20 years ago I had a dream that I died. I knew I was dead. I went to a processing office much like a clinic. As I waited for someone to check me in, my deceased father appeared before me. He was so happy, but waxen or wooden. He could not move or speak. Suddenly, I heard the voice of the Lord say, why seek yea the living among the dead? I fell to my knees and looked up. All that I saw was white light. I have never felt so loved. I knew that it was Jesus. I did not care about the world I left behind. The love took all that concern away. Then I heard the lord say, who have you brought with you. I knew what he meant. Who have a shared the gospel with. I couldn’t think of anyone. He told me I needed to go back. I pleaded and begged to stay. I wept, but I was sent back. When I awoke, I was sobbing from the loss of that over whelming feeling of love. Every time I share this story I weep. I weep for the lost that do not know the love of Jesus. In recent months, this dream has become urgent for me to share. When asked, what will you say? Who have you brought with you? Lord lead me so that I might see what you see and hear what you hear.

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Thank you for sharing this. I found it encouraging since I, too feel this urgent need to share the love of Jesus with people in my words and also in my deeds. God bless you in all that you set your hand to.

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That was such a great and touching share. Thank you so much for sharing that.

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Great reminder for all of us ......... Thank you and God Bless!!!

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a very good share.

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What a beautiful experience! Thank you for sharing.

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Amen Shirley!

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There’s no where else I’d rather be. Thanks for bringing me along

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Oh Shirley, "WHO HAVE YOU BROUGHT WITH YOU?" Your dream is a clarion call to all of us! Don't let our answer be, "ME, MYSELF and I!" There is still time to share His Word, our testimony, the truth that JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH and the LIFE. Holy Spirit anoint us and energize us to evangelize for we are indeed here for such a time as this!

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Amen to that Carol..... When I read Shirley's post, I felt the same way ...... God Bless!!!

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I love the song sung by Mark Bishop "Listening for the Call". You are right, there will always be scoffers. The Bible warned us of these. But just as the wise men knew the timing of Jesus birth, so he is letting his people know the timing of his return. Hallelujah to the precious Lamb of God who made it possible for all of us to go to that heavenly country! Blessings to you today Pastor Laurie and all of my TP family. I'm looking forward to getting acquainted with each of you somewhere beyond the skies.

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Me too Hala 😊

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What Shirley shared really touched my heart. I’ve experienced that love and presence at brief times in my life and look forward to that more than anything. One of the things that troubled me for many years is the difficulty of sharing the gospel in our environment that we live in, where many people don’t want to engage in it. But I came to find out that there are people all over the world who are very receptive to it. That are desperate to hear, that want nothing more than to hear it read to them. Video of people crying because they are receiving a Bible. So I set my heart to support getting the gospel out into the greater areas of the world. Perhaps my circumstances do not allow for me to get on the front lines for a while. But I support that work through a number of missionaries and Bible distribution programs. There are some now who are printing the gospel in the languages of many of these people groups. The more I have given, the more God has provided to continue to send. And the chances to share here continue to grow but in other ways. For me, it has mostly been supporting people that are in real need and maybe won’t ask for help. Single moms, families struggling with hunger, elderly needing company or help. It seems that the very practical gospel is being the hands of God. There comes chances to share the gospel after helping people. There are still areas of significant shortcoming I struggle with but it is a journey. I was just happy to find a way to support the gospel being shared where it is so well received. I apologize for the long ramble. I’ve just felt that same conviction and burden. And yes, all the signs for the season of the end are here. The apostasy, Israel returned, the nature of people. I know everybody here has their bag packed for the rapture and we are beyond ready to get out of this evil that is so distressing. I just had long desired to obey the command of our King to take the gospel out to the whole world but had felt stuck in place for a long, long time. God bless you TP family on the start of another week of opportunity.

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Justin. I loved your comment and thanked God for you blessing so many people! God sees and knows all and He will reward you in Heaven! My heart reflects your same desires to share the Gospel all over the world and at home! Dr. Charles Stanley with In Touch Ministry (which I support) distributes The Messenger all over the world and is translated in their language . It contains Dr. Stanley’s sermons! Just FYI to share with you! Yes, God’s Word is going forth and God is on the move! Amen! Stay strong and courageous. I’m reading my Daily Bible reading where the Israelites are commanded to go and fight for the land that God promised them! We as Christ followers are claiming territories for our Lord! God blessings to you and family and TP family! Waiting for His Return! 🙏 Gladys

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Thanks so much for the affirming message. And thanks also for the reference to Charles Stanley. I'll have to look at what he's doing. I only know a handful so it is nice to have the recommendations. God Bless Gladys!

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Justin. Dr. Stanley is 89 years young and one of my heroes of the faith! Solid teachings of God’s Word! I’ve been on two cruises with In Touch Ministries and have met him personally. And a later cruise : I met his son; Andy Stanley and his wife as well as other guests. Glad you will check it out. Thanks for being open to new opportunities! ✝️ Gladys

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Mar 22, 2022
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Thanks for sharing your life. Be blessed as you continue your growth and journey with our Lord Jesus Christ! Gladys

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Faith Comes by Hearing (https://www.faithcomesbyhearing.com) provides audio Bibles in 1,602 languages, as 70% of the world’s population live in oral cultures according to their website.

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Awesome, thanks for the share. There are a couple of these that I have supported for the past couple of years that do the audio Bibles, since so many don't read. Thanks for sharing this resource! I will check this out.

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Thanks for the Dr. Stanley suggestion.... I'll check it out too. And yes, we all need to stay in the race for as long as God would have us on this earth ....... Blessing to you and your family.

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What a great idea of going global with bibles! I too am struggling with ways to be His messenger. I know I can do more, just don't know what or how. This has given me some direction. I will look into this further. Thank you again, and God bless you 🙏 ❤️

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You bet and it sure has been a rewarding feeling. It's hard for us regular folk who are regimented into a system to get out on the front lines. But we can buy some Bibles here and there and put them in the hands of others in the area to give out. The more I give, the more God continues to give me, to get more Bibles. He is always going to achieve His Word and plans. I like Talking Bibles for one, on CSN radio. Our friend Blondie here suggested https://www.faithcomesbyhearing.com as another like resource. I also just gave to YouVersion, another Bible translation company. I think many good choices, good to research and pray about who God would have you support. God bless :)

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Looking into YouVersion. Thanks, Justin :)

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Oh Justin and Shirley. Each of us need to feel that urgency to help others to the kingdom. It's one thing I've learned over the years, you never know what a kind word, a whisper of encouragement, or a song sung from the heart (which is what I am known for in my work). You never know one's full impact on others until you see the results. We all have shortcomings. God bless each of you today and help others to see the way. I believe that we all feel that same sense of urgency! Christ's return is right at the door!

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Such a great share Hala. So cool to hear that your songs and music were such an inspiration at your work. It's remarkable sometimes how something like that can help somebody on any given day. I know it has for me. Just to help or reassure or comfort. Thanks for sharing :)

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Hey Justin ..... The TP family is amazing ...... I was also moved by Shirley's post as well as your very timely reply. There is a reason God has placed us all in this position we find ourselves in. The genuine desire to follow God's commands to share the amazing news of salvation is undeniable in a believer's heart. No doubt I'm on a similar journey and God has placed it on my heart to write my final book "END GAME: As Real As It Gets". I'm in the process of distributing them (free to anyone willing to receive it) to individuals around my community and immediate circle of influence. I feel it's what I'm called to do. Your post encouraged me to reach out to you as I'd like to send you (and anyone else for that matter) a copy also. I'm not looking for any endorsements, as my goal is to reach lost souls and point them toward God Himself for His glory. I thought perhaps you might then suggest places I might be able to help. If you feel inclined at all, I can be reached at c.rizea@outlook.com ........ God Bless!!!

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Thanks so much for the message. I will email you here shortly. I would like to check that out. I am so glad that you are inspired to share the message and be one of God's workers. This community has been such a blessing for me and I have really valued the fellowship and connections greatly.

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Mar 21, 2022
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So true. I pray for my kids as they got all mixed up Spiritually when they went off to college…. but we dare not get stuck there. The HS continues to put people in front of us that need and want the Lord. We must be faithful and to Him be the Glory!! 🌻

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Maggie😊. Who Ray for Jesus! When I lived in Northern California; I bought New Testaments at the Dollar Store and underlined John 3:16-18 in red and left them where the Holy Spirit led me. Many at a Post Office on a table and at the Bank and a few other places! I prayed as God’s Word does not return Void! Also, I passed out tracts . To God be the Glory and all honer and praise to His Name!!’ Loved your comments. Waiting for His Return.🙏✝️ Gladys

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Thanks Maggie and I’m so glad to hear of your faithful sharing. It’s so funny what you said about people listening to strangers over their family. We have 8 kids and watch this over and over ha ha. I even remember being like this myself. Thanks again and God bless you as well 😊

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Justin. Amen! Some times family seem to focus on the negative and not the positive; where as strangers seem to be more open and receptive. Some family members want explanations instead of being open to the Holy Spirit and the absolute truth of God’s Word! Prayer is the best answer for both ( family and strangers). Waiting for His Return.🙏. Blessings to your family! Gladys

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I have never been more ready! May the Lord open the eyes of the blind and give hearing to those who don’t wish to hear.

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All set and waiting 🙌

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I love how life keeps going even though the end is closer than ever. Today I’m celebrating 30 years of marriage and relishing in renewed hope. Let’s keep living life to the fullest until the last trumpet sounds and twinkle of an eye!💛☁️🎺🔜🦁

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Congratulations. Happy Anniversary.

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May your anniversary be blessed Kari❣️❣️❣️

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Happy Anniversary, Kari! 🎊🎉🎂

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Chris…. I just posted an interpretation for the dream you had on todays new post 3/23/22. I’ve been hunting for you ;) This is for the dream you had about cannons, train, royal blue color. I PRAY it encourages you and others!! 💛💛🙏🏽🔥

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Happy Anniversary Kari to you and your mate.

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Happy 30 years of f marriage! Praise God for your great 💯 le to this sinful world that ALL things are Possible With God!!! Amen!! 🙏❤️🙏❤️🥰

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Congratulations Kari! AMEN let us keep living life in victory and JOY.

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Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby. May God Bless you two!

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Happy and blessed anniversary, Kari❤️. Yes , just keep enjoying each day as it is a gift from our Lord! We keep serving Him! The Joy of the Lord is our strength! Waiting for His Return ✝️. Gladys

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Happy Anniversary!

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Congratulations! Hope you had a wonderful Anniversary!

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30 years…. What a mile stone. Blessings to you both. 🌻

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Hope your day has been lovely! Congrats Kari and Hubby 💍🌹

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Thanks for the anniversary blessings—woke up to a beautiful sunrise in Austin TX! What a reminder “And the Lord will be King over all the earth. On that day there will be one Lord—his name alone will be worshiped.” ‭‭Zechariah‬ ‭14:9‬ ‭NLT‬‬💛

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I live as a missionary in rural Mexico and the town church bells ring on the hour, and every 15 minutes. This new mechanized time keeper was installed in a 100 year old fishing village in 2022. Like the Grandfather clock in the story, we are ever aware of the sign of the times. I am 70 years old and I remember the Harold Camping predictions with a specific date. Nobody knows the day or time, but certainly our heavenly Father has given us ample warning in His Word. To serve the hard working people in Mexico I hand out Spanish Bibles, tracts and a summary of the NT in Spanish (an 80 page appetizer for more truth entitled Biblia Compacta) Come Lord Jesus, we are ready to greet You, as we worship You and hang on Your every Word. We serve a MIGHTY GOD and His perfect timing will require us to keep our lamps full. AMEN

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Barbara it’s an honor to meet you here thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus in Mexico!! 💛

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Sweet Jesus adopted us as His children and one day very soon we will meet face to face with our Lord and each other. God bless you with His lavish love by His power. AMEN

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Thank you so much for your service to His kingdom.

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May God bless you Justin with His massive assurance of how much you are loved and how He is pleased with how you bring Him glory. AMEN

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Thank you so much for the kind and affirming message this morning. God bless you as well Barbara :)

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Barbara ✝️ May God bless you with His Favor, strength, and Joy as You are blooming where God has planted you! What an eternal difference you are making in rural Mexico! Our thoughts and prayers are with you 🙏. They will thank you in Heaven as they rejoice in our Lord and bow before Him. You are amazing 🤩. and an inspiration to us. Waiting for His Return! ✝️🕊❤️ Gladys

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God bless you Gladys with a lavish outpouring of His Spirit. See you in the clouds.

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Mar 21, 2022
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Our Lord Jesus is to be praised for the finished work He is doing through His Holy Spirit in all those who believe in Jesus, and who seek to know the Father as we are known. God bless your family Michelle and may His face shine upon you for who you are in Him. AMEN

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Thanks Greg!!! Our Pastor at Cornerstone Chapel on Sunday decided to “preach it” about the Ukraine and Russia war on Luke 21 and Ezekiel 38! Wow!!! I was so proud of him, and boy did he stir things up! Let it rip, is what I say!!! And then today, to make it even sweeter, our Church has a reputation on the bus lot where I work…. and I had the most amazing opportunities to share what is going on in the world from a Biblical perspective! Straight out of Sunday’s sermon! (And the day is still young!!). Thanks, for all you end-times watchmen on the walls-Pastors out there, for not resorting to: Every generation thinks they are THE generation…. Instead, pointing out that we may very likly be the LAST generation, and time is running out! Get yourself Saved before time runs out!!! That is our message when the subject about a war that no one understands…. comes up. THE END-LOVE IT!! Getting the WORD out! 🌻

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Great share and so happy to see you embrace those opportunities.

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I own a beauty shop and in contact with many individuals. As I stand cutting their hair, I pray over them in my spirit, asking for God to show Himself to them and to meet their spiritual needs. Approximately, eighteen months ago, the Lord laid it on my heart of Christ’s return likely to happen soon. I haven’t been able to shake that feeling.

I started to tell others of the love of Jesus and of my belief He’s coming soon. It seems the ones claiming to be saved are the ones who don’t believe the Rapture is imminent. Another thing I’ve noticed is the hatred people have towards others. I see parents turning against children and vice versa. Today a mother and daughter came in screaming at each other. Both professing christianity. I encouraged them to pray and gave words of encouragement.

Many professing believers are pro LGBTQ. They tell me these folks can’t help themselves BECAUSE they were born that way. I do my best to lead them to the Bible and what it says about it. I know what it means to pray continually because it seems on a daily basis I visit with many people dealing with hard problems. I’ve realized I’m not responsible for who gets saved. God has that responsibility, not me.

The very atmosphere feels heavy with evil. The only thing I know for sure, I have a peace in my heart and a calmness in my spirit and even though the world is falling apart, I am NOT. I have grown immensely, in my walk with Jesus this past year. He is EVERYTHING TO ME. All the material things I use to work hard for, I no longer want. Every day my eyes looks to the sky and I ask, is today the day? One day will be Reality. Blessed be the Name of Jesus!

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One of my grandmothers had a beauty shop when I was growing up. It was connected to her home. She used to pray over the ladies, too. :)

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Amen Esther! I have daughters that say Christianity is hate filled because we do not support LGBT among other issues. They believe what they have been taught in school rather than what they have been taught in church. I pray for them constantly. I realize that it will take God to open their eyes to the truth. I just pray it isn't too late when their eyes are opened. God bless you as you witness for him at your shop. You never know who you will touch. One thing is for sure, God's word will not come back void.

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Hala, your story is my story. I prayed today that what my daughter learned in college would be undone, and that she would return to the God of her youth. And, as someone mentioned today, our kids often won’t listen to us, so I pray for other’s kids as well as my own, and that God will bring someone into her life as His witness to her.

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Thank you Blondie. I have twin daughters. They are girls with good hearts but need to be awakened from their sleep. It's hard to talk to them about salvation because they get offended when I don't agree with all of the woke generation. I never thought that i would witness in my lifetime, the things that we see taking place today. May God open your loved ones eyes as well. One thing for sure, we don't have much time!

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Oh yes, Hala, my daughter gets upset over any conversation of any consequence. Sent her a photo of a page in my Bible (Book of Luke) of Jesus healing the woman with the 12 yr issue, and of His raising a young girl from the dead. My daughter feels that women are not respected, treated well, etc. It may offend her when she receives these texts, but she hasn’t responded at all. Praying that she will actually take the time to read and be touched by Jesus’ compassion toward women, esp in a time that women were second class citizens. Praying for your girls 🙏❤️

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Thank you Blondie. You have made me cry. To see others concerned for our loved ones touches my heart. I am praying for your daughter as well. Love all of my TP family! Blessings to you my friend.

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Thank you so much for your prayers, Hala.

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Two Iranian drones shot down over Iraq last month by American fighter jets were set to explode in Israeli territory, the defense establishment has confirmed.

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It seems like watching a modern day version of Haman over there with Iran. And I think there may be some ancestry there.

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They laughed at Noah, didn't they?

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Thank you for this. Today I’m working on my income taxes and I would be 100% ok if the Rapture happened right now. Like - RIGHT NOW. 😜😂✝️

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Thank you for such a great article Pastor Greg. To Pastor Jimmy Evans: I am confused or don't understand the destruction of Damascus prophecy. Has it already been fulfilled or when is it to be fulfilled? Thank you for your time. Thank you for allowing God to use you. You are a wonderful example of complete balance in God. Prophecy and now living! I pray for and thank God for you and Pastor Robert Morris frequently. God bless!

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My husband and I just recently were told by our daughter and son in law that we are going to be grandparents for the 1st time!! 🍼👶

I am thrilled beyond reason, already bought clothes (boy & girl) bought crib, mattress, changing table, etc, etc. Needless to say we are very very excited!!!

However, when I think about meeting up with my Lord and Savior in the clouds and seeing Him for the 1st time......(sigh) ......this is what I truly look forward to the most. I know our time is near. 🦋

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I have my first grandbaby on the way, too. Little girl... be here in about 3 months. Excited! :)

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David, The Best Dads get promoted to Grandpa! You will make an exceptional one!

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David ; Congratulations 🎉 also for your new baby girl who will come soon! So Precious! Love her and spoil her as I do with my three granddaughters! 😊 Waiting for His Return! ✝️🙏 Gladys

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Congratulations! Grandchildren are the best!

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Congrats David!

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Jennifer 🙏. Congratulations 🎈. I have one Son and be and my daughter in law blessed me with Six precious grandchildren; three beautiful girls and three handsome boys! They are all teenagers except one who just turned eleven. So, its been a delightful journey with them as they continue to grow snd blossom for the Lord! Psalm 127:3. Children are a gift from the Lord👶🙏! So , be blessed and you are a blessing to prepare for this new coming gift! Enjoy ☺️ Waiting for His Return ✝️🎉. Gladys

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Congratulations! Welcome to the "grandma club" :)

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Your baby is having baby. How wonderful for you and your husband and the parents to be. Have you decided what the baby will call you? When we were expecting our first grandchild I thought I would like the baby to call me "Gram." My husband asked what his name would be and I said, "Crackers!!" Needless to say he was not alright with that so we are Nana and Pop Pop to five gifts from God. You will never be the same once that baby arrives.

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Congrats to you, Jennifer 💗💙

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Wake up people because Jesus is coming back to gather his people. Thank you Jesus.

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