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Thank you my brothers in Christ Brent and Brian! As human beings in our lifetime we can speak from our seeing eye and hearing ear which can give sympathy to another but as Christians we can speak from the eyes and ears of our hearts thus being empathetic.
Brian you as a reporter speak from the eyes and ears of your heart and that's why yo…
© 2025 Jimmy Evans
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Thank you my brothers in Christ Brent and Brian! As human beings in our lifetime we can speak from our seeing eye and hearing ear which can give sympathy to another but as Christians we can speak from the eyes and ears of our hearts thus being empathetic.
Brian you as a reporter speak from the eyes and ears of your heart and that's why you are so loved by the TP family.
My husband and I lost our first child, a son, at 3 months and 10 days from severe brain damage at birth from being deprived of oxygen. I went into a deep depression and had to be hospitalized for three months. In time God gave us the gift of a daughter and a son. We were unsaved at the time . Shortly after being found of the Lord and being born again I found myself at my kitchen table praying for friends who had just lost their five-year old daughter to leukemia. Suddenly I heard that still small voice of the Holy Spirit ... "Carol praise Me for your son's death just as it was." An unbelievable anger rose up in me as I screamed "Never, never!" as I pounded my fists on the kitchen table.
This went on for quite awhile when suddenly the unknown fist I had had in my heart toward God turned into praise and worship. I was free of all the hurt and pain of the loss of our son and His peace that passes all understanding flooded my heart and soul. I was not given any understanding of why we lost our son to death but somehow I didn't need it. That was 56 years ago and I have the assurance that Darren Raymond will meet my husband and I in God's house and have eternity together! To God be all Glory! Death where is thy sting?
Very, very moving. Wow. Amen Amen Amen
This is soooo beautiful Carol! You continue to richly bless our TP family with your testimonies of God’s love and mercy. I also lost a son and was so brokenhearted but my precious dad would remind us… give thanks to the Lord for your son. It was a slow process, but He knew our pain and we were obedient in our thankfulness. We are blessed with three children, who love the Lord with all their heart, and we talk often about how God grows us in our pain and losses. Someday soon I will get to hold my son, Roger Thomas in my arms 🤗