I personally think the corona virus is setting the stage for upcoming world events. I could see this effecting the world economy causing many nations uniting together to create a One World economy, encouraging a cashless system because of the potential of using contaminated and unclean cash. Down the road, it could also be what initiates a vaccine that introduces a One World ID system to individuals, who because of the fear of being created by this pandemic virus, will feel the need to protect themselves and their families. By agreeing to get vaccinated, there may possibly be a personal identification connecting individuals who consent to the vaccine. There is already the World Health Organization (WHO) and I believe their role in this situation will continue to promote a globalist view encouraging those to take necessary measures for the so called good of mankind. Then it could also lead to the idea promoting a One World Religion where individuals will falsely put their faith and hope in a god created by man, uniting people in a false religion. To me the fear of the unknown on a global scale is the perfect instrument in setting up an end time scenario. It may take years for all of this to occur but it certainly is part of the birth pains our world is currently experiencing. Of course this is just one person’s opinion and I may be way off base but whatever the outcome is I know God is still in control and I truly look forward to the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, because He is who I put my faith, trust and hope in on a daily bases. I praise His name for the peace and joy that He gives me each and every day!!! Those who believe in Jesus are blest by His mercy and grace, but I would encourage anyone who reads this post to share the gospel with family, friends and any unbeliever you meet, because we should all have a sense of urgency, “God wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth”. 1 Timothy 2:4. “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance”. 2 Peter 3:9. If we don’t share our faith, then what does that say about our salvation and the truth we know to be true?

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Here, you cannot even enter a bank without an appointment. You must go through the drive through. Banks are changing. My friend in London said he went to the bank one day and everything had changed. No more human tellers. Only automated money machines. One person was there to assist you if you have problems with the machines. He was very upset over this.

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I do not think a vaccine is the mark of the beast. Also since 2005 there has been a big push for a national ID system. It was put off over and over but now in Alabama you must get a brand new "Starred" Drivers licence by October 2020. If you don't get the new drivers' license, you will not be permitted to drive a car, board a DOMESTIC aircraft, enter some government buildings and on and on. You can be spared of some of these things if you have an updated passport. New passports may require biometrics. On another note, when I was still working for the government, they told us we would have bew ID cards. The old ones were not expired. They told us that we would have a specific individual time for each of us to get our new ID. Then it was my turn. I was fingerprinted. I asked why I was being fingerprinted. All i got was THEY require it. I asked more questions. The person doing the IDs was someone I had never seen before. I asked whonTHEY were as he kept referring to THEY. He said I cannot tell you. He had a 2 or 3 page set of papers that described everything. No names were on it. No contacts. I asked if i could copy it. He said I'm not supposed to, but if you promise to bring it back in 15 minutes o.k. he said I'm not supposed to tell you this but everything you say is being recorded he also said a camera that I could not see was recording me. I asked what would happen if I refused this ID based on religious grounds. He said you csn ask personnel. But if you do not accept this ID you cannot enter the building, you cannot get access to your computer therefore you couldn't work there. A strange feeling came over me. I agreed tontake the ID but retired early. They were watching everything we did everything we said while we were on duty. I asked this person if anyone rlse questioned this based on religious grounds. He said no. You're the first. That was in 2001. I retired shortly after that. Now its 2020. I do not dout that this governental civilian Army organization has introduced chip insertions under the skin. I don't

Know but it would not surprise me.

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The digital banking system will be the Mark of the Beast. They are setting the stage. The vaccines is the red herring. Watch for it. Start buying up SILVER.

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Bitcoin is getting popular. It is definitely a world currency. Also a few years ago i went to the post office to mail a card to a friend in England. Usualky they would look ip the country you were sending it to and tell you how much the postsge would be. The postal worker gave me one stamp with a world globe on it. I looked at her and asked what it was. She said that this ONE stamp is used now. One stamp that you could use to send a letter anywhere in the world. I bought more than one. The next time i bought one of these stamps the world globe was not on it, but a cutsy one. Stamps are a type of currency. They have value. I was shocked,but not surprised. Stamps. Global stamps. The first sign of a one world currency, in my opinion.

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Great article as always. Thanks, Jimmy! It makes me wonder how long these sorrows will last, as we have had increasingly numerous and intense famines, pestilences, and earthquakes for some time now.

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I try to explain to people here in the U.S. about the huge locusts swarms. The last one contained locusts in the trillions. Trillions with a T. mass famine is sure to follow. Not many psy attention to the swarms becsuse we are so focused on COVID-19. I looked at the track of the eclipse. It was to be seen in those parts of the world where the locust plagues are located. All these things are happening at once. Everything was calm and then all hell broke loose. Jimmy Evans read the book Petrus Romanus. Finally! Someone took it seriously! I bought the book when it first came out. Jack Van Impe, God rest his soul studued up on it too. According to the book, which is well referenced indicates that Pope Francis is the last Pope as prophesied by an 11 or 12th century monk. I am protestant but wanted to become a nun. I went through their classes. I asked questions. Too many questions. I raised the issue of the prophecies. I was given the answer as stated in the Catechism. Only the Father knows when Christ will return. I replied, "yes, that is true, BUT we know the season". I never made it through. I was basically asked to leave. Because i ask too many questions. I exposed my son to many denominations from the time he was 5. When he was 7 years old his fsther, without my permission, put him through Catechism and he took,vows to become Catholic. I was not invited. It drove a wedge into our relationship, i haven't heard or seen him in over 3 years. He is a euchsristic minister, 4th degree Knights of Columbus. A secretive organization. I believe the Catholic Church has told him to stay away from me. They don't want him to know the truth and interpret the Bible for himself. Its very sad. I almost died once. He never even csme to the hospital. I didn't have an abortion. I followed the right to life doctrine. Now that i am 61 and not in good health, i don't even exist. I know I got off track a bit. But I'm asking for prayer. That I can get through this alone. I know God is with me. But when your child turns their bsck on you it is hurtful. I'm not the only one. Many parents are going through this. This is also prophetic. I cannot quote the exact scripture, but it says that children will be disrespectful and disobedient to parents. In my generation, it did not cross your mind to be disrespectful to your parents or elders. Period. Its all prophetic. Maybe someone else can shed some light on this.

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Karen I will pray for you and your children. You are right about God being with you and I pray He will give you comfort and peace when it comes to the plans He has for you and your family. May God bless you always.

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I don’t think getting an id number associated with a vaccine would be the mark of the beast, it would just be a way of collecting massive amounts of personal information on the world’s population. These are pivotal moments for the formation of the New World Order. Now it is hard to argue against globalism because people are being conditioned that the way to fight off crises like this is through "international cooperation".

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Some companies have already started by voluntarily having an RFID chip inserted under the skin. Many people are convinced it was the mark of the beast. I noticed which hand the. Chips were being inserted. It was the LEFT hand. Not the right hand or the forehead as described in the bible. The vaccine that Margaret is referring, she is right on the money. Aa way of collecting massive amounts of data. For our protection of course. And a way of knowing who did not receive the vaccine. Now since COVID-19 is highly contagious and csn be deadly, it may come to a point where they have to "qurantine" those not vaccinated. Children will not be allowed to enroll in school. Its already that way now. I believe we are living in the times of Matthew 24 and 25. I'm a scientist. I keep up with the number and intensity of earthquakes over time. Since 2004, one of the most intense earthquake csused that horrific Tsunami. More followed. That 2004 earthquake was so powerful it caused the Earth to wobble on its axis.

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The only thing is that I’m pretty sure that you have to take the number of the beast voluntarily. If you are forced or tricked I don’t think that counts. At least I hope I’m right!

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The digital banking system will be voluntarily. You won't have any other options than using silver because they will do away with all paper currency. They are setting the stage for it and it's starts with all those who file their taxes with the government and receive their stimulus check via their bank during the COVID19. In Canada you can now use your bank account to access any government agencies, whether it be the Canadian Revenue Services or your social insurance, government penions, etc.

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I think you are right.

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