What an Absolutely exciting message today!!!! It is without doubt exactly what I needed to hear. As a newly retired, Mom wondering what is my purpose? What do I do now? How do I see Gods purpose for me to people? The Lord has been leading me to pray!pray! in a way that in 70 years I have not prayed, to spend time on my knees, as I’m out in public to pray constantly for the lost around me. as God sends people in front of my life in my daily activities pray, pray, pray! A royal priesthood, a chosen generation, I thank you so much Pastor Jimmy, absolutely lifting us up to the throne room of grace this morning, happy Sunday to all the Tipsters. Praise God and continually bless each and everyone of us today.⬆️⬆️🙏

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Amen Glee! As the evil in this world grows God has given me a job where I have the liberty to pray pretty much my work day behind the wheel! Thank God we have access to the Holy of Holies thru Jesus Christ our Lord!

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What a blessing Chris🙏

I got a new study Bible, Dr. David Jeremiah’s,

and I’m starting through acts again and his last statement talking about the illustrious Dr. Luke.

I loved what he had to say about the boldness of the church.

I’ll read it to you “whenever people or circumstances, make us feel in adequate, God offers his children, the boldness and courage to walk without fear, and to OWN the name of Jesus, without hesitation or embarrassment!!

when people expect us to be cowed or silenced or intimidated, and we are Not??

they will know that we are drawing on power and wisdom beyond our own, as with Peter and John they may take note that we have been with Jesus 🙏🙏🙏

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I sense this is where I'm at in my life right now. I will blurt out the name of Jesus without any second thoughts on many occasions! I just don't care anymore what people think!

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😄 Yes! Ditto! Me too Chris! 👐

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Me too♥️♥️♥️

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I should clarify when I blurt out Jesus' name it's not in vain!!!!. Lol! It's aways pointing the public in the only answer for mankind! 😊

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LOL you are sooo funny!

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I recently retired as well (after 10 years with this company) and at my retirement party, when asked if I had any parting words and I blurted out, "Yes" so quickly that everyone laughed. I was a bit startled myself and quickly prayed that God would give me a message because I had no speech planned. Everyone knew that I was a Christian but I proceeded to explain that my whole life God had given me a "baton" to carry and now I was laying it down... anticipating God would soon give me a new "baton" to carry would make retirement (and life) so exciting and fulfilling. I put my hand on the owner's shoulder and told everyone to bow their head and began to pray. All the while God reminding me that I was talking to Him, not to them. Well OK then. When I got done, one by one, a number of people took me aside to say, "What was that?!? that was a God thing and powerful." I said I had NO plan on doing that. The attorney came right up to me and said, "I need to remind you that that I told you years ago that you are not allowed to share so much about all this Jesusy Jesus stuffed." I just laughed and said, "Well I guess you can just fire me then." We both laughed and hugged. A gentleman who never appeared to know Jesus, came to me and said that he knew what my new baton was. (I thought, "Huh, this should be interesting") Again sensing God saying, "If I can speak through a donkey then I surely speak though this man... Listen UP!" He said, "You will speak to people and they will feel loved." I told him, "That must be God because I only wanted to be His hands extended to them." Glee, I have had over a year of expressing such boldness that I've never had before. I pray for complete strangers, I encourage them. Simply tell them how beautiful they are. Offering to take people's pictures has opened doors that there isn't enough room to write it all down here.

Dear God, Thanks for filling Glee with Your powerful Holy spirit and give her the exact words and knowledge to be Your hands extended to people. For all of us who love you, use us and let us feel your joy when we are faithful. Amen!

Enjoy your next adventure, Glee!

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Oh my goodness I’m gonna “puddle up “ thank you so much for your kind words and your wonderful encouragement. I am outgoing by nature and I have always, since a young child had a missionary spirit so I anxiously look forward to sharing Jesus.

I do on a daily basis take pictures for people when I’m walking on the beach, I find a shell in the shape of an angel wing and I gave it to a little child told him to put it beside their bed, and when they were sleep at night angels would come kiss them on the cheeks. I can’t wait to continue to walk. I have flip-flops on the reverse side of sole is is Cross, so I wear them every time I go to the beach. I’m walking in his footsteps. Thank you so much again God bless you sister. 🙏⬆️

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Aleta, your testimony and retirement story really blessed me today! WOW! You are a special woman of God.... listening with your ears, eyes, heart and mind to the words of your Father. I can see that you planted many many seeds talking boldly about all that Jesusy Jesus stuff :) God bless you and congratulations on your retirement!! Praying the "baton" is quickly picked up and carrys on!

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

Glee, Just ordered that Bible to add to our beloved Charles Stanley study Bibles!💥✝️🙏❤️cannot wait to get started using it🙏✝️❤️

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You will love it, and at the beginning of each chapter is a QR code so that Dr Jeremiah introduces the chapter!!!

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Amen! Love this Glee!! ❤️

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Amen, Glee prayer warrior with you!

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Amen! I love doing ministry with you, Pastor Glee! 🤗

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Stop, I’m out Dashing in Niceville Fl ----Gorgeous!!!

No pit bulls on Bay Shore Blvd😂😂

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😂 Are there crocodile though? 🐊

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Actually YES!! I saw one last week in a drainage ditch at the front gate to some apartments!!! 😬

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😂😂😂 I was just teasing you because

I love Florida!! That's too funny. 😄

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I was so shocked, I mean in Texas we might see a rattlesnake or two but or a copperhead but I could not believe there’s a crocodile right there by the front gate at least 5 to 6 feet long. Oh well another day in paradise.

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If you really want to get Bless this morning, go to YouTube to Gaither Vocal Band, the song, the church triumphant is alive and well!!!

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Amen and Amen! I’m with you sister, also retired and the most important room in my home is my closet, it’s a place of worship and where I do battle. Joining my prayers to yours “His kingdom come!”

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Amen dear one we will storm the gates of Hell🙏⬆️

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

Good morning everyone!

I am one of the new subscribers to the TP Family and everyone has been such a blessing and a “wealth” of information. Thank you!

I wanted to share some things that our Heavenly Father has been speaking to me since Fall 2020, that I hope will be a blessing and encouragement to all of you!

He started out showing me the number 4, which is His creation and for me to be a watchman as to what He will be now doing in the 4 corners of the earth. There is so much to say but to make it as short as I can, along with His creation, He highlighted the butterfly. One yellow, one white. The butterfly is from May-Oct and how it transforms from a caterpillar to a butterfly is quite miraculous. This is the start of the 3rd year now and I have seen 2 pictures of the yellow butterfly come up on my Facebook (randomly) and I saw the white butterfly April 28, which is very early. Along, with the butterfly, is watching the blooming and flourishing in God’s creation. We had catastrophic flooding last year but last year and this year, the blooming and flourishing of the flowers and fruit trees are exceptional. I pray we’re in the window now of the rapture. One morning, I awoke hearing “3” and saw the clock was 3:33 am. Resurrection life and Power!

I just read in Luke 13:29 NIV “People will come from east to west and north and south and will take their places at the feast in the Kingdom of God” (4).

The last 3 years has been quite a supernatural journey and I have come to realize that many words He said were during the 1,000 years we rule and reign on earth with Jesus. Very exciting!

Saturday, Feb the 25, I felt the Holy Spirits presence so strong for about 8 hours and it was a day filled with praise and worship and at 7:04pm, it started snowing. I wondered what was coming forth then..,and then everything that Pastor Jimmy, Dr. Mark and other guests on TP have said about the accelerating of God’s timeline and the rapture being imminent. Seeing what’s going on the world is accelerating. Incredible!

There’s so much more to say, but I hope I have brought excitement to others!

God Bless!

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I thought I should share a little more, it’s just such an exciting time. The last 3 years in God’s creation, the skies have been so amazing! Many double rainbows, pictures of what looks like Angels in the clouds. The many amazing moons. On Oct 27, 2022, I was driving on our Hwy around 8 am and I thought I had gone to Heaven. Heavy rain coming down, the skies were gold from the sun rising and then as I crested a hill, there was a white dome around the sun with clouds shooting out of the dome (I believe it to be angels). This lasted 20 mins and when I turned off the Hwy, there was a double rainbow right in front of me. Then, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Heaven is on the Horizon”! Amen!

The past couple weeks I’ve just had 3 different eagles, at 3 different locations soaring over me. We rarely see eagles in my city.

I always believed Habakkuk 2:14 was imminent “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea”. But, I now realize that is when Jesus returns. That could be in 7 years!

We will see our pet’s again in Heaven. I was blessed to have seen my guardian angel take my cat Sammy right after he passed away. He was so frail when he was put down, but a minute after he died I saw him in the arms of my Angel and he looked like he was 1 or 2 years old. He was in such a regal pose. So special!

God Bless Everyone! Have a blessed Sunday!

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Pastor Evans…thank you for this message. I needed to hear this. Boy… has the waves of life been hitting this old ship. Have to say my eyes gravitate towards the heavens a lot these days.

I’m quite tired…..

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Me too Esther....tired to the bone. My spirit is just exhausted. Come Lord Jesus soon...but if not, give us the stregnth to continue living in this evil world. 🙏

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For those of you who run into many saved folk that argue all believers will suffer thru THE Tribulation....I found a good webpage on prophecy. If you're like me since I discovered Pastor Evans and listening and seeing many shows and discussions on pre, mid and post I've had this desire to find the ONE definitive passage that puts to bed and shuts their yappers concerning Jesus's celestial snatching...here's a good page


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Great article Chris, and thanks for sharing! I am always careful to dissect these articles because you never know what they are speaking just based on the title. I've seen many articles espousing a pretribulational view in the title, make adamant claims that do not align with scripture. The problem I always find is that the author bases their "adamant" stance on one verse of scripture, and doesn't let the Bible interpret itself by comparing to other parts of scripture. This is good, and I like it!

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Thank you Steve! I truly value your take on this!

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Great article share Chris in addition to what we get on TP that reassures us through scripture and understanding that relationship between Israel and the Church. My Pastor (who is a very wise theologian himself) doesn’t believe in Pre-Trib rapture but he also seems to stay close to Dr. Michael Brown’s interpretations who believes in post-Trib rapture. Not long ago I found that Pastor Mark Hitchcock was interviewed a few years ago by Dr. Michael on this topic and I thought Pastor Mark did a great job presenting scripture interpretation and removing assumptions from a strong theologian as Dr. Michael is. I found this in Dr. Michael Browns show archives. It’s one thing to present this to a community of learning sheep but they are also willing and able to present this with scripture to the best thinkers and theologians in this time. I give my the Pastors here in TP my utmost respect presenting this ministry even when the best of the best challenge them and they accept that challenge and hold true to what they have learned through scripture and studying the early church and the nature of God and His love. God bless them, God bless you and God bless authors like the one who wrote this article to help share the good news.

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That's strange you brought up Dr. Michael Brown who I have the utmost respect for! I wanna make clear there are very strong theologians who I believe are off on this point but thank God it does not affect the issue of salvation! I have been watching a lot of Dr Brown and Joel Richardson who are giants in this particular area of study but it's just strange how they believe the church will be wrung thru the wrath wringer. God bless you richly Angel and thank you for your kind words.

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Good post Chris!! Thanks

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Thank you for all your wonderful teaching. You have been a blessing to all mankind to be able to teach us and guide us with the Holy Spirit. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR MINISTRY.

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Amen! Another horrific act of violence in Texas yesterday... come quickly Lord Jesus!


https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-742239 Hundreds of thousands of Israelis protest judicial reform for 18th straight week

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May 7, 2023·edited May 7, 2023

😕 Oh David....Sigh....its ramping up, isn't it?! A few months ago in the small town I raised my kids in ( Sonoma County) a kid stabbed to death another child in art class at my kids old high school.

Then a month ago ( in my current small town a few hours away from there) an elderly couple was killed by a random kid running away from the police at the dog park that I've been to many times. 😳 He just cold-blooded shot them dead for no reason at all. If you can't be safe in art class or at the dog park in very nice neighborhoods, you're not safe anywhere. It's no longer just happening in the inner cities, it's now in the suburbs. The only comfort I get from this is that Jesus is coming soon. Blessings to all of you ! And thank you Pastor Jimmy for all the guidance you wrap around us. 🤗

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It is Jessie... your stories are so sad to hear and it's not safe anywhere. Me too!

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It is in the suburbs J. Encroaching closer and closer. 🙁

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Ya....closer and closer. I know that the Holy Spirit is still acting as a restrainer but it feels like more and more demons have been set loose. People are acting more and more strange lately too. I've never seen so much anger out there and people constantly on edge. People cant even seem to drive without tailgating, swerving and acting erratically. sigh.......

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The driving issue is so rampant, dangerous. Its unreal.

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We live in TX and soooo saddened by the senseless evil we are witnessing globally. I've been shocked at the aggressive, dangerous driving I've witnessed too. We drove to Cat Spring, TX and the trek on 35 was insane!

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😥 Yes, its insane, isn't it?! We should be allowed to drive without fearing getting run off the road! 🤯

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Thank you Pastor for blessing us with another teaching. I am a priest at the Walmart were I work. God puts so many different people in my life every day. The Holy Spirit gives me the words to say; He gives me prayers to pray for people especially children🙏🏻 thank You Father, Holy Spirit, and Jesus for allowing me to be a priest ❤️

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Thank you, Jimmy for your obedience to God’s calling on your life to uplift and edify us, His children. I am so encouraged to read of my own calling of God to be His priest in a world of people who need someone to call them to return to God and His truth. I weep for some who don’t know Him, but I do keep trying to be a witness to them. God is patient and kind, and so is His Son, Jesus the Christ. My prayer is His gentle characteristics will show in me and draw them to Himself. These are people I love dearly and I know God loves them more than I. Please pray that I will reflect and magnify Him so they can’t miss Him or deny Him any longer.

Thanks again for your upfront, honest and easy to understand presentations. May God bless and prosper you in your ministry.

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....”when you begin to see all these things.....”

Deception, Wars, False prophets, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, lawlessness, hate, tribulation, being hated and killed my for names sake....

We see all these things and just like birth pangs, they are coming more frequently, all together.

Look up, our redemption is at the door. Stand our ground against evil, occupy with sharing of the gospel, and sound the alarm just like the Watchman of Ezekiel 33:3-7. Blow your trumpets. If they chose to ignore, their blood and life’s is in their own iniquity. Yet sound those trumpets anyway. The day of the Lord is coming soon. Amen.

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Help solve the mystery? “God has given us all work to do” and “every occupation is a form of ministry.” The secular quality profession has validated that closer any product/service gets to "perfect" (Bible describes as all needs being met - Garden of Eden for example), the higher the quality (more needs met) and the lower the cost to the individual and society. W. Edwards Deming was a world recognized leader in quality improvement and a devout Christian. He remarked that if he was to reduce his message to just a few words, it all has to do with reducing variation. Ironically, the need for continuous quality improvement is an accepted practice in "secular" industries throughout the world yet no awareness on the link to God. In the Christian community, the most common statement I hear from pastors and scholars is that "continuous quality improvement is a "business thing." Any ideas as to how to improve the message? Additional context on the topic: https://successthroughquality.com/

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Ok so quik question lol where do we ask questions for Pastor Jimmy!! I really have an important one here!

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Hi Joseph, Maggie is correct, but you can also email privately to endtimes@xomarriage.com and submit your question. Jimmy & Mark read all the questions on the website as well as emails too. :) Hope that helps....💛

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Oh that's perfect I appreciate you so much Ms. Gibson!! Nice to hear from you again lol

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Just post your question here. He reads everyone's questions and comments even though he may not answer them all. 😉

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Haha ok I really appreciate you Maggie hope ur day is blessed!

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Hi folks, does anyone know anything about One Path Research? I’ve been receiving emails from them. Among other things that seem a wee bit “off” they promote a version of the bible called The Pure Word Bible (PWB). I asked gotquestions.org.. they said “The Pure Word Bible (PWB) is a questionable version of the New Testament produced by One Path Publishing and Brent Miller, Sr. It is promoted by Prophecy Watchers, a group that focuses on biblical prophecy.” Isn’t Prophecy Watchers supported by Mark Hitchcock, Tom Hughes, Bill Koenig, Bill Salus, Billy Crone and others.

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Hi Leanne, loved what David shared. I'll add... this would be considered a "paraphrase" not a translation. I hope that makes sense. I did a lot of research on the Passion and quickly learned the difference between a translation and paraphrase. Brian Simmons has VERY different views on the book of Revelation. There's a big difference and like David pointed out really dig deep on the PWB and make sure it aligns with true Bible translation. At times, I like the flowerly, sensitive version of the Passion TPT, but I'm also careful to read NKJV & ESV, NLT for my base understanding. :)) I hope that helps....

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Thank you Kari for your response.. I will steer clear of PWB. As I mentioned to David I was just curious when I read on gotquestions.org Prophecy Watchers promoted it and was curious of the connection with those awesome teachers I listed and Prophecy Watchers. Have a lovely day.. or night.. whichever it is where you are xx

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As long as you understand it’s a paraphrase (and you do;) It’s ok to read different versions. Honestly, I’ve never read the PWB….but you’re right they are awesome teachers! I know Pastor Jimmy typically shares from the NKJV, but there are some great versions out there! Are you in Australia? Blessings sister💛

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Kiwi.. NZ 😃

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Aww that’s right you’re our local Kiwi!!! I think you’re amazing! 💛🫶🏽

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Hi Leanne, Hadn't heard of him or that translation. Just took a look. Prophecy Watchers had inteview with Brent Miller, Sr. in 2018 regarding his New Testament translation and it's one they carry in their catalogue. Yes, they are closely affiliated with all those great guys. Doesn't sound like a good translation if in search of one. My two cents.

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Thanks David.. no I didn’t think that bible version sounded right.. among other stuff that was written in the email article. My curiosity was just pricked when gotquestions.org mentioned Prophecy Watchers promoted it. Cheers for your feedback 👍

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Both Jimmy and Mark have discussed many times about the rapture. They have speculated about how the world leaders will explain why so many (millions) people are missing and have said that it might be explained by saying we have been abducted by aliens because so many sightings of UFO’s and other ideas but do you think it possible that Satan will cause many others to die at the same time and say that it’s caused by a new virus - hoping to redirect people’s attention and confusing how many are missing and why they are missing?

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Hi Susan, I think anything is possible.... it will all be lies & meant to deceive the lost who are left behind.

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Amen, Kari!

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Did you send a Tipping Point post yesterday or today? I had just started receiving them again due to some glitch. I just want to make sure you keep sending me the posts as a subscriber. Thank you.

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Hi Sandra, They have all the posts for the week on the Home page on the online website. I'm not sure how it is set up on the app. If you ever have any issues, please contact the ministry at endtimes@xomarriage.com and they can help you. I'm so sorry you have a glitch.

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Love this!

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