Bas, here’s the good news— we are all sinners and that includes Jimmy Evans and the other pastors here too. All of us struggle and fall short. As a follower of Jesus Christ every time you sin, seeking forgiveness to the One who gave His life for you— you’re covered by His mercy& grace. You will not miss the rapture. God doesn’t skip his …
Bas, here’s the good news— we are all sinners and that includes Jimmy Evans and the other pastors here too. All of us struggle and fall short. As a follower of Jesus Christ every time you sin, seeking forgiveness to the One who gave His life for you— you’re covered by His mercy& grace. You will not miss the rapture. God doesn’t skip his beloved children. The Groom will not skip his precious bride— you. Your salvation covers your multitude of sins…. All of them. 💛
Bas, here’s the good news— we are all sinners and that includes Jimmy Evans and the other pastors here too. All of us struggle and fall short. As a follower of Jesus Christ every time you sin, seeking forgiveness to the One who gave His life for you— you’re covered by His mercy& grace. You will not miss the rapture. God doesn’t skip his beloved children. The Groom will not skip his precious bride— you. Your salvation covers your multitude of sins…. All of them. 💛
Amen Kari, and those are shouting words! Love you dearly friend.