What a beautiful testimony of love Brian has shared for his son … it gives me such a word to pray for our spirits, not just our bodies. I was reminded of a beautiful part of a Levi Lusko book (Last Supper on the Moon) where he talks about losing his young daughter and says: ‘C.S. Lewis said that we will find that heaven works backward. In light of the cross, in heaven I will not only find great joy in seeing my daughter Lenya again but even greater joy at being reunited with her than if she had never been taken in the first place.’ My heart mourns with Brian still and I so appreciate him sharing his story.

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Thank you Jill!!! My daughter just finished reading Last Supper on the Moon and said it was one of the best books she’s ever read!! Now, I’m going to read it ! Beautiful 💛

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Thank you for sharing your personal story. I’m sorry for the loss of your precious son. What sweet dad you are! Your son was an incredible young man… what a beautiful spirit and attitude he had! He is still having an impact on people! I am one of them! ☺️🙏🏼

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That was a awesome testimony, your son is someone I want to meet when I get to Heaven, thank you for such a great testimony 😊❤️

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Yeah, Tim, I bet he will be a greeter at the gates of heaven!!! We need more of his spirit in the world today, could you imagine if we loved the way this young man loved his being a part of God’s creation!!! Brian’s son is the definition of this scripture!!

Matthew 18:2-5

2He called a little child and had him stand among them. 3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

The innocence of love!!

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Thanks for sharing such a personal story. What a great testimony of your precious son!.

I love that you tell us it is ok to wrestle with God. I find too many Christians who think it is blasphemy to get mad at God or even question Him. I'm so glad that I have learned that God loves us so much that He wants us to come to Him with all of our heart which includes the pain, anger, and, disappointment. He already knows and it only hurts us more if we try to hide it.

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Such a beautiful story! I think I understand! This story indeed touched my Spirit and our Spirits do need healing from time to time. What a precious young man! My son lost his eye after his first 6 weeks of training in the military. Due to an error on the Sargents part. He went on to stay in 4 more years! However he was forever changed in his Spirit. Thank you for sharing!

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Brian.. thank you for being so open in sharing the love you have for your son!!! He's an amazing boy with an amazing father ❤

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God bless you Brian and Family :-) What a beautiful spirit your Son had. I'm sorry for your loss :-(

My Wife went through the same situation with her brother (Borjas) :-( But although it was very difficult for him and family, the event caused him to turn to Jesus and forgiveness from a homosexual life. He was so different after accepted Christ.

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Brian you are an excellent writer, and more importantly, an excellent father. Thank you for sharing your story about your resilient amazing son. What a reunion you're going to have!🥲✝️

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Precious share Pastor Brian. This has such an important lesson and I need reminded of this from time to time. Your son sounds like an incredible young man. God bless and thanks for such an amazing testimony.

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This is such a beautiful testimony, brought me to tears! Thank you for sharing. What a great dad and son! It is of great advantage to us all to see things from an eternal perspective, the way God sees…. So much we don’t understand now but one day we will be Home forever and the afflictions of this life won’t even compare to being with Jesus and our loved ones! Death, where is your victory, where is your sting?????

Come Lord Jesus!

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Thanks Brian. This story made you real. What an honor it must have been to walk beside your Son in all of that. You were there for him and he was there for you, fighting for each other’s inner man. I have had just enough exposure to the Jewish Heart and culture that I can agree with you about what you are saying. Welcome to my Heart, Jesus says. It is the heart of the Jewish people. Which comes first? First they are His Nation because they have His heart, or, they have His heart because they are His Nation? Jesus endured His struggle, and lived again….. Soon the struggle of this life will be over for all of us Born Agains, Jews and Gentiles…. No more tears. Can we live without them? For all eternity…. Press on my friends. Almost there! 💜

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Thank you, Brian, for the revelation that I (and many others in the body of Christ) may have never really thought of. It is not enough to pray for just the body. When I pray for healing, for others as well as myself, I will now pray that the Lord heals them spirit, soul, and body.

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Wow!!!! What a powerful and beautiful testimony! I love you Brian and thank you for all that you do and the person you are.

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Thank you so much for sharing this. Love love love. Til we see Taylor in heaven again!

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Oh the tears, bless you Brian💙

Your son Taylor reminds me of Terry Fox here in Canada. The most incredible, amazing testimony. The laughter, the joy, in his spirit and yours. Only Jesus in our hearts can do that🥰. And you never let that go. You honour and carry on Taylor’s legacy by being who he was. He would be so happy and proud of you I bet❤️

You know, with his humour and the Lord’s humour, I bet when the trumpet sounds and you see him again (any day now🙏) Taylor’s head will be bald😊.

I watched your video on my tiny phone but it looked like a hummingbird behind you😃

Thank you so much for sharing. So special❤️💙💙

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I think it was a bee!

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A Jewish 🐝 lol

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🐝s make honey!! Sweet words 💜

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What a large 🐝! Haha!

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Brian you post today sharing your son Taylor's physical battle with cancer spoke volumes to all of us. Children are a blessing from the Lord, Some touch our lives profoundly. Taylor's humor in the face of cancer was a gift from God to him. I too will reunite with a son, Darren Raymond, who only spent three months on earth due to being severely brain damaged in his birth. Will Taylor be a few days from his 12th birthday? Will Darren be a 3-month old when we are reunited in heaven? I don't know but I long for that reunion between mom and son as you Brian long for that reunion between dad and son! Eternity awaits where there is no sickness or death. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!

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We’re ready to see our precious loved ones Dear Jesus🙏❤️!

I can’t wait to see how everyone in Heaven will greet us, with great celebration!

How old will they be?! Exciting!

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