WRATH IS COME UPON THEM TO THE UTTERMOST! Can you get anymore wrath than the uttermost? Is not this almost word for word what Christ talked about in Matthew 24? The WRATH IS COME! That is present tense! He told them that the wrath is come and that WAS 2,000 YEARS AGO.
Verse 17: But we, brethren, being taken from you for a short time in presence, not in heart, endeavored the more abundantly to see your face with great desire.
Verse 18: Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us.
Verse 19: For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?
WHAT??? Paul told THEM that THEY would be in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ AT HIS COMING! Paul was telling them that their persecutions would end at the coming of Christ. This was the hope that the Thessalonian church was looking for. This was what sustained their faith throughout all of the terrible persecutions that they were going through at that time! Paul told them that THEY would be in Christ's presence at his coming. Was this another in a long line of misrepresentations? Is all of what we have been taught about the new Testament based on lies and misrepresentations? If the Thessalonians did not go through all that was promised to them, was that not an unbelievably cruel thing to do to a group of sincere, Christ loving, God serving, persecuted people?
Hi Damian, again as I shared yesterday, we can discuss and debate theologies and views on eschatology until the twinkle of an eye, but for me, I 100% believe in the Rapture of the Church happening before the 7 year tribulation. And, I personally don't find any fault in any scripture. It's the Rock I stand on. You are on a forum of 100K+ subscribers that also teaches the coming Rapture. It's OK if you don't share my view...:) You are more than welcome to read Jimmy Evan's posts on Dispensationalism/Pretribulational Rapture view (which is what I believe). God bless you.
Going to have to disagree.. if it happened that long ago, we wouldn’t even be here now. The Bible is clear about the signs that come before the rapture and the technology for most of it didn’t even exist back then. Also, and I mean, idk, but I would think we would’ve learned of that somewhere down the line? A bunch of people disappearing into thin air seemingly and nobody talked about it?
O.K. let's go on into II Thessalonians. We basically will look at the first several verses of chapter one.
Since we looked at Malachi and read that the day of the Lord will burn as an oven, and John the Baptist – Malachi's Elijah – confirmed the same, we only need to look briefly at II Thessalonians to drive a piercing blow into the unscriptural teaching of the religious leaders of this world concerning Matthew 24. Verse one again makes it clear who is doing the talking and who is receiving the words. It is the church of the Thessalonians, 2,000 years ago! In verse four he tells them again that he recognizes their patience and continued faith amidst all of the persecutions that they are enduring.
He tells them in verse five that: Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgement of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which y also suffer:
(Verse 6) Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
Is it still some demented delusion that Paul was leading these suffering Christians through? Did God keep His word to these people? Did He do to them what He said He would do? Did He keep the delusion going in chapter two when he begs them by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, AS THAT THE DAY OF CHRIST IS AT HAND?!?!?
Kathy….My brother, who lived in Lebanon this year, we were just talking about this on the phone. Tomorrow is being called the day of jihad it’s very harrowing to hear terrorists calling for a day to come together for a possible day of terror & death. In my opinion…. It’s demonic. We pray stronger💛🙏
Thanks for asking this question. I’m hearing the same thing. A global Jihad on Friday, the 13th. I watched a pro Muslim event in NY city earlier this week. I will paraphrase what he said. “There is only one true religion. It’s time we make every person renounce their false religion and convert to Muslim or else.”
A similar rally in Dearborn, Mi. 1000s attended.
My concern is that our country has been invaded thru our Southern border. Millions have come across and be spread across America. Thousands of “got aways” we have no idea who they are or their intentions.
If anyone in our community has a trustworthy source for understanding this threat, especially for tomorrow, please share.
I wish Pastor Jimmy or Mark share whatever they know before the end of today. I would hate to see America caught off guard like Israel.
My biggest problem with American Christians disparaging Russia is that Russia currently seems to hold far more to Christian values than the US, which has rejected God in a very big way - and it’s getting worse. Rabbi Cahn’s books and interviews with Pastor Jimmy Evans clearly demonstrate this. God bless, Jimmy.
So there's the war going on in Israel, then this "national day for terrorists" that's tomorrow (Friday the 13th), the following day is the eclipse. It's scary to think what will happen next.
So most of us think this is probably the start of the Psalm 83 war rather than the gog Magog? I think Bill salus thinks that's first but amir thinks it happened decades ago. To me it looks like it might be the 83 countries soon to be involved?? When do we expect the Isiah destruction of Damascus to play into the order? Thanks!
jmvaad, this could actually be the War of Elam, discussed in Jeremiah 49:34-39, where God breaks the bow (the military might) of Elam (part of what was then Persia, or today is Iran). Shortly thereafter, surrounding nations are enraged, and the Psalm 83 war could take place. God, through Israel, beats her enemies again, and there could be a period of peace, which is the setting for Gog-Magog, because Israel is at that time "a nation of unwalled villages," dwelling in peace and safety. That's certainly not the case now. I have ordered Bill Salus's book, "The Future War Prophecies" from, but it was on back-order after this conflict started last Saturday!
I don't know what will happen, but I do know three things:
1) God is not up in Heaven wringing His hands in panic.
2) God loves Israel (and His church, though she does not replace Israel in His affections).
3) Our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. Maranatha!!!
The good news jmvaad, the rapture is the next big supernatural event to happen. Wars will keep raging on.... Damascus will be destroyed (I believe the timeline is before Gog Magog war.) The rapture can happen anytime, these wars will not stop until the very end. Excerpt: The White House announced that the US government will begin operating evacuation flights to help Americans leave Israel as the IDF prepares to escalate retaliatory action against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip. The evacuation flights are expected to begin Friday, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said. The US government is arranging for at least four charter flights a day out of Israel, according to people familiar with the planning.
Everyone is talking about the rapture!! If it could be 100 years away why talk about it now? And it says, this generation will see all things fulfilled, which generation? There are people alive of all ages! I’m 61, my kids in their 30’s and I have grandchildren. So which generation will see the rapture? They say it’s imminent and we should look up but our necks are going to start hurting looking up for that long!!
The generation refers to the fig tree generation. You can research that but basically the fig tree generation started in 1948 I believe it was. The bible says a generation is 70-80 years so 70-80 years from then is almost up. We could go any minute now. I think we will!
This year in May 2023 was Israel's 75 year anniversary. "Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day..... we are not just celebrating our country, Israel, we are praising the God who brought about its rebirth. We are rejoicing that we are blessed to be of "the generation" that has witnessed this greatest of signs that the countdown clock to our Messiah’s return to take His church has begun."
Hi Leslie, jmvaad is correct. The clock for "this" generation started on May 14, 1948. Israel became a nation in one day on May 14, 1948. This was the fulfillment of many Old and New Testament prophecies and according to Joel chapter three, was the beginning of the countdown of the final generation. That itself is a prophetic fulfillment of Isaiah 66:8.
We are in the most exciting of generations – the Fig Tree Generation. This is the generation that will not pass away until the return of our Savior, Yeshua the Messiah.
No one knows the twinkle of an eye, but we're closer than any generation in 2000 years!
It’s getting so hard to not be afraid. I feel so bad every time I start to fear what isn’t here yet, but IS in Israel. I know I have nothing to complain about, especially in comparison.. I’ve never been attacked by fear, anxiety, and awful, disturbing thoughts as I have these last few weeks. I pray and cry for Israel, then I pray and cry that it doesn’t come here and that’s my day lately. Continued prayers for Israel.. I woke up at 5:30 this morning with Israel on my mind… I pray they come to Jesus before it’s too late.. Come Lord Jesus! Maranatha 🩵🕊️
I will pray for you Cat, that our Lord will calm your mind and help you thru these hard times for us all that love Israel. When the apprehension strikes, just Lift a prayer or a song of praise. If you have a favorite praise song; sing it OUT "LOUD"SO THE DEVIL CAN HEAR YOU. Where the spirit of the Lord is, the spirit of fear cannot abide.
At eighty, I have found that a song in the night chases away the fear that overthinking can bring. I have found a song, in any circumstance, can change that hollow we feel in our stomach.
I lean more toward the old Hymns we used to sing. A good Hymn for all difficult situations is "How Great Thou Art," another good one is, "I Know Whom I Have Believed." Another, "It Is Well With My Soul."
I hope this helps. If you don't know these Hymns, Google them and learn them. Don't let a great Hymn go to waste.
Love this Patsy. Worship music calms my soul too. 💛
So many think that this music is to sing Sundays and they sing along with the Top 50 during the week. I have 100 Hymns or Gospel songs saved for every secular song on my music play list. Music comes from God. He loves to hear it returned.
When I was small, during war time, (Korean,) we'd pick up soldiers that would hitchhike home on leave.(It was a lot safer back then.) Our whole family would sing gospel songs for them, and my Dad would present the Gospel. My brother and I walked to churches around town as teens, carrying our instruments, and did the same. He then traveled with a gospel quartet, full time. My Dad and I along with a friend did the same for several years.
I can no longer sing. (Acic reflux burned my vocal chords.) Sometimes I sound like more like Kermit the Frog. I just play a hymn and mouth 👄 the words. I know the Lord hears me in the volume that is in my heart. Anyway, good to hear from you, Kris. God's richest blessings on you, my sister in Christ.
Amen, Patsy. And two more: TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS and
I really do need to learn some more hymns. There’s one I really like, we sang it in church a few weeks ago but idk the name of it. The chorus is “this is my story, this is my song. I’ll worship my savior all the day long” (I think, I have epilepsy and my brain likes to jumble stuff up) but if I remember right, the title isn’t in the chorus. I will google it and then some, though. Thank you so much for your kind words. God bless and I’ll be praying for you as well ❤️
That one is called, "Blessed Assurance." It's by the famous Hymn writer Fanny Crosby. She got an infection at wks. And the 💧the Doc gave her caused her to go blind. She lived to be 94 and wrote so many beautiful Hymns. Somewhere over eight to nine thousand hymns. My favorite one is, "Tell Me the Story of Jesus," and second, "I Love To Tell the Story." I listen to the Hymns at night while I sleep. I have You Tube Music and can make my own lists of songs, so I listen to Hymns, Southern Gospel. Quartets and some Contemporary Christian. I cannot attend church anymore and don't really know many Worship Songs.
From what I hear, a lot of the older people are attending Church on line or TV because they can sing along to the old Hymns. They feel that that's the way they can worship. My son, (a worship leader,) said if we don't sing them, they will be lost to the young people, and that would be a shame. He is introducing them again, with the Worship music. Anything that Praises the Lord is Ok by me.. if you read my letter, didn't mean letter but that's what it is almost, to Kari you will know a little of my life history..... anyway God Bless You sweet sister. By the way. Your brain is fine. Try one that's 80.
Well thank you. I don’t always feel like my brain is fine lol but I do appreciate you saying so! I have been reading all of the comments (except Damien’s.. not sure why people stay in groups that they obviously disagree with, but.. what do I know) and it’s really nice getting to know more about you and the overall fellowship in this group ❤️ A lot of churches have moved away from hymns, I guess to try to be more “up to date”, so I’m going to try to find some that I still remember 😊
Some people are just confrontational. Seems strange to me. The fear now days is more than enough for me without arguing back and forth about something that doesn't change what we are are here to do, and that's spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
. Maybe we should argue about how many angels can sit on the head of a pin. Something important like that, don't you think?
Tha answer to that would solve all our problems. If we ever got the answer.
Maybe if you have You Tube, Bill Gaithers Hymn sings would be a good place to start. Let me know how you make out.
Hi, Cat. Whenever I get scared, I remember that the very essence of God’s peace, lives inside of me. And then I put my hand on my heart, so I can connect with that peace in a physical way, and let it penetrate my entire being. I also remember, that He told me, that He would never give me more than I can handle. In fact He told me, that the burden is His, not mine. That seems unrealistic at times, until I remember that peace... which indeed has been enough, in the worst and best of times. You are ok because Jesus lives in you. He will never leave you. He will always see you through. He is truly your best friend, and mine. Just my thought, Kris 🌺
Thank you for that, Kris 🩵 I do try to remind myself of that. Even just a few months ago, all of this would, no, not all of it, but some these events would’ve just made me more excited for the rapture; but then, I started seeing all these thumbnails about why the pre trib rapture is false, and ig I let it get to me. I wish the Bible had been more clear on it, but I also know that that’s probably where our faith is supposed to come in. I read Psalm 91 a lot lately lol
Thank you again for your kind words and reassurance 💕
I agree Cat.. wish the bible was clearer on many things too. You’re right tho.. it make one’s faith stronger 💓🥝
Another powerful stategy, Kris!!
Cat, I would say we are all reeling from the atrocities happening in Israel. Your feelings are normal, and God gave you every single one of your feels. We love Israel and watching a holocaust happening in real time is beyond words, right. Believe me, I’ve shed tears & feel physically sick watching the news that changes hour by hour. We can cry together. I love what Kris shared with you, it’s helping me too. Everyone on the TP has opened up our hearts to learn as much as we can about end times and at times when we start to feel afraid, we pray and God covers us with His peace. A few weeks ago, I printed off some of my favorite verses and put them on my fridge —I’ve been reading Psalm 23 outloud every morning. He restores my soul. Hope that helps you too. We can cover our fears with His word. Love you sister💙🤍🇮🇱
Love you gals, love the TP! Where we learn and grow together. 🌺
Thank you, Kari ❤️ I know I’m not alone and yes, it’s so difficult. Im trying to avoid seeing it all the time, but it’s everywhere. I’ve been reading Psalm 91 every day, but I will look at Psalm 23 as well. I very much appreciate the suggestion! Thank you again and I love you too, my dear sister in Christ 💙🤍💙🤍
Jesus wants you to guard your heart too—I have to take a break watching the news. Praying continuously.
Kari, today’s radio on is excellent. Jan and Amir🥰✝️🙏
The best medicine in times like these is prayer, keep praying for all of our brothers and sisters over there who have lost their lives. But our hope is not in guns, houses, lands, or any political power. We have only One hope and His name is Jesus! Keep praying keep trusting in Him. I thank God that He has given you a heart for the Jewish people, the reminds us to pray for the people of Jerusalem May they proper who love you. Psalm 122:6
I pray that your ministry will reach and teach everyone in this nation and around the world. I am a black pastor and many in the congregation love Jesus and don’t like Jews or Jewish people. I always remind them what Heard you say at one time. I remind them that Jesus is a Jew, the first name Christians came from the Jews, before when they were found “in the way.” And the Bible came from Jewish authors and it is the greatest book that has ever been written. My prayer is before it is too late, that all of us who know Jesus at this time now will lift up the name of Jesus, to our friends, relatives, and whosoever, because God is on His own time table and by looking at the events unfolding right before our very eyes, it won’t be long before Jesus calls His children home. And the second advent of Jesus return. Israelis abroad urged to take care as Hamas calls on supporters to hold ‘day of rage’. Foreign Ministry says Friday rallies could devolve into attacks on Jews; wartime cabinet approved as Gazan terrorists fire barrages at south; 2 injured in Jerusalem terror shooting.
Israelis abroad urged to take extra care tomorrow, when Hamas has urged ‘day of rage’
The Foreign Ministry and the National Security Council issue a joint statement urging all Israelis staying abroad to take extra care tomorrow, citing the Hamas terror group’s call on its supporters worldwide to participate in a “day of rage.” This, the statement says, is expected to include attempted attacks on Israelis and Jews and rallies that might turn violent. Israelis abroad are recommended to “show alertness, stay away from protests and demonstrations, and if possible get updates from local security forces about possible protests and incidents of unrest around them.” Hebrew media reports say security will be upped in Israeli embassies worldwide tomorrow.
Thanks for sharing David. I appreciate you staying on top of it!! This is good info! 🌺
I am praying through out the day, and have been for what is happening in Israel and the innocent people on both sides! We also need to pray for those with in our own government who are supporting hamas.
Jimmy, thank you for all the updates! In the event of all that has happened, do you feel this is the very beginning of the GogMagog War? Also, I have a dear Christian friend and she said she and many well known prayer warriors praying for the nation said, the rapture is still at least 100 years away! UGH!! What is your personal opinion on that? How can that be???
Hi Leslie, Jimmy or Mark may answer your question directly, because it is a good one! But my opinion is that probably many people who hold to the Pre-tribulation view, may be willing to consider that this may be the very beginning of what could escalate into the Gog-Magog war. How long that will take? That part is uncertain. All the players are indeed near by, and the “hook in the jaw” could come sooner verses later. 100 years away, UGH is right! Likewise, these people you are talking to, probably do not take the pre-tribulation view which generally believes that we are the last generation. There are lots of Christians out there that have different views on what the end-times, from their Biblical perspective, will look like. Doesn’t mean they won’t be Raptured, when it happens, and we believe will happen soon. If they have Jesus in their hearts, they go, as do all Christians, whenever the trumpet blows. 🌺
Excellent wisdom Kris💛
Hi Leslie, these are great question and the perfect place to research the rapture!🤗 The clock started ticking on May 14, 1948 and we know that date is significant. We don’t set dates on the Tipping Point and we don’t know the hour, but in a twinkle of an eye, the Lord will rapture His bride. If you’re comfortable sharing with your friend, these are two great posts from Jimmy Evans… He explains about the generation that will see all these things.
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Jimmy & Mark have explained this recent war is not the Gog Magog war because many countries are coming to Israel’s aid. This could be the start of Psalm 83 war. But the Gog Magog Ezekiel 38 war, Israel will be alone and God fights the battle for them. Hope that makes sense…. 💙🤍🇮🇱
Unfortunately there is no rapture for us, the rapture happened in the time of the apostles and the fist churches as Jesus predicted.
Hi Damian, we always appreciate people sharing their opinions and views on the Tipping Point…most of us here believe 100% there is a rapture. I believe Jesus is returning for His bride and soon! I’ve believed in the rapture for as long as I’ve known Jesus as my Savior. If you’re interested in learning more about the rapture, this is the perfect place. There are hundreds of posts— just put “Rapture” in the archive 🔎search and you’ll have a lot of great teaching and scripture. It’s possible you have heard there is no rapture from the Amillennialism view and in my opinion, not accurate. Blessings💛
We need Slamduck's comments on this one... :).
Who is Slamduck and what’s his comments? I wanna know too lol Also, I just read II Thessalonians and I don’t see where he’s getting what he’s getting. The main thing that stands out to me is how aggressive these people get that refute the rapture. That just makes me believe in it that much more. Kind of like the aggression that only Christianity gets, because Christianity is the one, true religion. Like, you have a different opinion… great.. but what Christian would not at least want there to be a rapture? Seems like a really good thing to be wrong about if you ask me 🤷🏻♀️
Slamdunk is an elderly gentleman that comments on here occasionally that has an unyielding belief in the post tribulation point of view. He's very knowledgeable and loves to find someone to debate it in a friendly fashion. It's like a "calling" to him to try to persuade us to switch to that point of view so we're not disappointed to end up in the tribulation being persecuted and not be able to handle it.
Ooooooohhh…. Sounds like a good time 🤣
Kari, where do you find fault in the below;
As you should know, chapter four of this book contains the great passage concerning Christ's second coming that is so quoted throughout "Christendom". I can't wait until we make it over to chapter four, but we really need to start in chapter one and verse one.
Verse one: Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now honestly, who is this book written to? Can you honestly say that it was written to anyone other than the church of the Thessalonians – 2,000 years ago? Can unto the church of the Thessalonians be ‘interpreted' or taught to mean anything but unto the church of the Thessalonians?
He goes on in verse two, saying, We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;
Verse three: Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.
KNOWING, BRETHREN BELOVED, YOUR ELECTION OF GOD. Paul tells them that he KNOWS that they are elect of God. Is there any chance that these people could have also been the ones that Christ was talking about in Matthew 24 when He said that there should no flesh be saved, BUT FOR THE ELECT'S SAKE THOSE DAYS SHOULD BE SHORTENED?
How was it that Paul was so convinced of their election that he KNEW it? Paul had read Matthew 24 when Christ said, Behold, I have told you before! There is no doubt in my mind that the elect of I Thessalonians 1:4 and the elect of Matthew 24:22, are one and the same. Look down at I Thessalonians 1:9-10: For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;
Verse 10: And to wait for his Son from heaven, who he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come. Was Paul giving these people misguided hope for their future? Was he misleading these people as Christ supposedly mislead His disciples in Matthew 24? How can we even begin to believe anything other than what is so plainly stated in black and white (and red) in the Scripture?
Chapter Two
Look at verses 13 through 20 of chapter two. For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye have heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh in you that believe.
Verse 14: For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:
Verse 15: Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
Verse 16: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might fill up their sins alway: for the WRATH IS COME UPON THEM TO THE UTTERMOST.
These past few verses must be reckoned with. Paul has told the Thessalonians that he knows about their persecutions. He knows about all of the tribulations that they are being put through. And he says about the ones who have done the persecuting – THE WRATH IS COME UPON THEM TO THE UTTERMOST! Can you get anymore wrath than the uttermost? Is not this almost word for word what Christ talked about in Matthew 24? The WRATH IS COME! That is present tense! He told them that the wrath is come and that WAS 2,000 YEARS AGO.
Verse 17: But we, brethren, being taken from you for a short time in presence, not in heart, endeavored the more abundantly to see your face with great desire.
Verse 18: Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us.
Verse 19: For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?
WHAT??? Paul told THEM that THEY would be in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ AT HIS COMING! Paul was telling them that their persecutions would end at the coming of Christ. This was the hope that the Thessalonian church was looking for. This was what sustained their faith throughout all of the terrible persecutions that they were going through at that time! Paul told them that THEY would be in Christ's presence at his coming. Was this another in a long line of misrepresentations? Is all of what we have been taught about the new Testament based on lies and misrepresentations? If the Thessalonians did not go through all that was promised to them, was that not an unbelievably cruel thing to do to a group of sincere, Christ loving, God serving, persecuted people?
Hi Damian, again as I shared yesterday, we can discuss and debate theologies and views on eschatology until the twinkle of an eye, but for me, I 100% believe in the Rapture of the Church happening before the 7 year tribulation. And, I personally don't find any fault in any scripture. It's the Rock I stand on. You are on a forum of 100K+ subscribers that also teaches the coming Rapture. It's OK if you don't share my view...:) You are more than welcome to read Jimmy Evan's posts on Dispensationalism/Pretribulational Rapture view (which is what I believe). God bless you.
Peace to you Kari!
Curious where in history are documented cases of 2 people walking in a field, and one taken. Or 2 women grinding flour, and one taken?
Good point Greg and Laurel! No Rapture? That’s because it is still in the future, because as you say, the Bible tells us so!! Thanks! 🌺
I don't see that in the Bible.
Could you please tell me why you think that. Please.
Going to have to disagree.. if it happened that long ago, we wouldn’t even be here now. The Bible is clear about the signs that come before the rapture and the technology for most of it didn’t even exist back then. Also, and I mean, idk, but I would think we would’ve learned of that somewhere down the line? A bunch of people disappearing into thin air seemingly and nobody talked about it?
2 Thessalonians is a must-read.
O.K. let's go on into II Thessalonians. We basically will look at the first several verses of chapter one.
Since we looked at Malachi and read that the day of the Lord will burn as an oven, and John the Baptist – Malachi's Elijah – confirmed the same, we only need to look briefly at II Thessalonians to drive a piercing blow into the unscriptural teaching of the religious leaders of this world concerning Matthew 24. Verse one again makes it clear who is doing the talking and who is receiving the words. It is the church of the Thessalonians, 2,000 years ago! In verse four he tells them again that he recognizes their patience and continued faith amidst all of the persecutions that they are enduring.
He tells them in verse five that: Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgement of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which y also suffer:
(Verse 6) Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
Is it still some demented delusion that Paul was leading these suffering Christians through? Did God keep His word to these people? Did He do to them what He said He would do? Did He keep the delusion going in chapter two when he begs them by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, AS THAT THE DAY OF CHRIST IS AT HAND?!?!?
Thank you for your updates! I am at complete peace ready for Jesus to receive us as he has promised in John Chapter 14🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
What are your thoughts on Hamas calling for national jihad on Friday the 13th?
Kathy….My brother, who lived in Lebanon this year, we were just talking about this on the phone. Tomorrow is being called the day of jihad it’s very harrowing to hear terrorists calling for a day to come together for a possible day of terror & death. In my opinion…. It’s demonic. We pray stronger💛🙏
Thanks for asking this question. I’m hearing the same thing. A global Jihad on Friday, the 13th. I watched a pro Muslim event in NY city earlier this week. I will paraphrase what he said. “There is only one true religion. It’s time we make every person renounce their false religion and convert to Muslim or else.”
A similar rally in Dearborn, Mi. 1000s attended.
My concern is that our country has been invaded thru our Southern border. Millions have come across and be spread across America. Thousands of “got aways” we have no idea who they are or their intentions.
If anyone in our community has a trustworthy source for understanding this threat, especially for tomorrow, please share.
I wish Pastor Jimmy or Mark share whatever they know before the end of today. I would hate to see America caught off guard like Israel.
Please share with our TP community.
Art, See latest being reported in Israel Times outlet I shared. Maranatha!
Hi Kathy, where did you hear that? Doesn’t surprise me. These are perilous times. He is our strong tower.... 🌺
Kris, Many outlets are starting to report this. See following.
Yes, Fox is reporting it now. Just heard it. 🌺
I heard about this on Bill Koenigs website
Thank you, Jimmy. This interview of Joel Richardson by Pastor Vlad Savcuk discusses the popular view of Russia’s role in the end times.
My biggest problem with American Christians disparaging Russia is that Russia currently seems to hold far more to Christian values than the US, which has rejected God in a very big way - and it’s getting worse. Rabbi Cahn’s books and interviews with Pastor Jimmy Evans clearly demonstrate this. God bless, Jimmy.
So there's the war going on in Israel, then this "national day for terrorists" that's tomorrow (Friday the 13th), the following day is the eclipse. It's scary to think what will happen next.
So most of us think this is probably the start of the Psalm 83 war rather than the gog Magog? I think Bill salus thinks that's first but amir thinks it happened decades ago. To me it looks like it might be the 83 countries soon to be involved?? When do we expect the Isiah destruction of Damascus to play into the order? Thanks!
jmvaad, this could actually be the War of Elam, discussed in Jeremiah 49:34-39, where God breaks the bow (the military might) of Elam (part of what was then Persia, or today is Iran). Shortly thereafter, surrounding nations are enraged, and the Psalm 83 war could take place. God, through Israel, beats her enemies again, and there could be a period of peace, which is the setting for Gog-Magog, because Israel is at that time "a nation of unwalled villages," dwelling in peace and safety. That's certainly not the case now. I have ordered Bill Salus's book, "The Future War Prophecies" from, but it was on back-order after this conflict started last Saturday!
I don't know what will happen, but I do know three things:
1) God is not up in Heaven wringing His hands in panic.
2) God loves Israel (and His church, though she does not replace Israel in His affections).
3) Our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. Maranatha!!!
The good news jmvaad, the rapture is the next big supernatural event to happen. Wars will keep raging on.... Damascus will be destroyed (I believe the timeline is before Gog Magog war.) The rapture can happen anytime, these wars will not stop until the very end. Excerpt: The White House announced that the US government will begin operating evacuation flights to help Americans leave Israel as the IDF prepares to escalate retaliatory action against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip. The evacuation flights are expected to begin Friday, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said. The US government is arranging for at least four charter flights a day out of Israel, according to people familiar with the planning. Excerpt: The US State Department announced Wednesday that it has raised its travel advisory for Israel and the West Bank to Level 3, meaning that Americans are urged to reconsider travel there against the backdrop of the ongoing Gaza war.
Everyone is talking about the rapture!! If it could be 100 years away why talk about it now? And it says, this generation will see all things fulfilled, which generation? There are people alive of all ages! I’m 61, my kids in their 30’s and I have grandchildren. So which generation will see the rapture? They say it’s imminent and we should look up but our necks are going to start hurting looking up for that long!!
The generation refers to the fig tree generation. You can research that but basically the fig tree generation started in 1948 I believe it was. The bible says a generation is 70-80 years so 70-80 years from then is almost up. We could go any minute now. I think we will!
Thank you! I added 1948 + 80 years and got 2028! So hopefully by then Jesus will come for us!
This year in May 2023 was Israel's 75 year anniversary. "Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day..... we are not just celebrating our country, Israel, we are praising the God who brought about its rebirth. We are rejoicing that we are blessed to be of "the generation" that has witnessed this greatest of signs that the countdown clock to our Messiah’s return to take His church has begun."
Hallelujah Kari! Love you sister!
Hi Leslie, jmvaad is correct. The clock for "this" generation started on May 14, 1948. Israel became a nation in one day on May 14, 1948. This was the fulfillment of many Old and New Testament prophecies and according to Joel chapter three, was the beginning of the countdown of the final generation. That itself is a prophetic fulfillment of Isaiah 66:8.
Generation interview with Mark H -
We are in the most exciting of generations – the Fig Tree Generation. This is the generation that will not pass away until the return of our Savior, Yeshua the Messiah.
No one knows the twinkle of an eye, but we're closer than any generation in 2000 years!
What about the Psalms 83 war??
Hi Judy, it's possible this is the start of the Psalms 83 war.... Jimmy & Mark both feel this is a war in our future, like Ezekiel 38.
For those of us who wish to donate to the relief efforts, what organization should we trust?
Hi Glenda, Jimmy often shares about Jewish Voice ministry. He & Karen support this wonderful ministry.
Is there anything else that has to happen before the psalms 83 war concerning the USA?? ie collapse of the dollar??