The Tipping Point changed my life. I avoided studying Revelation until the day I heard about this new “end times” ministry back in 2019! I bought the book & subscribed— never looking back. Honestly, I didn’t even know what eschatology was! ;) I feel like I’m getting my masters degree and exactly at the right time. I’ve always loved reading my Bible, but the level of studying we do here has opened up my eyes & ears to a deeper relationship with Jesus. Life is hard and changing rapidly before our eyes— this place brings me comfort & encouragement in a crazy world. Pastor Jimmy, I would love to learn more about New Earth. It’s something rarely talked about at church but where we’ll live for eternity with God! Would you do a series on New Earth?! I think you & Randy Alcorn (author of Heaven) doing a show together would be incredible & life-changing.

I LOVE this community & learn so much from y’all too! Thank you Jimmy for all the hard work you pour into the Tipping Point every week! We are eternally grateful.💛☁️🎺🔜

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I wish sometimes that you would do a video a day. My wife and I cant get enough of your teachings. I believe it is said that the rapture will happen at the sound of the last trumpet. Some folks believe that is the last trumpet in tribulation, while others believe that its the last trumpet of Rash Hashanah. Could you pleas elaborate on this. I also want to hear more about the age that Rachel is talking about more for my grandchildren as they are getting close to the age of understanding.

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Hi Dennis, your question is a good one and I can say to you with confidence that Pastor Jimmy is 100% pre-trib belief. He has taught us here that followers of Jesus will not go through the tribulation so we know the last trumpet 🎺 blast will be supernatural & we’ll be gone in a twinkle of an eye. God will not allow us to experience the worst wrath known to humankind…. We escape all of this.

My children are ages 13,25,28 and have received Christ as their Savior and baptized. It sounds like your grandchildren are blessed to have grandparents who love Jesus and actively involved in their lives….the age of accountability is 13 (every child is created uniquely) but this is the time to talk about their salvation & celebrating with a public declaration of baptism. I suggest creating a “marker” with their salvation date. My dad did this for me and it’s been an object I’ve kept close to always remind me of my decision to follow Christ. Hope this helps…. Blessings💛

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Love this!! We are so Blessed with a Watchman on the Wall!! I have been pondering what to do for devotions this year as I always ask the Lord, every year, how I should go about studying His Word for that year. I have landed on the Scriptures that El Shaddai Ministries posts (Mark Biltz) on their Wedsite every week, from their Messianic Congregation. I started it this week. What a Blessing!! I love how they connect all the Old and New Testament Scriptures that relate together. It seems like the perfect amount too. Just enough to chew on for the week. Just passing that along in case someone else is searching too. Blessings!! And a Happy Wonderful New Year, here with the Topping Point Family!! I am looking forward to the New Year connected together with friends! 🌻

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Thanks, Jimmy! Each post, video, and podcast is so good, it’s difficult to choose which is best: a good problem to have :-) I’d like to better understand the events of Daniel’s 70th Week (the Tribulation) chronologically. I’ve found harmonized Gospels helpful to understand Jesus’ ministry in a coherent chronology, and it would be nice to have something similar for the Tribulation (assembled from Revelation, Daniel, etc.). Thank you!

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Hi Pastor Jimmy... I have a question for you. It's not related to any particular article but it has to do with our Subscriber group. I am curious how many subscribers are there in the Endtimes.com? You have made comments about articles being read by thousands of people. I am also curious how the public became aware of this group. I know that I heard you talk about your new Tipping Point book on Joni Table Talk and I also watched Gateway Church online during Covid. Pastor Robert was on a Sabbatical due to his health and you were covering for him. You were teaching on the End Times and I could hardly wait until the next Saturday night to hear more. That is how I found out and I am so glad I did. Being a part of this group has changed my life spiritually. I enjoying all the different articles and at first you & your daughter Julie did a weekly podcast, then after that the Tipping Point Shows started every Wednesday. How did word spread about your group and how big did we become? Hope you can answer my question on one of the upcoming TP Shows or possibly as a reply to my comment. I can never thank you enough for making me so aware of the Rapture and all that goes with it. God bless you and Karen and Happy New Year for 2022 and all it has to bring. Linda Harrell

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I look forward to your broadcasts and newsletters every week. It was so good to hear about the Blood Moons - fascinating. Also your interviews with Billy Crone were great too.

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I look forward to all of your emails, they give me so much comfort. Jesus can’t come back soon enough!!!!

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Thanks Jimmy for your teachings. I look forward to them and pray that God will bless your ministry.

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I started to study the feasts of the Lord several years ago. They are for God on his appointed days set in motion from the beginning. What amazes me is not only that Jesus died on the appointed day but was nailed on the cross at the time of the morning sacrifice and died at the time of the afternoon sacrifice. We do not know the day or the hour at the feast of Trumpets as it was the only Feast at the beginning of the month which is marked by a new moon. With each feast of Trumpets we are closer to our eternal home. God Bless and thanks for your ministry. You reinforce what I have already come to understand. Looking forward to 2022 and what develops. The stage is being set before our eyes if we are looking biblically.

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Hi Mike, I am with you about 2022, and drawn to the Jewish calendar as well, and the feast days as God’s time table. I called El Shaddai Ministries yesterday to order one of their cool Jewish calendars and Mark Biltz answered the phone!! It was pretty amazing! He took about 10 minutes with me to just talk and I felt like every word was totally anointed…. What a Blessing! Anyway, I just wanted to pass along those calendars for 12$ as a real treasure. Also, I have been praying about who to give the new book to, that Jimmy wrote: Where are the missing people? So far the Lord has put 2 people on my heart that he wants me to give it to: my daughter, and my coworker from Afghanistan. I know there are going to be many more. It is going to be a wonderful year following along with all that God will do!! Blessings! Exodus 6:2-6. 🌻

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W-O-W!… Mark answered the phone?!? How cool is that!!

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Wow, I know you are blessed :). How often do you call a ministry and get to talk to the "head cheese" :) Mark must be a very humble man because I am guessing he was "manning the phone" so his employees could have time with their families during the holiday season. I will have to look into ordering the calendar and his on-line devotionals.

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I’m deeply concerned about a recent book given to me titled “The Final Hour”

(Understanding End Times)

The author teaches that not All Born Again Believers will go in the Rapture but only those Looking Daily for His return. The ones that may be backsliding or have other interests on Sundays that take them away from “attending church services” are in Danger of missing the rapture and WILL have to suffer seven years of the Tribulation!!

I totally disagree with this teaching and cannot continue reading the book

Thank You Pastor Jimmy for the solid Biblical teaching on Bible Prophecy

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Hi Skipt46, One thing I’ve learned from the Tipping Point when you read something wonky it most likely is. I’d throw it away because your spirit disagrees so strongly. I can say with confidence— 100% of Christ followers will be raptured! We live in Grace because we all fall short….We will never be worthy, but Jesus’ blood and gift of salvation gives us freedom in Him. We will not be left behind…we are his bride.💛

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I think you’re correct to disagree! The foolish virgins are those without oil (the Holy Spirit), aka non-believers. Anything that divides the Body of Christ into good vs bad Christians is not Biblical in my opinion. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and He knows which Sheep are His. He promises to chasten them if needed, but suggesting that some Christians will be left behind does not seem Biblical. Happy New Year!

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Dec 28, 2021·edited Dec 28, 2021

Think Billy Crone 2 part interview was probably my favorite. Being introduced to William Koenig was much liked. Be great to see interview with him and enjoyed the Mark Biltz interview, too. Like a lot of the suggestions already made for new topics. Keep up the awesome job you're already doing!

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Agreed…I bought the William Koenig and have started reading it :-)

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What is your ideas on timeline of the tribulation, raptures, the millennium, the last battle?

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I really enjoy reading the text articles. We use a Jetpack for wifi and get very little data on it. If we go over our alloted amount, we are throttled down to a crawl. So I am unable to stream videos and podcasts. I am sure there are others out there with similar situations, So any time you can provide a written transcript for videos or podcasts that would really be a blessing!

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Future Topics:

Can you do an entire video solely to answer subscriber questions? Thank you 🙏 for all you do.

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Love this idea!

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I enjoy all Tipping Point articles you write and video, you give us such great information on where we are in time. Thank You so much

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Jimmy, thank you for your continued gift of helping others understand what the Bible tells us about end times! Continue to invite trusted scholars on your program as it brings new perspectives. I used to listen to Chuck Missler about 15-20 years ago when I was in San Diego. Has Chuck been an influence on your teaching?

Thank you again for lighting a needed fire under my backside to begin studying my Bible with excitement! I'm really enjoying my morning and evening prayer time.

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