Excited to see the movie when it comes out later to purchase online. I wanted to share a remarkable couple of dreams that I had a couple nights ago. I had been praying intensely as I am trying to line up new work in my new area we moved. I am also navigating some natural fears-doubts about a number of relatively minor things, though t…
Excited to see the movie when it comes out later to purchase online. I wanted to share a remarkable couple of dreams that I had a couple nights ago. I had been praying intensely as I am trying to line up new work in my new area we moved. I am also navigating some natural fears-doubts about a number of relatively minor things, though they can pile up if not resolved. I had prayed some rather strong pleading with the Lord and went to bed. Got up and stoked the fire middle of the night, went back to bed. Had two different dreams early in the morning. The first, Jesus came and met me, face to face. I paused for a second and then rushed to embrace Him. It was an overwhelming outpouring of emotion that came rushing out of me as we embraced for several seconds and I was just embracing Him intensely. All this emotion was just pouring out of me. It was overwhelmingly intense. I couldn’t even talk about it the next day because it was so emotionally overwhelming. When you are holding onto Him like that, you realize total and complete fulfillment, love, acceptance, joy and fully knowing/fully being known. In my waking world, sometimes I have a hard time knowing what I am feeling. It seems there is some sort of mechanism in me that seems to cause me to detach from my emotions or certain ones at certain times. He also did something I would never have thought of. He showed me how much I love Him. It’s one of those things your mind kind of has an idea of, at least for me, but you have a hard time feeling it the way we will when we are always with Him. Probably a bad explanation. In any case, I couldn’t even talk about it for most of a day because I couldn’t keep my composure. Near the end of our time hugging, He showed me that His return is literally right at the door. In that setting, it seemed like a mere second or two that the door was going to open. In His perspective, I don’t know the earth equivalent except that it really is a very short time away. In the second dream, I went to heaven. It was definitely a lesser version of heaven than what I’m sure we will see. But it was a very nice time and pleasant there. I did seem to notice that there was less people there than I expected. I’m sure however by the time we do get there, there will be a large multitude brought in by the end of it all. So I have a lot more peace than I have lately after the face to face meeting with Him again. It just puts everything in perspective. I’ve met Him probably 3-4 times in dreams and neither of us has yet to say a single audible word. But it hasn’t been necessary either because there is a full understanding and knowing between us. It is not necessary to speak because you know the feelings and thoughts of each other completely. I’m sure there will be plenty of speaking later, it is just an incredible experience. And being directly with Him, He is really meeting me in these face to face dreams and it is all I want to do, is be with Him. Nothing on earth comes close to the experience. Anyways, I am hoping that the share is uplifting and encouraging. I would encourage you to ask Him to directly meet you or speak to you or show you things, whether in visions or dreams or in person. I did that night and He met that request immediately and I really was in need of it. He’s at the door friends and wishing you all a wonderful Maranantha today.
I am glad it was encouraging. It was really helpful for me as it makes Him seem so close all the time right now. For all the worldly things we have to deal with, just that He is already walking right with us all the time. For me, it made everything else fade away and it still seems like that when I look out there or am out there. It was more helpful than anything I could ever imagine..
Thank you, dear brother, for asking for Jesus to come to you. Thank you Jesus, for being faithful to show Justin your complete love and acceptance. Thankful that you shared Justin, and how it encourages us! You describe His love so beautifully. Wow!
The Lord woke me in the middle of the night last night with a burden to confess past specific sins that I am so ashamed of, which still seem to condemn me, as if God just can’t quite forgive something so bad. I believe that He woke me in order to finally put this to rest. They have been confessed before (many times), and it is lack of faith on my part that I can go on, knowing I’m forgiven. But, the consequences of my sin will bother me until I’m made whole in heaven.
Thank you so very much for loving us in this community enough to encourage (and rarely and graciously correct us), Justin! We love you 💙
I'm going to jump in here Blondie. I've held on to old sins too. Don't you think God is up there shaking his head at all of us saying " enough already!". 😄 Every single believer has a multitude of sins in their pasts. We are forgiven! Those old sins have been thrown in the fire and incinerated long, long ago. I know you know this and I'm glad God woke you up to tell you this once again. 🤗
Oh, precious Blondie sin shall not have any dominion over you anymore. You’re washed clean by the blood of Christ.
the battle ground of our walk in Christ is our mind, and that “accuser of the brethren” ( lucifer)
is constantly going before the throne, bringing up our past sins.
When he is standing there, God would have to look past Jesus to see him and God doesn’t move.
He doesn’t look around his precious son the perfect sacrifice to listen to the accuser of the brethren. I’m haunted by my past sins as well, but I begin to worship, I turn on Pandora, put on my praise and worship music, and I just praise God through the condemnation, which is exactly what we will do when we get to heaven.
we will be so overcome just like in Justin‘s dream of the love in the how much he cares for us, and we will fall on our faces with the 24 elders and we will worship the only one worthy of our worship.
Hi Blondie my BSF friend: please know that even if you still feel consequences from this sin that you have confessed; I’m always reminded of Corey den Boom who said: God had buried our sins in the deepest sea and put up a no fishing sign and remembers them no more. Just my little 2 cents to share. Love 💕 you Sister. Be blessed and stay well. 🙏❤️
I know how you feel Blondie. I truly do. My past haunts me. Almost everyday I'm reminded of something I need to repent for. I do it and then keep on keeping on, and praying the Holy Spirit keeps cleaning house. Thank you hon for being who you are. A wonderful, loving, kind, and very generous child of our Father. Love you Blindie!!🙏💗🌻
Love you back Blondie. You have a great and blessed of the Lord day! God is good!! Just so you know, to me, y'all are the blessing. Praise Father for all He does in all our lives! I have joy, joy, joy, down in my heart. Praise God!!
Love you too my dear friend 😊. I know what you are talking about, from what you described. The enemy keeps coming against us with accusation and condemnation. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. He may convict our hearts, which is different than accusation and condemnation. Everybody, I think, has “those sins” they are so ashamed of from their past. That make them look something else than who they really are. We all hate to even look back at those times. I sure understand how it makes you feel. But not who you are, not who we are. So glad He sets us free. So glad for your long and faithful friendship here 😊. Sundays blessing my friend.
Thank you Justin. My friend who is in a memory care facility used to tell me the same: “there is therefore now no condemnation…” and I’ve missed her encouragement so much. So what did the Lord do but send you to remind me of “Judy’s verse.” Wow.
Thank you for sharing your heart and your wise words, once again. Blessings to you, Melanie, and your kids, including your little spitfire girlie💕🤣
Of course my friend and always so great to see you. We are blessed. I interviewed with the state today for work and I think it went well. God bless and keep you and yours as well.
So happy to. I feel like I am on some kind of euphoria ever since it happened. I keep feeling that embrace and all of those things we are waiting so faithfully to fully understand. Praying you have a blessed Sunday.
"euphoria".. that's exactly the word I thought of when I was reading about your hug with Jesus.. even typing the words gives me shivers... man I can't wait!!
Oh Justin, that was soooo beautiful! Jesus truly loves you, that's so clear! I also think though that part of him showing himself to you in this way was meant for all our benefit also. WE all need to hear these stories to keep us lifted up and keeping our faith strong. I really needed your story this morning. Thank you dear Justin! My emotions were completely shut off this past week because I was struggling with how I was feeling. For me, I think its a coping mechanism until Im able to fully process things. It truly feels like the enemy is trying to kill my son and as though God is just going to allow this to happen. I thought that God had opened up a door toward saving him and then last minute it was slammed shut. Last minute the insurance company decided not to allow him to get treatment. The thought that keeps circling my brain this morning is that faith isn't real if we're just believers when things are easy and go our way and we're meant to keep our faith strong no matter the situation we're in. My initial reaction is to think " I knew God didn't really care about me or my family". But then I put my destructive thinking behind me and choose faith. I choose Jesus....no matter what happens next. Satan...get the hell away from me and my family. I'm going to trust God. May God bless all of you pouring your hearts out to our father today. 🌷
My sweet Jessie. I'm so sorry that this keeps happening to you. I am praying for y'all. I love you my sweet Sister in Christ. I have faith that God has a perfect plan for your son and that if we all just keep praying for y'all to recieve His wisdom, it will come. Hon, God is good, and He would never hurt you or your son. My heart says that that place is the wrong place. God's will be done.
Hey Justin, me too. I needed this time with y'all so much today. God is so good.
Thank you Father, for all these folks you brought into my life. I'm so grateful Father, and I love each one of them. You are an awesome God and You heal me . I'm so excited Father to worship at your feet, and serve you with all my heart. In Jesus beloved and holy name I pray, AMEN!!
He is so amazing. As I was holding on to Him, I was just saying “dad, dad, dad” over and over. Such a sense of being my Father as I was holding into Him. ☺️
Hello my friend, thank you for the nice share, and your trials you have been struggling with. That is a great struggle you are talking about. Anything to do with our family is always hitting us in a sensitive spot. I believe you are right, that this was meant to encourage everybody here and that I share this with around my area. I am so sorry that the insurance company chose this perhaps pushing back against them may work. One of our challenges is the faith and perseverance can’t really be fully developed without adverse circumstances. I will be praying for you and your son as you wrestle with that situation God bless you and bring your favor as you seek care for him. I know for a fact that he is holding you close every step of the way.
"One of our challenges is the faith and perseverance can’t really be fully developed without adverse circumstances"
Yes...bullseye. 🎯
We are pushing back with the insurance. And we'll continue to fight this. I guess God's trying to mold me into a warrior woman instead of a doormat. 🙄 And yes, I know his presence is there even in those moments I can't feel him. I'll keep reminding myself. Love to your family Justin!
Thanks Jessie and please know you are a great inspiration to me as well. Watching you grapple and overcome the world and the enemy in His power. Onward to victory!
Yes Jessie God will make a way when there seems to be no way ( insurance for your son). God fights our battles and I can’t wait to see how God will provide for you to meet those needs. Keep us updated! God will be Glorified and you will be blessed and strengthen in Him! 😘
Amen 🙏 Jessie. In the authority of Jesus’s Name I agree in prayer with you that Satan be rebuked and his hands off of you and your son; y’all are property of the Lord Jesus Christ and no weapon against you will prosper. Satan is a liar .cheater and deceiver and his days and times are short. I get mad at him too and rebuke him out of my life. My body and my apartment. So stay the course and be strong; Satan can not have us or our children. You are the head and not the tail; above and not beneath. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Enjoy your week and keep the Armor of Christ ( our heavenly clothes) on. Love 💕 Sister. He is coming soon.
Oh Jessie. I’ve missed you but assumed you were busy. Which you probably were. So sorry for this long, long trial. I’m grateful that the Lord gave you the time to feel your feelings and then gently remind you that He is faithful. Imagine how things we don’t understand on this side of heaven will be made clear in heaven, if we even remember them.
In agreement we say “get behind me Satan!” And we trust our trustworthy King. Love you sweet pea ❤️
Praise the Lord, Justin. I can't imagine being so blessed. I would ask how to get to that point of intimacy, but I'm sure it is different for everyone. Besides, I'm dealing with a lot of anger right now, and doubt He would show Himself in my dreams. God bless you Justin. Love you Brother!!
Jesus doesn’t have any prerequisites you must complete or fill out before he wants to give you a hug, come as you are to his throne of mercy and grace climb up in his lap, lean back against him, feel him breathe as he holds you❤️🙏⬆️
Love you too my friend. To answer your question, I would think I am one of the last people to be deserving of such an encounter. I have shortcomings in pretty much every department, don't feel like I've earned it or deserve it. I have so many doubts at times or feelings of unworthiness or other littany of things. It is so hard for me to understand His love most of the time, or even accept it because I feel so unworthy. But when He meets you, He peels all that stuff back because you instantly realize how incredible and completely loving and accepting of you He is. Not because of what we do, but because of who we are. We are His children. Like how I view my children - I never love them because of anything to do with their performance. I love them because they are my children. Right or wrong, always love them. It helps me understand and accept it better. I am sorry you are struggling with anger. I have been there many times and it is an island I am always trying to get off during various times of life. I can just tell you that He completely loves and accepts you for who you are and He will faithfully walk with you the whole time you are working on walking away from that burden. I have no question He would show Himself to you, in His time. The Bible says in Hebrews 1 that in the past, He spoke to us through the prophets, at many times, in various ways. But in these last days, He speaks to us through His Son. That was what this was and this promise is for you too. I am the last person you would think of as intimate or close with God on a daily basis. Many other people I know are much more disciplined/deserving. But I love Him deeply, I love His Laws, His righteousness, His goodness. He showed me this clearly, even though it is more of a head thing most of the time than a heart thing, in my everyday consciousness. You have been such an inspiration to me here and seeing your kindness and goodness and I have no question He would meet you or speak to you in His own way that would be tailored just to you. You are far more worthy, as His daughter, of Him seeing you and/or speaking to you directly. I can say this more easily now because of this. And we have that promise in Hebrews for our last days and how He speaks to us. Just wanted to encourage you to ask and keep asking until He meets you. It's helped me see how much more I want to pursue Him and being with Him. It is so worth it.
Thank you Justin. I'm trying to heal from a life time of hurt, and it is so hard. I will keep asking and listening, hoping and praying. I need Him. I love Him. I am working to be worthy. I can tell you one thing, satan doesn't like it. I feel like I'm living in a mine field. Thank you for you loving encouragement Brother. Maranatha!!
Hey girlie! Verna...feelings are just that....just feelings. I never feel "worthy" either but if God says we're worthy, then we are. PERIOD! We are daughters and sons of the King! And yes, we ARE living on a minefield and the enemy will do everything he can to discourage us and tempt us to doubt our faith. I don't have alot of anger but I do have some unresolved scars from the past that like to rear their ugly heads up when I'm feeling most vulnerable. He knows my Achilles heel are my children. He knows all our weak spots and vulnerabilities. Think of it this way, V....If he weren't attacking you, then you would know he doesn't see you as a threat. Satan is intimidated by you and me and all those those see him for the fraud he is. Just remember God's amazing love for you and kick that creep to the curb. I wanted to use a bad word here but restrained myself! 😂 Big hug here!! ❤️
Sweet Jessie, you do a heart good. I'm so grateful that you are my friend and Sister in Christ. A gift of God!! Thank you hon for the Truth you share. Y'all are always in my prayers! Love ya hon!!
Ms Verna, I know you know this, but Jesus alone did the work to make us worthy. We are to continue and grow in our relationship with Him, but our “goodness” is as filthy rags apart from Him. Believe me, sweet sister, I’m preaching to myself. You ARE already made worthy by our blessed Savior, thank God! As am I, thank God! Love you, my sister ❤️
Thank you Ms Blondie. You are so right!! satan messing with me! Thank you hon, for reminding me. I need that sometimes. God bless you hon. Maranatha!! 🙏💗🌻
Thank you Justin for sharing that powerful and uplifting dream., I was just talking to Father yesterday about being so tired of this wicked world and sooooo ready to go home. To keep been reminded that it won't be long but that's it's at our doorsteps is so encouraging and keeps me enduring. God bless!!
You bet and I am glad it was so encouraging to so many, just as it was me. I am so glad to see how you hate wickedness and love righteousness. We will overcome this world by His power and shall always be with Him after this is over.
Wow Justin. What awesome dreams and your encounter with our Lord. He loves and knows us and wants to reveal Himself to His Children. That was an amazing and so real and unexplainable. So special as you had those confirmations with Him. Your walk with the Lord will be so much more meaningful for you as He is always with you and you will be strengthen in your faith as He will always meet your needs (new job opportunities). I led our ladies class today on John 16: The Holy Sprit and how Jesus prepared His disciples for His leaving to go to be with His Father. He was surely with you in those dreams. Very exciting! Amen. 🙏 Be blessed and thanks for sharing your heart. God is sooo Good. Have a blessed and refreshing week as you continue to see how He is working in your life. Love my Brother in Christ.
Thanks my friend. I am so blessed. And so glad to have your faithful friendship. So great you can lead your lady friends with the Bible studies. Praying God also give you a blessed and fruitful week of favor 😊.
Hi Justin, loved hearing about your dreams, face to face and Heaven! I love it when God shows up like that, so personal, so life changing. Such a very loving God. 🌺
Hello...just a side note here. I was wondering how your husband is doing. I'm going to say a prayer for him this evening. I so hope he's doing better. 🙏
My husband is home now but very weak from the icu stay. We just pray for the stability of his heart and that his hip be healed. But he is gradually getting stronger -little by little. Thank Jesus.
He went through something really severe.
He is only home because of Jesus's intervention.
Thank you so much for thinking of us with everything you're going through. Thank you for praying for us. God Bless you so much.
On this site it seems like we all spend time taking turns lifting each other up. Its blessed. Its awesome.
I pray that Jesus rains peace and healing and salvation on you and your son.
Sounds to me like Jesus still has plans for him on this earth. I'm so glad he's stable ( for now) and I pray that his stregnth and healing will keep improving little by little. That's so hard to have to go through and I'm praying for stregnth for you as well. It's so hard to see someone you love have to go through so much. It takes alot of stregnth and I pray God will give you lots of peace and calm during such a difficult time.
Yes, it truly is awesome to have each other to lift up and to take turns lifting us up. If I focused too much on my two boys ( younger with autism) and oldest ( threatening suicide and being destructive), I'd probably go completely bonkers. 🤪 I feel blessed to be able to focus on others needs, instead of just my own. It feels healing to me.
God always gives me moments of peace, even in the worst of times. I pray for that peace for you also. Thank you for your sweet and kind words. You seem like such a sincere and kind person.😊 I do believe my family all have salvation, but alot of healing still needs to be done. God , please cover Hellos husband in your powerful and healing embrace. 🙏
Every time I’ve seen Him, He’s been somewhat like what you would expect. Tall but not excessively, brown hair. It seems like I remember the experience a lot better than His physical appearance for some reason. I was thinking back about this earlier and kind of thinking about that too, trying to remember better 😊
Thank you my friend, I hope your mom and husband are progressing well. I’ve been praying for them. I hope you are also staying healthy with all your kids.
Excited to see the movie when it comes out later to purchase online. I wanted to share a remarkable couple of dreams that I had a couple nights ago. I had been praying intensely as I am trying to line up new work in my new area we moved. I am also navigating some natural fears-doubts about a number of relatively minor things, though they can pile up if not resolved. I had prayed some rather strong pleading with the Lord and went to bed. Got up and stoked the fire middle of the night, went back to bed. Had two different dreams early in the morning. The first, Jesus came and met me, face to face. I paused for a second and then rushed to embrace Him. It was an overwhelming outpouring of emotion that came rushing out of me as we embraced for several seconds and I was just embracing Him intensely. All this emotion was just pouring out of me. It was overwhelmingly intense. I couldn’t even talk about it the next day because it was so emotionally overwhelming. When you are holding onto Him like that, you realize total and complete fulfillment, love, acceptance, joy and fully knowing/fully being known. In my waking world, sometimes I have a hard time knowing what I am feeling. It seems there is some sort of mechanism in me that seems to cause me to detach from my emotions or certain ones at certain times. He also did something I would never have thought of. He showed me how much I love Him. It’s one of those things your mind kind of has an idea of, at least for me, but you have a hard time feeling it the way we will when we are always with Him. Probably a bad explanation. In any case, I couldn’t even talk about it for most of a day because I couldn’t keep my composure. Near the end of our time hugging, He showed me that His return is literally right at the door. In that setting, it seemed like a mere second or two that the door was going to open. In His perspective, I don’t know the earth equivalent except that it really is a very short time away. In the second dream, I went to heaven. It was definitely a lesser version of heaven than what I’m sure we will see. But it was a very nice time and pleasant there. I did seem to notice that there was less people there than I expected. I’m sure however by the time we do get there, there will be a large multitude brought in by the end of it all. So I have a lot more peace than I have lately after the face to face meeting with Him again. It just puts everything in perspective. I’ve met Him probably 3-4 times in dreams and neither of us has yet to say a single audible word. But it hasn’t been necessary either because there is a full understanding and knowing between us. It is not necessary to speak because you know the feelings and thoughts of each other completely. I’m sure there will be plenty of speaking later, it is just an incredible experience. And being directly with Him, He is really meeting me in these face to face dreams and it is all I want to do, is be with Him. Nothing on earth comes close to the experience. Anyways, I am hoping that the share is uplifting and encouraging. I would encourage you to ask Him to directly meet you or speak to you or show you things, whether in visions or dreams or in person. I did that night and He met that request immediately and I really was in need of it. He’s at the door friends and wishing you all a wonderful Maranantha today.
This brought tears and encouragement to me! What amazing dreams! I long for him to rescue us so! I guess there’s just more work for us to do!
I am glad it was encouraging. It was really helpful for me as it makes Him seem so close all the time right now. For all the worldly things we have to deal with, just that He is already walking right with us all the time. For me, it made everything else fade away and it still seems like that when I look out there or am out there. It was more helpful than anything I could ever imagine..
Amen Mel. It has me weeping. What a blessing.
Thank you, dear brother, for asking for Jesus to come to you. Thank you Jesus, for being faithful to show Justin your complete love and acceptance. Thankful that you shared Justin, and how it encourages us! You describe His love so beautifully. Wow!
The Lord woke me in the middle of the night last night with a burden to confess past specific sins that I am so ashamed of, which still seem to condemn me, as if God just can’t quite forgive something so bad. I believe that He woke me in order to finally put this to rest. They have been confessed before (many times), and it is lack of faith on my part that I can go on, knowing I’m forgiven. But, the consequences of my sin will bother me until I’m made whole in heaven.
Thank you so very much for loving us in this community enough to encourage (and rarely and graciously correct us), Justin! We love you 💙
I'm going to jump in here Blondie. I've held on to old sins too. Don't you think God is up there shaking his head at all of us saying " enough already!". 😄 Every single believer has a multitude of sins in their pasts. We are forgiven! Those old sins have been thrown in the fire and incinerated long, long ago. I know you know this and I'm glad God woke you up to tell you this once again. 🤗
Thank you my Jessie. You’re precious. Love you 💕
Oh, precious Blondie sin shall not have any dominion over you anymore. You’re washed clean by the blood of Christ.
the battle ground of our walk in Christ is our mind, and that “accuser of the brethren” ( lucifer)
is constantly going before the throne, bringing up our past sins.
When he is standing there, God would have to look past Jesus to see him and God doesn’t move.
He doesn’t look around his precious son the perfect sacrifice to listen to the accuser of the brethren. I’m haunted by my past sins as well, but I begin to worship, I turn on Pandora, put on my praise and worship music, and I just praise God through the condemnation, which is exactly what we will do when we get to heaven.
we will be so overcome just like in Justin‘s dream of the love in the how much he cares for us, and we will fall on our faces with the 24 elders and we will worship the only one worthy of our worship.
be encouraged dear sister
Hallelujah and Amen! Speak it Glee!!
How beautifully said, Glee. Thank you so much. Love you!
Hi Blondie my BSF friend: please know that even if you still feel consequences from this sin that you have confessed; I’m always reminded of Corey den Boom who said: God had buried our sins in the deepest sea and put up a no fishing sign and remembers them no more. Just my little 2 cents to share. Love 💕 you Sister. Be blessed and stay well. 🙏❤️
Thank you dear Gladys for sharing 😘. Love you too
I know how you feel Blondie. I truly do. My past haunts me. Almost everyday I'm reminded of something I need to repent for. I do it and then keep on keeping on, and praying the Holy Spirit keeps cleaning house. Thank you hon for being who you are. A wonderful, loving, kind, and very generous child of our Father. Love you Blindie!!🙏💗🌻
Love you, sweet Verna. You’re such a gift to our community. Don’t let that mean ole loser taunt you! And I’ll take the same advice. Sweet dreams 💤🌷
Love you back Blondie. You have a great and blessed of the Lord day! God is good!! Just so you know, to me, y'all are the blessing. Praise Father for all He does in all our lives! I have joy, joy, joy, down in my heart. Praise God!!
I’m singing with you this morning, Verna!
Sing loud, no one wants to hear me singing. Lol 😖
Love you too my dear friend 😊. I know what you are talking about, from what you described. The enemy keeps coming against us with accusation and condemnation. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. He may convict our hearts, which is different than accusation and condemnation. Everybody, I think, has “those sins” they are so ashamed of from their past. That make them look something else than who they really are. We all hate to even look back at those times. I sure understand how it makes you feel. But not who you are, not who we are. So glad He sets us free. So glad for your long and faithful friendship here 😊. Sundays blessing my friend.
Satan is the accuser of the Brethren (believers) so we must stay armed for battle. 🙏
Amen Justin. Praise God!! Love you Brother Justin!!
Thank you Justin. My friend who is in a memory care facility used to tell me the same: “there is therefore now no condemnation…” and I’ve missed her encouragement so much. So what did the Lord do but send you to remind me of “Judy’s verse.” Wow.
Thank you for sharing your heart and your wise words, once again. Blessings to you, Melanie, and your kids, including your little spitfire girlie💕🤣
Of course my friend and always so great to see you. We are blessed. I interviewed with the state today for work and I think it went well. God bless and keep you and yours as well.
Praying for the Lord’s perfect will regarding your work! 🙏
Oh precious Justin, thank you so much for sharing with us that intimacy. It means so much to all of us. ❤️🙏⬆️
So happy to. I feel like I am on some kind of euphoria ever since it happened. I keep feeling that embrace and all of those things we are waiting so faithfully to fully understand. Praying you have a blessed Sunday.
"euphoria".. that's exactly the word I thought of when I was reading about your hug with Jesus.. even typing the words gives me shivers... man I can't wait!!
Thank you for sharing😊
You bet sister 😊. I’m thinking about the next hug 😎
Hallelujah and Amen, Glee !! So beautiful.
Oh Justin, that was soooo beautiful! Jesus truly loves you, that's so clear! I also think though that part of him showing himself to you in this way was meant for all our benefit also. WE all need to hear these stories to keep us lifted up and keeping our faith strong. I really needed your story this morning. Thank you dear Justin! My emotions were completely shut off this past week because I was struggling with how I was feeling. For me, I think its a coping mechanism until Im able to fully process things. It truly feels like the enemy is trying to kill my son and as though God is just going to allow this to happen. I thought that God had opened up a door toward saving him and then last minute it was slammed shut. Last minute the insurance company decided not to allow him to get treatment. The thought that keeps circling my brain this morning is that faith isn't real if we're just believers when things are easy and go our way and we're meant to keep our faith strong no matter the situation we're in. My initial reaction is to think " I knew God didn't really care about me or my family". But then I put my destructive thinking behind me and choose faith. I choose Jesus....no matter what happens next. Satan...get the hell away from me and my family. I'm going to trust God. May God bless all of you pouring your hearts out to our father today. 🌷
My sweet Jessie. I'm so sorry that this keeps happening to you. I am praying for y'all. I love you my sweet Sister in Christ. I have faith that God has a perfect plan for your son and that if we all just keep praying for y'all to recieve His wisdom, it will come. Hon, God is good, and He would never hurt you or your son. My heart says that that place is the wrong place. God's will be done.
Love that awesome encouragement
Hey Justin, me too. I needed this time with y'all so much today. God is so good.
Thank you Father, for all these folks you brought into my life. I'm so grateful Father, and I love each one of them. You are an awesome God and You heal me . I'm so excited Father to worship at your feet, and serve you with all my heart. In Jesus beloved and holy name I pray, AMEN!!
He is so amazing. As I was holding on to Him, I was just saying “dad, dad, dad” over and over. Such a sense of being my Father as I was holding into Him. ☺️
Ohhh, so beautiful!
Hello my friend, thank you for the nice share, and your trials you have been struggling with. That is a great struggle you are talking about. Anything to do with our family is always hitting us in a sensitive spot. I believe you are right, that this was meant to encourage everybody here and that I share this with around my area. I am so sorry that the insurance company chose this perhaps pushing back against them may work. One of our challenges is the faith and perseverance can’t really be fully developed without adverse circumstances. I will be praying for you and your son as you wrestle with that situation God bless you and bring your favor as you seek care for him. I know for a fact that he is holding you close every step of the way.
"One of our challenges is the faith and perseverance can’t really be fully developed without adverse circumstances"
Yes...bullseye. 🎯
We are pushing back with the insurance. And we'll continue to fight this. I guess God's trying to mold me into a warrior woman instead of a doormat. 🙄 And yes, I know his presence is there even in those moments I can't feel him. I'll keep reminding myself. Love to your family Justin!
Thanks Jessie and please know you are a great inspiration to me as well. Watching you grapple and overcome the world and the enemy in His power. Onward to victory!
Awe..love this! Thanks! Onward to victory!! 🤲
Yes Jessie God will make a way when there seems to be no way ( insurance for your son). God fights our battles and I can’t wait to see how God will provide for you to meet those needs. Keep us updated! God will be Glorified and you will be blessed and strengthen in Him! 😘
Thank you dear Gladys! 🤗
Amen 🙏 Jessie. In the authority of Jesus’s Name I agree in prayer with you that Satan be rebuked and his hands off of you and your son; y’all are property of the Lord Jesus Christ and no weapon against you will prosper. Satan is a liar .cheater and deceiver and his days and times are short. I get mad at him too and rebuke him out of my life. My body and my apartment. So stay the course and be strong; Satan can not have us or our children. You are the head and not the tail; above and not beneath. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Enjoy your week and keep the Armor of Christ ( our heavenly clothes) on. Love 💕 Sister. He is coming soon.
Thank you dear Gladys! 🙏
Awesome prayer
Oh Jessie please know that you are loved and cared for and in my prayers
Thank you so very, very much Glee! ❤️
Oh Jessie. I’ve missed you but assumed you were busy. Which you probably were. So sorry for this long, long trial. I’m grateful that the Lord gave you the time to feel your feelings and then gently remind you that He is faithful. Imagine how things we don’t understand on this side of heaven will be made clear in heaven, if we even remember them.
In agreement we say “get behind me Satan!” And we trust our trustworthy King. Love you sweet pea ❤️
Praise the Lord, Justin. I can't imagine being so blessed. I would ask how to get to that point of intimacy, but I'm sure it is different for everyone. Besides, I'm dealing with a lot of anger right now, and doubt He would show Himself in my dreams. God bless you Justin. Love you Brother!!
Oh precious Verna,
Jesus doesn’t have any prerequisites you must complete or fill out before he wants to give you a hug, come as you are to his throne of mercy and grace climb up in his lap, lean back against him, feel him breathe as he holds you❤️🙏⬆️
Oh Glee, hon, thank you for that. 😭 Crying Happy tears. I love you!
Beautiful, dear Glee!
Love you too my friend. To answer your question, I would think I am one of the last people to be deserving of such an encounter. I have shortcomings in pretty much every department, don't feel like I've earned it or deserve it. I have so many doubts at times or feelings of unworthiness or other littany of things. It is so hard for me to understand His love most of the time, or even accept it because I feel so unworthy. But when He meets you, He peels all that stuff back because you instantly realize how incredible and completely loving and accepting of you He is. Not because of what we do, but because of who we are. We are His children. Like how I view my children - I never love them because of anything to do with their performance. I love them because they are my children. Right or wrong, always love them. It helps me understand and accept it better. I am sorry you are struggling with anger. I have been there many times and it is an island I am always trying to get off during various times of life. I can just tell you that He completely loves and accepts you for who you are and He will faithfully walk with you the whole time you are working on walking away from that burden. I have no question He would show Himself to you, in His time. The Bible says in Hebrews 1 that in the past, He spoke to us through the prophets, at many times, in various ways. But in these last days, He speaks to us through His Son. That was what this was and this promise is for you too. I am the last person you would think of as intimate or close with God on a daily basis. Many other people I know are much more disciplined/deserving. But I love Him deeply, I love His Laws, His righteousness, His goodness. He showed me this clearly, even though it is more of a head thing most of the time than a heart thing, in my everyday consciousness. You have been such an inspiration to me here and seeing your kindness and goodness and I have no question He would meet you or speak to you in His own way that would be tailored just to you. You are far more worthy, as His daughter, of Him seeing you and/or speaking to you directly. I can say this more easily now because of this. And we have that promise in Hebrews for our last days and how He speaks to us. Just wanted to encourage you to ask and keep asking until He meets you. It's helped me see how much more I want to pursue Him and being with Him. It is so worth it.
Thank you Justin. I'm trying to heal from a life time of hurt, and it is so hard. I will keep asking and listening, hoping and praying. I need Him. I love Him. I am working to be worthy. I can tell you one thing, satan doesn't like it. I feel like I'm living in a mine field. Thank you for you loving encouragement Brother. Maranatha!!
Hey girlie! Verna...feelings are just that....just feelings. I never feel "worthy" either but if God says we're worthy, then we are. PERIOD! We are daughters and sons of the King! And yes, we ARE living on a minefield and the enemy will do everything he can to discourage us and tempt us to doubt our faith. I don't have alot of anger but I do have some unresolved scars from the past that like to rear their ugly heads up when I'm feeling most vulnerable. He knows my Achilles heel are my children. He knows all our weak spots and vulnerabilities. Think of it this way, V....If he weren't attacking you, then you would know he doesn't see you as a threat. Satan is intimidated by you and me and all those those see him for the fraud he is. Just remember God's amazing love for you and kick that creep to the curb. I wanted to use a bad word here but restrained myself! 😂 Big hug here!! ❤️
Sweet Jessie, you do a heart good. I'm so grateful that you are my friend and Sister in Christ. A gift of God!! Thank you hon for the Truth you share. Y'all are always in my prayers! Love ya hon!!
Speaking the truth, and I love it
Ms Verna, I know you know this, but Jesus alone did the work to make us worthy. We are to continue and grow in our relationship with Him, but our “goodness” is as filthy rags apart from Him. Believe me, sweet sister, I’m preaching to myself. You ARE already made worthy by our blessed Savior, thank God! As am I, thank God! Love you, my sister ❤️
Thank you Ms Blondie. You are so right!! satan messing with me! Thank you hon, for reminding me. I need that sometimes. God bless you hon. Maranatha!! 🙏💗🌻
Of course my friend and always remember how much of a difference you are making in all our lives here :) Maranantha too my friend.
THANK YOU for sharing Justin. I needed to read that >>> that’s the “nudge” I could use now!
You bet, I am so glad to share and that it is encouraging. It keeps doing the same for me as I go back to it. God bless you today :)
Thank you Justin for sharing that powerful and uplifting dream., I was just talking to Father yesterday about being so tired of this wicked world and sooooo ready to go home. To keep been reminded that it won't be long but that's it's at our doorsteps is so encouraging and keeps me enduring. God bless!!
You bet and I am glad it was so encouraging to so many, just as it was me. I am so glad to see how you hate wickedness and love righteousness. We will overcome this world by His power and shall always be with Him after this is over.
Amen Justin, and Praise the Lord!!
Amen! Can't wait :)
Amen !!
Wow Justin. What awesome dreams and your encounter with our Lord. He loves and knows us and wants to reveal Himself to His Children. That was an amazing and so real and unexplainable. So special as you had those confirmations with Him. Your walk with the Lord will be so much more meaningful for you as He is always with you and you will be strengthen in your faith as He will always meet your needs (new job opportunities). I led our ladies class today on John 16: The Holy Sprit and how Jesus prepared His disciples for His leaving to go to be with His Father. He was surely with you in those dreams. Very exciting! Amen. 🙏 Be blessed and thanks for sharing your heart. God is sooo Good. Have a blessed and refreshing week as you continue to see how He is working in your life. Love my Brother in Christ.
Thanks my friend. I am so blessed. And so glad to have your faithful friendship. So great you can lead your lady friends with the Bible studies. Praying God also give you a blessed and fruitful week of favor 😊.
Hi Justin, loved hearing about your dreams, face to face and Heaven! I love it when God shows up like that, so personal, so life changing. Such a very loving God. 🌺
Yes and I didn’t expect it but it sure was amazing 😊
Wow! No words are needed! That's the hug we all long for!
Thank you for sharing. Amazing wonderful dream about His love and that we are almost there.
Thank you Jesus ✝️
Someday, if you're comfortable - i wonder very much what He looks like.
Hello...just a side note here. I was wondering how your husband is doing. I'm going to say a prayer for him this evening. I so hope he's doing better. 🙏
Hi Jessie
My husband is home now but very weak from the icu stay. We just pray for the stability of his heart and that his hip be healed. But he is gradually getting stronger -little by little. Thank Jesus.
He went through something really severe.
He is only home because of Jesus's intervention.
Thank you so much for thinking of us with everything you're going through. Thank you for praying for us. God Bless you so much.
On this site it seems like we all spend time taking turns lifting each other up. Its blessed. Its awesome.
I pray that Jesus rains peace and healing and salvation on you and your son.
Sounds to me like Jesus still has plans for him on this earth. I'm so glad he's stable ( for now) and I pray that his stregnth and healing will keep improving little by little. That's so hard to have to go through and I'm praying for stregnth for you as well. It's so hard to see someone you love have to go through so much. It takes alot of stregnth and I pray God will give you lots of peace and calm during such a difficult time.
Yes, it truly is awesome to have each other to lift up and to take turns lifting us up. If I focused too much on my two boys ( younger with autism) and oldest ( threatening suicide and being destructive), I'd probably go completely bonkers. 🤪 I feel blessed to be able to focus on others needs, instead of just my own. It feels healing to me.
God always gives me moments of peace, even in the worst of times. I pray for that peace for you also. Thank you for your sweet and kind words. You seem like such a sincere and kind person.😊 I do believe my family all have salvation, but alot of healing still needs to be done. God , please cover Hellos husband in your powerful and healing embrace. 🙏
Hugs to you both!
Every time I’ve seen Him, He’s been somewhat like what you would expect. Tall but not excessively, brown hair. It seems like I remember the experience a lot better than His physical appearance for some reason. I was thinking back about this earlier and kind of thinking about that too, trying to remember better 😊
Thank you 😊
I loved reading your dreams Justin! Absolutely beautiful...
Thank you my friend, I hope your mom and husband are progressing well. I’ve been praying for them. I hope you are also staying healthy with all your kids.
Thank you Justin for praying we are all starting to feel better and the kids remain healthy…. Enjoying a 3 day TX snow day!!!! ❄️❄️❄️