Y'all thank you for your prayers. It was a rough early morning, but hoping today will start recovery. Best medicine is your prayers and the coming Texas snow!! ❄️
Y'all thank you for your prayers. It was a rough early morning, but hoping today will start recovery. Best medicine is your prayers and the coming Texas snow!! ❄️
Y'all thank you for your prayers. It was a rough early morning, but hoping today will start recovery. Best medicine is your prayers and the coming Texas snow!! ❄️
Awww, Kari, rub it in. We were supposed to get a bit of snow. But... . Hey, throw a snowball at someone for me. Anyone will do. 😂😊🧡🙏🌻
Haha I will for sure throw one to you and let see if I can reach Steve!! I’ve got great aim❄️❄️❄️😂😂
Yay!! You are so awesome!! Love you !🙏🧡🌻
So true!! I’m sitting here in shorts with my windows open 😂
Bragger! 😂 I WANT to be sitting in my shorts but instead I'm huddled in my blankets with the heat on. 🙃
I’m with you Jessie (Brrr! From Michigan…dreaming of Warmer days..huddled in blankets)
Miss Kari, hope y'all feel better very soon. 🙏